2022-04-11 07:01:43 -05:00

137 lines
4.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
script to automatically setup notebook over SSL.
Generate cert and keyfiles (rsa 1024) in ~/.ssh/, ask for a password, and add
the corresponding entries in the notebook json configuration file.
from notebook.auth import passwd
from traitlets.config.loader import JSONFileConfigLoader, ConfigFileNotFound
from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_dir
from traitlets.config import Config
from contextlib import contextmanager
from OpenSSL import crypto
from os.path import exists, join
import os
import json
import traceback
def create_self_signed_cert(cert_dir, keyfile, certfile):
Create a self-signed `keyfile` and `certfile` in `cert_dir`
Abort if one of the keyfile of certfile exist.
if exists(join(cert_dir, certfile)) or exists(join(cert_dir, keyfile)):
raise FileExistsError(f'{keyfile} or {certfile} already exist in {cert_dir}. Aborting.')
# create a key pair
k = crypto.PKey()
k.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 1024)
# create a self-signed cert
cert = crypto.X509()
cert.get_subject().C = "US"
cert.get_subject().ST = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificate"
cert.get_subject().L = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificate"
cert.get_subject().O = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificate"
cert.get_subject().OU = "my organization"
cert.get_subject().CN = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificate"
cert.sign(k, 'sha256')
with open(join(cert_dir, certfile), "wt") as f:
f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode('utf8'))
os.chmod(join(cert_dir, certfile), 0o600)
with open(join(cert_dir, keyfile), "wt") as f:
f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, k).decode('utf8'))
os.chmod(join(cert_dir, keyfile), 0o600)
def persist_config(mode=0o600):
"""Context manager that can be use to modify a config object
On exit of the context manager, the config will be written back to disk,
by default with 600 permissions.
loader = JSONFileConfigLoader('jupyter_notebook_config.json', jupyter_config_dir())
config = loader.load_config()
except ConfigFileNotFound:
config = Config()
yield config
filepath = os.path.join(jupyter_config_dir(), 'jupyter_notebook_config.json')
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(config, indent=2))
os.chmod(filepath, mode)
except Exception:
print("Something went wrong changing file permissions")
def set_password():
"""Ask user for password, store it in notebook json configuration file"""
print("First choose a password.")
hashedpw = passwd()
print("We will store your password encrypted in the notebook configuration file: ")
with persist_config() as config:
config.NotebookApp.password = hashedpw
print('... done\n')
def set_certifs():
Generate certificate to run notebook over ssl and set up the notebook config.
print("Let's generate self-signed certificates to secure your connexion.")
print("where should the certificate live?")
location = input('path [~/.ssh]: ')
if not location.strip():
location = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
keyfile = input('keyfile name [jupyter_server.key]: ')
if not keyfile.strip():
keyfile = 'jupyter_server.key'
certfile = input('certfile name [jupyter_server.crt]: ')
if not certfile.strip():
certfile = 'jupyter_server.crt'
create_self_signed_cert(location, keyfile, certfile)
fullkey = os.path.join(location, keyfile)
fullcrt = os.path.join(location, certfile)
with persist_config() as config:
config.NotebookApp.certfile = fullcrt
config.NotebookApp.keyfile = fullkey
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("This will guide you through the steps towards securing your notebook server.")