remove js_prefix for js tests

allows external use of js tests by passing absolute path
This commit is contained in:
Min RK 2015-04-22 10:05:57 -07:00
parent c5536cb113
commit 8906efd495
2 changed files with 6 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ before_install:
- pip install -f travis-wheels/wheelhouse -r requirements.txt -e file://$PWD#egg=jupyter_notebook[test] coveralls
- 'if [[ $GROUP == js* ]]; then python -m jupyter_notebook.jstest $GROUP; fi'
- 'if [[ $GROUP == js* ]]; then python -m jupyter_notebook.jstest ${GROUP:3}; fi'
- 'if [[ $GROUP == python ]]; then nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=jupyter_notebook jupyter_notebook; fi'

View File

@ -201,8 +201,6 @@ class TestController(object):
__del__ = cleanup
js_prefix = 'js/'
def get_js_test_dir():
import jupyter_notebook.tests as t
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(t.__file__), '')
@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ def all_js_groups():
import glob
test_dir = get_js_test_dir()
all_subdirs = glob.glob(test_dir + '[!_]*/')
return [js_prefix+os.path.relpath(x, test_dir) for x in all_subdirs]
return [os.path.relpath(x, test_dir) for x in all_subdirs]
class JSController(TestController):
"""Run CasperJS tests """
@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ class JSController(TestController):
self.slimer_failure = re.compile('^FAIL.*', flags=re.MULTILINE)
js_test_dir = get_js_test_dir()
includes = '--includes=' + os.path.join(js_test_dir,'util.js')
test_cases = os.path.join(js_test_dir, self.section[len(js_prefix):])
test_cases = os.path.join(js_test_dir, self.section)
self.cmd = ['casperjs', 'test', includes, test_cases, '--engine=%s' % self.engine]
def setup(self):
@ -405,16 +403,11 @@ def prepare_controllers(options):
"""Returns two lists of TestController instances, those to run, and those
not to run."""
testgroups = options.testgroups
if testgroups:
if 'js' in testgroups:
js_testgroups = all_js_groups()
js_testgroups = [g for g in testgroups if g.startswith(js_prefix)]
js_testgroups = all_js_groups()
if not testgroups:
testgroups = all_js_groups()
engine = 'slimerjs' if options.slimerjs else 'phantomjs'
c_js = [JSController(name, xunit=options.xunit, engine=engine, url=options.url) for name in js_testgroups]
c_js = [JSController(name, xunit=options.xunit, engine=engine, url=options.url) for name in testgroups]
controllers = c_js
to_run = [c for c in controllers if c.will_run]