Comms ===== *Comms* allow custom messages between the frontend and the kernel. They are used, for instance, in `ipywidgets `__ to update widget state. A comm consists of a pair of objects, in the kernel and the frontend, with an automatically assigned unique ID. When one side sends a message, a callback on the other side is triggered with that message data. Either side, the frontend or kernel, can open or close the comm. .. seealso:: `Custom Messages `__ The messaging specification section on comms Opening a comm from the kernel ------------------------------ First, the function to accept the comm must be available on the frontend. This can either be specified in a `requirejs` module, or registered in a registry, for example when an :doc:`extension ` is loaded. This example shows a frontend comm target registered in a registry: .. code-block:: javascript Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('my_comm_target', function(comm, msg) { // comm is the frontend comm instance // msg is the comm_open message, which can carry data // Register handlers for later messages: comm.on_msg(function(msg) {...}); comm.on_close(function(msg) {...}); comm.send({'foo': 0}); }); Now that the frontend comm is registered, you can open the comm from the kernel: .. code-block:: python from ipykernel.comm import Comm # Use comm to send a message from the kernel my_comm = Comm(target_name='my_comm_target', data={'foo': 1}) my_comm.send({'foo': 2}) # Add a callback for received messages. @my_comm.on_msg def _recv(msg): # Use msg['content']['data'] for the data in the message This example uses the IPython kernel; it's up to each language kernel what API, if any, it offers for using comms. Opening a comm from the frontend -------------------------------- This is very similar to above, but in reverse. First, a comm target must be registered in the kernel. For instance, this may be done by code displaying output: it will register a target in the kernel, and then display output containing Javascript to connect to it. .. code-block:: python def target_func(comm, msg): # comm is the kernel Comm instance # msg is the comm_open message # Register handler for later messages @comm.on_msg def _recv(msg): # Use msg['content']['data'] for the data in the message # Send data to the frontend comm.send({'foo': 5}) get_ipython().kernel.comm_manager.register_target('my_comm_target', target_func) This example uses the IPython kernel again; this example will be different in other kernels that support comms. Refer to the specific language kernel's documentation for comms support. And then open the comm from the frontend: .. code-block:: javascript comm = Jupyter.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.new_comm('my_comm_target', {'foo': 6}) // Send data comm.send({'foo': 7}) // Register a handler comm.on_msg(function(msg) { console.log(; });