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synced 2025-03-07 17:08:02 +08:00
Warning: This PR is a follow on to PR https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/2555 and should not be merged until that prior PR has been merged. The changeset for this PR is a delta on the PR https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/2555. This PR re-enables the use of the server *remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu/d4ts* to test several features: 1. Show that access over the Internet to servers using the DAP4 protocol works. 2. Test that DAP4 support in the [Thredds Data Server](https://github.com/Unidata/tds) is operating correctly. 4. Test that the DAP4 support in the [netcdf-java library](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-java) library and the DAP4 support in the netcdf-c library are consistent and are interoperable. The test inputs (primarily *\*.nc* files) provided in the netcdf-c library are also used by the DAP4 Test Server (aka d4ts) to present web access to a collection of data files accessible via the DAP4 protocol and which can be used for testing Internet access to a working server. To be precise, this version of d4ts is currently in unmerged branches of the *netcdf-java* and *tds* Github repositories and so are not actually in the main repositories *yet*. However, the *d4ts.war* file was created from that branch and used to populate the *remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu* server The two other remote servers that were used in the past are *Hyrax* (OPenDAP.org) and *thredds-test*. These will continue to remain disabled until those servers can be fixed. ## Primary Changes * Rebuild the *baselineremote* directory. This directory contains the validation data needed to test the remote servers. * Re-enable using remotetest.unidata.ucar.edu as part of the DAP4 testing process. * Fix the *dap4_test/test_remote.sh* test script to match the current available test data. * Make some changes to libdap4 to improve the ability to catch malformed data streams [affects a lot of files in libdap4]. ## Misc. Unrelated Changes * Remove a raft of warnings, especially in nc_test4/tst_quantize.c. * Add some additional explanatory information to the NCZarr documentation. * Cleanup some Doxygen errors in the docs file and reorder some files.
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netcdf test_enum_array {
byte enum cloud_class_t {Clear = 0, Cumulonimbus = 1, Stratus = 2,
Stratocumulus = 3, Cumulus = 4, Altostratus = 5, Nimbostratus = 6,
Altocumulus = 7, Cirrostratus = 8, Cirrocumulus = 9, Cirrus = 10,
Missing = 127} ;
d5 = 5 ;
cloud_class_t primary_cloud(d5) ;
cloud_class_t primary_cloud:_FillValue = Missing ;
primary_cloud = Clear, Stratus, Clear, Cumulonimbus, _ ;