mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 16:40:36 +08:00
The file docs/indexing.dox tries to provide design information for the refactoring. The primary change is to replace all walking of linked lists with the use of the NCindex data structure. Ncindex is a combination of a hash table (for name-based lookup) and a vector (for walking the elements in the index). Additionally, global vectors are added to NC_HDF5_FILE_INFO_T to support direct mapping of an e.g. dimid to the NC_DIM_INFO_T object. These global vectors exist for dimensions, types, and groups because they have globally unique id numbers. WARNING: 1. since libsrc4 and libsrchdf4 share code, there are also changes in libsrchdf4. 2. Any outstanding pull requests that change libsrc4 or libhdf4 are likely to cause conflicts with this code. 3. The original reason for doing this was for performance improvements, but as noted elsewhere, this may not be significant because the meta-data read performance apparently is being dominated by the hdf5 library because we do bulk meta-data reading rather than lazy reading.
578 lines
17 KiB
578 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright 1996, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* $Id: tests.h 2785 2014-10-26 05:21:20Z wkliao $
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#define NO_NETCDF_2 1
#include "netcdf.h"
#include "netcdf_par.h"
#include "error.h"
#if defined(_CRAY) && !defined(_CRAYIEEE) && !defined(__crayx1)
#define CRAYFLOAT 1 /* CRAY Floating point */
#elif defined(_SX) && defined(_FLOAT2) /* NEC SUPER-UX in CRAY mode */
#define CRAYFLOAT 1 /* CRAY Floating point */
/* Limits of external types (based on those in ncx.h) */
/* Note: In CDF format specification, NC_CHAR is for text characters, which
* is considered an 8-bit unsigned integer. Since it is for printable text
* characters, its values should range from 0 (X_CHAR_MIN) to 255 (X_CHAR_MAX).
#define X_CHAR_MIN 0
#define X_CHAR_MAX 255
#define X_BYTE_MIN (-128)
#define X_BYTE_MAX 127
#define X_SHORT_MIN (-32768)
#define X_SHORT_MAX 32767
#define X_INT_MIN (-2147483647-1)
#define X_INT_MAX 2147483647
#if defined(FLT_MAX_EXP) && FLT_MAX_EXP < 128
#ifdef WIN32 /* Windows, of course, has to be a *little* different. */
#define X_FLOAT_MAX 3.402823466e+38f
#define X_FLOAT_MAX 3.40282347e+38f
#endif /* WIN32 */
/* ldexp(1. - ldexp(.5 , -46), 1024) */
#define X_DOUBLE_MAX 1.79769313486230e+308
/* scalb(1. - scalb(.5 , -52), 1024) */
#define X_DOUBLE_MAX 1.7976931348623157e+308
#define X_UCHAR_MIN 0
#define X_USHORT_MIN 0
#define X_UINT_MIN 0
#ifndef LLONG_MAX
#define LLONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffLL
#ifndef LLONG_MIN
#define LLONG_MIN (-0x7fffffffffffffffLL-1)
#ifndef ULLONG_MAX
#define ULLONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffULL
#ifndef X_INT64_MAX
#ifndef X_INT64_MIN
#ifndef X_UINT64_MAX
#ifndef X_UINT64_MIN
#if _SX /* NEC SUPER UX */
#if _INT64
#undef INT_MAX /* workaround cpp bug */
#undef INT_MIN /* workaround cpp bug */
#undef LONG_MAX /* workaround cpp bug */
#undef LONG_MIN /* workaround cpp bug */
#elif _LONG64
#undef LONG_MAX /* workaround cpp bug */
#define LONG_MAX 4294967295L
#undef LONG_MIN /* workaround cpp bug */
#define LONG_MIN -4294967295L
#endif /* _SX */
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#endif /* MAX */
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#endif /* MIN */
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
#endif /* ABS */
/* Parameters of test data */
#define NTYPES 11
#define NDIMS 5
#define NVARS 166
#define NRECS 2
#define RECDIM 0
#define MAX_RANK 3
#define MAX_NELS 64
#define MAX_DIM_LEN 4
#define MAX_NATTS 3
extern int numGatts; /* number of global attributes */
extern int numVars; /* number of variables */
extern int numTypes; /* number of netCDF data types to test */
/* Limits of internal types */
#define text_min SCHAR_MIN
#define uchar_min 0
#define schar_min SCHAR_MIN
#define short_min SHRT_MIN
#define int_min INT_MIN
#define long_min LONG_MIN
#define float_min (-FLT_MAX)
#define double_min (-DBL_MAX)
#define ushort_min 0
#define uint_min 0
#define ulong_min 0
#define int64_min LLONG_MIN
#define longlong_min int64_min
#define uint64_min 0
#define ulonglong_min uint64_min
#define text_max SCHAR_MAX
#define uchar_max UCHAR_MAX
#define schar_max SCHAR_MAX
#define short_max SHRT_MAX
#define int_max INT_MAX
#define long_max LONG_MAX
#define float_max FLT_MAX
#define double_max DBL_MAX
#define ushort_max USHRT_MAX
#define uint_max UINT_MAX
#define ulong_max ULONG_MAX
#define int64_max LLONG_MAX
#define longlong_max int64_max
#define uint64_max ULLONG_MAX
#define ulonglong_max uint64_max
/* Examples of invalid argument values */
#define BAD_ID -1 /* invalid netCDF ID */
#define BAD_DIMID -1 /* invalid dim ID */
#define BAD_VARID -2 /* invalid var ID */
#define BAD_ATTNUM -1 /* invalid att number */
#define BAD_TYPE (nc_type) 0 /* invalid data type */
#define BAD_FILLMODE -1 /* invalid fill mode */
#define BAD_NAME "a/b" /* invalid name */
#define BAD_DEFAULT_FORMAT 12 /* invalid default format */
#define LEN_OF(array) ((sizeof array) / (sizeof array[0]))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Non-standard internal types */
# include <sys/types.h>
typedef char text;
typedef signed char schar;
typedef unsigned short int ushort;
#ifndef HAVE_UINT
typedef unsigned int uint;
#ifndef HAVE_INT64
typedef long long int64;
#ifndef HAVE_UINT64
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
/* Global variables - filenames */
extern char testfile[]; /* netCDF read-only test data */
extern char scratch[]; /* netCDF test file for writing */
/* Global variables - command-line arguments */
extern int read_only; /* if 1, don't try to change files */
extern int verbose; /* if 1, print details of tests */
extern int nfails; /* number of failures in specific test */
extern int max_nmpt; /* max. number of messages per test */
/* Global variables - test data */
extern char dim_name[NDIMS][3];
extern size_t dim_len[NDIMS];
extern char var_name[NVARS][2+MAX_RANK];
extern nc_type var_type[NVARS];
extern int var_rank[NVARS];
extern int var_dimid[NVARS][MAX_RANK];
extern size_t var_shape[NVARS][MAX_RANK];
extern size_t var_nels[NVARS];
extern int var_natts[NVARS];
extern char att_name[NVARS][MAX_NATTS][2];
extern char gatt_name[NGATTS][3];
extern nc_type att_type[NVARS][NGATTS];
extern nc_type gatt_type[NGATTS];
extern size_t att_len[NVARS][MAX_NATTS];
extern size_t gatt_len[NGATTS];
/* Macros for accessing attribute test data */
/* varid is -1 for NC_GLOBAL so can do global atts in same loop */
#define VARID(varid) (varid < 0 ? NC_GLOBAL : varid)
#define NATTS(varid) (varid < 0 ? numGatts : var_natts[varid])
#define ATT_NAME(varid,j) (varid < 0 ? gatt_name[j] : att_name[varid][j])
#define ATT_TYPE(varid,j) (varid < 0 ? gatt_type[j] : att_type[varid][j])
#define ATT_LEN(varid,j) (varid < 0 ? gatt_len[j] : att_len[varid][j])
extern const char *s_nc_type(nc_type);
extern int test_nc_strerror(void);
extern int test_nc_open(void);
extern int test_nc_close(void);
extern int test_nc_inq(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_natts(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_ndims(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_nvars(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_unlimdim(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_dimid(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_dim(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_dimlen(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_dimname(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_varid(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_vardimid(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_varname(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_varnatts(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_varndims(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_vartype(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_var(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_double(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_float(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_int(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_long(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_short(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_text(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_double(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_float(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_int(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_long(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_short(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_text(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_var1_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_double(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_float(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_int(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_long(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_short(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_text(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vara_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_double(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_float(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_int(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_long(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_short(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_text(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_vars_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_double(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_float(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_int(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_long(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_short(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_text(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_varm_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_double(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_float(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_int(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_long(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_short(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_text(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_get_att_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_double(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_float(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_int(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_long(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_short(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_text(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_double(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_float(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_int(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_long(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_short(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_text(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_var1_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_double(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_float(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_int(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_long(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_short(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_text(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vara_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_double(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_float(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_int(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_long(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_short(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_text(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_vars_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_double(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_float(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_int(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_long(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_short(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_text(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_varm_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_double(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_float(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_int(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_long(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_schar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_short(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_text(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_uchar(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_ushort(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_uint(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_longlong(void);
extern int test_nc_put_att_ulonglong(void);
extern int test_nc_create(void);
extern int test_nc_redef(void);
extern int test_nc_enddef(void);
extern int test_nc_sync(void);
extern int test_nc_abort(void);
extern int test_nc_def_dim(void);
extern int test_nc_rename_dim(void);
extern int test_nc_def_var(void);
extern int test_nc_rename_var(void);
extern int test_nc_copy_att(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_att(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_attname(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_attid(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_attlen(void);
extern int test_nc_inq_atttype(void);
extern int test_nc_rename_att(void);
extern int test_nc_del_att(void);
extern int test_nc_set_fill(void);
extern int test_nc_set_default_format(void);
extern int test_nc_against_pnetcdf(void);
void print_nok(int nok);
int inRange(const double value, const nc_type datatype);
* internal types
typedef enum {
NCT_UCHAR = 1, /* unsigned char */
NCT_TEXT = 16, /* char */
NCT_SCHAR = 17, /* signed char */
NCT_SHORT = 18, /* short */
NCT_INT = 20, /* int */
NCT_LONG = 22, /* long */
NCT_FLOAT = 36, /* float */
NCT_DOUBLE = 40, /* double */
NCT_UINT = 42,
NCT_INT64 = 43,
NCT_UINT64 = 44
} nct_itype;
int inRange3(const int cdf_format, const double value, const nc_type datatype, const nct_itype itype);
int equal(const double x, const double y, nc_type extType, nct_itype itype);
int equal2(const double x, const double y, nc_type extType);
int int_vec_eq(const int *v1, const int *v2, const int n);
size_t roll( size_t n );
size_t number, /* number to be converted to mixed base */
int length,
const size_t base[], /* dimensioned [length], base[0] ignored */
size_t result[]); /* dimensioned [length] */
int length,
size_t number[], /* dimensioned [length] */
size_t base[]); /* dimensioned [length], base[0] ignored */
int nc2dbl ( const nc_type datatype, const void *p, double *result);
int dbl2nc ( const double d, const nc_type datatype, void *p);
double hash( const nc_type type, const int rank, const size_t *index );
double hash4(
const int cdf_format,
const nc_type type,
const int rank,
const size_t *index,
const nct_itype itype);
void init_gvars(void);
void def_dims(int ncid);
void def_vars(int ncid);
void put_atts(int ncid);
void put_vars(int ncid);
void write_file(char *filename);
void check_dims(int ncid);
void check_vars(int ncid);
void check_atts(int ncid);
void check_file(char *filename);
int file_create(const char *filename, int cmode, int *ncid);
int file__create(const char *filename, int cmode, size_t initialsz, size_t *bufrsizehintp, int *ncid);
int file_open(const char *filename, int omode, int *ncid);
char* nc_err_code_name(int err);
#ifdef __cplusplus