# oatpp-postgresql [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/lganzzzo/lganzzzo/_apis/build/status/oatpp.oatpp-postgresql?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/lganzzzo/lganzzzo/_build/latest?definitionId=31&branchName=master) Oat++ ORM adapter for PostgreSQL. *Note: this **alpha version**, which means that not all PostgreSQL data-types are supported. See the list of [Supported Data Types](#supported-data-types).* More about Oat++: - [Oat++ Website](https://oatpp.io/) - [Oat++ Github Repository](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp) - [Oat++ ORM](https://oatpp.io/docs/components/orm/) ## Build And Install *Note: you need to install the main [oatpp](https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp) module and PostgreSQL dev package first.* - Clone this repository. - In the root of the repository run: ```bash mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make install ``` ## API Detailed documentation on Oat++ ORM you can find [here](https://oatpp.io/docs/components/orm/). ### Connect to Database All you need to start using oatpp ORM with PostgreSQL is to create `oatpp::postgresql::Executor` and provide it to your `DbClient`. ```cpp #include "db/MyClient.hpp" #include "oatpp-postgresql/orm.hpp" class AppComponent { public: /** * Create DbClient component. */ OATPP_CREATE_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr, myDatabaseClient)([] { /* Create database-specific ConnectionProvider */ auto connectionProvider = std::make_shared(""); /* Create database-specific ConnectionPool */ auto connectionPool = oatpp::postgresql::ConnectionPool::createShared(connectionProvider, 10 /* max-connections */, std::chrono::seconds(5) /* connection TTL */); /* Create database-specific Executor */ auto executor = std::make_shared(connectionPool); /* Create MyClient database client */ return std::make_shared(executor); }()); }; ``` ### Supported Data Types |Type|Supported|In Array| |---|:---:|:---:| |INT2|+|+| |INT4|+|+| |INT8|+|+| |TIMESTAMP|+|+| |TEXT|+|+| |VARCHAR|+|+| |FLOAT4|+|+| |FLOAT8|+|+| |BOOL|+|+| |UUID|+|+| |**Other Types**|-|-|