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synced 2025-03-01 17:06:03 +08:00
re: Issue https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/2190 The primary purpose of this PR is to improve the utf8 support for windows. This is persuant to a change in Windows that supports utf8 natively (almost). The almost means that it is still utf16 internally and the set of characters representable by utf8 is larger than those representable by utf16. This leaves open the question in the Issue about handling the Windows 1252 character set. This required the following changes: 1. Test the Windows build and major version in order to see if native utf8 is supported. 2. If native utf8 is supported, Modify dpathmgr.c to call the 8-bit version of the windows fopen() and open() functions. 3. In support of this, programs that use XGetOpt (Windows versions) need to get the command line as utf8 and then parse to arc+argv as utf8. This requires using a homegrown command line parser named XCommandLineToArgvA. 4. Add a utility program called "acpget" that prints out the current Windows code page and locale. Additionally, some technical debt was cleaned up as follows: 1. Unify all the places which attempt to read all or a part of a file into the dutil.c#NC_readfile code. 2. Similary unify all the code that creates temp files into dutil.c#NC_mktmp code. 3. Convert almost all remaining calls to fopen() and open() to NCfopen() and NCopen3(). This is to ensure that path management is used consistently. This touches a number of files. 4. extern->EXTERNL as needed to get it to work under Windows.
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* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
External functions and state variables are
defined here, including function-like #defines.
#ifndef NCD4_H
#define NCD4_H 1
#include "d4includes.h"
#include "d4util.h"
#include "d4debug.h"
#include "nc4internal.h"
/* Constants */
/* Figure out a usable max path name max */
#ifdef PATH_MAX /* *nix* */
# ifdef MAX_PATH /*windows*/
# else
# define NC_MAX_PATH 4096
# endif
#define COUNTERTYPE unsigned long long
/* Clear allocated memory (see e.g. d4data.c); Potentially costly*/
/* Clear empty structure alignment space; Potentially costly, but probably less than CLEARMEM */
/* Always use fixed size opaques */
/* Size of a chunk header */
/* Special attributes */
#define D4CHECKSUMATTR "_DAP4_Checksum_CRC32"
#define D4LEATTR "_DAP4_Little_Endian"
#undef nullfree
#ifndef nullfree
#define nullfree(m) ((m)==NULL?NULL:(free(m),NULL))
#define nulldup(s) ((s)==NULL?NULL:strdup(s))
/* DSP API wrappers */
#ifdef FIX
EXTERNL int dsp_getDMR(ND4dsp* dsp, DCR** dcrp);
EXTERNL int dsp_getDAP(ND4dsp* dsp, DCR** dcrp);
EXTERNL int dsp_close(ND4dsp* dsp);
/* DSP API */
EXTERNL int dsp_open(const char* path, ND4dsp** dspp);
/* From d4http.c */
EXTERNL long NCD4_fetchhttpcode(CURL* curl);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fetchurl_file(CURL* curl, const char* url, FILE* stream, d4size_t* sizep, long* filetime);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fetchurl(CURL* curl, const char* url, NCbytes* buf, long* filetime, int* httpcode);
EXTERNL int NCD4_curlopen(CURL** curlp);
EXTERNL void NCD4_curlclose(CURL* curl);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fetchlastmodified(CURL* curl, char* url, long* filetime);
EXTERNL int NCD4_ping(const char* url);
/* From d4read.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_readDMR(NCD4INFO* state, int flags);
EXTERNL int NCD4_readDAP(NCD4INFO* state, int flags);
EXTERNL int NCD4_seterrormessage(NCD4meta* metadata, size_t len, char* msg);
/* From d4parser.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_parse(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL NCD4node* NCD4_findAttr(NCD4node* container, const char* attrname);
EXTERNL NCD4node* NCD4_groupFor(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL int NCD4_defineattr(NCD4meta* meta, NCD4node* parent, const char* aname, const char* typename, NCD4node** attrp);
/* From d4printer.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_print(NCD4meta*, NCbytes* output);
/* From d4meta.c */
EXTERNL NCD4meta* NCD4_newmeta(NCD4INFO*);
EXTERNL void NCD4_attachraw(NCD4meta*, size_t size, void* rawdata);
EXTERNL void NCD4_reclaimMeta(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL void NCD4_resetMeta(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL void reclaimNode(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL void NCD4_setdebuglevel(NCD4meta*,int);
EXTERNL int NCD4_metabuild(NCD4meta*, int ncid);
EXTERNL size_t NCD4_computeTypeSize(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* type);
EXTERNL int NCD4_findvar(NC* ncp, int ncid, int varid, NCD4node** varp, NCD4node** grpp);
/* From d4chunk.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_dechunk(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL int NCD4_infermode(NCD4meta* meta);
struct NCD4serial;
EXTERNL void NCD4_resetSerial(struct NCD4serial* serial, size_t rawsize, void* rawdata);
/* From d4swap.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_swapdata(NCD4meta*, NClist* topvars);
/* From d4fix.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_delimit(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* var, void** offsetp);
EXTERNL int NCD4_moveto(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* var, d4size_t count, void** offsetp);
EXTERNL int NCD4_toposort(NCD4meta*);
/* From d4data.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_processdata(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fillinstance(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* type, void** offsetp, void** dstp, NClist* blobs);
EXTERNL int NCD4_getToplevelVars(NCD4meta* meta, NCD4node* group, NClist* toplevel);
/* From d4util.c */
EXTERNL d4size_t NCD4_dimproduct(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL size_t NCD4_typesize(nc_type tid);
EXTERNL int NCD4_isLittleEndian(void);/* Return 1 if this machine is little endian */
EXTERNL int NCD4_errorNC(int code, const int line, const char* file);
EXTERNL int NCD4_error(int code, const int line, const char* file, const char* fmt, ...);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_makeFQN(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_makeName(NCD4node*,const char* sep);
EXTERNL int NCD4_parseFQN(const char* fqn0, NClist* pieces);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_deescape(const char* esc);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_entityescape(const char* s);
EXTERNL size_t NCD4_elidenuls(char* s, size_t slen);
EXTERNL void* NCD4_getheader(void* p, NCD4HDR* hdr, int hostlittleendian);
EXTERNL void NCD4_reporterror(NCD4INFO* state);
/* From d4dump.c */
EXTERNL void NCD4_dumpbytes(size_t size, const void* data0, int swap);
EXTERNL void NCD4_tagdump(size_t size, const void* data0, int swap, const char* tag);
EXTERNL void NCD4_dumpvars(NCD4node* group);
EXTERNL union ATOMICS* NCD4_dumpatomic(NCD4node* var, void* data);
/* From d4rc.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_rcload(void);
EXTERNL int NCD4_rcprocess(NCD4INFO* info);
EXTERNL void NCD4_rcfree(NClist* rc);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_rclookup(char* key, char* hostport);
EXTERNL int NCD4_parseproxy(NCD4INFO* info, const char* surl);
EXTERNL int NCD4_rcdefault(NCD4INFO*);
/* From d4cvt.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_convert(nc_type srctype, nc_type dsttype, char* memory0, char* value0, size_t count);
/* d4file.c */
EXTERNL void NCD4_applyclientparamcontrols(NCD4INFO*);
EXTERNL int NCD4_readDMRorDAP(NCD4INFO* d4info, NCD4mode mode);
/* ncd4dispatch.c */
struct NC_reservedatt; /*forward*/
EXTERNL const struct NC_reservedatt* NCD4_lookupreserved(const char* name);
/* Add an extra function whose sole purpose is to allow
configure(.ac) to test for the presence of this code.
EXTERNL int nc__dap4(void);
/* Macro defined functions */
#undef NCCHECK
#undef FAIL
#define NCCHECK(expr) if((ret=(expr))) {ret = NCD4_errorNC(ret,__LINE__,__FILE__); goto done;}else{}
#define FAIL(code,fmt,...) do{ret=NCD4_error(code,__LINE__,__FILE__,fmt , ##__VA_ARGS__); goto done;}while(0)
#undef INCR
#undef DECR
#undef DELTA
#define INCR(offset,size) ((void*)(((char*)(offset))+(size)))
#define DECR(offset,size) ((void*)(((char*)(offset))-(size)))
#define DELTA(p1,p2) ((ptrdiff_t)(((char*)(p1))-((char*)(p2))))
/* Unclear which macros are defined for which compilers.
see: https://sourceforge.net/p/predef/wiki/Architectures/
#if defined(__arm__) && __ARM_ARCH < 8
EXTERNL d4size_t NCD4_getcounter(void* p);
#define GETCOUNTER(p) NCD4_getcounter(p)
#define GETCOUNTER(p) ((d4size_t)*((COUNTERTYPE*)(p)))
#endif /*defined(__arm__) && __ARM_ARCH < 8*/
#undef PUSH
#define PUSH(list,value) do{if((list)==NULL) {(list)=nclistnew();} else{}; nclistpush((list),(value));}while(0)
#define getnc3id(d4) (getdap(d4)->nc4id)
#define ISTOPLEVEL(var) ((var)->container == NULL || (var)->container->sort == NCD4_GROUP)
#define FILEIDPART(NCID) (((unsigned int) (NCID)) >> ID_SHIFT)
#define GROUPIDPART(NCID) (((unsigned int) (NCID)) & GRP_ID_MASK)
#define MAKENCID(grp,file) ((((unsigned int)(file)) << ID_SHIFT) | (grp))
#define getdap(ncp) ((NCD4INFO*)((NC*)ncp)->dispatchdata)
#define getnc4id(ncp) (getdap(ncp)->substrate.nc4id)
/* Convert a dap4 grpid to a substrate id */
#define makenc4id(ncp,dap4id) (((dap4id) & GRP_ID_MASK) | getdap(ncp)->substrate.nc4id)
/* and the inverse */
#define makedap4id(ncp,nc4id) (((nc4id) & GRP_ID_MASK) | (ncp)->ext_ncid)
#define d4alloc(n) (calloc(1,(size_t)(n)))
#define d4alloc(n) (malloc((size_t)(n)))
/* A number of hacks have been inserted
to deal with issues in accessing hyrax
using DAP4.
EXTERNL int NCD4_get_substrate(int ncid);
#endif /*NCD4_H*/