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NetCDF Error Code Listing
NetCDF-3 Error Codes
#define NC_NOERR 0 // No Error
#define NC_EBADID (-33) // Not a netcdf id
#define NC_ENFILE (-34) // Too many netcdfs open
#define NC_EEXIST (-35) // netcdf file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER
#define NC_EINVAL (-36) // Invalid Argument
#define NC_EPERM (-37) // Write to read only
#define NC_ENOTINDEFINE (-38) // Operation not allowed in data mode
#define NC_EINDEFINE (-39) // Operation not allowed in define mode
#define NC_EINVALCOORDS (-40) // Index exceeds dimension bound
#define NC_EMAXDIMS (-41) // NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded [not enforced after 4.5.0]
#define NC_ENAMEINUSE (-42) // String match to name in use
#define NC_ENOTATT (-43) // Attribute not found
#define NC_EMAXATTS (-44) // NC_MAX_ATTRS exceeded [not enforced after 4.5.0]
#define NC_EBADTYPE (-45) // Not a netcdf data type
#define NC_EBADDIM (-46) // Invalid dimension id or name
#define NC_EUNLIMPOS (-47) // NC_UNLIMITED in the wrong index
#define NC_EMAXVARS (-48) // NC_MAX_VARS exceeded [not enforced after 4.5.0]
#define NC_ENOTVAR (-49) // Variable not found
#define NC_EGLOBAL (-50) // Action prohibited on NC_GLOBAL varid
#define NC_ENOTNC (-51) // Not a netcdf file
#define NC_ESTS (-52) // In Fortran, string too short
#define NC_EMAXNAME (-53) // NC_MAX_NAME exceeded
#define NC_EUNLIMIT (-54) // NC_UNLIMITED size already in use
#define NC_ENORECVARS (-55) // nc_rec op when there are no record vars
#define NC_ECHAR (-56) // Attempt to convert between text & numbers
#define NC_EEDGE (-57) // Edge+start exceeds dimension bound
#define NC_ESTRIDE (-58) // Illegal stride
#define NC_EBADNAME (-59) // Attribute or variable name contains illegal characters
// N.B. following must match value in ncx.h
#define NC_ERANGE (-60) // Math result not representable
#define NC_ENOMEM (-61) // Memory allocation (malloc) failure
#define NC_EVARSIZE (-62) // One or more variable sizes violate format constraints
#define NC_EDIMSIZE (-63) // Invalid dimension size
#define NC_ETRUNC (-64) // File likely truncated or possibly corrupted
NetCDF-4 Error Codes
NetCDF-4 uses all error codes from NetCDF-3 (see section NetCDF-3 Error Codes). The following additional error codes were added for new errors unique to netCDF-4.
#define NC_EHDFERR (-101)
#define NC_ECANTREAD (-102)
#define NC_ECANTWRITE (-103)
#define NC_ECANTCREATE (-104)
#define NC_EFILEMETA (-105)
#define NC_EDIMMETA (-106)
#define NC_EATTMETA (-107)
#define NC_EVARMETA (-108)
#define NC_ENOCOMPOUND (-109)
#define NC_EATTEXISTS (-110)
#define NC_ENOTNC4 (-111) // Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file.
#define NC_ESTRICTNC3 (-112) // Attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file.
#define NC_EBADGRPID (-113) // Bad group id. Bad!
#define NC_EBADTYPEID (-114) // Bad type id.
#define NC_EBADFIELDID (-115) // Bad field id.
#define NC_EUNKNAME (-116)
DAP Error Codes
If the DAP client is enabled, then the following additional error codes may occur.
#define NC_EDAP (-66) // Generic DAP error
#define NC_ECURL (-67) // Generic libcurl error
#define NC_EIO (-68) // Generic IO error
#define NC_ENODATA (-69) // Attempt to access variable with no data
#define NC_EDAPSVC (-70) // DAP Server side error
#define NC_EDAS (-71) // Malformed or inaccessible DAS
#define NC_EDDS (-72) // Malformed or inaccessible DDS
#define NC_EDATADDS (-73) // Malformed or inaccessible DATADDS
#define NC_EDAPURL (-74) // Malformed DAP URL
#define NC_EDAPCONSTRAINT (-75) // Malformed DAP Constraint
#define NC_EDAP (-66) // Generic DAP error
#define NC_ECURL (-67) // Generic libcurl error
#define NC_EIO (-68) // Generic IO error
#define NC_ENODATA (-69) // Attempt to access variable with no data
#define NC_EDAPSVC (-70) // DAP Server side error
#define NC_EDAS (-71) // Malformed or inaccessible DAS
#define NC_EDDS (-72) // Malformed or inaccessible DDS
#define NC_EDATADDS (-73) // Malformed or inaccessible DATADDS
#define NC_EDAPURL (-74) // Malformed DAP URL
#define NC_EDAPCONSTRAINT (-75) // Malformed DAP Constraint