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// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
// Heavily inspired (and slightly tweaked) from:
// https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/blob/master/examples/federated/core_package/webpack.config.js
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const merge = require('webpack-merge').default;
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const { ModuleFederationPlugin } = webpack.container;
const BundleAnalyzerPlugin =
const Build = require('@jupyterlab/builder').Build;
const WPPlugin = require('@jupyterlab/builder').WPPlugin;
const baseConfig = require('@jupyterlab/builder/lib/webpack.config.base');
const data = require('./package.json');
const names = Object.keys(data.dependencies).filter((name) => {
const packageData = require(path.join(name, 'package.json'));
return packageData.jupyterlab !== undefined;
// Ensure a clear build directory.
const buildDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'build');
if (fs.existsSync(buildDir)) {
// Handle the extensions.
const { mimeExtensions, plugins } = data.jupyterlab;
// Create the list of extension packages from the package.json metadata
const extensionPackages = new Set();
Object.keys(plugins).forEach((page) => {
const pagePlugins = plugins[page];
Object.keys(pagePlugins).forEach((name) => {
Handlebars.registerHelper('json', function (context) {
return JSON.stringify(context);
// custom help to check if a page corresponds to a value
Handlebars.registerHelper('ispage', function (key, page) {
return key === page;
// custom helper to load the plugins on the index page
Handlebars.registerHelper('list_plugins', function () {
let str = '';
const page = this;
Object.keys(this).forEach((extension) => {
const plugin = page[extension];
if (plugin === true) {
str += `require(\'${extension}\'),\n `;
} else if (Array.isArray(plugin)) {
const plugins = plugin.map((p) => `'${p}',`).join('\n');
str += `
require(\'${extension}\').default.filter(({id}) => [
return str;
// Create the entry point and other assets in build directory.
const source = fs.readFileSync('index.template.js').toString();
const template = Handlebars.compile(source);
const extData = {
notebook_plugins: plugins,
notebook_mime_extensions: mimeExtensions,
const indexOut = template(extData);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(buildDir, 'index.js'), indexOut);
// Copy extra files
const cssImports = path.resolve(__dirname, 'style.js');
fs.copySync(cssImports, path.resolve(buildDir, 'extraStyle.js'));
const extras = Build.ensureAssets({
packageNames: names,
output: buildDir,
schemaOutput: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'notebook'),
* Create the webpack ``shared`` configuration
function createShared(packageData) {
// Set up module federation sharing config
const shared = {};
// Make sure any resolutions are shared
for (let [pkg, requiredVersion] of Object.entries(packageData.resolutions)) {
shared[pkg] = { requiredVersion };
// Add any extension packages that are not in resolutions (i.e., installed from npm)
for (let pkg of extensionPackages) {
if (!shared[pkg]) {
shared[pkg] = {
requiredVersion: require(`${pkg}/package.json`).version,
// Add dependencies and sharedPackage config from extension packages if they
// are not already in the shared config. This means that if there is a
// conflict, the resolutions package version is the one that is shared.
const extraShared = [];
for (let pkg of extensionPackages) {
let pkgShared = {};
let {
dependencies = {},
jupyterlab: { sharedPackages = {} } = {},
} = require(`${pkg}/package.json`);
for (let [dep, requiredVersion] of Object.entries(dependencies)) {
if (!shared[dep]) {
pkgShared[dep] = { requiredVersion };
// Overwrite automatic dependency sharing with custom sharing config
for (let [dep, config] of Object.entries(sharedPackages)) {
if (config === false) {
delete pkgShared[dep];
} else {
if ('bundled' in config) {
config.import = config.bundled;
delete config.bundled;
pkgShared[dep] = config;
// Now merge the extra shared config
const mergedShare = {};
for (let sharedConfig of extraShared) {
for (let [pkg, config] of Object.entries(sharedConfig)) {
// Do not override the basic share config from resolutions
if (shared[pkg]) {
// Add if we haven't seen the config before
if (!mergedShare[pkg]) {
mergedShare[pkg] = config;
// Choose between the existing config and this new config. We do not try
// to merge configs, which may yield a config no one wants
let oldConfig = mergedShare[pkg];
// if the old one has import: false, use the new one
if (oldConfig.import === false) {
mergedShare[pkg] = config;
Object.assign(shared, mergedShare);
// Transform any file:// requiredVersion to the version number from the
// imported package. This assumes (for simplicity) that the version we get
// importing was installed from the file.
for (let [pkg, { requiredVersion }] of Object.entries(shared)) {
if (requiredVersion && requiredVersion.startsWith('file:')) {
shared[pkg].requiredVersion = require(`${pkg}/package.json`).version;
// Add singleton package information
for (let pkg of packageData.jupyterlab.singletonPackages) {
if (shared[pkg]) {
shared[pkg].singleton = true;
return shared;
// Make a bootstrap entrypoint
const entryPoint = path.join(buildDir, 'bootstrap.js');
const bootstrap = 'import("./index.js");';
fs.writeFileSync(entryPoint, bootstrap);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
baseConfig.mode = 'production';
if (process.argv.includes('--analyze')) {
extras.push(new BundleAnalyzerPlugin());
module.exports = [
merge(baseConfig, {
mode: 'development',
entry: ['./publicpath.js', './' + path.relative(__dirname, entryPoint)],
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'notebook/static/'),
library: {
type: 'var',
filename: 'bundle.js',
resolve: {
fallback: { util: false },
plugins: [
new WPPlugin.JSONLicenseWebpackPlugin({
excludedPackageTest: (packageName) =>
packageName === '@jupyter-notebook/app',
new ModuleFederationPlugin({
library: {
type: 'var',
shared: createShared(data),