2010-06-03 13:24:43 +00:00

200 lines
7.5 KiB

! This is part of the netCDF package.
! Copyright 2006 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata.
! See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use.
! This program tests netCDF-4 parallel I/O and fill values from
! fortran. It creates a file like this:
! netcdf f90tst_parallel3 {
! dimensions:
! x = 16 ;
! y = 16 ;
! variables:
! byte byte(x, y) ;
! short short(x, y) ;
! int int(x, y) ;
! float float(x, y) ;
! double double(x, y) ;
! ubyte ubyte(x, y) ;
! ushort ushort(x, y) ;
! uint uint(x, y) ;
! $Id: f90tst_parallel3.f90,v 1.5 2010/05/25 13:53:04 ed Exp $
program f90tst_parallel3
use typeSizes
use netcdf
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
! This is the name of the data file we will create.
character (len = *), parameter :: FILE_NAME = ""
integer, parameter :: MAX_DIMS = 2
integer, parameter :: NX = 16, NY = 16
integer, parameter :: HALF_NX = NX/2, HALF_NY = NY/2
integer, parameter :: NUM_PROC = 4
integer, parameter :: NUM_VARS = 8
integer, parameter :: CACHE_SIZE = 4194304, CACHE_NELEMS = 1013
integer, parameter :: CACHE_PREEMPTION = 79
character (len = *), parameter :: var_name(NUM_VARS) = &
(/ 'byte__', 'short_', 'int___', 'float_', 'double', 'ubyte_', 'ushort', 'uint__' /)
integer :: ncid, varid(NUM_VARS), dimids(MAX_DIMS)
integer :: var_type(NUM_VARS) = (/ nf90_byte, nf90_short, nf90_int, &
nf90_float, nf90_double, nf90_ubyte, nf90_ushort, nf90_uint /)
integer :: x_dimid, y_dimid
integer :: byte_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), byte_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
integer :: short_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), short_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
integer :: int_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), int_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
real :: areal_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), areal_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
real :: double_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), double_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
integer :: ubyte_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), ubyte_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
integer :: ushort_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), ushort_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
integer (kind = EightByteInt) :: uint_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), uint_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
integer :: nvars, ngatts, ndims, unlimdimid, file_format
integer :: x, y, v
integer :: p, my_rank, ierr
integer :: start(MAX_DIMS), count(MAX_DIMS)
call MPI_Init(ierr)
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank, ierr)
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, p, ierr)
if (my_rank .eq. 0) then
print *, ' '
print *, '*** Testing netCDF-4 parallel I/O with fill values.'
! There must be 4 procs for this test.
if (p .ne. 4) then
print *, 'Sorry, this test program must be run on four processors.'
stop 1
! Create some pretend data.
do x = 1, HALF_NX
do y = 1, HALF_NY
byte_out(y, x) = my_rank * (-1)
short_out(y, x) = my_rank * (-2)
int_out(y, x) = my_rank * (-4)
areal_out(y, x) = my_rank * 2.5
double_out(y, x) = my_rank * (-4.5)
ubyte_out(y, x) = my_rank
ushort_out(y, x) = my_rank * 2
uint_out(y, x) = my_rank * 4
end do
end do
! Create the netCDF file.
call check(nf90_create(FILE_NAME, IOR(nf90_netcdf4, nf90_mpiposix), ncid, &
comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD, info = MPI_INFO_NULL, cache_size = CACHE_SIZE, &
cache_nelems = CACHE_NELEMS, cache_preemption = CACHE_PREEMPTION))
! Define the dimensions.
call check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "x", NX, x_dimid))
call check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "y", NY, y_dimid))
dimids = (/ y_dimid, x_dimid /)
! Define the variables.
do v = 1, NUM_VARS
call check(nf90_def_var(ncid, var_name(v), var_type(v), dimids, varid(v)))
end do
! This will be the last collective operation.
call check(nf90_enddef(ncid))
! Determine what part of the variable will be written/read for this
! processor. It's a checkerboard decomposition.
count = (/ HALF_NX, HALF_NY /)
if (my_rank .eq. 0) then
start = (/ 1, 1 /)
else if (my_rank .eq. 1) then
start = (/ HALF_NX + 1, 1 /)
else if (my_rank .eq. 2) then
start = (/ 1, HALF_NY + 1 /)
else if (my_rank .eq. 3) then
start = (/ HALF_NX + 1, HALF_NY + 1 /)
! Write this processor's data, except for processor zero.
if (my_rank .ne. 0) then
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(1), byte_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(2), short_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(3), int_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(4), areal_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(5), double_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(6), ubyte_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(7), ushort_out, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_put_var(ncid, varid(8), uint_out, start = start, count = count))
! Close the file.
call check(nf90_close(ncid))
! Reopen the file.
call check(nf90_open(FILE_NAME, IOR(nf90_nowrite, nf90_mpiio), ncid, &
! Check some stuff out.
call check(nf90_inquire(ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid, file_format))
if (ndims /= 2 .or. nvars /= NUM_VARS .or. ngatts /= 0 .or. unlimdimid /= -1 .or. &
file_format /= nf90_format_netcdf4) stop 2
! Read this processor's data.
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(1), byte_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(2), short_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(3), int_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(4), areal_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(5), double_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(6), ubyte_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(7), ushort_in, start = start, count = count))
call check(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid(8), uint_in, start = start, count = count))
! Check the data. All the data from the processor zero are fill
! value.
do x = 1, HALF_NX
do y = 1, HALF_NY
if (my_rank .eq. 0) then
if (byte_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_byte) stop 3
if (short_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_short) stop 4
if (int_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_int) stop 5
if (areal_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_real) stop 6
if (double_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_double) stop 7
if (ubyte_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_ubyte) stop 8
if (ushort_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_ushort) stop 9
if (uint_in(y, x) .ne. nf90_fill_uint) stop 10
if (byte_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-1))) stop 13
if (short_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-2))) stop 14
if (int_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-4))) stop 15
if (areal_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (2.5))) stop 16
if (double_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-4.5))) stop 17
if (ubyte_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (1))) stop 18
if (ushort_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (2))) stop 19
if (uint_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (4))) stop 20
end do
end do
! Close the file.
call check(nf90_close(ncid))
call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
if (my_rank .eq. 0) print *,'*** SUCCESS!'
! This subroutine handles errors by printing an error message and
! exiting with a non-zero status.
subroutine check(errcode)
use netcdf
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: errcode
if(errcode /= nf90_noerr) then
print *, 'Error: ', trim(nf90_strerror(errcode))
stop 99
end subroutine check
end program f90tst_parallel3