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synced 2025-03-07 17:08:02 +08:00
enhancements, based on contributed code from Martin van Driel, to support -v, -g, -V, and -G options for selecting groups and variables in output. Fix all clang warnings from nccopy and ncdump sources, as well as a few other cleanup changes to testing code.
154 lines
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154 lines
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* Copyright 2011, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* Stuff that's common to both ncdump and nccopy
#include "config.h"
#define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
/* Delimiter for separating netCDF groups in absolute pathnames, same as for HDF5 */
#define NC_GRP_DELIM '/'
typedef int bool_t;
enum {false=0, true=1};
struct safebuf_t;
/* Buffer structure for implementing growable strings, used in
* preventing buffer overflows when the size needed for a character
* buffer cannot be easily predicted or limited to any specific
* maximum, such as when used in recursive function calls for nested
* vlens and nested compound types. */
typedef struct safebuf_t {
size_t len; /* current length of buffer */
size_t cl; /* current length of string in buffer, < len-1 */
char *buf;
} safebuf_t;
/* structure for list of ids, such as varids or grpids specified with -v or -g option */
typedef struct idnode {
struct idnode* next;
int id;
} idnode_t;
/* node in stack of group ids */
typedef struct grpnode {
int grpid;
struct grpnode *next;
} grpnode_t;
* The opaque structure to hold state of iteration over groups.
* (Just implemented as a stack of group ids.)
typedef struct {
int ngrps; /* number of groups left to visit */
grpnode_t *top; /* group ids left to visit */
} ncgiter_t;
extern char *progname; /* for error messages */
#ifndef NO_NETCDF_2
#define NO_NETCDF_2 /* assert we aren't using any netcdf-2 stuff */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define NC_CHECK(fncall) {int statnc=fncall;if(statnc!=NC_NOERR)check(statnc,__FILE__,__LINE__);}
/* Print error message to stderr and exit */
extern void error ( const char *fmt, ... );
/* Check error on malloc and exit with message if out of memory */
extern void* emalloc ( size_t size );
/* Check error return. If bad, print error message and exit. */
extern void check(int err, const char* file, const int line);
/* Return malloced name with chars special to CDL escaped. */
char* escaped_name(const char* cp);
/* Print name of netCDF var, dim, att, group, type, member, or enum
* symbol with escaped special chars */
void print_name(const char *name);
/* Get dimid from a full dimension path name that may include group
* names */
extern int nc_inq_dimid2(int ncid, const char *dimname, int *dimidp);
/* Test if variable is a record variable */
extern int isrecvar ( int ncid, int varid );
/* Get a new, empty id list. */
extern idnode_t* newidlist(void);
/* Add id to id list */
extern void idadd(idnode_t* idlist, int id);
/* Test if id is in id list */
extern bool_t idmember ( const idnode_t* idlist, int id );
/* Test if a group id is in group list */
extern bool_t group_wanted ( int grpid, int nlgrps, const idnode_t* grpids );
/* Check group list for missing groups */
extern int grp_matches(int ncid, int nlgrps, char** lgrps, idnode_t *grpids);
/* Returns 1 if string s1 ends with string s2, 0 otherwise. */
extern int strendswith(const char *s1, const char *s2);
/* Within group with id ncid, get varid of variable with name varname
* using nested group syntax "gp1/gp2/var" */
extern int nc_inq_gvarid ( int ncid, const char *varname, int *varidp );
/* Get variable id varid within group grpid using absolute or relative pathname for variable */
extern int nc_inq_gvarid(int grpid, const char *varname, int *varidp);
/* Return how many variables are named varname in any groups in ncid */
extern size_t nc_inq_varname_count(int ncid, char *varname);
/* Check if any variable names specified in the list lvars (of length nlvars) are missing. */
extern int missing_vars(int ncid, int nlvars, char **lvars);
/* Make list of variables from comma-delimited string */
extern void make_lvars(char *optarg, int *nlvarsp, char ***lvarsp);
/* Make list of groups from comma-delimited string */
extern void make_lgrps(char *optarg, int *nlgrpsp, char*** lgrpsp, idnode_t **grpidsp);
* Simplest interface for group iteration: get total number of groups
* (including all descendant groups, recursively) and all group ids
* for start group and its descendants, in preorder. Note that this
* loses information about subgroup relationships, just flattening all
* groups into a serial list.
extern int nc_inq_grps_full(int ncid, int *numgrps, int *ncids);
* More complex iterator interface: get group iterator for start group
* ncid and all its descendant groups.
extern int nc_get_giter(int ncid, ncgiter_t **iterp);
* Get group id of next group. On first call returns start group,
* subsequently returns other subgroup ids in preorder. Returns grpid
* of 0 (never an actual group number) when no more groups.
extern int nc_next_giter(ncgiter_t *iterp, int *grpid);
* Release memory allocated for group iterator.
extern void nc_free_giter(ncgiter_t *iterp);
#ifdef __cplusplus