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/* This is part of the netCDF package.
Copyright 2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use.
Test netcdf-4 variables.
Ed Hartnett, Russ Rew, Dennis Heimbigner, Ward Fisher
#include <nc_tests.h>
#include "err_macros.h"
#include "netcdf.h"
#define FILE_NAME "tst_vars3.nc"
#define NDIMS1 1
#define NDIMS2 2
#define D_SMALL "small_dim"
#define D_SMALL_LEN 16
#define D_MEDIUM "medium_dim"
#define D_MEDIUM_LEN 65546
#define D_LARGE "large_dim"
#define D_LARGE_LEN 1048586
#define V_SMALL "small_var"
#define V_MEDIUM "medium_var"
#define V_LARGE "large_var"
#define D_MAX_ONE_D 16384
main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("\n*** Testing netcdf-4 variable functions, some more.\n");
printf("**** testing definition of coordinate variable after endef/redef...");
#define NX 6
#define NY 36
#define ZD1_NAME "zD1"
#define D2_NAME "D2"
int ncid, x_dimid, y_dimid, varid2;
char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
/* Create file with two dims, two 1D vars. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, ZD1_NAME, NX, &x_dimid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D2_NAME, NY, &y_dimid)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* Go back into define mode and add a coordinate variable. Now
* dimensions will be out of order. Thanks for confusing my poor
* library. Why can't you just make up your bloody mind? */
if (nc_redef(ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, ZD1_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, NDIMS1, &x_dimid, &varid2)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Reopen file and check the name of the first dimension. Even
* though you've changed the order after doing a redef, you will
* still expect to get D1_NAME. I sure hope you appreciate how
* hard you are making life for a poor C library, just trying to
* do its best in a demanding world. Next time, why don't you
* try and be a little bit more considerate? Jerk. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dimname(ncid, 0, name_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, ZD1_NAME)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dimname(ncid, 1, name_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D2_NAME)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing definition of coordinate variable with some data...");
#define NX 6
#define NY 36
#define V1_NAME "V1"
#define D1_NAME "D1"
#define D2_NAME "D2"
int ncid, x_dimid, y_dimid, varid1, varid2;
int nvars, ndims, ngatts, unlimdimid, dimids_in[2], natts;
size_t len_in;
char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
nc_type xtype_in;
#if 0
int x, y;
double data_outx[NX], data_outy[NY];
int retval;
#if 0
/* Create some pretend data. */
for (x = 0; x < NX; x++)
data_outx[x] = x;
for (y = 0; y < NY; y++)
data_outy[y] = y;
/* Create file with two dims, two 1D vars. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D1_NAME, NX, &x_dimid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D2_NAME, NY, &y_dimid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, V1_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, NDIMS1, &y_dimid, &varid1)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_redef(ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, D1_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, NDIMS1, &x_dimid, &varid2)) ERR;
/* if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid1, &data_outy[0])) ERR; */
/* if (nc_put_var_double(ncid, varid2, &data_outx[0])) ERR; */
/* if (nc_sync(ncid)) ERR; */
/* Check the file. */
if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
if (nvars != 2 || ndims != 2 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
/* Check the dimensions. */
if (nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &ndims, dimids_in, 1)) ERR;
if (ndims != 2 || dimids_in[0] != x_dimid || dimids_in[1] != y_dimid) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, dimids_in[0], name_in, &len_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D1_NAME) || len_in != NX) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, dimids_in[1], name_in, &len_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D2_NAME) || len_in != NY) ERR;
/* Check the variables. */
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 0, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims, dimids_in, &natts)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, V1_NAME) || xtype_in != NC_DOUBLE || ndims != 1 ||
natts != 0 || dimids_in[0] != y_dimid) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 1, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims, dimids_in, &natts)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D1_NAME) || xtype_in != NC_DOUBLE || ndims != 1 ||
natts != 0 || dimids_in[0] != x_dimid) ERR;
/* Close the file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Reopen and check the file. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
if (nvars != 2 || ndims != 2 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
/* Check the dimensions. */
if (nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &ndims, dimids_in, 1)) ERR;
if (ndims != 2 || dimids_in[0] != x_dimid || dimids_in[1] != y_dimid) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, dimids_in[0], name_in, &len_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D1_NAME) || len_in != NX) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dim(ncid, dimids_in[1], name_in, &len_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D2_NAME) || len_in != NY) ERR;
/* Check the variables. */
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 0, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims, dimids_in, &natts)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, V1_NAME) || xtype_in != NC_DOUBLE || ndims != 1 ||
natts != 0 || dimids_in[0] != y_dimid) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 1, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims, dimids_in, &natts)) ERR;
if (strcmp(name_in, D1_NAME) || xtype_in != NC_DOUBLE || ndims != 1 ||
natts != 0 || dimids_in[0] != x_dimid) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing endianness of compound type variable...");
#define COMPOUND_NAME "Billy-Bob"
#define BILLY "Billy"
#define BOB "Bob"
#define VAR_NAME1 "Buddy-Joe"
#define NDIMS 2
#define TEXT_LEN 15
int ncid, nvars_in, varids_in[1], typeid, varid;
int nvars, ndims, ngatts, unlimdimid;
int ndims_in, natts_in, dimids_in[NDIMS];
char var_name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
nc_type xtype_in;
struct billy_bob
int billy;
int bob;
/* Create a netcdf-4 file with scalar compound var. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_compound(ncid, sizeof(struct billy_bob), COMPOUND_NAME, &typeid)) ERR;
if (nc_insert_compound(ncid, typeid, BILLY, NC_COMPOUND_OFFSET(struct billy_bob, billy), NC_INT)) ERR;
if (nc_insert_compound(ncid, typeid, BOB, NC_COMPOUND_OFFSET(struct billy_bob, bob), NC_INT)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME1, typeid, 0, NULL, &varid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var_endian(ncid, varid, NC_ENDIAN_BIG)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
if (nvars != 1 || ndims != 0 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
if (nc_inq_varids(ncid, &nvars_in, varids_in)) ERR;
if (nvars_in != 1 || varids_in[0] != 0) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 0, var_name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, dimids_in, &natts_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(var_name_in, VAR_NAME1) || xtype_in <= NC_STRING || ndims_in != 0 ||
natts_in != 0) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing that fixed vars with no filter end up being contiguous...");
#define VAR_NAME2 "Yoman_of_the_Guard"
#define NDIMS 2
#define D0_NAME1 "Tower_warders_under_orders"
#define D0_LEN 55
#define D1_NAME1 "When_our_gallent_Norman_Foes"
#define D1_LEN 99
int ncid, varid;
int nvars, ndims, ngatts, unlimdimid;
int dimids[NDIMS], contig;
int ndims_in, natts_in, dimids_in[NDIMS];
char var_name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
nc_type xtype_in;
/* Create a netcdf-4 file with 2D fixed var. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D0_NAME1, D0_LEN, &dimids[0])) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D1_NAME1, D1_LEN, &dimids[1])) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME2, NC_UINT64, NDIMS, dimids, &varid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var_endian(ncid, varid, NC_ENDIAN_BIG)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
if (nvars != 1 || ndims != 2 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 0, var_name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, dimids_in, &natts_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(var_name_in, VAR_NAME2) || xtype_in != NC_UINT64 || ndims_in != 2 ||
natts_in != 0) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var_chunking(ncid, varid, &contig, NULL)) ERR;
if (!contig) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing typeless access for classic model...");
#define RANK_P 3
#define LEN 4
int ncid, dimids[RANK_P], time_id, p_id;
int ndims, dimids_in[RANK_P];
double data[1] = {3.14159};
size_t start[1] = {0}, count[1] = {1};
static float P_data[LEN];
size_t cor[RANK_P] = {0, 1, 0};
size_t edg[RANK_P] = {1, 1, LEN};
int i;
/* Create a 3D test file. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_CLASSIC_MODEL|NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
/* define dimensions */
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "Time", NC_UNLIMITED, &dimids[0])) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "X", 4, &dimids[2])) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "Y", 3, &dimids[1])) ERR;
/* define variables */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, "Time", NC_DOUBLE, 1, dimids, &time_id)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, "P", NC_FLOAT, RANK_P, dimids, &p_id)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* Add one record in coordinate variable. */
if (nc_put_vara(ncid, time_id, start, count, data)) ERR;
/* The other variable should show an increase in size, since it
* uses the unlimited dimension. */
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 1, NULL, NULL, &ndims, dimids_in, NULL)) ERR;
if (ndims != 3 || dimids_in[0] != 0 || dimids_in[1] != 2 || dimids_in[2] != 1) ERR;
/* These will not work due to bad parameters. */
if (nc_get_vara(ncid + MILLION, 1, cor, edg, P_data) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
if (nc_get_vara(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, 1, cor, edg, P_data) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
/* Read the record of non-existent data. */
if (nc_get_vara(ncid, 1, cor, edg, P_data)) ERR;
for (i = 0; i < LEN; i++)
if (P_data[i] != NC_FILL_FLOAT) ERR;
/* That's it! */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Reopen the file and read the second slice. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 1, NULL, NULL, &ndims, dimids_in, NULL)) ERR;
if (ndims != 3 || dimids_in[0] != 0 || dimids_in[1] != 2 || dimids_in[2] != 1) ERR;
if (nc_get_vara(ncid, 1, cor, edg, P_data)) ERR;
for (i = 0; i < LEN; i++)
if (P_data[i] != NC_FILL_FLOAT) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing large number of vars with unlimited dimension...");
#define D0_NAME3 "dim0"
#define NUM_VARS 1000
int ncid, varid;
int nvars, ndims, ngatts, unlimdimid;
int dimid;
char var_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
int v;
/* Create a netcdf-4 file with lots of 1D unlim dim vars. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D0_NAME3, NC_UNLIMITED, &dimid)) ERR;
for (v = 0; v < NUM_VARS; v++)
sprintf(var_name, "var_%d", v);
if (nc_def_var(ncid, var_name, NC_INT, 1, &dimid, &varid)) ERR_RET;
if (nc_set_var_chunk_cache(ncid, varid, 0, 0, 0.75)) ERR_RET;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
if (nvars != NUM_VARS || ndims != 1 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != 0) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing fix of bug in checking coordinate variables out of order...");
#define GRP_NAME "group_G"
#define TIME_DIMNAME "time"
#define B_DIMNAME "bDim"
#define C_DIMNAME "cDim"
#define C_VARNAME "c"
#define D_VARNAME "dd"
#define E_VARNAME "ee"
int ncid, grpid;
int timeDimId, bDimId, cDimId, dimidIn;
size_t timeDimSize = 2, bDimSize = 3, cDimSize = 1;
int cNdims = 1, eeNdims = 1, ddNdims = 1 ;
int cVarId, eeVarId, ddVarId ;
size_t index = 0;
double s1Data = 10;
const double timeVar[] = {1.3, 4.6 };
if ( nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_grp(ncid, GRP_NAME, &grpid) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_dim(ncid, TIME_DIMNAME, timeDimSize, &timeDimId) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_dim(grpid, B_DIMNAME, bDimSize, &bDimId) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_dim(grpid, C_DIMNAME, cDimSize, &cDimId) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_var(grpid, C_VARNAME, NC_DOUBLE, cNdims, &cDimId, &cVarId) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_var(ncid, E_VARNAME, NC_DOUBLE, eeNdims, &timeDimId, &eeVarId) ) ERR;
/* worked without this enddef, but in and earlier, inserting this caused failure */
if ( nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
if ( nc_def_var(grpid, D_VARNAME, NC_DOUBLE, ddNdims, &timeDimId, &ddVarId)) ERR;
if ( nc_put_var1(grpid, cVarId, &index, &s1Data) ) ERR;
if ( nc_put_var_double(grpid, ddVarId, timeVar)) ERR;
if ( nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_grp_ncid(ncid, GRP_NAME, &grpid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_varid(grpid, D_VARNAME, &ddVarId)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_vardimid(grpid, ddVarId, &dimidIn)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dimid(ncid, TIME_DIMNAME, &timeDimId)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_dimid(grpid, C_DIMNAME, &cDimId)) ERR;
if (dimidIn == cDimId || cDimId == timeDimId) ERR; /* bug in and earlier */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing fix of bug in non-coordinate scalar variable with same name as dimension ...");
#define DIMNAME "abc"
int ncid;
int dimid, varid;
int ndims = 1;
size_t dimsize = 3;
char varname_in[NC_MAX_NAME];
if ( nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_dim(ncid, DIMNAME, dimsize, &dimid) ) ERR;
if ( nc_def_var(ncid, SCALAR_VARNAME, NC_FLOAT, ndims, &dimid, &varid) ) ERR;
if ( nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check varname. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, SCALAR_VARNAME, &varid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq_varname(ncid, varid, varname_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(varname_in, SCALAR_VARNAME) != 0) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing bad inputs to put/get_vara calls...");
int ncid, dimid[NDIMS2], varid;
size_t start[NDIMS2] = {0, 0}, count[NDIMS2] = {NX, NY};
ptrdiff_t stride[NDIMS2] = {1, 1};
double double_data[NX * NY];
/* Create file with two dims, one 2D var. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, ZD1_NAME, NX, &dimid[0])) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D2_NAME, NY, &dimid[1])) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, ZD1_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, NDIMS2, dimid, &varid)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* Try to write some data, but fail. */
if (nc_put_vara_double(ncid + MILLION, 0, start, count, double_data) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
if (nc_put_vara_double(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, 0, start, count, double_data) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
/* Write some data. */
if (nc_put_vars_double(ncid, varid, start, count, NULL, double_data)) ERR;
if (nc_put_vars_double(ncid, varid, start, count, stride, double_data)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
#ifdef USE_SZIP
printf("**** testing simple szip filter setup...");
#define NDIMS1 1
#define DIM_NAME_1 "one_dim"
#define DIM_LEN_1 100
#define VAR_NAME "var1"
#define H5_FILTER_SZIP 4
#define NUM_PARAMS_IN 2
#define NUM_PARAMS_OUT 4
#define NC_SZIP_NN_OPTION_MASK 32 /**< @internal SZIP NN option mask. */
#define NC_SZIP_EC_OPTION_MASK 4 /**< @internal SZIP EC option mask. */
#define NC_SZIP_EC_BPP_IN 32 /**< @internal bits per pixel input. */
#define NC_SZIP_EC_BPP_OUT 64 /**< @internal bits per pixel output. */
int ncid;
int dimid;
int varid;
unsigned int params[NUM_PARAMS_IN];
int options_mask, bits_per_pixel;
size_t nparams;
unsigned int filterid;
unsigned int params_out[NUM_PARAMS_OUT];
unsigned int tmp;
/* Create a netcdf-4 file with one dimensions. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME_1, DIM_LEN_1, &dimid)) ERR;
/* Add a var. Turn on szip filter. */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, V_SMALL, NC_INT64, NDIMS1, &dimid, &varid)) ERR;
params[0] = NC_SZIP_NN_OPTION_MASK; /* options_mask */
params[1] = NC_SZIP_EC_BPP_IN; /* bits_per_pixel */
if (nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varid, NC_CHUNKED, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var_filter(ncid, varid, H5_FILTER_SZIP, NUM_PARAMS_IN, params)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
/* The following code should work, but doesn't. See issue 972 in github. */
if (nc_inq_var_szip(ncid, varid, &options_mask, &bits_per_pixel)) ERR;
/* H5Zszip code will sometimes bump the bits_per_pixel from 32 to 64
and may add other flags to the options_mask */
tmp = options_mask & NC_SZIP_NN_OPTION_MASK;
if (bits_per_pixel != NC_SZIP_EC_BPP_IN && bits_per_pixel != NC_SZIP_EC_BPP_OUT)
/* Also check using nc_inq_var_filter */
if (nc_inq_var_filter(ncid, varid, &filterid, &nparams, params_out)) ERR;
if (filterid != H5_FILTER_SZIP || nparams != 4) ERR;
/* According to H5Zszip, the mapping should be as follows */
if(params_out[0] != options_mask) ERR;
if(params[1] != bits_per_pixel) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
printf("**** testing more complex use of szip...");
#define NDIMS1 1
#define D_SMALL "small_dim"
#define D_SMALL_LEN1 100
#define D_MEDIUM "medium_dim"
#define D_MEDIUM_LEN1 D_SMALL_LEN1 * 2
#define D_LARGE "large_dim"
#define D_LARGE_LEN1 D_SMALL_LEN1 * 4
#define V_SMALL "small_var"
#define V_MEDIUM "medium_var"
#define V_LARGE "large_var"
#define H5_FILTER_SZIP 4
#define NUM_PARAMS 2
#define NC_SZIP_NN_OPTION_MASK 32 /**< @internal SZIP NN option mask. */
#define NC_SZIP_EC_OPTION_MASK 4 /**< @internal SZIP EC option mask. */
int ncid;
int nvars, ndims, ngatts, unlimdimid;
int ndims_in, natts_in, dimids_in;
int small_dimid, medium_dimid, large_dimid;
int small_varid, medium_varid, large_varid;
char var_name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
nc_type xtype_in;
/* int options_mask_in, bits_per_pixel_in; */
long long small_data[D_SMALL_LEN1], small_data_in[D_SMALL_LEN1];
long long medium_data[D_MEDIUM_LEN1], medium_data_in[D_MEDIUM_LEN1];
long long large_data[D_LARGE_LEN1], large_data_in[D_LARGE_LEN1];
unsigned int params[NUM_PARAMS];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < D_SMALL_LEN1; i++)
small_data[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < D_MEDIUM_LEN1; i++)
medium_data[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < D_LARGE_LEN1; i++)
large_data[i] = i;
/* Create a netcdf-4 file with three dimensions. */
if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D_SMALL, D_SMALL_LEN1, &small_dimid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D_MEDIUM, D_MEDIUM_LEN1, &medium_dimid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, D_LARGE, D_LARGE_LEN1, &large_dimid)) ERR;
/* Add three vars. Turn on szip for two of them. */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, V_SMALL, NC_INT64, NDIMS1, &small_dimid, &small_varid)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, V_MEDIUM, NC_INT64, NDIMS1, &medium_dimid, &medium_varid)) ERR;
params[1] = 32;
if (nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, medium_varid, NC_CHUNKED, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var_filter(ncid, medium_varid, H5_FILTER_SZIP, NUM_PARAMS, params)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var(ncid, V_LARGE, NC_INT64, NDIMS1, &large_dimid, &large_varid)) ERR;
params[1] = 32;
if (nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, large_varid, NC_CHUNKED, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc_def_var_filter(ncid, large_varid, H5_FILTER_SZIP, NUM_PARAMS, params)) ERR;
/* Write data. */
if (nc_put_var_longlong(ncid, small_varid, small_data)) ERR;
if (nc_put_var_longlong(ncid, medium_varid, medium_data)) ERR;
if (nc_put_var_longlong(ncid, large_varid, large_data)) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Open the file and check. */
if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
if (nvars != 3 || ndims != 3 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
if (nc_inq_var(ncid, 0, var_name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, &dimids_in, &natts_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(var_name_in, V_SMALL) || xtype_in != NC_INT64 || ndims_in != 1 ||
natts_in != 0) ERR;
/* The following code should work, but doesn't. See issue 972 in github. */
/* Make sure we have the szip settings we expect. */
/* if (nc_inq_var_szip(ncid, small_varid, &options_mask_in, &bits_per_pixel_in)) ERR; */
/* if (options_mask_in != 0 || bits_per_pixel_in !=0) ERR; */
/* if (nc_inq_var_szip(ncid, medium_varid, &options_mask_in, &bits_per_pixel_in)) ERR; */
/* if (!(options_mask_in & NC_SZIP_EC_OPTION_MASK) || bits_per_pixel_in != 32) ERR; */
/* if (nc_inq_var_szip(ncid, large_varid, &options_mask_in, &bits_per_pixel_in)) ERR; */
/* if (!(options_mask_in & NC_SZIP_NN_OPTION_MASK) || bits_per_pixel_in != 16) ERR; */
/* Read data. */
if (nc_get_var_longlong(ncid, small_varid, small_data_in)) ERR;
if (nc_get_var_longlong(ncid, medium_varid, medium_data_in)) ERR;
if (nc_get_var_longlong(ncid, large_varid, large_data_in)) ERR;
/* Check data. */
for (i = 0; i < D_SMALL_LEN1; i++)
if (small_data[i] != small_data_in[i]) ERR;
for (i = 0; i < D_MEDIUM_LEN1; i++)
if (medium_data[i] != medium_data_in[i]) ERR;
for (i = 0; i < D_LARGE_LEN1; i++)
if (large_data[i] != large_data_in[i]) ERR;
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
#endif /* USE_SZIP */