diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f5727290d..afca429f5 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -78,14 +78,38 @@ if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] in ('sdist','bdist_rpm'):
                   #"cd doc && ./update_magic.sh" ),
+                 ('docs/man/ipcluster.1.gz',
+                  ['docs/man/ipcluster.1'],
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipcluster.1 > ipcluster.1.gz'),
+                 ('docs/man/ipcontroller.1.gz',
+                  ['docs/man/ipcontroller.1'],
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipcontroller.1 > ipcontroller.1.gz'),
+                 ('docs/man/ipengine.1.gz',
+                  ['docs/man/ipengine.1'],
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipengine.1 > ipengine.1.gz'),
-                  "cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipython.1 > ipython.1.gz"),
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipython.1 > ipython.1.gz'),
+                 ('docs/man/ipython-wx.1.gz',
+                  ['docs/man/ipython-wx.1'],
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipython-wx.1 > ipython-wx.1.gz'),
+                 ('docs/man/ipythonx.1.gz',
+                  ['docs/man/ipythonx.1'],
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipythonx.1 > ipythonx.1.gz'),
+                 ('docs/man/irunner.1.gz',
+                  ['docs/man/irunner.1'],
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c irunner.1 > irunner.1.gz'),
-                  "cd docs/man && gzip -9c pycolor.1 > pycolor.1.gz"),
+                  'cd docs/man && gzip -9c pycolor.1 > pycolor.1.gz'),
     # Only build the docs if sphinx is present
diff --git a/setupbase.py b/setupbase.py
index 972cafc13..119037a68 100644
--- a/setupbase.py
+++ b/setupbase.py
@@ -227,6 +227,31 @@ def find_data_files():
     return data_files
+def make_man_update_target(manpage):
+    """Return a target_update-compliant tuple for the given manpage.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    manpage : string
+      Name of the manpage, must include the section number (trailing number).
+    Example
+    -------
+    >>> make_man_update_target('ipython.1') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    ('docs/man/ipython.1.gz',
+     ['docs/man/ipython.1'],
+     'cd docs/man && gzip -9c ipython.1 > ipython.1.gz')
+    """
+    man_dir = pjoin('docs', 'man')
+    manpage_gz = manpage + '.gz'
+    manpath = pjoin(man_dir, manpage)
+    manpath_gz = pjoin(man_dir, manpage_gz)
+    gz_cmd = ( "cd %(man_dir)s && gzip -9c %(manpage)s > %(manpage_gz)s" %
+               locals() )
+    return (manpath_gz, [manpath], gz_cmd)
 # Find scripts