Dennis Heimbigner 2afbdbd18f Add support for the XArray Zarr _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS attribute
The XArray implementation that uses Zarr for storage
provides a mechanism to simulate named dimensions.
It does this by adding a per-variable attribute called
_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS. This attribute contains a list of names
to be matched against the shape values of the variable.
In effect a named dimension is created with the name
_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS(i) and length shape(i) for all i
in range 0..rank(variable).
Both read and write support is provided.

This XArray support is only invoked if the mode value
of "xarray" is defined. So for example, as in this URL.
Note that the "xarray" mode flag also implies mode flag "zarr", so the above
is equivalent to this URL.

The primary change to implement this was to unify the handling
of dimension references in libnczarr/zsync.

A test for this and other pure-zarr features was added as

Other changes:
* Make sure distcheck leaves no files around.
* Change the special attribute flag DIMSCALEFLAG to HIDDENATTRFLAG
  to support the xarray attribute.
* Annotate the zmap implementations with feature flags such as
  WRITEONCE (for zip files).
2021-02-24 13:46:11 -07:00

236 lines
6.8 KiB

/* Copyright 2018-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research/Unidata. */
* @file This header file contains macros, types, and prototypes for
* the ZARR code in libzarr. This header should not be included in
* code outside libzarr.
* @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett
/* NCZARRVERSION is ndependent of Zarr version,
#define NCZARRVERSION "1.0.0"
/* These have to do with creating chuncked datasets in ZARR. */
#define NCZ_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE (2)
/* An attribute in the ZARR root group of this name means that the
* file must follow strict netCDF classic format rules. */
#define NCZ_NC3_STRICT_ATT_NAME "_nc3_strict"
/* Constants */
/* Figure out a usable max path name max */
#ifdef PATH_MAX /* *nix* */
# ifdef MAX_PATH /*windows*/
# else
# define NC_MAX_PATH 4096
# endif
#define NCZMETAROOT "/.nczarr"
#define NCZGROUP ".nczgroup"
#define NCZARRAY ".nczarray"
#define NCZATTRS ".nczattrs"
/* Deprecated */
#define NCZVARDEP ".nczvar"
#define NCZATTRDEP ".nczattr"
#define ZGROUP ".zgroup"
#define ZATTRS ".zattrs"
#define ZARRAY ".zarray"
#define PUREZARRCONTROL "zarr"
#define XARRAYCONTROL "xarray"
/* Mnemonics */
#define ZCLOSE 1 /* this is closeorabort as opposed to enddef */
/* Mnemonics */
#define ZCLOSE 1 /* this is closeorabort as opposed to enddef */
/* Forward */
struct NClist;
struct NCjson;
struct NCauth;
struct NCZMAP;
struct NCZChunkCache;
/* Define annotation data for NCZ objects */
/* Common fields for all annotations */
typedef struct NCZcommon {
NC_FILE_INFO_T* file; /* root of the dataset tree */
} NCZcommon;
/** Struct to hold ZARR-specific info for the file. */
typedef struct NCZ_FILE_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
struct NCZMAP* map; /* implementation */
struct NCauth* auth;
struct nczarr {
int zarr_version;
struct {
unsigned long major;
unsigned long minor;
unsigned long release;
} nczarr_version;
} zarr;
int created; /* 1=> created 0=>open */
int native_endianness; /* NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE | NC_ENDIAN_BIG */
char** envv_controls; /* Envv format */
struct Controls {
size64_t flags;
# define FLAG_PUREZARR 1
# define FLAG_LOGGING 4
NCZM_IMPL mapimpl;
} controls;
/* This is a struct to handle the dim metadata. */
typedef struct NCZ_DIM_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
/** Strut to hold ZARR-specific info for attributes. */
typedef struct NCZ_ATT_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
/* Struct to hold ZARR-specific info for a group. */
typedef struct NCZ_GRP_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
#if 0
/* The jcontent field stores the following:
1. List of (name,length) for dims in the group
2. List of (name,type) for user-defined types in the group
3. List of var names in the group
4. List of subgroups names in the group
NClist* dims;
NClist* types; /* currently not used */
NClist* vars;
NClist* grps;
/* Struct to hold ZARR-specific info for a variable. */
typedef struct NCZ_VAR_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
size64_t chunkproduct; /* product of chunksizes */
size64_t chunksize; /* chunkproduct * typesize */
int order; /* 1=>column major, 0=>row major (default); not currently enforced */
size_t scalar;
struct NCZChunkCache* cache;
struct NClist* xarray; /* names from _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS */
/* Struct to hold ZARR-specific info for a field. */
typedef struct NCZ_FIELD_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
/* Struct to hold ZARR-specific info for a type. */
typedef struct NCZ_TYPE_INFO {
NCZcommon common;
#if 0
/* Define the contents of the .nczcontent object */
/* The .nczcontent field stores the following:
1. List of (name,length) for dims in the group
2. List of (name,type) for user-defined types in the group
3. List of var names in the group
4. List of subgroups names in the group
typedef struct NCZCONTENT{
NClist* dims;
NClist* types; /* currently not used */
NClist* vars;
NClist* grps;
extern int ncz_initialized; /**< True if initialization has happened. */
/* Forward */
struct NCZ_Filterspec;
/* zinternal.c */
int NCZ_initialize(void);
int NCZ_finalize(void);
int NCZ_initialize_internal(void);
int NCZ_finalize_internal(void);
int ncz_get_fill_value(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, void **fillp);
int ncz_find_grp_var_att(int ncid, int varid, const char *name, int attnum,
int use_name, char *norm_name, NC_FILE_INFO_T** file,
NC_GRP_INFO_T** grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T** var,
NC_ATT_INFO_T** att);
int NCZ_set_log_level();
/* zcache.c */
int ncz_adjust_var_cache(NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T* var);
int NCZ_set_var_chunk_cache(int ncid, int varid, size_t size, size_t nelems, float preemption);
/* zfile.c */
int ncz_enddef_netcdf4_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T*);
int ncz_closeorabort(NC_FILE_INFO_T*, void* params, int abort);
/* zclose.c */
int ncz_close_ncz_file(NC_FILE_INFO_T* file, int abort);
/* zattr.c */
int ncz_getattlist(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, int varid, NC_VAR_INFO_T **varp, NCindex **attlist);
int ncz_create_fillvalue(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var);
int ncz_makeattr(NC_OBJ*, NCindex* attlist, const char* name, nc_type typid, size_t len, void* values, NC_ATT_INFO_T**);
/* zvar.c */
int ncz_gettype(NC_FILE_INFO_T*, NC_GRP_INFO_T*, int xtype, NC_TYPE_INFO_T** typep);
int ncz_find_default_chunksizes2(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var);
/* zfilter.c */
/* Dispatch functions are also in zfilter.c */
/* Filterlist management */
/* The NC_VAR_INFO_T->filters field is an NClist of this struct */
struct NCZ_Filter {
int flags; /**< Flags describing state of this filter. */
unsigned int filterid; /**< ID for arbitrary filter. */
size_t nparams; /**< nparams for arbitrary filter. */
unsigned int* params; /**< Params for arbitrary filter. */
int NCZ_filter_lookup(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, unsigned int id, struct NCZ_Filter** specp);
int NCZ_addfilter(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, unsigned int id, size_t nparams, const unsigned int* params);
int NCZ_filter_freelist(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var);
/* Undefined */
/* Find var, doing lazy var metadata read if needed. */
int ncz_find_grp_file_var(int ncid, int varid, NC_FILE_INFO_T** file,
NC_GRP_INFO_T** grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T** var);
#endif /* ZINTERNAL_H */