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* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef DATA_H
#define DATA_H 1
#ifndef NO_STDARG
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <varargs.h>
/* nmemonics*/
#define TOPLEVEL 1
#define DEEP 0
/* Forward types */
struct Datalist;
struct Symbol;
struct Dimset;
/* any one possible value*/
typedef union Constvalue {
struct Datalist* compoundv; /* NC_COMPOUND*/
char charv; /* NC_CHAR*/
signed char int8v; /* NC_BYTE*/
unsigned char uint8v; /* NC_UBYTE*/
short int16v; /* NC_SHORT*/
unsigned short uint16v; /* NC_USHORT*/
int int32v; /* NC_INT*/
unsigned int uint32v; /* NC_UINT*/
long long int64v; /* NC_INT64*/
unsigned long long uint64v; /* NC_UINT64*/
float floatv; /* NC_FLOAT*/
double doublev; /* NC_DOUBLE*/
struct Stringv { /* NC_STRING*/
size_t len;
char* stringv;
} stringv;
struct Opaquev { /* NC_OPAQUE*/
size_t len; /* length as originally written (rounded to even number)*/
char* stringv; /*as constant was written*/
/* (padded to even # chars >= 16)*/
/* without leading 0x*/
} opaquev;
struct Symbol* enumv; /* NC_ECONST*/
} Constvalue;
typedef struct NCConstant {
nc_type nctype; /* NC_INT,... */
nc_type subtype; /* NC_DIM | NC_NAT */
int lineno;
Constvalue value;
int filled; /* was this originally NC_FILLVALUE? */
} NCConstant;
typedef struct Datalist {
int readonly; /* data field is shared with another Datalist*/
size_t length; /* |data| */
size_t alloc; /* track total allocated space for data field*/
NCConstant** data; /* actual list of constants constituting the datalist*/
/* Track various values associated with the datalist*/
/* (used to be in Constvalue.compoundv)*/
} Datalist;
extern List* alldatalists;
/* from: data.c */
extern Datalist* builddatalist(int initialize);
extern void capture(Datalist* dl);
extern void dlappend(Datalist*, NCConstant*);
extern void dlinsert(Datalist* dl, size_t pos, Datalist* insertion);
extern void dlset(Datalist*, size_t, NCConstant*);
extern NCConstant* dlremove(Datalist*, size_t);
extern NCConstant* builddatasublist(Datalist* dl);
extern Datalist* builddatasubset(Datalist* dl, size_t start, size_t count);
extern void dlextend(Datalist* dl);
extern void dlsetalloc(Datalist* dl,size_t);
extern Datalist* clonedatalist(Datalist* dl);
extern void reclaimalldatalists(void);
extern void reclaimdatalist(Datalist*);
extern void reclaimconstant(NCConstant*);
extern void freedatalist(Datalist* list);
extern Datalist* flatten(Datalist* list,int rank);
int datalistline(Datalist*);
#define datalistith(dl,i) ((dl)==NULL?NULL:((i) >= (dl)->length?NULL:(dl)->data[i]))
#define datalistlen(dl) ((dl)==NULL?0:(dl)->length)
#define datalistclear(dl) {if((dl)!=NULL) {dl->length=0;}}
NCConstant* list2const(Datalist*);
Datalist* const2list(NCConstant* con);
int isstringable(nc_type nctype);
#define islistconst(con) ((con)!=NULL && ((con)->nctype == NC_COMPOUND))
#define isfillconst(con) ((con)!=NULL && (con)->nctype == NC_FILLVALUE)
#define constline(con) (con==NULL?0:(con)->lineno)
#define consttype(con) (con==NULL?NC_NAT:(con)->nctype)
#define isnilconst(con) ((con)!=NULL && (con)->nctype == NC_NIL)
#define compoundfor(con) ((con)==NULL?NULL:(con)->value.compoundv)
#define setsubtype(con,type) {if((con)!=NULL){(con)->subtype=(type);}}
NCConstant* emptycompoundconst(int lineno);
NCConstant* emptystringconst(int);
NCConstant* cloneconstant(NCConstant* con); /* deep clone*/
void clearconstant(NCConstant* con); /* deep clear*/
#define freeconst(con) freeconstant(con,DEEP);
void freeconstant(NCConstant* con, int shallow);
extern NCConstant* nullconst(void);
extern NCConstant nullconstant;
extern NCConstant fillconstant;
extern NCConstant nilconstant;
extern Datalist* filldatalist;
#endif /*DATA_H*/