Jupyter Notebook
The Jupyter HTML notebook is a web-based notebook environment for interactive computing.
Local installation
Launch with:
$ jupyter notebook
In a Docker container
If you have a Docker daemon running, e.g. reachable on localhost
, start a container with:
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v "$(pwd):/notebooks" jupyter/notebook
In your browser open the URL http://localhost:8888/
All notebooks from your session will be saved in the current directory.
On other platforms without docker
, this can be started using docker-machine
by replacing localhost
with an IP from docker-machine ip <MACHINE>
With the deprecated boot2docker
, this IP will be boot2docker ip
For a local installation, make sure you have pip installed and run:
$ pip install notebook
Dev quickstart
- ensure that you have node/npm installed (e.g.
brew install node
on OS X) - Clone this repo and cd into it
pip install --pre -e .
NOTE: For Debian/Ubuntu systems, if you're installing the system node you need to use the 'nodejs-legacy' package and not the 'node' package.
For more detailed development install instructions (e.g. recompiling javascript and css, running tests), please see the contributing guide.
Ubuntu Trusty
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm python-virtualenv python-dev
# ensure setuptools/pip are up-to-date
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip
git clone https://github.com/jupyter/notebook.git
cd notebook
pip install --pre -e .
jupyter notebook
cd /usr/ports/www/npm
sudo make install # (Be sure to select the "NODE" option)
cd /usr/ports/devel/py-pip
sudo make install
cd /usr/ports/devel/py-virtualenv
sudo make install
cd /usr/ports/shells/bash
sudo make install
mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs
python2.7 -m virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/notebook
source ~/.virtualenvs/notebook/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip pycurl
git clone https://github.com/jupyter/notebook.git
cd notebook
pip install -r requirements.txt -e .
jupyter notebook