mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 16:10:44 +08:00
many cleanups to fix compiler warnings, streamline iteration over objects in HDF5 file when opening the file, and generally straightening out the code to be cleaner and simpler. Tested on Mac OS/X with gcc 4.8 and OpenMPI (which uses clang).
824 lines
21 KiB
824 lines
21 KiB
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
* http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Main driver of the Parallel NetCDF4 tests
#include <nc_tests.h>
#define FILE_NAME "tst_parallel3.nc"
/*2,3,4 dimensional test, the first dimension is unlimited, time.
#define NDIMS1 2
#define NDIMS2 4
#define DIMSIZE /*4 */ 768*2
#define DIMSIZE2 4
#define DIMSIZE3 4
#define TIMELEN 1
/*BIGFILE, >2G, >4G, >8G file
big file is created but no actually data is written
Dimensional size is defined inside the function
#define ATTRNAME1 "valid_range"
#define ATTRNAME2 "scale_factor"
#define ATTRNAME3 "title"
/* The number of processors should be a good number for the
dimension to be divided evenly, the best set of number of processor
should be 2 power n. However, for NetCDF4 tests, the following numbers
are generally treated as good numbers:
The maximum number of processor is 256.*/
int test_pio(int);
int test_pio_attr(int);
int test_pio_big(int);
int test_pio_hyper(int);
int test_pio_extend(int);
char* getenv_all(MPI_Comm comm, int root, const char* name);
int facc_type;
int facc_type_open;
char file_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int mpi_size, mpi_rank; /* mpi variables */
int i;
int NUMP[16] ={1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32,48,64,96,128,192,256};
int size_flag = 0;
/* Un-buffer the stdout and stderr */
setbuf(stderr, NULL);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("\n*** Testing more advanced parallel access.\n");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++){
if(mpi_size == NUMP[i])
size_flag = 1;
printf("mpi_size is wrong\n");
printf(" The number of processor must be chosen from\n");
printf(" 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32,48,64,96,128,192,256 \n");
return -1;
if (facc_type != NC_MPIPOSIX)
facc_type = NC_MPIIO;
facc_type = NC_NETCDF4|NC_MPIIO;
facc_type_open = NC_MPIIO;
/* Create file name. */
sprintf(file_name, "%s/%s", TEMP_LARGE, FILE_NAME);
/* Test NetCDF4 with MPI-IO driver */
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for raw-data with MPI-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio(NC_INDEPENDENT)!=0) ERR;
if(test_pio(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for meta-data with MPI-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio_attr(NC_INDEPENDENT)!=0) ERR;
if(test_pio_attr(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for different hyperslab selections with MPI-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio_hyper(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for extending variables with MPI-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio_extend(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for raw-data with MPIPOSIX-IO (driver)...");
facc_type_open = NC_MPIPOSIX;
if(test_pio(NC_INDEPENDENT)!=0) ERR;
if(test_pio(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for meta-data with MPIPOSIX-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio_attr(NC_INDEPENDENT)!=0) ERR;
if(test_pio_attr(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for different hyperslab selections "
"with MPIPOSIX-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio_hyper(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0)
printf("*** Testing parallel IO for extending variables with MPIPOSIX-IO (driver)...");
if(test_pio_extend(NC_COLLECTIVE)!=0) ERR;
if (mpi_rank == 0)
/* if(!getenv_all(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0,"NETCDF4_NOCLEANUP")) */
if (mpi_rank == 0)
return 0;
/* Both read and write will be tested */
int test_pio(int flag)
/* MPI stuff. */
int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
/* Netcdf-4 stuff. */
int ncid;
int nvid,uvid;
int rvid;
unsigned m,k,j,i;
/* two dimensional integer data test */
int dimids[NDIMS1];
size_t start[NDIMS1];
size_t count[NDIMS1];
int *data;
int *tempdata;
int *rdata;
int *temprdata;
/* four dimensional integer data test,
time dimension is unlimited.*/
int dimuids[NDIMS2];
size_t ustart[NDIMS2];
size_t ucount[NDIMS2];
int *udata;
int *tempudata;
int *rudata;
int *temprudata;
/* Initialize MPI. */
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
/* Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. */
if (nc_create_par(file_name, facc_type, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
/* The first case is two dimensional variables, no unlimited dimension */
/* Create two dimensions. */
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d1", DIMSIZE2, dimids)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d2", DIMSIZE, &dimids[1])) ERR;
/* Create one var. */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, "v1", NC_INT, NDIMS1, dimids, &nvid)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* Set up slab for this process. */
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2;
count[1] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
/* start parallel netcdf4 */
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, nvid, flag)) ERR;
if (!(data = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]))) ERR;
tempdata = data;
for (j = 0; j < count[0]; j++){
for (i = 0; i < count[1]; i++)
*tempdata = mpi_rank * (j + 1);
/* Write two dimensional integer data */
if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, nvid, start, count, data)) ERR;
/* Case 2: create four dimensional integer data,
one dimension is unlimited. */
/* Create four dimensions. */
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud1", NC_UNLIMITED, dimuids)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud2", DIMSIZE3, &dimuids[1])) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud3", DIMSIZE2, &dimuids[2])) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "ud4", DIMSIZE, &dimuids[3])) ERR;
/* Create one var. */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, "uv1", NC_INT, NDIMS2, dimuids, &uvid)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* Set up selection parameters */
ustart[0] = 0;
ustart[1] = 0;
ustart[2] = 0;
ustart[3] = DIMSIZE*mpi_rank/mpi_size;
ucount[0] = TIMELEN;
ucount[1] = DIMSIZE3;
ucount[2] = DIMSIZE2;
ucount[3] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
/* Access parallel */
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, uvid, flag)) ERR;
/* Create phony data. */
if (!(udata = malloc(ucount[0]*ucount[1]*ucount[2]*ucount[3]*sizeof(int)))) ERR;
tempudata = udata;
for( m=0; m<ucount[0];m++)
for( k=0; k<ucount[1];k++)
for (j=0; j<ucount[2];j++)
for (i=0; i<ucount[3]; i++)
*tempudata = (1+mpi_rank)*2*(j+1)*(k+1)*(m+1);
/* Write slabs of phoney data. */
if (NC_INDEPENDENT == flag) {
int res;
res = nc_put_vara_int(ncid, uvid, ustart, ucount, udata);
else {
if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, uvid, ustart, ucount, udata)) ERR;
/* Close the netcdf file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_open_par(file_name, facc_type_open, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
/* Case 1: read two-dimensional variables, no unlimited dimension */
/* Set up slab for this process. */
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2;
count[1] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "v1", &rvid)) ERR;
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, rvid, flag)) ERR;
if (!(rdata = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]))) ERR;
if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, rvid, start, count, rdata)) ERR;
temprdata = rdata;
for (j=0; j<count[0];j++){
for (i=0; i<count[1]; i++){
if(*temprdata != mpi_rank*(j+1))
/* Case 2: read four dimensional data, one dimension is unlimited. */
/* set up selection parameters */
ustart[0] = 0;
ustart[1] = 0;
ustart[2] = 0;
ustart[3] = DIMSIZE*mpi_rank/mpi_size;
ucount[0] = TIMELEN;
ucount[1] = DIMSIZE3;
ucount[2] = DIMSIZE2;
ucount[3] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
/* Inquiry the data */
/* (NOTE: This variable isn't written out, when access is independent) */
if (NC_INDEPENDENT != flag) {
if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "uv1", &rvid)) ERR;
/* Access the parallel */
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, rvid, flag)) ERR;
if (!(rudata = malloc(ucount[0]*ucount[1]*ucount[2]*ucount[3]*sizeof(int)))) ERR;
temprudata = rudata;
/* Read data */
if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, rvid, ustart, ucount, rudata)) ERR;
for(m = 0; m < ucount[0]; m++)
for(k = 0; k < ucount[1]; k++)
for(j = 0; j < ucount[2]; j++)
for(i = 0; i < ucount[3]; i++)
if(*temprudata != (1+mpi_rank)*2*(j+1)*(k+1)*(m+1))
/* Close the netcdf file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
return 0;
/* Attributes: both read and write will be tested for parallel NetCDF*/
int test_pio_attr(int flag)
/* MPI stuff. */
int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
/* Netcdf-4 stuff. */
int ncid;
int nvid;
int j, i;
double rh_range[2];
static char title[] = "parallel attr to netCDF";
nc_type st_type,vr_type;
size_t vr_len,st_len;
size_t orivr_len;
double *vr_val;
char *st_val;
/* two dimensional integer data*/
int dimids[NDIMS1];
size_t start[NDIMS1];
size_t count[NDIMS1];
int *data;
int *tempdata;
/* Initialize MPI. */
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
/* Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. */
/* nc_set_log_level(NC_TURN_OFF_LOGGING); */
/* nc_set_log_level(3);*/
if (nc_create_par(file_name, facc_type, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
/* Create a 2-D variable so that an attribute can be added. */
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d1", DIMSIZE2, dimids)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d2", DIMSIZE, &dimids[1])) ERR;
/* Create one var. */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, "v1", NC_INT, NDIMS1, dimids, &nvid)) ERR;
orivr_len = 2;
rh_range[0] = 1.0;
rh_range[1] = 1000.0;
/* Write attributes of a variable */
if (nc_put_att_double (ncid, nvid, "valid_range", NC_DOUBLE,
orivr_len, rh_range)) ERR;
if (nc_put_att_text (ncid, nvid, "title", strlen(title),
title)) ERR;
/* Write global attributes */
if (nc_put_att_double (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "g_valid_range", NC_DOUBLE,
orivr_len, rh_range)) ERR;
if (nc_put_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "g_title", strlen(title), title)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* Set up slab for this process. */
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2;
count[1] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
/* Access parallel */
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, nvid, flag)) ERR;
/* Allocating data */
data = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]);
tempdata = data;
for(j = 0; j < count[0]; j++)
for (i = 0; i < count[1]; i++)
*tempdata = mpi_rank * (j + 1);
if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, nvid, start, count, data)) ERR;
/* Close the netcdf file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
/* Read attributes */
if (nc_open_par(file_name, facc_type_open, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
/* Set up slab for this process. */
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2;
count[1] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
/* Inquiry variable */
if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "v1", &nvid)) ERR;
/* Access parallel */
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, nvid, flag)) ERR;
/* Inquiry attribute */
if (nc_inq_att (ncid, nvid, "valid_range", &vr_type, &vr_len)) ERR;
/* check stuff */
if(vr_type != NC_DOUBLE || vr_len != orivr_len) ERR;
vr_val = (double *) malloc(vr_len * sizeof(double));
/* Get variable attribute values */
if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, nvid, "valid_range", vr_val)) ERR;
/* Check variable attribute value */
for(i = 0; i < vr_len; i++)
if (vr_val[i] != rh_range[i])
/* Inquiry global attribute */
if (nc_inq_att (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "g_valid_range", &vr_type, &vr_len)) ERR;
/* Check stuff. */
if(vr_type != NC_DOUBLE || vr_len != orivr_len) ERR;
/* Obtain global attribute value */
vr_val = (double *) malloc(vr_len * sizeof(double));
if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "g_valid_range", vr_val)) ERR;
/* Check global attribute value */
for(i = 0; i < vr_len; i++)
if (vr_val[i] != rh_range[i]) ERR_RET;
/* Inquiry string attribute of a variable */
if (nc_inq_att (ncid, nvid, "title", &st_type, &st_len)) ERR;
/* check string attribute length */
if(st_len != strlen(title)) ERR_RET;
/* Check string attribute type */
if(st_type != NC_CHAR) ERR_RET;
/* Allocate meory for string attribute */
st_val = (char *) malloc(st_len * (sizeof(char)));
/* Obtain variable string attribute value */
if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, nvid,"title", st_val)) ERR;
/*check string value */
if(strncmp(st_val,title,st_len)) {
/*Inquiry global attribute */
if (nc_inq_att (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "g_title", &st_type, &st_len)) ERR;
/* check attribute length*/
if(st_len != strlen(title)) ERR_RET;
/*check attribute type*/
if(st_type != NC_CHAR) ERR_RET;
/* obtain global string attribute value */
st_val = (char*)malloc(st_len*sizeof(char));
if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL,"g_title", st_val)) ERR;
/* check attribute value */
/* Close the netcdf file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
return 0;
/* test different hyperslab settings */
int test_pio_hyper(int flag){
/* MPI stuff. */
int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
int res = NC_NOERR;
MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
/* Netcdf-4 stuff. */
int ncid;
int nvid;
int rvid;
int j, i;
/* two dimensional integer data test */
int dimids[NDIMS1];
size_t start[NDIMS1], count[NDIMS1];
int *data;
int *tempdata;
int *rdata;
int *temprdata;
int count_atom;
/* Initialize MPI. */
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
if(mpi_size == 1) return 0;
/* Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. */
/* nc_set_log_level(NC_TURN_OFF_LOGGING); */
/* nc_set_log_level(4);*/
if (nc_create_par(file_name, facc_type, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
/* The case is two dimensional variables, no unlimited dimension */
/* Create two dimensions. */
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d1", DIMSIZE2, dimids)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d2", DIMSIZE, &dimids[1])) ERR;
/* Create one var. */
if (nc_def_var(ncid, "v1", NC_INT, NDIMS1, dimids, &nvid)) ERR;
if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
/* hyperslab illustration for 3-processor case
|bbbb |
|bbbb |
/* odd number of processors should be treated differently */
if(mpi_size%2 != 0) {
count_atom = DIMSIZE*2/(mpi_size+1);
if(mpi_rank <= mpi_size/2) {
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = mpi_rank*count_atom;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
count[1] = count_atom;
else {
start[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
start[1] = (mpi_rank-mpi_size/2-1)*count_atom;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
count[1] = count_atom;
else {
count_atom = DIMSIZE*2/mpi_size;
if(mpi_rank < mpi_size/2) {
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = mpi_rank*count_atom;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
count[1] = count_atom;
else {
start[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
start[1] = (mpi_rank-mpi_size/2)*count_atom;
count[0] = DIMSIZE2/2;
count[1] = count_atom;
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, nvid, flag)) ERR;
data = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]);
tempdata = data;
for (j=0; j<count[0];j++){
for (i=0; i<count[1]; i++){
*tempdata = mpi_rank*(j+1);
tempdata ++;
if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, nvid, start, count, data)) ERR;
/* Close the netcdf file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
if (nc_open_par(file_name, facc_type_open, comm, info, &ncid)) ERR;
/* Inquiry the variable */
if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, "v1", &rvid)) ERR;
if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, rvid, flag)) ERR;
rdata = malloc(sizeof(int)*count[1]*count[0]);
/* Read the data with the same slab settings */
if (nc_get_vara_int(ncid, rvid, start, count, rdata)) ERR;
temprdata = rdata;
for (j=0; j<count[0];j++){
for (i=0; i<count[1]; i++){
if(*temprdata != mpi_rank*(j+1))
res = -1;
if(res == -1) ERR_RET;
/* Close the netcdf file. */
if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
return 0;
/* test extending variables */
int test_pio_extend(int flag){
int rank, procs;
int ncFile;
int ncDimPart;
int ncDimVrtx;
int ncVarVrtx;
int dimsVrtx[2];
size_t start[2];
size_t count[2];
int vertices[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procs);
/* Create netcdf file */
if (nc_create_par("test.nc", NC_NETCDF4 | NC_MPIIO, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ncFile)) ERR;
/* Create netcdf dimensions */
if (nc_def_dim(ncFile, "partitions", procs, &ncDimPart)) ERR;
if (nc_def_dim(ncFile, "vertices", NC_UNLIMITED, &ncDimVrtx)) ERR;
/* Create netcdf variables */
dimsVrtx[0] = ncDimPart;
dimsVrtx[1] = ncDimVrtx;
if (nc_def_var(ncFile, "vertex", NC_INT, 2, dimsVrtx, &ncVarVrtx)) ERR;
/* Start writing data */
if (nc_enddef(ncFile)) ERR;
/* Set access mode */
if (nc_var_par_access(ncFile, ncVarVrtx, flag)) ERR;
/* Write vertices */
start[0] = rank;
start[1] = 0;
count[0] = 1;
count[1] = rank;
if (nc_put_vara_int(ncFile, ncVarVrtx, start, count, vertices)) ERR;
/* Close netcdf file */
if (nc_close(ncFile)) ERR;
return 0;
* Function: getenv_all
* Purpose: Used to get the environment that the root MPI task has.
* name specifies which environment variable to look for
* val is the string to which the value of that environment
* variable will be copied.
* NOTE: The pointer returned by this function is only
* valid until the next call to getenv_all and the data
* stored there must be copied somewhere else before any
* further calls to getenv_all take place.
* Return: pointer to a string containing the value of the environment variable
* NULL if the varialbe doesn't exist in task 'root's environment.
* Programmer: Leon Arber
* 4/4/05
* Modifications:
char* getenv_all(MPI_Comm comm, int root, const char* name)
int nID;
int len = -1;
static char* env = NULL;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &nID);
/* The root task does the getenv call
* and sends the result to the other tasks */
if(nID == root)
env = getenv(name);
len = strlen(env);
MPI_Bcast(&len, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
MPI_Bcast(env, len, MPI_CHAR, root, comm);
/* len -1 indicates that the variable was not in the environment */
MPI_Bcast(&len, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
MPI_Bcast(&len, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
if(len >= 0)
if(env == NULL)
env = (char*) malloc(len+1);
else if(strlen(env) < len)
env = (char*) realloc(env, len+1);
MPI_Bcast(env, len, MPI_CHAR, root, comm);
env[len] = '\0';
env = NULL;
return env;