Test for persistence.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Frederic 2015-02-04 09:53:23 -08:00
parent d78915af13
commit a1f75abe32

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@ -42,4 +42,53 @@ casper.notebook_test(function () {
var slider_id = this.evaluate(function() { return window.slider_id; }); var slider_id = this.evaluate(function() { return window.slider_id; });
this.test.assertEquals(output, slider_id, "Widget created from the front-end."); this.test.assertEquals(output, slider_id, "Widget created from the front-end.");
}); });
// Widget persistence tests.
index = this.append_cell(
'from IPython.html.widgets import HTML\n' +
'from IPython.display import display\n' +
'display(HTML(value="<div id=\'hello\'></div>"))');
this.execute_cell_then(index, function() {});
index = this.append_cell(
'display(HTML(value="<div id=\'world\'></div>"))');
this.execute_cell_then(index, function() {});
var that = this;
this.then(function() {
// Wait for the widgets to be shown.
that.waitForSelector('#hello', function() {
that.waitForSelector('#world', function() {
that.test.assertExists('#hello', 'Hello HTML widget constructed.');
that.test.assertExists('#world', 'World HTML widget constructed.');
// Save the notebook.
that.evaluate(function() {
IPython.notebook.save_notebook(false).then(function() {
window.was_saved = true;
that.waitFor(function check() {
return that.evaluate(function() {
return window.was_saved;
}, function then() {
// Reload the page
that.reload(function() {
// Wait for the elements to show up again.
that.waitForSelector('#hello', function() {
that.waitForSelector('#world', function() {
that.test.assertExists('#hello', 'Hello HTML widget persisted.');
that.test.assertExists('#world', 'World HTML widget persisted.');
}); });