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#!/usr/bin/env python
from notebook.auth import passwd
from traitlets.config.loader import JSONFileConfigLoader, ConfigFileNotFound
import six
from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_dir
from traitlets.config import Config
from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL
from socket import gethostname
from pprint import pprint
from time import gmtime, mktime
from os.path import exists, join
import io
import os
import json
def create_self_signed_cert(cert_dir, keyfile, certfiile):
If datacard.crt and datacard.key don't exist in cert_dir, create a new
self-signed cert and keypair and write them into that directory.
if not exists(join(cert_dir, certfiile)) \
or not exists(join(cert_dir, keyfile)):
# create a key pair
k = crypto.PKey()
k.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 1024)
# create a self-signed cert
cert = crypto.X509()
cert.get_subject().C = "US"
cert.get_subject().ST = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificat"
cert.get_subject().L = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificat"
cert.get_subject().O = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificat"
cert.get_subject().OU = "my organization"
cert.get_subject().CN = "Jupyter notebook self-signed certificat"
cert.sign(k, 'sha256')
with io.open(join(cert_dir, certfile), "wt") as f:
f.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode('utf8'))
with io.open(join(cert_dir, keyfile), "wt") as f:
f.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, k).decode('utf8'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("This guide you into securing your notebook server")
print("fist choose a password.")
pw = passwd()
print("We will sore you password encrypted in the notebook configuration file: ")
loader = JSONFileConfigLoader('jupyter_notebook_config.json', jupyter_config_dir())
config = loader.load_config()
except ConfigFileNotFound:
config = Config()
config.NotebookApp.password = pw
with io.open(os.path.join(jupyter_config_dir(), 'jupyter_notebook_config.json'), 'w+') as f:
f.write(six.u(json.dumps(config, indent=2)))
print('... done')
print("Now let's generate self signed https certificats to secure your connexion.")
print("where should the certificate live ?")
location = input('path [~/.ssh]: ')
if not location.strip():
location = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
keyfile = input('keyfile name [jupyter_server.key]: ')
if not keyfile.strip():
keyfile = 'jupyter_server.key'
certfile = input('certfile name [jupyter_server.crt]: ')
if not certfile.strip():
certfile = 'jupyter_server.crt'
create_self_signed_cert(location, keyfile, certfile)
fullkey = os.path.join(location, keyfile)
fullcrt = os.path.join(location, certfile)
config.NotebookApp.certfile = fullcrt
config.NotebookApp.keyfile = fullkey
with io.open(os.path.join(jupyter_config_dir(), 'jupyter_notebook_config.json'), 'w+') as f:
f.write(six.u(json.dumps(config, indent=2)))