mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 13:17:50 +08:00
Merge pull request #7191 from minrk/contents-test-reuse
abstract some methods in contents service tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ class FileContentsManager(ContentsManager):
if model['content'] is None:
model['content'] = base64.encodestring(bcontent).decode('ascii')
model['format'] = 'base64'
if model['format'] == 'base64':
default_mime = 'application/octet-stream'
model['mimetype'] = mimetypes.guess_type(os_path)[0] or default_mime
@ -347,6 +347,9 @@ class ContentsManager(LoggingConfigurable):
from_path must be a full path to a file.
path = from_path.strip('/')
if to_path is not None:
to_path = to_path.strip('/')
if '/' in path:
from_dir, from_name = path.rsplit('/', 1)
@ -359,7 +362,7 @@ class ContentsManager(LoggingConfigurable):
if model['type'] == 'directory':
raise HTTPError(400, "Can't copy directories")
if not to_path:
if to_path is None:
to_path = from_dir
if self.dir_exists(to_path):
name = copy_pat.sub(u'.', from_name)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pjoin = os.path.join
import requests
from IPython.html.utils import url_path_join, url_escape
from IPython.html.utils import url_path_join, url_escape, to_os_path
from IPython.html.tests.launchnotebook import NotebookTestBase, assert_http_error
from IPython.nbformat import read, write, from_dict
from IPython.nbformat.v4 import (
@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ class API(object):
def upload(self, path, body):
return self._req('PUT', path, body)
def mkdir_untitled(self, path='/'):
return self._req('POST', path, json.dumps({'type': 'directory'}))
def mkdir(self, path='/'):
return self._req('PUT', path, json.dumps({'type': 'directory'}))
@ -122,8 +119,8 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
hidden_dirs = ['.hidden', '__pycache__']
dirs = uniq_stable([py3compat.cast_unicode(d) for (d,n) in dirs_nbs])
del dirs[0] # remove ''
# Don't include root dir.
dirs = uniq_stable([py3compat.cast_unicode(d) for (d,n) in dirs_nbs[1:]])
top_level_dirs = {normalize('NFC', d.split('/')[0]) for d in dirs}
@ -133,44 +130,77 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
def _txt_for_name(name):
return u'%s text file' % name
def to_os_path(self, api_path):
return to_os_path(api_path, root=self.notebook_dir.name)
def make_dir(self, api_path):
"""Create a directory at api_path"""
os_path = self.to_os_path(api_path)
except OSError:
print("Directory already exists: %r" % os_path)
def make_txt(self, api_path, txt):
"""Make a text file at a given api_path"""
os_path = self.to_os_path(api_path)
with io.open(os_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
def make_blob(self, api_path, blob):
"""Make a binary file at a given api_path"""
os_path = self.to_os_path(api_path)
with io.open(os_path, 'wb') as f:
def make_nb(self, api_path, nb):
"""Make a notebook file at a given api_path"""
os_path = self.to_os_path(api_path)
with io.open(os_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
write(nb, f, version=4)
def delete_dir(self, api_path):
"""Delete a directory at api_path, removing any contents."""
os_path = self.to_os_path(api_path)
shutil.rmtree(os_path, ignore_errors=True)
def delete_file(self, api_path):
"""Delete a file at the given path if it exists."""
if self.isfile(api_path):
def isfile(self, api_path):
return os.path.isfile(self.to_os_path(api_path))
def isdir(self, api_path):
return os.path.isdir(self.to_os_path(api_path))
def setUp(self):
nbdir = self.notebook_dir.name
self.blob = os.urandom(100)
self.b64_blob = base64.encodestring(self.blob).decode('ascii')
for d in (self.dirs + self.hidden_dirs):
d.replace('/', os.sep)
if not os.path.isdir(pjoin(nbdir, d)):
os.mkdir(pjoin(nbdir, d))
for d, name in self.dirs_nbs:
d = d.replace('/', os.sep)
# create a notebook
with io.open(pjoin(nbdir, d, '%s.ipynb' % name), 'w',
encoding='utf-8') as f:
nb = new_notebook()
write(nb, f, version=4)
nb = new_notebook()
self.make_nb(u'{}/{}.ipynb'.format(d, name), nb)
# create a text file
with io.open(pjoin(nbdir, d, '%s.txt' % name), 'w',
encoding='utf-8') as f:
txt = self._txt_for_name(name)
self.make_txt(u'{}/{}.txt'.format(d, name), txt)
# create a binary file
with io.open(pjoin(nbdir, d, '%s.blob' % name), 'wb') as f:
blob = self._blob_for_name(name)
self.make_blob(u'{}/{}.blob'.format(d, name), blob)
self.api = API(self.base_url())
def tearDown(self):
nbdir = self.notebook_dir.name
for dname in (list(self.top_level_dirs) + self.hidden_dirs):
shutil.rmtree(pjoin(nbdir, dname), ignore_errors=True)
if os.path.isfile(pjoin(nbdir, 'inroot.ipynb')):
os.unlink(pjoin(nbdir, 'inroot.ipynb'))
def test_list_notebooks(self):
nbs = notebooks_only(self.api.list().json())
@ -204,11 +234,8 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
self.assertEqual(nbnames, expected)
def test_list_dirs(self):
dirs = dirs_only(self.api.list().json())
dir_names = {normalize('NFC', d['name']) for d in dirs}
self.assertEqual(dir_names, self.top_level_dirs) # Excluding hidden dirs
def test_list_nonexistant_dir(self):
@ -261,8 +288,10 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
self.assertIn('content', model)
self.assertEqual(model['format'], 'base64')
self.assertEqual(model['type'], 'file')
b64_data = base64.encodestring(self._blob_for_name(name)).decode('ascii')
self.assertEqual(model['content'], b64_data)
# Name that doesn't exist - should be a 404
with assert_http_error(404):
@ -283,11 +312,8 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
self.assertEqual(rjson['name'], path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
self.assertEqual(rjson['path'], path)
self.assertEqual(rjson['type'], type)
isright = os.path.isdir if type == 'directory' else os.path.isfile
assert isright(pjoin(
path.replace('/', os.sep),
isright = self.isdir if type == 'directory' else self.isfile
assert isright(path)
def test_create_untitled(self):
resp = self.api.create_untitled(path=u'å b')
@ -451,7 +477,7 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Location'].split('/')[-1], 'z.ipynb')
self.assertEqual(resp.json()['name'], 'z.ipynb')
self.assertEqual(resp.json()['path'], 'foo/z.ipynb')
assert os.path.isfile(pjoin(self.notebook_dir.name, 'foo', 'z.ipynb'))
assert self.isfile('foo/z.ipynb')
nbs = notebooks_only(self.api.list('foo').json())
nbnames = set(n['name'] for n in nbs)
@ -471,11 +497,6 @@ class APITest(NotebookTestBase):
nbmodel= {'content': nb, 'type': 'notebook'}
resp = self.api.save('foo/a.ipynb', body=json.dumps(nbmodel))
nbfile = pjoin(self.notebook_dir.name, 'foo', 'a.ipynb')
with io.open(nbfile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
newnb = read(f, as_version=4)
u'Created by test ³')
nbcontent = self.api.read('foo/a.ipynb').json()['content']
newnb = from_dict(nbcontent)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
"""Tests for the notebook manager."""
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
from tornado.web import HTTPError
@ -17,11 +16,31 @@ from IPython.html.utils import url_path_join
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
from ..filemanager import FileContentsManager
from ..manager import ContentsManager
def _make_dir(contents_manager, api_path):
Make a directory.
os_path = contents_manager._get_os_path(api_path)
except OSError:
print("Directory already exists: %r" % os_path)
class TestFileContentsManager(TestCase):
def symlink(self, contents_manager, src, dst):
"""Make a symlink to src from dst
src and dst are api_paths
src_os_path = contents_manager._get_os_path(src)
dst_os_path = contents_manager._get_os_path(dst)
print(src_os_path, dst_os_path, os.path.isfile(src_os_path))
os.symlink(src_os_path, dst_os_path)
def test_root_dir(self):
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
fm = FileContentsManager(root_dir=td)
@ -69,10 +88,44 @@ class TestFileContentsManager(TestCase):
self.assertNotEqual(cp_dir, cp_subdir)
self.assertEqual(cp_dir, os.path.join(root, fm.checkpoint_dir, cp_name))
self.assertEqual(cp_subdir, os.path.join(root, subd, fm.checkpoint_dir, cp_name))
def test_bad_symlink(self):
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
cm = FileContentsManager(root_dir=td)
path = 'test bad symlink'
_make_dir(cm, path)
file_model = cm.new_untitled(path=path, ext='.txt')
# create a broken symlink
self.symlink(cm, "target", '%s/%s' % (path, 'bad symlink'))
model = cm.get(path)
self.assertEqual(model['content'], [file_model])
def test_good_symlink(self):
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
cm = FileContentsManager(root_dir=td)
parent = 'test good symlink'
name = 'good symlink'
path = '{0}/{1}'.format(parent, name)
_make_dir(cm, parent)
file_model = cm.new(path=parent + '/zfoo.txt')
# create a good symlink
self.symlink(cm, file_model['path'], path)
symlink_model = cm.get(path, content=False)
dir_model = cm.get(parent)
sorted(dir_model['content'], key=lambda x: x['name']),
[symlink_model, file_model],
class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
self.td = self._temp_dir.name
@ -83,15 +136,12 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
def make_dir(self, abs_path, rel_path):
"""make subdirectory, rel_path is the relative path
to that directory from the location where the server started"""
os_path = os.path.join(abs_path, rel_path)
except OSError:
print("Directory already exists: %r" % os_path)
return os_path
def make_dir(self, api_path):
"""make a subdirectory at api_path
override in subclasses if contents are not on the filesystem.
_make_dir(self.contents_manager, api_path)
def add_code_cell(self, nb):
output = nbformat.new_output("display_data", {'application/javascript': "alert('hi');"})
@ -169,7 +219,7 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
# Test in sub-directory
sub_dir = '/foo/'
self.make_dir(cm.root_dir, 'foo')
model = cm.new_untitled(path=sub_dir, ext='.ipynb')
model2 = cm.get(sub_dir + name)
assert isinstance(model2, dict)
@ -179,46 +229,59 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(model2['name'], 'Untitled.ipynb')
self.assertEqual(model2['path'], '{0}/{1}'.format(sub_dir.strip('/'), name))
# Test with a regular file.
file_model_path = cm.new_untitled(path=sub_dir, ext='.txt')['path']
file_model = cm.get(file_model_path)
'content': u'',
'format': u'text',
'mimetype': u'text/plain',
'name': u'untitled.txt',
'path': u'foo/untitled.txt',
'type': u'file',
'writable': True,
self.assertIn('created', file_model)
self.assertIn('last_modified', file_model)
# Test getting directory model
# Create a sub-sub directory to test getting directory contents with a
# subdir.
dirmodel = cm.get('foo')
self.assertEqual(dirmodel['type'], 'directory')
self.assertIsInstance(dirmodel['content'], list)
self.assertEqual(len(dirmodel['content']), 3)
self.assertEqual(dirmodel['path'], 'foo')
self.assertEqual(dirmodel['name'], 'foo')
# Directory contents should match the contents of each individual entry
# when requested with content=False.
model2_no_content = cm.get(sub_dir + name, content=False)
file_model_no_content = cm.get(u'foo/untitled.txt', content=False)
sub_sub_dir_no_content = cm.get('foo/bar', content=False)
self.assertEqual(sub_sub_dir_no_content['path'], 'foo/bar')
self.assertEqual(sub_sub_dir_no_content['name'], 'bar')
for entry in dirmodel['content']:
# Order isn't guaranteed by the spec, so this is a hacky way of
# verifying that all entries are matched.
if entry['path'] == sub_sub_dir_no_content['path']:
self.assertEqual(entry, sub_sub_dir_no_content)
elif entry['path'] == model2_no_content['path']:
self.assertEqual(entry, model2_no_content)
elif entry['path'] == file_model_no_content['path']:
self.assertEqual(entry, file_model_no_content)
self.fail("Unexpected directory entry: %s" % entry())
with self.assertRaises(HTTPError):
cm.get('foo', type='file')
def test_bad_symlink(self):
cm = self.contents_manager
path = 'test bad symlink'
os_path = self.make_dir(cm.root_dir, path)
file_model = cm.new_untitled(path=path, ext='.txt')
# create a broken symlink
os.symlink("target", os.path.join(os_path, "bad symlink"))
model = cm.get(path)
self.assertEqual(model['content'], [file_model])
def test_good_symlink(self):
cm = self.contents_manager
parent = 'test good symlink'
name = 'good symlink'
path = '{0}/{1}'.format(parent, name)
os_path = self.make_dir(cm.root_dir, parent)
file_model = cm.new(path=parent + '/zfoo.txt')
# create a good symlink
os.symlink(file_model['name'], os.path.join(os_path, name))
symlink_model = cm.get(path, content=False)
dir_model = cm.get(parent)
sorted(dir_model['content'], key=lambda x: x['name']),
[symlink_model, file_model],
def test_update(self):
cm = self.contents_manager
# Create a notebook
@ -240,9 +303,8 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
# Test in sub-directory
# Create a directory and notebook in that directory
sub_dir = '/foo/'
self.make_dir(cm.root_dir, 'foo')
model = cm.new_untitled(path=sub_dir, type='notebook')
name = model['name']
path = model['path']
# Change the name in the model for rename
@ -279,7 +341,7 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
# Test in sub-directory
# Create a directory and notebook in that directory
sub_dir = '/foo/'
self.make_dir(cm.root_dir, 'foo')
model = cm.new_untitled(path=sub_dir, type='notebook')
name = model['name']
path = model['path']
@ -301,6 +363,9 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
# Delete the notebook
# Check that deleting a non-existent path raises an error.
self.assertRaises(HTTPError, cm.delete, path)
# Check that a 'get' on the deleted notebook raises and error
self.assertRaises(HTTPError, cm.get, path)
@ -309,9 +374,9 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
parent = u'å b'
name = u'nb √.ipynb'
path = u'{0}/{1}'.format(parent, name)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(cm.root_dir, parent))
orig = cm.new(path=path)
orig = cm.new(path=path)
# copy with unspecified name
copy = cm.copy(path)
self.assertEqual(copy['name'], orig['name'].replace('.ipynb', '-Copy1.ipynb'))
@ -366,3 +431,4 @@ class TestContentsManager(TestCase):
cm.mark_trusted_cells(nb, path)
cm.check_and_sign(nb, path)
assert cm.notary.check_signature(nb)
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class NotebookTestBase(TestCase):
port = 12341
config = None
def wait_until_alive(cls):
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ class NotebookTestBase(TestCase):
# clear log handlers and propagate to root for nose to capture it
Reference in New Issue
Block a user