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synced 2025-02-23 16:59:54 +08:00
re: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/2177 re: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/2178 Provide get/set functions to store global data alignment information and apply it when a file is created. The api is as follows: ```` int nc_set_alignment(int threshold, int alignment); int nc_get_alignment(int* thresholdp, int* alignmentp); ```` If defined, then for every file created opened after the call to nc_set_alignment, for every new variable added to the file, the most recently set threshold and alignment values will be applied to that variable. The nc_get_alignment function return the last values set by nc_set_alignment. If nc_set_alignment has not been called, then it returns the value 0 for both threshold and alignment. The alignment parameters are stored in the NCglobalstate object (see below) for use as needed. Repeated calls to nc_set_alignment will overwrite any existing values in NCglobalstate. The alignment parameters are applied in libhdf5/hdf5create.c and libhdf5/hdf5open.c The set/get alignment functions are defined in libsrc4/nc4internal.c. A test program was added as nc_test4/tst_alignment.c. ## Misc. Changes Unrelated to Alignment * The NCRCglobalstate type was renamed to NCglobalstate to indicate that it represented more general global state than just .rc data. It was also moved to nc4internal.h. This led to a large number of small changes: mostly renaming. The global state management functions were moved to nc4internal.c. * The global chunk cache variables have been moved into NCglobalstate. As warranted, other global state will be moved as well. * Some misc. problems with the nczarr performance tests were corrected.
423 lines
12 KiB
423 lines
12 KiB
/* This is part of the netCDF package. Copyright 2005-2018 University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata See COPYRIGHT file for
conditions of use.
Runs benchmarks on different chunking sizes.
Russ Rew, Ed Hartnett, Dennis Heimbigner
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for sysconf */
#include <assert.h>
#include "nc_tests.h" /* The ERR macro is here... */
#include "netcdf.h"
#include "bm_utils.h"
#include "timer_utils.h"
* The following timing macros can be used by including the necessary
* declarations with
* TIMING_DECLS(seconds)
* and surrounding sections of code to be timed with the "statements"
* [code to be timed goes here]
* TIMING_END(seconds)
* The macros assume the user has stored a description of what is
* being timed in a 100-char string time_mess, and has included
* <sys/times.h> and <sys/resource.h>. The timing message printed by
* TIMING_END is not terminated by a new-line, to permit appending
* additional text to that line, so user must at least printf("\n")
* after that.
#define TIMING_DECLS(seconds) \
long TMreps; /* counts repetitions of timed code */ \
long TMrepeats; /* repetitions needed to exceed 0.1 second */ \
Nanotime bnano,enano,delta; /* start/stop times in nanoseconds */ \
char time_mess[100]; \
double seconds; \
#ifndef NOREPEAT
#define TIMING_START \
TMrepeats = 1; \
do { \
NCT_marktime(&bnano); \
for(TMreps=0; TMreps < TMrepeats; TMreps++) {
#define TIMING_END(time_mess,seconds) \
} \
NCT_marktime(&enano); \
NCT_elapsedtime(&bnano,&enano,&delta); \
TMrepeats *= 2; \
} while (NCT_nanoseconds(delta) < 100000000 ); \
seconds = ((double)NCT_nanoseconds(delta)) / (1000000000.0 * TMreps); \
printf("%-45.45s %#08.6F sec", time_mess, seconds);
#else /*NOREPEAT*/
#define TIMING_START \
do { \
fprintf(stderr,"TIME_START\n"); \
NCT_marktime(&bnano); \
#define TIMING_END(time_mess,seconds) \
} \
NCT_marktime(&enano); \
NCT_elapsedtime(&bnano,&enano,&delta); \
} while (0); \
fprintf(stderr,"TIME_END\n"); \
seconds = ((double)NCT_nanoseconds(delta)) / (1000000000.0 * TMreps); \
printf("%-45.45s %#08.6F sec", time_mess, seconds);
#endif /*NOREPEAT*/
/* This macro prints an error message with line number and name of
* test program. */
#define ERR1(n) do { \
fflush(stdout); /* Make sure our stdout is synced with stderr. */ \
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry! Unexpected result, %s, line: %d - %s\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, nc_strerror(n)); \
return n; \
} while (0)
void *
emalloc(size_t bytes) {
size_t *memory;
memory = malloc(bytes);
if(memory == 0) {
printf("malloc failed\n");
return memory;
typedef enum Tag {tag_contiguous=0, tag_chunked=1, tag_compressed=2} Tag;
static const char* tagnames[] = {"contiguous", "chunked ", "compressed"};
static const char* rwnames[] = {"write", "read "};
static float test(Tag tag, int read, int ncid, int varid, int rank, int index, size_t* dims, size_t* chunks, unsigned* data);
static void testtrio(int read, int ncid, int index, unsigned* data, const char* slab);
/* Globals */
static int ncid; /* netCDF id */
static int dim1id, dim2id, dim3id;
static int varid_g; /* varid for contiguous */
static int varid_k; /* varid for chunked */
static int varid_x; /* varid for compressed */
static unsigned *varxy, *varxz, *varyz; /* 2D memory slabs used for I/O */
static size_t szyz=0, szxz=0, szxy=0;
static const char*
dataname(void* data)
if(data == varyz) return "yz";
if(data == varxz) return "xz";
if(data == varxy) return "xy";
return "?";
/* compare contiguous, chunked, and compressed performance */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int stat; /* return status */
int i, j, k;
int mm;
int deflate_level = 0; /* default compression level, 9 is
* better and slower. If negative,
* turn on shuffle filter also. */
int shuffle = NC_NOSHUFFLE;
size_t cache_size_def;
size_t cache_hash_def;
float cache_pre_def;
size_t cache_size = 0; /* use library default */
size_t cache_hash = 0; /* use library default */
float cache_pre = -1.0f; /* use library default */
char* path = NULL;
int fill = -1;
size_t* dims = NULL; /* alias */
size_t* chunks = NULL; /* alias */
/* rank (number of dimensions) for each variable */
# define RANK 3
/* variable shapes */
int var_dims[RANK];
if(bmoptions.debug) {
if(bmoptions.meta.dims.count != RANK)
if(bmoptions.meta.dims.count != bmoptions.meta.chunks.count)
dims = bmoptions.meta.dims.list;
chunks = bmoptions.meta.chunks.list;
if(bmoptions.meta.cachesize > 0) {
/* get cache defaults, then set cache parameters that are not default */
if((stat = nc_get_chunk_cache(&cache_size_def, &cache_hash_def,
if(cache_size == 0)
cache_size = cache_size_def;
if(cache_hash == 0)
cache_hash = cache_hash_def;
if(cache_pre == -1.0f)
cache_pre = cache_pre_def;
if((stat = nc_set_chunk_cache(cache_size, cache_hash, cache_pre)))
printf("cache: %3.2f MBytes %ld objs %3.2f preempt, ",
cache_size/1.e6, cache_hash, cache_pre);
if(bmoptions.debug) {
if(deflate_level == 0) {
printf("compression level: uncompressed");
} else {
printf("compression level: %d ", deflate_level);
if(shuffle == 1) {
printf(", shuffled");
/* initialize 2D slabs for writing along each axis with phony data */
szyz = 1 * dims[1] * dims[2];
szxz = dims[0] * 1 * dims[2];
szxy = dims[0] * dims[1] * 1;
fprintf(stderr,"|yz|=%d |xz|=%d |xy|=%d\n",(int)szyz,(int)szxz,(int)szxy);
varyz = (unsigned *) emalloc(sizeof(unsigned) * szyz);
varxz = (unsigned *) emalloc(sizeof(unsigned) * szxz);
varxy = (unsigned *) emalloc(sizeof(unsigned) * szxy);
mm = 0;
for(j = 0; j < dims[1]; j++) {
for(k = 0; k < dims[2]; k++) {
varyz[mm++] = k + dims[2]*j;
mm = 0;
for(i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
for(k = 0; k < dims[2]; k++) {
varxz[mm++] = k + dims[2]*i;
mm = 0;
for(i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < dims[1]; j++) {
varxy[mm++] = j + dims[1]*i;
if((stat = nc_create(path, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)))
/* define dimensions */
if((stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim1", dims[0], &dim1id)))
if((stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim2", dims[1], &dim2id)))
if((stat = nc_def_dim(ncid, "dim3", dims[2], &dim3id)))
/* define variables */
var_dims[0] = dim1id;
var_dims[1] = dim2id;
var_dims[2] = dim3id;
if((stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "var_contiguous", NC_INT, RANK,
var_dims, &varid_g)))
if((stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "var_chunked", NC_INT, RANK,
var_dims, &varid_k)))
if((stat = nc_def_var(ncid, "var_compressed", NC_INT, RANK,
var_dims, &varid_x)))
if((stat = nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varid_g, NC_FILL, &fill)))
if((stat = nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varid_k, NC_FILL, &fill)))
if((stat = nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varid_x, NC_FILL, &fill)))
#ifndef NOCONTIG
if((stat = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varid_g, NC_CONTIGUOUS, 0)))
if((stat = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varid_g, NC_CHUNKED, dims)))
if((stat = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varid_k, NC_CHUNKED, chunks)))
if((stat = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varid_x, NC_CHUNKED, chunks)))
if (bmoptions.meta.deflatelevel != 0) {
if((stat = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid_x, shuffle, NC_COMPRESSED, bmoptions.meta.deflatelevel)))
/* leave define mode */
if((stat = nc_enddef (ncid)))
printf("Parameters: path=%s format=%s\n",path,formatname(&bmoptions));
printf(" mode | R/W | dims | chunked | time | speedup |\n");
/* write each variable one yz slab at a time */
/* write each variable one xz slab at a time */
/* write each variable one xy slab at a time */
/* read each variable one yz slab at a time */
/* read each variable one xz slab at a time */
/* read each variable one xy slab at a time */
if((stat = nc_close(ncid)))
return 0;
static float
test(Tag tag, int reading, int ncid, int varid, int rank, int index, size_t* dims, size_t* chunks, unsigned* data)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
int i;
size_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size_t count[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
float time;
/* do each variable one slab at a time */
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = 0;
start[2] = 0;
count[0] = dims[0];
count[1] = dims[1];
count[2] = dims[2];
count[index] = 1;
if(chunks != NULL)
sprintf(time_mess,"%s %s %3ld %3ld %3ld %3ld %3ld %3ld", tagnames[tag], rwnames[reading],
count[0], count[1], count[2], chunks[0], chunks[1], chunks[2]);
sprintf(time_mess,"%s %s %3ld %3ld %3ld", tagnames[tag], rwnames[reading],
count[0], count[1], count[2]);
for(i = 0; i < dims[index]; i++) {
start[index] = i;
#if 0
int k,x;
size_t prod = 1;
size_t st = 0;
for(k=0;k<RANK;k++) {prod *= count[k]; st *= dims[k]; st += start[k];}
fprintf(stderr,"AAA: begin: i=%d data=%s soffset=%d prod=%d\n",i,dataname(data),(int)st,(int)prod);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr,"AAA: data[%d]=%d\n",st+k,((int*)data)[k]);
x = ((int*)data)[k];
fprintf(stderr,"AAA: done\n");
#endif /*0*/
if(reading) {
fprintf(stderr,"bm: read: dataname=%s vara=%s\n",dataname(data),bm_varasprint(RANK,start,count,NULL));
stat = nc_get_vara(ncid, varid, start, count, (void*)data);
} else {
// if(bmoptions.debug)
// fprintf(stderr,"bm: write: dataname=%s vara=%s\n",dataname(data),bm_varasprint(RANK,start,count,NULL));
stat = nc_put_vara(ncid, varid, start, count, (void*)data);
if(stat) ERR1(stat);
fprintf(stderr,"bm: write: done\n");
TIMING_END(time_mess,TMsec) ;
time = TMsec;
return time;
static void
testtrio(int reading, int ncid, int index, unsigned* data, const char* slab)
float ratio, contig_time, chunked_time, compressed_time;
size_t* dims = bmoptions.meta.dims.list;
size_t* chunks = bmoptions.meta.chunks.list;
contig_time = test(tag_contiguous,reading,ncid, varid_g, RANK, index, dims, NULL, data);
fprintf(stderr,"testtrio: case=%s slab=%s index=%d\n","chunked",slab,index);
chunked_time = test(tag_chunked,reading,ncid,varid_k, RANK, index, dims, chunks, data);
ratio = contig_time/chunked_time;
if(ratio >= 1.0) printf(" %5.2g x faster\n", ratio); else printf(" %5.2g x slower\n", 1.0/ratio);
fprintf(stderr,"testtrio: case=%s done\n","chunked");
if (bmoptions.meta.deflatelevel != 0) {
compressed_time = test(tag_compressed, reading, ncid, varid_x, RANK, index, dims, chunks, data);
ratio = contig_time/compressed_time;
if(ratio >= 1.0) printf(" %5.2g x faster\n", ratio); else printf(" %5.2g x slower\n", 1.0/ratio);