2018-02-08 06:20:58 -07:00

714 lines
20 KiB

/* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying
* and redistribution conditions.*/
* @file @internal The HDF4 file functions.
* @author Ed Hartnett
#include "config.h"
#include <errno.h> /* netcdf functions sometimes return system errors */
#include "nc.h"
#include "nc4internal.h"
#include "hdf4dispatch.h"
#include <mfhdf.h>
extern int nc4_vararray_add(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var);
/** @internal These flags may not be set for open mode. */
* @internal This function will free all allocated metadata memory,
* and close the HDF4 file.
* @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct.
* @param abort True if this is an abort.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
static int
close_hdf4_file(NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T *h5, int abort)
int retval;
assert(h5 && h5->controller->path && h5->root_grp && h5->no_write);
LOG((3, "%s: h5->controller->path %s abort %d", __func__,
h5->controller->path, abort));
/* According to the docs, always end define mode on close. */
if (h5->flags & NC_INDEF)
h5->flags ^= NC_INDEF;
/* Delete all the list contents for vars, dims, and atts, in each
* group. */
if ((retval = nc4_rec_grp_del(&h5->root_grp, h5->root_grp)))
return retval;
/* Close hdf file. */
if (SDend(h5->sdid))
return NC_EHDFERR;
/* Free the nc4_info struct; above code should have reclaimed
everything else */
return NC_NOERR;
#define NUM_TYPES 12 /**< Number of netCDF atomic types. */
/** @internal NetCDF atomic type names. */
static const char nc_type_name_g[NUM_TYPES][NC_MAX_NAME + 1] = {"char", "byte", "short",
"int", "float", "double", "ubyte",
"ushort", "uint", "int64",
"uint64", "string"};
/** @internal NetCDF atomic type sizes. */
static const int nc_type_size_g[NUM_TYPES] = {sizeof(char), sizeof(char), sizeof(short),
sizeof(int), sizeof(float), sizeof(double), sizeof(unsigned char),
sizeof(unsigned short), sizeof(unsigned int), sizeof(long long),
sizeof(unsigned long long), sizeof(char *)};
* @internal Create a HDF4 file. Since the HDF4 integration provides
* read-only access to HDF4 files, this returns error NC_ENOTNC4.
* @param path Ignored.
* @param cmode Ignored.
* @param initialsz Ignored.
* @param basepe Ignored.
* @param chunksizehintp Ignored.
* @param use_parallel Ignored.
* @param parameters Ignored.
* @param dispatch Ignored.
* @param nc_file Ignored.
* @return ::NC_ENOTNC4 Cannot create HDF4 files.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_create(const char* path, int cmode, size_t initialsz, int basepe,
size_t *chunksizehintp, int use_parallel, void *parameters,
NC_Dispatch *dispatch, NC* nc_file)
return NC_ENOTNC4;
* @internal Given an HDF4 type, set a pointer to netcdf type.
* See
* for more information re: HDF4 types.
* @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct.
* @param hdf4_typeid Type ID for hdf4 datatype.
* @param xtype Pointer to netcdf type, where result will be stored.
* @param type_info Pointer to type info for the variable.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
static int
get_netcdf_type_from_hdf4(NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T *h5, int32 hdf4_typeid,
nc_type *xtype, NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type_info)
int t = 0;
/* Added this variable in the course of fixing NCF-332.
* Prior to the fix, all data types were assigned
* NC_ENDIAN_BIG, so I am preserving that here for now.
* Not sure why it wouldn't be NC_ENDIAN_NATIVE, although
* I can hazard a guess or two.
int endianness = NC_ENDIAN_BIG;
assert(h5 && xtype);
*xtype = NC_CHAR;
t = 0;
case DFNT_UINT8:
*xtype = NC_UBYTE;
t = 6;
*xtype = NC_UBYTE;
t = 6;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_INT8:
*xtype = NC_BYTE;
t = 1;
case DFNT_LINT8:
*xtype = NC_BYTE;
t = 1;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_INT16:
*xtype = NC_SHORT;
t = 2;
case DFNT_LINT16:
*xtype = NC_SHORT;
t = 2;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_UINT16:
*xtype = NC_USHORT;
t = 7;
case DFNT_LUINT16:
*xtype = NC_USHORT;
t = 7;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_INT32:
*xtype = NC_INT;
t = 3;
case DFNT_LINT32:
*xtype = NC_INT;
t = 3;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_UINT32:
*xtype = NC_UINT;
t = 8;
case DFNT_LUINT32:
*xtype = NC_UINT;
t = 8;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_FLOAT32:
*xtype = NC_FLOAT;
t = 4;
*xtype = NC_FLOAT;
t = 4;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
case DFNT_FLOAT64:
*xtype = NC_DOUBLE;
t = 5;
*xtype = NC_DOUBLE;
t = 5;
endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
*xtype = NC_NAT;
if (type_info)
if (hdf4_typeid == DFNT_FLOAT32)
type_info->nc_type_class = NC_FLOAT;
else if (hdf4_typeid == DFNT_FLOAT64)
type_info->nc_type_class = NC_DOUBLE;
else if (hdf4_typeid == DFNT_CHAR)
type_info->nc_type_class = NC_STRING;
type_info->nc_type_class = NC_INT;
type_info->endianness = endianness;
type_info->nc_typeid = *xtype;
type_info->size = nc_type_size_g[t];
if (!(type_info->name = strdup(nc_type_name_g[t])))
return NC_ENOMEM;
return NC_NOERR;
* @internal Open a HDF4 file.
* @param path The file name of the new file.
* @param mode The open mode flag.
* @param nc Pointer that gets the NC file info struct.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
static int
nc4_open_hdf4_file(const char *path, int mode, NC *nc)
int32 num_datasets, num_gatts;
int32 rank;
int v, d, a;
int retval;
NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T* nc4_info = NULL;
LOG((3, "%s: path %s mode %d", __func__, path, mode));
assert(path && nc);
/* Must be read-only access to hdf4 files. */
if (mode & NC_WRITE)
return NC_EINVAL;
/* Add necessary structs to hold netcdf-4 file data. */
if ((retval = nc4_nc4f_list_add(nc, path, mode)))
return retval;
nc4_info = NC4_DATA(nc);
assert(nc4_info && nc4_info->root_grp);
h5 = nc4_info;
h5->hdf4 = NC_TRUE;
grp = h5->root_grp;
h5->no_write = NC_TRUE;
/* Open the file and initialize SD interface. */
if ((h5->sdid = SDstart(path, DFACC_READ)) == FAIL)
return NC_EHDFERR;
/* Learn how many datasets and global atts we have. */
if (SDfileinfo(h5->sdid, &num_datasets, &num_gatts))
return NC_EHDFERR;
/* Read the atts. */
for (a = 0; a < num_gatts; a++)
int32 att_data_type, att_count;
size_t att_type_size;
/* Add to the end of the list of atts for this var. */
if ((retval = nc4_att_list_add(&h5->root_grp->att, &att)))
return retval;
att->attnum = grp->natts++;
att->created = NC_TRUE;
/* Learn about this attribute. */
if (!(att->name = malloc(NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME * sizeof(char))))
return NC_ENOMEM;
if (SDattrinfo(h5->sdid, a, att->name, &att_data_type, &att_count))
if ((retval = get_netcdf_type_from_hdf4(h5, att_data_type,
&att->nc_typeid, NULL)))
return retval;
att->len = att_count;
/* Allocate memory to hold the data. */
if ((retval = nc4_get_typelen_mem(h5, att->nc_typeid, 0, &att_type_size)))
return retval;
if (!(att->data = malloc(att_type_size * att->len)))
return NC_ENOMEM;
/* Read the data. */
if (SDreadattr(h5->sdid, a, att->data))
return NC_EHDFERR;
/* Read each dataset. */
for (v = 0; v < num_datasets; v++)
int32 data_type, num_atts;
/* Problem: Number of dims is returned by the call that requires
a pre-allocated array, 'dimsize'.
From SDS_SD website:
The maximum rank is 32, or MAX_VAR_DIMS (as defined in netcdf.h).
int32 dimsize[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
int32 *dimsize = NULL;
size_t var_type_size;
int a;
/* Add a variable. */
if ((retval = nc4_var_add(&var)))
return retval;
var->varid = grp->nvars++;
var->created = NC_TRUE;
var->written_to = NC_TRUE;
/* Add a var to the variable array, growing it as needed. */
if ((retval = nc4_vararray_add(grp, var)))
return retval;
/* Open this dataset in HDF4 file. */
if ((var->sdsid = SDselect(h5->sdid, v)) == FAIL)
/* Get shape, name, type, and attribute info about this dataset. */
if (!(var->name = malloc(NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME + 1)))
return NC_ENOMEM;
/* Invoke SDgetInfo with null dimsize to get rank. */
if (SDgetinfo(var->sdsid, var->name, &rank, NULL, &data_type, &num_atts))
var->hash = hash_fast(var->name, strlen(var->name));
if(!(dimsize = (int32*)malloc(sizeof(int32)*rank)))
return NC_ENOMEM;
if (SDgetinfo(var->sdsid, var->name, &rank, dimsize, &data_type, &num_atts)) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
var->ndims = rank;
var->hdf4_data_type = data_type;
/* Fill special type_info struct for variable type information. */
if (!(var->type_info = calloc(1, sizeof(NC_TYPE_INFO_T)))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_ENOMEM;
if ((retval = get_netcdf_type_from_hdf4(h5, data_type, &var->type_info->nc_typeid, var->type_info))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return retval;
/* Indicate that the variable has a pointer to the type */
if ((retval = nc4_get_typelen_mem(h5, var->type_info->nc_typeid, 0, &var_type_size))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return retval;
var->type_info->size = var_type_size;
LOG((3, "reading HDF4 dataset %s, rank %d netCDF type %d", var->name,
rank, var->type_info->nc_typeid));
/* Get the fill value. */
if (!(var->fill_value = malloc(var_type_size))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_ENOMEM;
if (SDgetfillvalue(var->sdsid, var->fill_value))
/* Whoops! No fill value! */
var->fill_value = NULL;
/* Allocate storage for dimension info in this variable. */
if (var->ndims)
if (!(var->dim = malloc(sizeof(NC_DIM_INFO_T *) * var->ndims))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_ENOMEM;
if (!(var->dimids = malloc(sizeof(int) * var->ndims))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_ENOMEM;
/* Find its dimensions. */
for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++)
int32 dimid, dim_len, dim_data_type, dim_num_attrs;
char dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
if ((dimid = SDgetdimid(var->sdsid, d)) == FAIL) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
if (SDdiminfo(dimid, dim_name, &dim_len, &dim_data_type,
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
/* Do we already have this dimension? HDF4 explicitly uses
* the name to tell. */
for (dim = grp->dim; dim; dim = dim->
if (!strcmp(dim->name, dim_name))
/* If we didn't find this dimension, add one. */
if (!dim)
LOG((4, "adding dimension %s for HDF4 dataset %s",
dim_name, var->name));
if ((retval = nc4_dim_list_add(&grp->dim, &dim)))
return retval;
dim->dimid = grp->nc4_info->next_dimid++;
if (strlen(dim_name) > NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME)
if (!(dim->name = strdup(dim_name)))
return NC_ENOMEM;
if (dim_len)
dim->len = dim_len;
dim->len = *dimsize;
dim->hash = hash_fast(dim_name, strlen(dim_name));
/* Tell the variable the id of this dimension. */
var->dimids[d] = dim->dimid;
var->dim[d] = dim;
/* Read the atts. */
for (a = 0; a < num_atts; a++)
int32 att_data_type, att_count;
size_t att_type_size;
/* Add to the end of the list of atts for this var. */
if ((retval = nc4_att_list_add(&var->att, &att))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return retval;
att->attnum = var->natts++;
att->created = NC_TRUE;
/* Learn about this attribute. */
if (!(att->name = malloc(NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME * sizeof(char)))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_ENOMEM;
if (SDattrinfo(var->sdsid, a, att->name, &att_data_type, &att_count)) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
if ((retval = get_netcdf_type_from_hdf4(h5, att_data_type,
&att->nc_typeid, NULL))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return retval;
att->len = att_count;
/* Allocate memory to hold the data. */
if ((retval = nc4_get_typelen_mem(h5, att->nc_typeid, 0, &att_type_size))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return retval;
if (!(att->data = malloc(att_type_size * att->len))) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_ENOMEM;
/* Read the data. */
if (SDreadattr(var->sdsid, a, att->data)) {
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
return NC_EHDFERR;
if(dimsize) free(dimsize);
/* HDF4 files can be chunked */
HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunkdefs;
int flag;
if(!SDgetchunkinfo(var->sdsid, &chunkdefs, &flag)) {
if(flag == HDF_NONE)
var->contiguous = NC_TRUE;
else if((flag & HDF_CHUNK) != 0) {
var->contiguous = NC_FALSE;
if (!(var->chunksizes = malloc(var->ndims * sizeof(size_t))))
return NC_ENOMEM;
for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++) {
var->chunksizes[d] = chunkdefs.chunk_lengths[d];
} /* next var */
#ifdef LOGGING
/* This will print out the names, types, lens, etc of the vars and
atts in the file, if the logging level is 2 or greater. */
return NC_NOERR;
* @internal Open a HDF4 file.
* @param path The file name of the file.
* @param mode The open mode flag.
* @param basepe Ignored by this function.
* @param chunksizehintp Ignored by this function.
* @param use_parallel Must be 0 for sequential, access. Parallel
* access not supported for HDF4.
* @param parameters pointer to struct holding extra data (e.g. for
* parallel I/O) layer. Ignored if NULL.
* @param dispatch Pointer to the dispatch table for this file.
* @param nc_file Pointer to an instance of NC.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @return ::NC_EINVAL Invalid input.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_open(const char *path, int mode, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp,
int use_parallel, void *parameters, NC_Dispatch *dispatch,
NC *nc_file)
assert(nc_file && path);
LOG((1, "%s: path %s mode %d params %x", __func__, path, mode,
/* Check inputs. */
assert(path && !use_parallel);
/* Check the mode for validity */
return NC_EINVAL;
/* Open the file. */
nc_file->int_ncid = nc_file->ext_ncid;
return nc4_open_hdf4_file(path, mode, nc_file);
* @internal Unfortunately HDF only allows specification of fill value
* only when a dataset is created. Whereas in netcdf, you first create
* the variable and then (optionally) specify the fill value. To
* accomplish this in HDF5 I have to delete the dataset, and recreate
* it, with the fill value specified.
* @param ncid File and group ID.
* @param fillmode File mode.
* @param old_modep Pointer that gets old mode. Ignored if NULL.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_set_fill(int ncid, int fillmode, int *old_modep)
return NC_EPERM;
* @internal Not allowed for HDF4 files.
* @param ncid File and group ID.
* @return ::NC_ENOTNC4 No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_redef(int ncid)
return NC_EPERM;
* @internal This does nothing for HDF4 files. Since they are
* read-only, then can never be put into define mode.
* @param ncid File and group ID.
* @param h_minfree Ignored for netCDF-4 files.
* @param v_align Ignored for netCDF-4 files.
* @param v_minfree Ignored for netCDF-4 files.
* @param r_align Ignored for netCDF-4 files.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4__enddef(int ncid, size_t h_minfree, size_t v_align,
size_t v_minfree, size_t r_align)
return NC_NOERR;
* @internal Does nothing, since HDF4 files are read only. There can
* be no changes to sync to disk.
* @param ncid File and group ID.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_sync(int ncid)
return NC_NOERR;
* @internal Closes the file. There can be no changes to abort since
* HDF4 files are read only.
* @param ncid File and group ID.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_abort(int ncid)
NC *nc;
NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T* nc4_info;
int retval;
LOG((2, "%s: ncid 0x%x", __func__, ncid));
/* Find metadata for this file. */
if (!(nc = nc4_find_nc_file(ncid, &nc4_info)))
return NC_EBADID;
/* Free any resources the netcdf-4 library has for this file's
* metadata. */
if ((retval = close_hdf4_file(nc4_info, 1)))
return retval;
return NC_NOERR;
* @internal Close the HDF4 file.
* @param ncid File ID.
* @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
* @return ::NC_EBADID Bad ncid.
* @author Ed Hartnett
HDF4_close(int ncid)
NC *nc;
int retval;
LOG((1, "%s: ncid 0x%x", __func__, ncid));
/* Find our metadata for this file. */
if ((retval = nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncid, &nc, &grp, &h5)))
return retval;
assert(nc && h5 && grp && !grp->parent);
/* Call the nc4 close. */
if ((retval = close_hdf4_file(grp->nc4_info, 0)))
return retval;
return NC_NOERR;