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import os
from os.path import join as pjoin
from jupyter_core.application import base_aliases
from jupyter_server.serverapp import flags
from jupyter_server.base.handlers import JupyterHandler
from jupyter_server.extension.handler import (
from jupyter_server.utils import url_path_join as ujoin, url_escape, url_is_absolute
from jupyterlab.commands import get_app_dir, get_user_settings_dir, get_workspaces_dir
from jupyterlab_server import LabServerApp
from jupyterlab_server.config import get_page_config, recursive_update, LabConfig
from jupyterlab_server.handlers import is_url, _camelCase
from nbclassic.shim import NBClassicConfigShimMixin
from tornado import web
from tornado.gen import maybe_future
from traitlets import Bool
from ._version import __version__
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
app_dir = get_app_dir()
version = __version__
class RetroHandler(ExtensionHandlerJinjaMixin, ExtensionHandlerMixin, JupyterHandler):
def get_page_config(self):
config = LabConfig()
app = self.extensionapp
base_url = self.settings.get("base_url")
page_config = {
"appVersion": version,
"baseUrl": self.base_url,
"terminalsAvailable": self.settings.get("terminals_available", False),
"token": self.settings["token"],
"fullStaticUrl": ujoin(self.base_url, "static", self.name),
"frontendUrl": ujoin(self.base_url, "retro/"),
"exposeAppInBrowser": app.expose_app_in_browser,
"collaborative": app.collaborative,
"retroLogo": app.retro_logo,
if 'hub_prefix' in app.serverapp.tornado_settings:
tornado_settings = app.serverapp.tornado_settings
hub_prefix = tornado_settings['hub_prefix']
page_config['hubPrefix'] = hub_prefix
page_config['hubHost'] = tornado_settings['hub_host']
page_config['hubUser'] = tornado_settings['user']
page_config['shareUrl'] = ujoin(hub_prefix, 'user-redirect')
# Assume the server_name property indicates running JupyterHub 1.0.
if hasattr(app.serverapp, 'server_name'):
page_config['hubServerName'] = app.serverapp.server_name
api_token = os.getenv('JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN', '')
page_config['token'] = api_token
mathjax_config = self.settings.get("mathjax_config", "TeX-AMS_HTML-full,Safe")
# TODO Remove CDN usage.
mathjax_url = self.settings.get(
if not url_is_absolute(mathjax_url) and not mathjax_url.startswith(self.base_url):
mathjax_url = ujoin(self.base_url, mathjax_url)
page_config.setdefault("mathjaxConfig", mathjax_config)
page_config.setdefault("fullMathjaxUrl", mathjax_url)
# Put all our config in page_config
for name in config.trait_names():
page_config[_camelCase(name)] = getattr(app, name)
# Add full versions of all the urls
for name in config.trait_names():
if not name.endswith("_url"):
full_name = _camelCase("full_" + name)
full_url = getattr(app, name)
if not is_url(full_url):
# Relative URL will be prefixed with base_url
full_url = ujoin(base_url, full_url)
page_config[full_name] = full_url
labextensions_path = app.extra_labextensions_path + app.labextensions_path
return page_config
class RetroRedirectHandler(RetroHandler):
def get(self):
return self.redirect(self.base_url+'retro/tree')
class RetroTreeHandler(RetroHandler):
async def get(self, path=None):
Display appropriate page for given path.
- A directory listing is shown if path is a directory
- Redirected to notebook page if path is a notebook
- Render the raw file if path is any other file
path = path.strip('/')
cm = self.contents_manager
if await maybe_future(cm.dir_exists(path=path)):
if await maybe_future(cm.is_hidden(path)) and not cm.allow_hidden:
self.log.info("Refusing to serve hidden directory, via 404 Error")
raise web.HTTPError(404)
# Set treePath for routing to the directory
page_config = self.get_page_config()
page_config['treePath'] = path
tpl = self.render_template("tree.html", page_config=page_config)
return self.write(tpl)
elif await maybe_future(cm.file_exists(path)):
# it's not a directory, we have redirecting to do
model = await maybe_future(cm.get(path, content=False))
if model['type'] == 'notebook':
url = ujoin(self.base_url, 'retro/notebooks', url_escape(path))
# Return raw content if file is not a notebook
url = ujoin(self.base_url, 'files', url_escape(path))
self.log.debug("Redirecting %s to %s", self.request.path, url)
raise web.HTTPError(404)
class RetroConsoleHandler(RetroHandler):
def get(self, path=None):
tpl = self.render_template("consoles.html", page_config=self.get_page_config())
return self.write(tpl)
class RetroTerminalHandler(RetroHandler):
def get(self, path=None):
tpl = self.render_template("terminals.html", page_config=self.get_page_config())
return self.write(tpl)
class RetroFileHandler(RetroHandler):
def get(self, path=None):
tpl = self.render_template("edit.html", page_config=self.get_page_config())
return self.write(tpl)
class RetroNotebookHandler(RetroHandler):
def get(self, path=None):
tpl = self.render_template("notebooks.html", page_config=self.get_page_config())
return self.write(tpl)
aliases = dict(base_aliases)
"retro-logo": "RetroApp.retro_logo"
class RetroApp(NBClassicConfigShimMixin, LabServerApp):
name = "retro"
app_name = "RetroLab"
description = "RetroLab - A JupyterLab Distribution with a retro look and feel"
version = version
app_version = version
extension_url = "/retro"
default_url = "/retro/tree"
file_url_prefix = "/retro/notebooks"
load_other_extensions = True
app_dir = app_dir
app_settings_dir = pjoin(app_dir, "settings")
schemas_dir = pjoin(app_dir, "schemas")
themes_dir = pjoin(app_dir, "themes")
user_settings_dir = get_user_settings_dir()
workspaces_dir = get_workspaces_dir()
subcommands = {}
expose_app_in_browser = Bool(
help="Whether to expose the global app instance to browser via window.jupyterapp"
collaborative = Bool(
False, config=True, help="Whether to enable collaborative mode."
retro_logo = Bool(
False, config=True, help="Whether to use the RetroLab inline logo."
flags = flags
flags['expose-app-in-browser'] = (
{'RetroApp': {'expose_app_in_browser': True}},
"Expose the global app instance to browser via window.jupyterlab."
flags["collaborative"] = (
{"RetroApp": {"collaborative": True}},
"Whether to enable collaborative mode.",
flags["retro-logo"] = (
{"RetroApp": {"retro_logo": True}},
"Whether to use the RetroLab inline logo",
def initialize_handlers(self):
{"url": "/retro/edit/{0}"},
self.handlers.append(("/retro/?", RetroRedirectHandler))
self.handlers.append(("/retro/tree(.*)", RetroTreeHandler))
self.handlers.append(("/retro/notebooks(.*)", RetroNotebookHandler))
self.handlers.append(("/retro/edit(.*)", RetroFileHandler))
self.handlers.append(("/retro/consoles/(.*)", RetroConsoleHandler))
self.handlers.append(("/retro/terminals/(.*)", RetroTerminalHandler))
def initialize_templates(self):
self.static_dir = os.path.join(HERE, "static")
self.templates_dir = os.path.join(HERE, "templates")
self.static_paths = [self.static_dir]
self.template_paths = [self.templates_dir]
def initialize_settings(self):
def initialize(self, argv=None):
"""Subclass because the ExtensionApp.initialize() method does not take arguments"""
main = launch_new_instance = RetroApp.launch_instance
if __name__ == "__main__":