Dennis Heimbigner d953899559 Move to Version 2 NCZarr Extended Meta-Data

After discussions with the Zarr community, it was decided to
convert to a new representation of the NCZarr meta-data extensions: version 2.
These extensions store information necessary to mapping the Zarr data model
to the netcdf-4 data model.

The basic change is to remove the NCZarr specific objects: .nczarr, .nczgroup, .nczarray, and .nczattr.
The contents of these objects is moved into the corresponding existing Zarr objects as special keys. The mapping is as follows:

* ''.nczarr'' => ''/.zgroup/_NCZARR_SUPERBLOCK_''
* ''.nczgroup => ''.zgroup/_NCZARR_GROUP_''
* ''.nczarray => ''.zarray/_NCZARR_ARRAY_''
* ''.nczattr => ''.zattr/_NCZARR_ATTR_''

Backward compatibility is maintained by looking for the object ''/.nczarr''
and if found, then assuming that the dataset is in the older version 1 format.
This compatibility only supports reading of such version 1 datasets.

Documentation and test cases are also added.

Misc. Other Changes:
1. The json parsing code was added to the general library instead of nczarr only (ncjson.c, ncjson.h).
2. Improved support for different platform paths by allowing conversion
   to a single common path representation.
3. Add some new error codes.
4. Modify nccopy usage to mention the new chunking specification.
2021-07-17 16:55:30 -06:00

82 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* Provide the zarr specific code to implement the netcdf-4 code.
* @author Dennis Heimbigner
#ifndef ZARR_H
#define ZARR_H
struct ChunkKey;
/* zarr.c */
extern int ncz_create_dataset(NC_FILE_INFO_T*, NC_GRP_INFO_T*, const char** controls);
extern int ncz_open_dataset(NC_FILE_INFO_T*, const char** controls);
extern int ncz_del_attr(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_OBJ* container, const char* name);
/* HDF5 Mimics */
extern int NCZ_isnetcdf4(struct NC_FILE_INFO*);
extern int NCZ_get_libversion(unsigned long* majorp, unsigned long* minorp,unsigned long* releasep);
extern int NCZ_get_superblock(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, int* superblockp);
extern int ncz_unload_jatts(NCZ_FILE_INFO_T*, NC_OBJ* container, NCjson* jattrs, NCjson* jtypes);
/* zclose.c */
extern int ncz_close_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, int abort);
/* zcvt.c */
extern int NCZ_convert1(NCjson* jsrc, nc_type, unsigned char* memory0);
extern int NCZ_stringconvert1(nc_type typid, unsigned char* src, char** strp);
extern int NCZ_stringconvert(nc_type typid, size_t len, void* data0, NCjson** jdatap);
/* zsync.c */
extern int ncz_sync_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, int isclose);
extern int ncz_sync_grp(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp);
extern int ncz_sync_atts(NC_FILE_INFO_T*, NC_OBJ* container, NCindex* attlist);
extern int ncz_read_grp(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp);
extern int ncz_read_atts(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_OBJ* container);
extern int ncz_read_vars(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp);
extern int ncz_read_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file);
extern int ncz_write_var(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var);
extern int ncz_read_superblock(NC_FILE_INFO_T* zinfo, char** nczarrvp, char** zarrfp);
/* zutil.c */
extern int NCZ_grpkey(const NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, char** pathp);
extern int NCZ_varkey(const NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, char** pathp);
extern int NCZ_dimkey(const NC_DIM_INFO_T* dim, char** pathp);
extern int ncz_splitkey(const char* path, NClist* segments);
extern int NCZ_readdict(NCZMAP* zmap, const char* key, NCjson** jsonp);
extern int NCZ_readarray(NCZMAP* zmap, const char* key, NCjson** jsonp);
extern int ncz_zarr_type_name(nc_type nctype, int little, const char** znamep);
extern int ncz_nctype2typeinfo(const char* snctype, nc_type* nctypep);
extern int ncz_dtype2typeinfo(const char* dtype, nc_type* nctypep, int* endianness);
extern int ncz_fill_value_sort(nc_type nctype, int*);
extern int NCZ_createobject(NCZMAP* zmap, const char* key, size64_t size);
extern int NCZ_uploadjson(NCZMAP* zmap, const char* key, NCjson* json);
extern int NCZ_downloadjson(NCZMAP* zmap, const char* key, NCjson** jsonp);
extern int NCZ_isLittleEndian(void);
extern int NCZ_subobjects(NCZMAP* map, const char* prefix, const char* tag, char dimsep, NClist* objlist);
extern int NCZ_grpname_full(int gid, char** pathp);
extern int ncz_get_var_meta(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var);
extern int NCZ_comma_parse(const char* s, NClist* list);
extern int NCZ_swapatomicdata(size_t datalen, void* data, int typesize);
extern char** NCZ_clonestringvec(size_t len, const char** vec);
extern void NCZ_freestringvec(size_t len, char** vec);
extern int NCZ_create_fill_chunk(size64_t chunksize, size_t typesize, void* fill, void** fillchunkp);
extern int NCZ_s3clear(ZS3INFO* s3);
extern int NCZ_ischunkname(const char* name,char dimsep);
extern char* NCZ_chunkpath(struct ChunkKey key,char dimsep);
/* Export */
EXTERNL int NCZ_s3urlprocess(NCURI* url, ZS3INFO* s3);
/* zwalk.c */
EXTERNL int NCZ_read_chunk(int ncid, int varid, size64_t* zindices, void* chunkdata);
#endif /*ZARR_H*/