Added working speaker notes for slides.
To resume, I fetch the cdn containing the files we need to make speaker notes works. Then I pass this info using the resources dict to the write which output the files in the correct path...
I make some other additions to make this feature an option from the command line, ie:
if you want a simple slideshow:
ipython nbconvert your_slides.ipynb --to slides
if you want a simple served slideshow:
ipython nbconvert your_slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve
if you want to use a local copy of the reveal.js library:
ipython nbconvert your_slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve --local reveal.js
and if you want to use speaker notes:
ipython nbconvert your_slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve --notes True
ipython nbconvert your_slides.ipynb --to slides --post serve --notes True --local reveal.js
but this last one is redundant because if you are using a local reveal.js library the speaker notes are functional by default.
- added links to example notebooks on nbviewer
- removde unnecessary file and parts of files
- put old htmlnotebook.html redirect (for Notebook Help urls in 0.13.x)
- moved working_remotely to public_server
- re-arrangement of notebook connection stuff
- more cross-referencing of documentation sections
- made links to magic command explanation in tutorial
- and many more changes...
Renamed htmlnotebook.txt to notebook.txt. 79-char width hard wrapping imposed. Rearrangment of order and level within notebook.txt. Almost no text modified.