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* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/nctest/dimtests.c,v 1.14 2006/10/31 16:21:54 ed Exp $
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */
#include "netcdf.h"
#include "emalloc.h"
#include "testcdf.h" /* defines in-memory test cdf structure */
#include "add.h" /* functions to update in-memory netcdf */
#include "error.h"
#include "tests.h"
* Test ncdimdef
* try in data mode, check error
* check that returned id is one more than previous id
* try adding same dimension twice, check error
* try with illegal sizes, check error
* make sure unlimited size works, shows up in ncinquire(...,*xtendim)
* try to define a second unlimited dimension, check error
test_ncdimdef(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf to open */
int nerrs = 0;
static char pname[] = "test_ncdimdef";
int cdfid; /* netcdf id */
static struct cdfdim mm = /* dimension */
{"mm", 1}; /* 1 should be a valid dimension size */
static struct cdfdim nn = /* dimension */
{"bogus", ___}; /* used for testing invalid dimension sizes */
static struct cdfdim rec = /* dimension */
{"rec", NC_UNLIMITED};
int ndims; /* number of dimensions */
int nvars; /* number of variables */
int natts; /* number of attributes */
int xdimid; /* id of unlimited dimension, or -1 if none */
int dimid; /* dimension id */
(void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]);
if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncopen failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* opened, defining a dimension should fail in data mode */
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, mm.name, mm.size) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef should have failed in data mode", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* enter define mode */
if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: cdredef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* in define mode OK, add a dimension */
if ((dimid = ncdimdef(cdfid, mm.name, mm.size)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
add_dim(&test, &mm); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */
/* check that dim id returned is one more than previous dim id */
if (dimid != test.ndims - 1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef returned %d for dim id, expected %d",
pname, dimid, test.ndims-1);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* try adding same dimension again, this should fail */
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, mm.name, mm.size) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef should not have allowed redefinition", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* try adding dimension with negative size, this should fail */
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, nn.name, (long) -10) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef should not allow negative size dimension", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* if there is not already an unlimited size dimension, try adding one */
if (ncinquire(cdfid, &ndims, &nvars, &natts, &xdimid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncinquire failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (xdimid == -1) {
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, rec.name, rec.size) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef failed on NC_UNLIMITED dimension", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
add_dim(&test, &rec);
/* try adding another unlimited dimension, which should fail */
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, "rec2", rec.size) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef should not allow second NC_UNLIMITED dimension",
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncendef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncclose failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, "rec2", rec.size) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef should fail on bad netCDF id", pname);
if (nerrs > 0)
(void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n");
return nerrs;
* Test ncdimid
* check return with defined dimension in both modes
* try with undefined dimension, check error
* check return with unlimited size dimension
* try with bad handle, check error
test_ncdimid(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */
int nerrs = 0;
static char pname[] = "test_ncdimid";
int cdfid; /* netcdf id */
int nn_dim; /* dimension id */
static struct cdfdim nn = /* dimension */
{"nn", 1}; /* 1 should be a valid dimension size */
(void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t\t", &pname[5]);
if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncopen failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* opened, enter define mode */
if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: cdredef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* in define mode OK, add a dimension */
if ((nn_dim = ncdimdef(cdfid, nn.name, nn.size)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
add_dim(&test, &nn); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */
/* check id returned for name matches id returned from definition */
if (ncdimid(cdfid, nn.name) != nn_dim) {
error("%s: ncdimid returned wrong value in define mode", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncendef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* in data mode, check returned id for dimension just added */
if (ncdimid(cdfid, nn.name) != nn_dim) {
error("%s: ncdimid returned wrong value in data mode", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* try with undefined dimension, should fail */
if (ncdimid(cdfid, "easter-bunny") != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimid with bogus name should have failed ", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* try with unlimited dimension, assumed to be "rec" from earlier calls */
if (ncdimid(cdfid, "rec") != test.xdimid) {
error("%s: ncdimid returned bad value for record dimension", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncclose failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* try on bad handle, should fail */
if (ncdimid(cdfid, nn.name) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimid failed to report bad netcdf handle", pname);
if (nerrs > 0)
(void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n");
return nerrs;
* Test ncdiminq
* try in both modes
* check returned name and size against defined name and size
* try with bad dimension handle, check error
* try with bad netCDF handle, check error
test_ncdiminq(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */
int nerrs = 0;
static char pname[] = "test_ncdiminq";
int cdfid; /* netcdf id */
int dimid; /* dimension id */
struct cdfdim dim; /* dimension */
(void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]);
if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncopen failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* opened, in data mode */
dim.name = (char *) emalloc(MAX_NC_NAME);
for (dimid = 0 ; dimid < test.ndims; dimid++) { /* loop on all dim ids */
if (ncdiminq(cdfid, dimid, dim.name, &dim.size) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdiminq in data mode failed on dim id %d",
pname, dimid);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* compare returned with expected values */
if (strcmp(dim.name, test.dims[dimid].name) != 0) {
error("%s: ncdiminq (data mode), name %s, expected %s for id = %d",
pname, dim.name, test.dims[dimid].name, dimid);
if (dim.size != test.dims[dimid].size) {
error("%s: ncdiminq (data mode), size %d, expected %d for id = %d",
pname, dim.size, test.dims[dimid].size, dimid);
if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncredef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* in define mode, compare returned with expected values again */
for (dimid = 0 ; dimid < test.ndims; dimid++) { /* loop on all dim ids */
if (ncdiminq(cdfid, dimid, dim.name, &dim.size) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdiminq in define mode failed on dim id %d",
pname, dimid);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* compare returned with expected values */
if (strcmp(dim.name, test.dims[dimid].name) != 0) {
error("%s: ncdiminq (define), name %s, expected %s for id = %d",
pname, dim.name, test.dims[dimid].name, dimid);
if (dim.size != test.dims[dimid].size) {
error("%s: ncdiminq (define), size %d, expected %d for id = %d",
pname, dim.size, test.dims[dimid].size, dimid);
/* try with bad dimension handles, check for failure */
if (ncdiminq(cdfid, -1, dim.name, &dim.size) != -1 ||
ncdiminq(cdfid, test.ndims, dim.name, &dim.size) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdiminq should have failed on bad dimension ids",
pname, dimid);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncendef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncclose failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* should fail, since bad handle */
if (test.ndims >= 1) { /* if any dimensions have been defined */
if (ncdiminq (cdfid, 0, dim.name, &dim.size) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdiminq failed to report bad netcdf handle ", pname);
if (nerrs > 0)
(void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n");
return nerrs;
* Test ncdimrename
* check that proper rename worked with ncdiminq
* try renaming to existing dimension name, check error
* try with bad dimension handle, check error
* try with bad netCDF handle, check error
test_ncdimrename(const char *path) /* name of writable netcdf file to open */
int nerrs = 0;
static char pname[] = "test_ncdimrename";
int cdfid; /* netcdf id */
int pp_dim; /* dimension id */
static struct cdfdim pp = /* dimension */
{"pp", 7};
static char newname[MAX_NC_NAME] = /* dimension name */
struct cdfdim dim; /* dimension */
static struct cdfdim qq = /* dimension */
{"qq", 10};
(void) fprintf(stderr, "*** Testing %s ...\t", &pname[5]);
if ((cdfid = ncopen(path, NC_WRITE)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncopen failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* opened */
if (ncredef(cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncredef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* in define mode, add two dimensions */
if ((pp_dim = ncdimdef(cdfid, pp.name, pp.size)) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
add_dim(&test, &pp); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */
if (ncdimdef(cdfid, qq.name, qq.size) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimdef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
add_dim(&test, &qq); /* keep in-memory netcdf in sync */
/* rename first dimension */
if (ncdimrename(cdfid, pp_dim, newname) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimrename failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* check new name with ncdiminq */
dim.name = (char *) emalloc(MAX_NC_NAME);
if (ncdiminq(cdfid, pp_dim, dim.name, &dim.size) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdiminq failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (strcmp(dim.name,pp.name) == 0) {
error("%s: ncdimrename failed to change name", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (strcmp(dim.name,newname) != 0) {
error("%s: ncdimrename changed name to %s instead of %s",
pname, dim.name, newname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
test.dims[pp_dim].name = (char *) erealloc((void *)test.dims[pp_dim].name,
(void) strcpy(test.dims[pp_dim].name, newname); /* keep test consistent */
/* try to rename first dimension same as second, should fail */
if (ncdimrename(cdfid, pp_dim, qq.name) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimrename should have failed with used name", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* try with bad dimension handles, check for failure */
if (ncdimrename(cdfid, -1, dim.name) != -1 ||
ncdimrename(cdfid, test.ndims, dim.name) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimrename should have failed on bad dimension ids",
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
if (ncendef (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncendef failed", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
/* in data mode, rename to shorter name */
if (ncdimrename(cdfid, pp_dim, "p") == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimrename to shorter name failed in data mode", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
test.dims[pp_dim].name = (char *) erealloc((void *)test.dims[pp_dim].name,
(void) strcpy(test.dims[pp_dim].name, "p"); /* keep test consistent */
/* Check with ncdimid */
if (pp_dim != ncdimid(cdfid, "p")) {
error("%s: lookup by name in data mode failed after ncdimrename",
return ++nerrs;
/* in data mode, restore old name */
if (ncdimrename(cdfid, pp_dim, pp.name) == -1) {
error("%s: ncdimrename failed in data mode", pname);
ncclose(cdfid); return ++nerrs;
test.dims[pp_dim].name = (char *) erealloc((void *)test.dims[pp_dim].name,
(void) strcpy(test.dims[pp_dim].name, pp.name); /* keep test consistent */
if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) {
error("%s: ncclose failed", pname);
return ++nerrs;
/* should fail, since bad handle */
if (ncdimrename (cdfid, 0, dim.name) != -1) {
error("%s: ncdimrename failed to report bad netcdf handle ", pname);
free (dim.name);
if (nerrs > 0)
(void) fprintf(stderr,"FAILED! ***\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"ok ***\n");
return nerrs;