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synced 2025-03-07 17:08:02 +08:00
re: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/1584 Support has been added for multiple filters per variable. This affects a number of components in netcdf. The new APIs are documented in NUG/filters.md. The primary changes are: * A set of new functions are provided (see __include/netcdf_filter.h__). - Obtain a list of the filters associated with a variable - Obtain the parameters for a specific filter. * The existing __nc_inq_var_filter__ function now returns info about the first defined filter. * The utilities (ncgen, ncdump, and nccopy) now support an extended format for specifying a sequence of filters. The general form is __<filter>|<filter>..._. * The ncdump **_Filter** attribute now dumps a list of all the filters associated with a variable using the above new format. * Filter specifications can now use a filter name instead of number for filters known to the netcdf library, which in turn is taken from the HDF5 filter registration page. * New errors are defined: NC_EFILTER and NC_ENOFILTER. The latter is returned if an attempt is made to access an unknown filter. * Internally, the dispatch table has been extended to add a function to handle all of the filter functions. * New, filter-related, tests were added to nc_test4. * A new plugin was added to the plugins directory to help with testing. Notes: 1. The shuffle and fletcher32 filters are not part of the multifilter system. Misc. changes: 1. A debug module was added to libhdf5 to help catch error locations.
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#ifndef NC_NCGEN_H
#define NC_NCGEN_H
* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/ncgen/ncgen.h,v 1.18 2010/06/01 15:34:53 ed Exp $
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <float.h>
#include "../ncdump/isnan.h"
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#ifdef USE_NETCDF4
#define MAX_NC_ATTSIZE 20000 /* max size of attribute (for ncgen) */
#define MAXTRST 5000 /* max size of string value (for ncgen) */
/* Define the possible classes of objects*/
/* extend the NC_XXX values*/
#define NC_GRP 100
#define NC_DIM 101
#define NC_VAR 102
#define NC_ATT 103
#define NC_TYPE 104
#define NC_ECONST 105
#define NC_FIELD 106
#define NC_ARRAY 107
#define NC_PRIM 108 /*Including NC_STRING */
#define NC_STRUCT NC_COMPOUND /* alias */
#define NC_LIST NC_COMPOUND /* alias */
/* Extend nc types with generic fill value*/
#define NC_FILLVALUE 31
/* Extend nc types with NIL value*/
#define NC_NIL 32
/* Must be a better way to do this */
#ifndef INFINITE
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define NANF NAN
#define NC_INFINITE (1.0/0.0)
#define NC_INFINITEF (1.0f/0.0f)
#define NAN (0.0/0.0)
#define NANF (0.0f/0.0f)
/* nc_class is one of:
typedef nc_type nc_class;
/* nc_subclass is one of:
typedef nc_type nc_subclass;
Define data structure
xto hold special attribute values
for a given variable.
Global values are kept as
various C global variables
/* Define a bit set for indicating which*/
/* specials were explicitly specified*/
/* See also: ncgen.y.tag2name */
#define _STORAGE_FLAG 0x001
#define _CHUNKSIZES_FLAG 0x002
#define _FLETCHER32_FLAG 0x004
#define _DEFLATE_FLAG 0x008
#define _SHUFFLE_FLAG 0x010
#define _ENDIAN_FLAG 0x020
#define _NOFILL_FLAG 0x040
#define _FILLVALUE_FLAG 0x080
#define _NCPROPS_FLAG 0x100
#define _ISNETCDF4_FLAG 0x200
#define _SUPERBLOCK_FLAG 0x400
#define _FORMAT_FLAG 0x800
#define _FILTER_FLAG 0x1000
extern struct Specialtoken {
char* name;
int token;
int tag;
} specials[];
/* Define an enumeration of supported languages */
typedef enum Language {
} Language;
struct Kvalues {
char* name;
int k_flag;
extern struct Kvalues legalkinds[];
#define BZIP2_ID 307U
#define ZFP_ID 32013U
#define FPZIP_ID 32014U
/* Note: some non-var specials (i.e. _Format) are not included in this struct*/
typedef struct Specialdata {
int flags;
Datalist* _Fillvalue; /* This is a per-type ; points to the _FillValue attribute node */
int _Storage; /* NC_CHUNKED | NC_CONTIGUOUS*/
size_t* _ChunkSizes; /* NULL => defaults*/
int nchunks; /* |_Chunksize| ; 0 => not specified*/
int _Fletcher32; /* 1=>fletcher32*/
int _DeflateLevel; /* 0-9 => level*/
int _Shuffle; /* 0 => false, 1 => true*/
int _Endianness; /* 1 =>little, 2 => big*/
int _Fill ; /* 0 => false, 1 => true WATCHOUT: this is inverse of NOFILL*/
NC4_Filterspec** _Filters;
size_t nfilters; /* |filters| */
} Specialdata;
typedef struct GlobalSpecialdata {
int _Format ; /* kflag */
const char* _NCProperties ;
int _IsNetcdf4 ; /* 0 => false, 1 => true */
int _Superblock ; /* HDF5 file superblock version */
} GlobalSpecialData;
During the generation of binary data,
we will generate a number of references
to strings and opaques that should
be reclaimed to keep the memory
checkers happy.
typedef struct BinBuffer {
Bytebuffer* buf; /* top level data */
List* reclaim; /* objects that need to be free'd */
} BinBuffer;
/* Track a set of dimensions*/
/* (Note: the netcdf type system is deficient here)*/
typedef struct Dimset {
int ndims;
struct Symbol* dimsyms[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* Symbol for dimension*/
} Dimset;
typedef struct Diminfo {
int isconstant; /* separate constant from named dimension*/
int isunlimited;
size_t declsize; /* 0 => unlimited/unspecified*/
} Diminfo;
typedef struct Attrinfo {
struct Symbol* var; /* NULL => global*/
} Attrinfo;
typedef struct Typeinfo {
struct Symbol* basetype;
int hasvlen; /* 1 => this type contains a vlen*/
nc_type typecode;
unsigned long offset; /* fields in struct*/
unsigned long alignment;/* fields in struct*/
NCConstant* econst; /* for enum values*/
Dimset dimset; /* for NC_VAR/NC_FIELD/NC_ATT*/
size_t size; /* for opaque, compound, etc.*/
size_t cmpdalign; /* alignment needed for total size instances */
size_t nelems; /* size in terms of # of datalist constants
it takes to represent it */
Datalist* _Fillvalue; /* per-type cached fillvalue
(overridden by var fillvalue) */
} Typeinfo;
typedef struct Varinfo {
int nattributes; /* |attributes|*/
List* attributes; /* List<Symbol*>*/
Specialdata* special;
} Varinfo;
typedef struct Groupinfo {
int is_root;
} Groupinfo;
typedef struct Fileinfo {
char* filename;
} Fileinfo;
/* store info when the symbol
is really a reference to another
typedef struct Reference {
int is_ref; /* separate name defs from refs*/
char* unescaped; /* original, unescaped name */
struct Symbol* ref; /* ptr to the symbol if is_ref is true*/
} Reference;
typedef struct Symbol { /* symbol table entry*/
nc_class objectclass; /* NC_DIM|NC_VLEN|NC_OPAQUE...*/
nc_class subclass; /* NC_STRUCT|...*/
char* name;
char* fqn; /* cached fully qualified C or FORTRAN name*/
struct Symbol* container; /* The group containing this symbol.*/
/* for fields or enumids, it is*/
/* the parent type.*/
struct Symbol* location; /* current group when symbol was created*/
List* subnodes; /* sublist for enum or struct or group*/
int is_prefixed; /* prefix was specified (vs computed).*/
List* prefix; /* List<Symbol*>*/
struct Datalist* data; /* shared by variables and attributes*/
/* Note that we cannot union these because some kinds of symbols*/
/* use more than one part*/
Typeinfo typ; /* type info for e.g. var, att, etc.*/
Varinfo var;
Attrinfo att;
Diminfo dim;
Groupinfo grp;
Fileinfo file;
Reference ref; /* symbol is really a reference to another symbol*/
/* Misc pieces of info*/
int lineno; /* at point of creation*/
int touched; /* for sorting*/
/* for use by -lb */
int nc_id; /* from netcdf API: varid, or dimid, or etc.*/
} Symbol;
#endif /*!NC_NCGEN_H*/