mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 12:56:54 +08:00
@carreau's comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ def check_nbextension(files, user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None, nbextens
return all(os.path.exists(pjoin(nbext, f)) for f in files)
def nsion(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
def install_nbextension(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
user=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None,
destination=None, verbose=1, log=None, sys_prefix=False):
destination=None, logger=None, sys_prefix=False):
"""Install a Javascript extension for the notebook
Stages files and/or directories into the nbextensions directory.
@ -114,9 +114,8 @@ def nsion(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
name the nbextension is installed to. For example, if destination is 'foo', then
the source file will be installed to 'nbextensions/foo', regardless of the source name.
This cannot be specified if an archive is given as the source.
verbose : int [default: 1]
Set verbosity level. The default is 1, where file actions are self.log.infoed.
set verbose=2 for more output, or verbose=0 for silence.
logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
Logger instance to use
nbext = _get_nbextension_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir)
# make sure nbextensions dir exists
@ -126,9 +125,6 @@ def nsion(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
if not hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
symlink = False
if log is None:
log = print
if isinstance(path, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError("path must be a string pointing to a single extension to install; call this function multiple times to install multiple extensions")
@ -141,20 +137,19 @@ def nsion(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
filename = urlparse(path).path.split('/')[-1]
local_path = os.path.join(td, filename)
if verbose >= 1:
log("Downloading: %s -> %s" % (path, local_path))
if logger:
logger.info("Downloading: %s -> %s" % (path, local_path))
urlretrieve(path, local_path)
# now install from the local copy
nsion(local_path, overwrite=overwrite, symlink=symlink,
nbextensions_dir=nbext, destination=destination, verbose=verbose,
install_nbextension(local_path, overwrite=overwrite, symlink=symlink,
nbextensions_dir=nbext, destination=destination, logger=logger)
elif path.endswith('.zip') or _safe_is_tarfile(path):
if symlink:
raise ValueError("Cannot symlink from archives")
if destination:
raise ValueError("Cannot give destination for archives")
if verbose >= 1:
log("Extracting: %s -> %s" % (path, nbext))
if logger:
logger.info("Extracting: %s -> %s" % (path, nbext))
if path.endswith('.zip'):
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
@ -168,8 +163,8 @@ def nsion(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
destination = cast_unicode_py2(destination)
full_dest = pjoin(nbext, destination)
if overwrite and os.path.lexists(full_dest):
if verbose >= 1:
log("Removing: %s" % full_dest)
if logger:
logger.info("Removing: %s" % full_dest)
if os.path.isdir(full_dest) and not os.path.islink(full_dest):
@ -178,34 +173,33 @@ def nsion(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
if symlink:
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if not os.path.exists(full_dest):
if verbose >= 1:
log("Symlink: %s -> %s" % (full_dest, path))
if logger:
logger.info("Symlink: %s -> %s" % (full_dest, path))
os.symlink(path, full_dest)
elif os.path.isdir(path):
path = pjoin(os.path.abspath(path), '') # end in path separator
for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
dest_dir = pjoin(full_dest, parent[len(path):])
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
if verbose >= 2:
log("Making directory: %s" % dest_dir)
if logger:
logger.info("Making directory: %s" % dest_dir)
for file in files:
src = pjoin(parent, file)
# self.log.info("%r, %r" % (dest_dir, file))
# logger.info("%r, %r" % (dest_dir, file))
dest_file = pjoin(dest_dir, file)
_maybe_copy(src, dest_file, verbose, log=log)
_maybe_copy(src, dest_file, logger=logger)
src = path
_maybe_copy(src, full_dest, verbose, log=log)
_maybe_copy(src, full_dest, logger=logger)
def install_nbextension_python(package, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None,
verbose=1, log=None):
"""Install an nbextension bundled in a Python package.
See install_nbextension for parameter information."""
if log is None: log = print
m, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(package)
base_path = os.path.split(m.__file__)[0]
for nbext in nbexts:
@ -215,13 +209,13 @@ def install_nbextension_python(package, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
log(src, dest, require)
install_nbextension(src, overwrite=overwrite, symlink=symlink,
user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir,
destination=dest, verbose=verbose, log=log
destination=dest, logger=logger
def uninstall_nbextension(dest, require, user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None,
nbextensions_dir=None, verbose=1, log=None):
nbextensions_dir=None, logger=None):
"""Uninstall a Javascript extension of the notebook
Removes staged files and/or directories in the nbextensions directory and
@ -245,16 +239,15 @@ def uninstall_nbextension(dest, require, user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=No
Will install to ``<prefix>/share/jupyter/nbextensions``
nbextensions_dir : str [optional]
Specify absolute path of nbextensions directory explicitly.
verbose : int [default: 1]
Set verbosity level. The default is 1, where file actions are self.log.infoed.
set verbose=2 for more output, or verbose=0 for silence.
logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
Logger instance to use
nbext = _get_nbextension_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir)
dest = cast_unicode_py2(dest)
full_dest = pjoin(nbext, dest)
if os.path.lexists(full_dest):
if verbose >= 1:
log("Removing: %s" % full_dest)
if logger:
logger.info("Removing: %s" % full_dest)
if os.path.isdir(full_dest) and not os.path.islink(full_dest):
@ -269,22 +262,19 @@ def uninstall_nbextension(dest, require, user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=No
def uninstall_nbextension_python(package,
user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None,
verbose=1, log=None):
"""Uninstall an nbextension bundled in a Python package."""
if log is None: log = print
m, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(package)
base_path = os.path.split(m.__file__)[0]
for nbext in nbexts:
dest = nbext['dest']
require = nbext['require']
log(dest, require)
logger.info("{} {}".format(dest, require))
uninstall_nbextension(dest, require, user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix,
prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir, verbose=verbose,
prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir, logger=logger)
def enable_nbextension_python(package, user=False, sys_prefix=False, log=None):
def enable_nbextension_python(package, user=False, sys_prefix=False):
"""Enable an nbextension associated with a Python package."""
m, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(package)
base_path = os.path.split(m.__file__)[0]
@ -312,9 +302,32 @@ from traitlets import Bool, Enum, Unicode
from jupyter_core.application import JupyterApp
_base_flags = {
"user" : ({
"BaseNBExtensionApp" : {
"user" : True,
}}, "Install to the user's Jupyter directory"
"sys-prefix" : ({
"BaseNBExtensionApp" : {
"sys_prefix" : True,
}}, "Use sys.prefix as the prefix for installing nbextensions"
"py" : ({
"BaseNBExtensionApp" : {
"python" : True,
}}, "Install from a Python package"
_base_flags['python'] = _base_flags['py']
class BaseNBExtensionApp(JupyterApp):
_log_formatter_cls = LogFormatter
flags = _base_flags
user = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to do a user install")
sys_prefix = Bool(False, config=True, help="Use the sys.prefix as the prefix")
python = Bool(False, config=True, help="Install from a Python package")
def _log_level_default(self):
return logging.INFO
@ -326,45 +339,19 @@ class BaseNBExtensionApp(JupyterApp):
return "%(color)s[%(name)s]%(end_color)s %(message)s"
flags = {
flags = _base_flags.update({
"overwrite" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"overwrite" : True,
}}, "Force overwrite of existing files"
"debug" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"verbose" : 2,
}}, "Extra output"
"quiet" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"verbose" : 0,
}}, "Minimal output"
"symlink" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"symlink" : True,
}}, "Create symlink instead of copying files"
"user" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"user" : True,
}}, "Install to the user's Jupyter directory"
"sys-prefix" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"sys_prefix" : True,
}}, "Use sys.prefix as the prefix for installing nbextensions"
"py" : ({
"InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"python" : True,
}}, "Install from a Python package"
flags['s'] = flags['symlink']
flags['python'] = flags['py']
aliases = {
"prefix" : "InstallNBExtensionApp.prefix",
@ -397,16 +384,9 @@ class InstallNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
overwrite = Bool(False, config=True, help="Force overwrite of existing files")
symlink = Bool(False, config=True, help="Create symlinks instead of copying files")
user = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to do a user install")
sys_prefix = Bool(False, config=True, help="Use the sys.prefix as the prefix")
prefix = Unicode('', config=True, help="Installation prefix")
nbextensions_dir = Unicode('', config=True, help="Full path to nbextensions dir (probably use prefix or user)")
destination = Unicode('', config=True, help="Destination for the copy or symlink")
python = Bool(False, config=True, help="Install from a Python package")
verbose = Enum((0,1,2), default_value=1, config=True,
help="Verbosity level"
def _config_file_name_default(self):
return 'jupyter_notebook_config'
@ -418,11 +398,11 @@ class InstallNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
def start(self):
@ -432,37 +412,8 @@ class InstallNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
except ArgumentConflict as e:
self.log.info(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
_uninstall_flags = {
"debug" : ({
"UninstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"verbose" : 2,
}}, "Extra output"
"quiet" : ({
"UninstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"verbose" : 0,
}}, "Minimal output"
"user" : ({
"UninstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"user" : True,
}}, "Install to the user's Jupyter directory"
"sys-prefix" : ({
"UninstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"sys_prefix" : True,
}}, "Use sys.prefix as the prefix for installing nbextensions"
"py" : ({
"UninstallNBExtensionApp" : {
"python" : True,
}}, "Install from a Python package (alias for --python)"
_uninstall_flags['python'] = _uninstall_flags['py']
class UninstallNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
"""Entry point for uninstalling notebook extensions"""
@ -482,42 +433,33 @@ class UninstallNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
jupyter nbextension uninstall --py extensionPyPackage
aliases = {'section': 'ToggleNBExtensionApp.section'}
flags = _uninstall_flags
user = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to do a user install")
sys_prefix = Bool(False, config=True, help="Use the sys.prefix as the prefix")
prefix = Unicode('', config=True, help="Installation prefix")
nbextensions_dir = Unicode('', config=True, help="Full path to nbextensions dir (probably use prefix or user)")
destination = Unicode('', config=True, help="Destination for the copy or symlink")
python = Bool(False, config=True, help="Uninstall nbextension in a Python package")
verbose = Enum((0,1,2), default_value=1, config=True,
help="Verbosity level"
def _config_file_name_default(self):
return 'jupyter_notebook_config'
def uninstall_extensions(self):
kwargs = {
'verbose': self.verbose,
'user': self.user,
'sys_prefix': self.sys_prefix,
'prefix': self.prefix,
'nbextensions_dir': self.nbextensions_dir,
'logger': self.log
if self.python:
if len(self.extra_args)>1:
raise ValueError("only one nbextension allowed at a time. Call multiple times to uninstall multiple extensions.")
if len(self.extra_args)<1:
raise ValueError("not enough arguments")
arg_count = 1 if self.python else 2
if len(self.extra_args)>arg_count:
raise ValueError("only one nbextension allowed at a time. Call multiple times to uninstall multiple extensions.")
if len(self.extra_args)<arg_count:
raise ValueError("not enough arguments")
if self.python:
uninstall_nbextension_python(self.extra_args[0], **kwargs)
if len(self.extra_args)>2:
raise ValueError("only one nbextension allowed at a time. Call multiple times to uninstall multiple extensions.")
if len(self.extra_args)<2:
raise ValueError("not enough arguments")
uninstall_nbextension(self.extra_args[0], self.extra_args[1], **kwargs)
def start(self):
@ -527,34 +469,9 @@ class UninstallNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
except ArgumentConflict as e:
self.log.info(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
_toggle_flags = {
"debug" : ({
"ToggleNBExtensionApp" : {
"verbose" : 2,
}}, "Extra output"
"user" : ({
"ToggleNBExtensionApp" : {
"user" : True,
}}, "Install to the user's Jupyter directory"
"sys-prefix" : ({
"ToggleNBExtensionApp" : {
"sys_prefix" : True,
}}, "Use sys.prefix as the prefix for installing nbextensions"
"py" : ({
"ToggleNBExtensionApp" : {
"python" : True,
}}, "Install from a Python package"
_toggle_flags['python'] = _toggle_flags['py']
class ToggleNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
name = "jupyter nbextension enable/disable"
@ -566,12 +483,7 @@ class ToggleNBExtensionApp(BaseNBExtensionApp):
aliases = {'section': 'ToggleNBExtensionApp.section'}
flags = _toggle_flags
python = Bool(False, config=True, help="Install from a Python package")
user = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to do a user install")
sys_prefix = Bool(False, config=True, help="Use the sys.prefix as the prefix")
_toggle_value = None
def _config_file_name_default(self):
@ -683,27 +595,26 @@ main = NBExtensionApp.launch_instance
def _should_copy(src, dest, verbose=1, log=None):
def _should_copy(src, dest, logger=None):
"""Should a file be copied?"""
if not os.path.exists(dest):
return True
if os.stat(src).st_mtime - os.stat(dest).st_mtime > 1e-6:
# we add a fudge factor to work around a bug in python 2.x
# that was fixed in python 3.x: http://bugs.python.org/issue12904
if verbose >= 2:
log("%s is out of date" % dest)
if logger:
logger.warn("%s is out of date" % dest)
return True
if verbose >= 2:
log("%s is up to date" % dest)
if logger:
logger.info("%s is up to date" % dest)
return False
def _maybe_copy(src, dest, verbose=1, log=None):
def _maybe_copy(src, dest, logger=None):
"""Copy a file if it needs updating."""
if log is None: log = print
if _should_copy(src, dest, verbose=verbose, log=log):
if verbose >= 1:
log("Copying: %s -> %s" % (src, dest))
if _should_copy(src, dest, logger=logger):
if logger:
logger.info("Copying: %s -> %s" % (src, dest))
shutil.copy2(src, dest)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user