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* Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
/* $Header$ */
#include "ceconstraints.h"
#define NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS 1024
struct CRpath; /* Forward */
/* Provide a universal cast type containing common fields */
typedef struct CCEnode {
CEsort sort;
} CCEnode;
typedef struct CCEslice {
CCEnode node;
size_t first;
size_t count;
size_t length; /* count*stride */
size_t stride;
size_t stop; /* == first + count*/
size_t declsize; /* from defining dimension, if any.*/
} CCEslice;
typedef struct CCEsegment {
CCEnode node;
char* name;
int slicesdefined; /*1=>slice counts defined, except declsize*/
int slicesdeclized; /*1=>slice declsize defined */
size_t rank;
CCEslice slices[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
struct CRnode* decl;
} CCEsegment;
typedef struct CCEprojection {
CCEnode node;
NClist* segments;
struct CRnode* decl; /* maps to matching stream node */
} CCEprojection;
typedef struct CCEconstraint {
CCEnode node;
NClist* projections;
} CCEconstraint;
extern int cdmparseconstraint(char* constraints, CCEconstraint*);
extern int cceslicemerge(CCEslice* target, size_t first, size_t length, ptrdiff_t stride);
extern char* ccebuildprojectionstring(NClist* projections);
extern CCEnode* cceclone(CCEnode* node);
extern NClist* cceclonelist(NClist* list);
extern void ccefree(CCEnode* node);
extern void ccefreelist(NClist* list);
extern char* ccetostring(CCEnode* node);
extern char* ccelisttostring(NClist* list,char*);
extern void ccetobuffer(CCEnode* node, NCbytes* buf);
extern void ccelisttobuffer(NClist* list, NCbytes* buf,char*);
extern NClist* cceallnodes(CCEnode* node, CEsort which);
extern CCEnode* ccecreate(CEsort sort);
extern void ccemakewholeslice(CCEslice* slice, size_t declsize);
extern void ccemakewholesegment(CCEsegment* seg, CRnode* node);
extern int cceiswholesegment(CCEsegment*);
extern int cceiswholeslice(CCEslice*);
extern int cceiswholeseglist(NClist*);
extern int ccesamepath(NClist* list1, NClist* list2);
extern CRpath* crsegment2path(NClist* segments);
extern int pathmatch(NClist* segments, struct CRpath* path);
extern int ccerestrictprojection(CCEprojection*,size_t,const size_t*,const size_t*,const ptrdiff_t*);