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synced 2025-03-07 17:08:02 +08:00
* For URL paths, the new approach essentially centralizes all information in the URL into the "#mode=" fragment key and uses that value to determine the dispatcher for (most) URLs. * The new approach has the following steps: 1. canonicalize the path if it is a URL. 2. use the mode= fragment key to determine the dispatcher 3. if dispatcher still not determined, then use the mode flags argument to nc_open/nc_create to determine the dispatcher. 4. if the path points to something readable, attempt to read the magic number at the front, and use that to determine the dispatcher. this case may override all previous cases. * Misc changes. 1. Update documentation 2. Moved some unit tests from libdispatch to unit_test directory. 3. Fixed use of wrong #ifdef macro in test_filter_reg.c [I think this may fix an previously reported esupport query].
293 lines
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293 lines
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/* This is part of the netCDF package. Copyright 2005-2019 University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata. See COPYRIGHT file
for conditions of use.
Test list functions in nc4internal.c.
Ed Hartnett, 8/21/19
#include "config.h"
#include <nc_tests.h>
#include "nc.h"
#include "nc4internal.h"
#include "ncdispatch.h"
#include "err_macros.h"
/* An integer value to use in testing. */
#define TEST_VAL_42 42
#define FILE_NAME "tst_nc4internal.nc"
#define VAR_NAME "Hilary_Duff"
#define DIM_NAME "Foggy"
#define DIM_LEN 5
#define TYPE_NAME "Madonna"
#define FIELD_NAME "Britany_Spears"
#define FIELD_OFFSET 9
main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("\n*** Testing netcdf nc4internal functions.\n");
printf("Testing adding new file to nc4internal file lists with "
NC *ncp;
char *path;
/* The NC3_dispatch_table is defined in nc3dispatch.c and
* externed in ncdispatch.h. But it will be 0 because we have
* not yet called NC3_initialize(). */
const void *dispatcher = NC3_dispatch_table;
void *dispatchdata_in;
int mode = 0, mode_in;
/* This won't work because there is no NC in the NC list which
* has an ncid of TEST_VAL_42. */
if (nc4_file_list_add(TEST_VAL_42, FILE_NAME, 0, NULL) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
/* Create the NC* instance and insert its dispatcher */
if (new_NC(dispatcher, FILE_NAME, mode, &ncp)) ERR;
/* Add to array of open files nc_filelist and define
* ext_ncid by left-shifting the index 16 bits. */
/* Create the NC_FILE_INFO_T instance associated empty lists
* to hold dims, types, groups, and the root group. */
if (nc4_file_list_add(ncp->ext_ncid, FILE_NAME, mode, NULL)) ERR;
/* Find the file in the list. */
if (!(path = malloc(NC_MAX_NAME + 1))) ERR;
if (nc4_file_list_get(ncp->ext_ncid, &path, &mode_in, &dispatchdata_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(path, FILE_NAME)) ERR;
if (mode_in != mode) ERR;
/* This won't work. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(TEST_VAL_42) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
/* Delete the NC_FILE_INFO_T and related storage. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR;
/* Delete the ncp from the list. (In fact, just null out its
* entry in the array of file slots.) */
del_from_NCList(ncp); /* Will free empty list. */
/* Now free the NC struct. */
printf("Testing adding new file to nc4internal file lists with "
NC *ncp, *ncp_in, *ncp_in2;
char *path;
void *dispatchdata_in;
int mode = 0, mode_in;
NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, *grp2;
NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, *h52;
/* Create the NC* instance and insert its dispatcher */
if (new_NC(NC3_dispatch_table, FILE_NAME, mode, &ncp)) ERR;
/* Add to array of open files nc_filelist and define
* ext_ncid by left-shifting the index 16 bits. */
/* Create the NC_FILE_INFO_T instance associated empty lists
* to hold dims, types, groups, and the root group. */
if (nc4_nc4f_list_add(ncp, FILE_NAME, mode)) ERR;
/* Find the file in the list. */
if (!(path = malloc(NC_MAX_NAME + 1))) ERR;
if (nc4_file_list_get(ncp->ext_ncid, &path, &mode_in, &dispatchdata_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(path, FILE_NAME)) ERR;
if (mode_in != mode) ERR;
/* Find it again. */
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, &ncp_in, &grp, &h5)) ERR;
if (ncp_in->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (grp->nc4_info->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (h5->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
/* Any of the pointer parameters may be NULL. */
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, &ncp_in2, NULL, NULL)) ERR;
if (ncp_in2->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, &grp2, NULL)) ERR;
if (grp2->nc4_info->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, NULL, &h52)) ERR;
if (h52->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
/* There are additional functions which use the NULL
* parameters of nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(). */
grp2 = NULL;
h52 = NULL;
if (nc4_find_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc4_find_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, &grp2, NULL)) ERR;
if (grp2->nc4_info->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (nc4_find_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, &h52)) ERR;
if (h52->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
grp2 = NULL;
if (nc4_find_nc4_grp(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc4_grp(ncp->ext_ncid, &grp2)) ERR;
if (grp2->nc4_info->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
/* Delete the NC_FILE_INFO_T and related storage. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR;
/* Delete the ncp from the list. (In fact, just null out its
* entry in the array of file slots.) */
del_from_NCList(ncp); /* Will free empty list. */
/* Now free the NC struct. */
printf("Testing adding new var to nc4internal file...");
NC *ncp, *ncp_in;
NC_VAR_INFO_T *var, *var_in;
/* Create the NC* instance and insert its dispatcher */
if (new_NC(NC3_dispatch_table, FILE_NAME, 0, &ncp)) ERR;
/* Add to array of open files nc_filelist and define
* ext_ncid by left-shifting the index 16 bits. */
/* Create the NC_FILE_INFO_T instance associated empty lists
* to hold dims, types, groups, and the root group. */
if (nc4_file_list_add(ncp->ext_ncid, FILE_NAME, 0, NULL)) ERR;
/* Find the file in the list. */
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, &ncp_in, &grp, &h5)) ERR;
if (ncp_in->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
/* Add a var to the varlist. */
if (nc4_var_list_add(grp, VAR_NAME, 0, &var)) ERR;
/* Find the var. */
if (nc4_find_var(grp, VAR_NAME, &var_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(var_in->hdr.name, var->hdr.name)) ERR;
/* Find it again. */
h5 = NULL;
grp = NULL;
var_in = NULL;
if (nc4_find_grp_h5_var(ncp->ext_ncid, 0, &h5, &grp, &var_in)) ERR;
if (h5->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (grp->nc4_info->controller->ext_ncid != ncp->ext_ncid) ERR;
if (strcmp(var_in->hdr.name, var->hdr.name)) ERR;
/* Delete the NC_FILE_INFO_T and related storage, including
* all vars, dims, types, etc. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR;
/* Delete the ncp from the list. (In fact, just null out its
* entry in the array of file slots.) */
del_from_NCList(ncp); /* Will free empty list. */
/* Now free the NC struct. */
printf("Testing adding new dim to nc4internal file...");
NC *ncp;
NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, *dim_grp;
NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim, *dim_in;
/* Create the NC, add it to nc_filelist array, add and init
if (new_NC(NC3_dispatch_table, FILE_NAME, 0, &ncp)) ERR;
if (nc4_file_list_add(ncp->ext_ncid, FILE_NAME, 0, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, &grp, NULL)) ERR;
/* Add a dim. */
if (nc4_dim_list_add(grp, DIM_NAME, DIM_LEN, 0, &dim)) ERR;
/* Find the dim. */
if (nc4_find_dim(grp, 0, &dim_in, &dim_grp)) ERR;
if (strcmp(dim_in->hdr.name, dim->hdr.name)) ERR;
if (strcmp(dim_grp->hdr.name, grp->hdr.name)) ERR;
dim_in = NULL;
if (nc4_find_dim(grp, 0, &dim_in, NULL)) ERR;
if (strcmp(dim_in->hdr.name, dim->hdr.name)) ERR;
/* Release resources. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR;
printf("Testing adding new type to nc4internal file...");
NC *ncp;
NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type, *type_in;
/* Create the NC, add it to nc_filelist array, add and init
if (new_NC(NC3_dispatch_table, FILE_NAME, 0, &ncp)) ERR;
if (nc4_file_list_add(ncp->ext_ncid, FILE_NAME, 0, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, &grp, &h5)) ERR;
/* Add a type. */
if (nc4_type_list_add(grp, TYPE_SIZE, TYPE_NAME, &type)) ERR;
/* Add a field to the type. */
/* if (nc4_field_list_add(type, FIELD_NAME, FIELD_OFFSET, NC_INT, 0, */
/* NULL)) ERR; */
/* Find it. */
if (nc4_find_type(h5, type->hdr.id, &type_in)) ERR;
if (strcmp(type_in->hdr.name, type->hdr.name)) ERR;
/* Release resources. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR;
printf("Testing changing ncid...");
NC *ncp;
int old_ncid;
/* Create the NC, add it to nc_filelist array, add and init
if (new_NC(NC3_dispatch_table, FILE_NAME, 0, &ncp)) ERR;
if (nc4_file_list_add(ncp->ext_ncid, FILE_NAME, 0, NULL)) ERR;
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncp->ext_ncid, NULL, &grp, &h5)) ERR;
/* Change the ncid. */
old_ncid = ncp->ext_ncid;
if (nc4_file_change_ncid(ncp->ext_ncid, TEST_VAL_42)) ERR;
/* Can't find old ncid. */
if (nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(old_ncid, NULL, NULL, NULL) != NC_EBADID) ERR;
/* Delete it. */
if (nc4_file_list_del(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR;
del_from_NCList(ncp); /* Will free empty list. */
/* Ensure it is no longer in list. */
/* if (find_in_NCList(ncp->ext_ncid)) ERR; */