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synced 2025-02-17 16:50:18 +08:00
Enables ncdump -t (-i) to recognize a wider variety of time related units and calendar names. This brings ncdump closer to what it advertises in its man page regarding its understanding of udunits compliant time units.
352 lines
11 KiB
352 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* $Id: nctime.c,v 1.9 2010/05/05 22:15:39 dmh Exp $
* This code was extracted with permission from the CDMS time
* conversion and arithmetic routines developed by Bob Drach, Lawrence
* Livermore National Laboratory as part of the cdtime library. Russ
* Rew of the UCAR Unidata Program made changes and additions to
* support the "-t" option of the netCDF ncdump utility, including a
* 366-day climate calendar.
* For the complete time conversion and climate calendar facilities of
* the CDMS library, get the original sources from LLNL.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <netcdf.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "nccomps.h"
#include "dumplib.h" /* for sbuf_... prototypes */
#include "ncdump.h" /* for fspec_t def */
#include "nctime0.h"
#include "vardata.h"
static struct {
size_t nbnds; /* number of bounds variables */
bounds_node_t *first;
} bounds_list;
extern fspec_t formatting_specs; /* set from command-line options */
/* rkr: added bounds functions to detect bounds variables of time variables */
bounds_add(char *bounds_name, int ncid, int varid) {
bounds_node_t *bnode = emalloc(sizeof(bounds_node_t) + 1);
bnode->ncid = ncid;
bnode->varid = varid;
bnode->bounds_name = strdup(bounds_name);
bnode->next = bounds_list.first;
bounds_list.first = bnode;
/* Check for optional "calendar" attribute and return specified
* calendar type, if present. */
calendar_type(int ncid, int varid) {
int ctype;
int stat;
ncatt_t catt;
static struct {
char* attname;
int type;
} calmap[] = {
{"gregorian", cdMixed},
{"standard", cdMixed}, /* synonym */
{"proleptic_gregorian", cdStandard},
{"noleap", cdNoLeap},
{"no_leap", cdNoLeap},
{"365_day", cdNoLeap}, /* synonym */
{"allleap", cd366},
{"all_leap", cd366}, /* synonym */
{"366_day", cd366}, /* synonym */
{"360_day", cd360},
{"julian", cdJulian},
{"none", cdClim} /* TODO: test this */
#define CF_CAL_ATT_NAME "calendar"
int ncals = (sizeof calmap)/(sizeof calmap[0]);
ctype = cdMixed; /* default mixed Gregorian/Julian ala udunits */
stat = nc_inq_att(ncid, varid, CF_CAL_ATT_NAME, &catt.type, &catt.len);
if(stat == NC_NOERR && catt.type == NC_CHAR && catt.len > 0) {
char *calstr = (char *)emalloc(catt.len + 1);
int itype;
NC_CHECK(nc_get_att(ncid, varid, CF_CAL_ATT_NAME, calstr));
calstr[catt.len] = '\0';
for(itype = 0; itype < ncals; itype++) {
if(strncasecmp(calstr, calmap[itype].attname, catt.len) == 0) {
ctype = calmap[itype].type;
return ctype;
is_bounds_var(char *varname, int *pargrpidp, int *parvaridp) {
bounds_node_t *bp = bounds_list.first;
for(; bp; bp = bp->next) {
if(NCSTREQ(bp->bounds_name, varname)) {
*pargrpidp = bp->ncid;
*parvaridp = bp->varid;
return true;
return false;
/* Test if attribute is of form required by cdtime:
* <time_unit> since <base_time>
* where
* <time_unit>:
is_valid_time_unit(const char *units) {
char charunits[CD_MAX_RELUNITS];
char basetime_1[CD_MAX_CHARTIME];
char basetime_2[CD_MAX_CHARTIME];
int nconv1, nconv2;
bool_t okunit = false;
/* Allow ISO-8601 "T" date-time separator as well as blank separator */
nconv1 = sscanf(units,"%s since %[^T]T%s", charunits, basetime_1, basetime_2);
nconv2 = sscanf(units,"%s since %s %s", charunits, basetime_1, basetime_2);
if (!(nconv1 > 1 || nconv2 > 1))
return false;
/* Check for unit compatible with cdtime library, no attempt
* to enforce CF-compliance or udunits compliance here ... */
if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"sec",3) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"s")){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"min",3) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"mn")){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"hour",4) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"hr")){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"day",3) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"dy")){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"week",4) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"wk")){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"month",5) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"mo")){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"season",6)){
okunit = true;
else if(!strncasecmp(charunits,"year",4) || !strcasecmp(charunits,"yr")){
okunit = true;
if (!okunit)
return false;
return true;
/* Return true only if this is a "bounds" attribute */
is_bounds_att(ncatt_t *attp) {
if(attp->type == NC_CHAR && attp->valgp && NCSTREQ((char *)attp->name, "bounds")) {
return true;
#ifdef USE_NETCDF4
if(attp->type == NC_STRING && attp->valgp && NCSTREQ((char *)attp->name, "bounds")) {
return true;
#endif /* USE_NETCDF4 */
return false;
/* Insert info about a bounds attribute into bounds list, so we can
* later determine which variables are bounds variables for which
* other variables. att must be a variable "bounds" attribute. */
insert_bounds_info(int ncid, int varid, ncatt_t *attp) {
static bool_t uninitialized = true;
if(uninitialized) {
bounds_list.nbnds = 0;
bounds_list.first = NULL;
bounds_add(attp->valgp, ncid, varid);
get_timeinfo(int ncid1, int varid1, ncvar_t *vp) {
ncatt_t uatt; /* units attribute */
int nc_status; /* return from netcdf calls */
char *units;
int ncid = ncid1;
int varid = varid1;
vp->has_timeval = false; /* by default, turn on if criteria met */
vp->timeinfo = 0;
vp->is_bnds_var = false;
/* for timeinfo, treat a bounds variable like its "parent" time variable */
if(is_bounds_var(vp->name, &ncid, &varid)) {
vp->is_bnds_var = true;
/* time variables must have appropriate units attribute or be a bounds variable */
nc_status = nc_inq_att(ncid, varid, "units", &uatt.type, &uatt.len);
if(nc_status == NC_NOERR && uatt.type == NC_CHAR) { /* TODO: NC_STRING? */
units = emalloc(uatt.len + 1);
NC_CHECK(nc_get_att(ncid, varid, "units", units));
units[uatt.len] = '\0';
if(!is_valid_time_unit(units)) {
/* check for calendar attribute (not required even for time vars) */
vp->timeinfo = (timeinfo_t *)emalloc(sizeof(timeinfo_t));
vp->timeinfo->calendar = calendar_type(ncid, varid);
/* Parse relative units, returning the unit and base component time. */
if(cdParseRelunits(vp->timeinfo->calendar, units,
&vp->timeinfo->unit, &vp->timeinfo->origin) != 0) {
/* error parsing units so just treat as not a time variable */
vp->timeinfo = NULL;
/* Currently this gets reparsed for every value, need function
* like cdRel2Comp that resuses parsed units? */
vp->timeinfo->units = strdup(units);
vp->has_timeval = true;
/* print_att_times
* by Dave Allured, NOAA/PSD/CIRES.
* This version supports only primitive attribute types; do not call
* for user defined types. Print interpreted, human readable (ISO)
* time strings for an attribute of a CF-like time variable.
* Print strings as CDL comments, following the normal non-decoded
* numeric values, which were already printed by the calling function.
* In the following example, this function prints only the right hand
* side, starting at the two slashes:
* time:actual_range = 51133., 76670. ; // "1940-01-01", "2009-12-01"
* This function may be called for ALL primitive attributes.
* This function qualifies the attribute for numeric type and
* inheriting valid time attributes (has_time). If the attribute
* does not qualify, this function prints nothing and safely
* returns.
* This function interprets and formats time values with the SAME
* methods already used in ncdump -t for data variables.
* This version has special line wrapping rules:
* (1) If the attribute has one or two values, the time strings are
* always printed on the same line.
* (2) If the attribute has three or more values, the time strings
* are always printed on successive lines, with line wrapping
* as needed.
* Assume: Preceding call to pr_att_valgs has already screened
* this attribute for valid primitive types for the current netcdf
* model (netcdf 3 or 4).
int ncid,
int varid, /* parent var ID */
const ncatt_t *att /* attribute structure */
nc_type type = att->type; /* local copy */
bool_t wrap;
bool_t first_item;
ncvar_t var; /* fake var structure for the att values; */
/* will add only the minimum necessary info */
/* For common disqualifications, print nothing and return immediately. */
if (type == NC_CHAR || type == NC_STRING) /* must be numeric */
if (varid == NC_GLOBAL) /* time units not defined for global atts */
assert (att->len > 0); /* should already be eliminated by caller */
#ifdef USE_NETCDF4
assert ( type == NC_BYTE || type == NC_SHORT || type == NC_INT
|| type == NC_FLOAT || type == NC_DOUBLE || type == NC_UBYTE
|| type == NC_USHORT || type == NC_UINT || type == NC_INT64
|| type == NC_UINT64 );
#else /* NETCDF3 */
assert ( type == NC_BYTE || type == NC_SHORT || type == NC_INT
|| type == NC_FLOAT || type == NC_DOUBLE );
/* Get time info from parent variable, and qualify. */
memset((void*)&var,0,sizeof(var)); /* clear the fake var structure */
get_timeinfo(ncid, varid, &var); /* sets has_timeval, timeinfo members */
if (var.has_timeval) { /* no print unless time qualified */
/* Convert each value to ISO date/time string, and print. */
size_t iel; /* attrib index */
const char *valp = (const char *)att->valgp; /* attrib value pointer */
safebuf_t *sb = sbuf_new(); /* allocate new string buffer */
#ifdef NOTUSED
int func; /* line wrap control */
int separator = ' '; /* default between data and time */
separator = 'T';
var.type = att->type; /* insert attrib type into fake var */
for (iel = 0; iel < att->len; iel++) {
nctime_val_tostring(&var, sb, (void *)valp); /* convert to str. */
valp += att->tinfo->size; /* increment value pointer, by type */
if (iel < att->len - 1) /* add comma, except for final value */
sbuf_cat(sb, ",");
first_item = (iel == 0); /* identify start of list */
wrap = (att->len > 2); /* specify line wrap variations: */
/* 1 or 2 values: keep on same line, */
/* more than 2: enable line wrap */
lput2 (sbuf_str(sb), first_item, wrap);
/* print string in CDL comment, */
/* with auto newline */
sbuf_free(sb); /* clean up */
if(var.timeinfo->units) /* clean up from get_timeinfo */