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synced 2025-03-01 17:06:03 +08:00
dap code will create a real temporary file in which to store the converted metadata for the DAP .dds or .dmr. It was assumed that the nc_close code would reclaim the temporary file. For DAP2, reclamation occurs in the ncio code. For DAP4, it was assumed that the libsrc4 code would do the reclamation, but for whatever reason, this is not happening. Thus, in this situation, a temporary file is left in the file system. Aside from being irritating to users, this screws up 'make distcheck'. So the DAP4 code is fixed to ensure that the temporary file is properly reclaimed independent of the libsrc4 code.
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316 lines
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* Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
#ifndef NCCOMMON_H
#define NCCOMMON_H 1
#include "dapincludes.h"
/* Mnemonics */
#ifndef BOOL
#define BOOL int
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef nullfree
#define nullfree(m) {if((m)!=NULL) {free(m);} else {}}
/* Misc. code controls */
/* Hopefully, this flag will someday not be needed */
#define COLUMBIA_HACK "columbia.edu"
/* Use an extended version of the netCDF-4 type system */
#define NC_URL 50
#define NC_SET 51
/* Merge relevant translations of OC types */
#define NC_Dataset 52
#define NC_Sequence 53
#define NC_Structure 54
#define NC_Grid 55
#define NC_Dimension 56
#define NC_Atomic 57
/* The sequence limit default is zero because
most servers do not implement projections
on sequences.
/* sigh, do the forwards */
struct NCprojection;
struct NCselection;
struct Getvara;
struct NCcachenode;
struct NCcache;
struct NCslice;
struct NCsegment;
struct OClist;
struct NCTMODEL {
int translation;
char* model;
unsigned int flags;
/* Define the cache control flags */
/* Detail information about each cache item */
typedef struct NCcachenode {
int wholevariable; /* does this cache node only have wholevariables? */
int isprefetch;
off_t xdrsize;
DCEconstraint* constraint; /* as used to create this node */
NClist* vars; /* vars potentially covered by this cache node */
struct CDFnode* datadds;
OCddsnode ocroot;
OCdatanode content;
} NCcachenode;
/* All cache info */
typedef struct NCcache {
size_t cachelimit; /* max total size for all cached entries */
size_t cachesize; /* current size */
size_t cachecount; /* max # nodes in cache */
NCcachenode* prefetch;
NClist* nodes; /* cache nodes other than prefetch */
} NCcache;
/* The DAP packet info from OC */
typedef struct NCOC {
OClink conn;
char* rawurltext; /* as given to nc3d_open */
char* urltext; /* as modified by nc3d_open */
NCURI* url; /* parse of rawuritext */
OCdasnode ocdasroot;
DCEconstraint* dapconstraint; /* from url */
int inmemory; /* store fetched data in memory? */
typedef struct NCCDF {
struct CDFnode* ddsroot; /* constrained dds */
struct CDFnode* fullddsroot; /* unconstrained dds */
NClist* projectedvars; /* vars appearing in nc_open url projections */
unsigned int defaultstringlength;
unsigned int defaultsequencelimit; /* global sequence limit;0=>no limit */
struct NCcache* cache;
size_t fetchlimit;
size_t smallsizelimit; /* what constitutes a small object? */
size_t totalestimatedsize;
const char* separator; /* constant; do not free */
/* Following fields should be set from the unconstrained dds only */
/* global string dimension */
struct CDFnode* globalstringdim;
char* recorddimname; /* From DODS_EXTRA */
struct CDFnode* recorddim;
/* Define a structure holding common info for NCDAP */
typedef struct NCDAPCOMMON {
NC* controller; /* Parent instance of NCDAPCOMMON */
NCCDF cdf;
NCOC oc;
NCCONTROLS controls; /* Control flags and parameters */
struct {
int realfile; /* 1 => we created actual temp file */
char* filename; /* of the substrate file */
int nc3id; /* substrate nc4 file ncid used to hold metadata; not same as external id */
} substrate;
/* Create our own node tree to mimic ocnode trees*/
/* Each root CDFnode contains info about the whole tree */
typedef struct CDFtree {
OCddsnode ocroot;
OCdxd occlass;
NClist* nodes; /* all nodes in tree*/
struct CDFnode* root; /* cross link */
struct NCDAPCOMMON* owner;
/* Collected sets of useful nodes */
NClist* varnodes; /* nodes which can represent netcdf variables */
NClist* seqnodes; /* sequence nodes; */
NClist* gridnodes; /* grid nodes */
NClist* dimnodes; /* (base) dimension nodes */
/* Classification flags */
int restructed; /* Was this tree passed thru restruct? */
} CDFtree;
/* Track the kinds of dimensions */
typedef int CDFdimflags;
#define CDFDIMNORMAL 0x0
#define CDFDIMSEQ 0x1
#define CDFDIMSTRING 0x2
#define CDFDIMCLONE 0x4
#define CDFDIMRECORD 0x20
#define DIMFLAG(d,flag) ((d)->dim.dimflags & (flag))
#define DIMFLAGSET(d,flag) ((d)->dim.dimflags |= (flag))
#define DIMFLAGCLR(d,flag) ((d)->dim.dimflags &= ~(flag))
typedef struct CDFdim {
CDFdimflags dimflags;
struct CDFnode* basedim; /* for duplicate dimensions*/
struct CDFnode* array; /* parent array node */
size_t declsize; /* from constrained DDS*/
size_t declsize0; /* from unconstrained DDS*/
int index1; /* dimension name index +1; 0=>no index */
} CDFdim;
typedef struct CDFarray {
NClist* dimsetall; /* dimsetplus + inherited */
NClist* dimsettrans; /* dimset0 plus inherited(transitive closure) */
NClist* dimsetplus; /* dimset0 + pseudo */
NClist* dimset0; /* original dims from the dds */
struct CDFnode* stringdim;
/* Track sequence related information */
struct CDFnode* seqdim; /* if this node is a sequence */
/* note: unlike string dim; seqdim is also stored in dimensions vector */
struct CDFnode* sequence; /* containing usable sequence, if any */
struct CDFnode* basevar; /* for duplicate grid variables*/
} CDFarray;
typedef struct NCattribute {
char* name;
nc_type etype; /* dap type of the attribute */
NClist* values; /* strings come from the oc values */
int invisible; /* Do not materialize to the user */
} NCattribute;
/* Extend as additional DODS attribute values are defined */
typedef struct NCDODS {
size_t maxstrlen;
char* dimname;
typedef struct NCalignment {
unsigned long size; /* size of single instance of this type*/
unsigned long alignment; /* alignment of this field */
unsigned long offset; /* offset of this field in parent */
} NCalignment;
typedef struct NCtypesize {
BOOL aligned; /* have instance and field been defined? */
NCalignment instance; /* Alignment, etc for instance data */
NCalignment field; /* Alignment, etc WRT to parent */
} NCtypesize;
/* Closely mimics struct OCnode*/
typedef struct CDFnode {
nc_type nctype; /* e.g. var, dimension */
nc_type etype; /* e.g. NC_INT, NC_FLOAT if applicable,*/
char* ocname; /* oc base name */
char* ncbasename; /* generally cdflegalname(ocname) */
char* ncfullname; /* complete path name from root to this node*/
OCddsnode ocnode; /* oc mirror node*/
struct CDFnode* group; /* null => in root group */
struct CDFnode* container; /* e.g. struct or sequence, but not group */
struct CDFnode* root;
CDFtree* tree; /* root level metadata;only defined if root*/
CDFdim dim; /* nctype == dimension */
CDFarray array; /* nctype == grid,var,etc. with dimensions */
NClist* subnodes; /* if nctype == grid, sequence, etc. */
NClist* attributes; /*NClist<NCattribute*>*/
NCDODS dodsspecial; /* special attributes like maxStrlen */
nc_type externaltype; /* the type as represented to nc_inq*/
int ncid; /* relevant NC id for this object*/
unsigned long maxstringlength;
unsigned long sequencelimit; /* 0=>unlimited */
BOOL usesequence; /* If this sequence is usable */
BOOL elided; /* 1 => node does not partipate in naming*/
struct CDFnode* basenode; /* derived tree map to pattern tree */
BOOL invisible; /* 1 => do not show to user */
BOOL zerodim; /* 1 => node has a zero dimension */
/* These two flags track the effects on grids of constraints */
BOOL nc_virtual; /* node added by regrid */
struct CDFnode* attachment; /* DDS<->DATADDS cross link*/
struct CDFnode* pattern; /* temporary field for regridding */
/* Fields for use by libncdap4 */
NCtypesize typesize;
int typeid; /* when treating field as type */
int basetypeid; /* when typeid is vlen */
char* typename;
char* vlenname; /* for sequence types */
int singleton; /* for singleton sequences */
unsigned long estimatedsize; /* > 0 Only for var nodes */
BOOL whole; /* projected as whole node */
BOOL prefetchable; /* eligible to be prefetched (if whole) */
} CDFnode;
/* Shared procedures */
/* From error.c*/
extern NCerror ocerrtoncerr(OCerror);
extern NCerror attach(CDFnode* xroot, CDFnode* ddstarget);
extern void unattach(CDFnode*);
extern int nodematch(CDFnode* node1, CDFnode* node2);
extern int simplenodematch(CDFnode* node1, CDFnode* node2);
extern CDFnode* findxnode(CDFnode* target, CDFnode* xroot);
extern int constrainable(NCURI*);
extern char* makeconstraintstring(DCEconstraint*);
extern size_t estimatedataddssize(CDFnode* datadds);
extern void canonicalprojection(NClist*, NClist*);
extern NClist* getalldims(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, int visibleonly);
/* From cdf.c */
extern NCerror fixgrid(NCDAPCOMMON* drno, CDFnode* grid);
extern NCerror computecdfinfo(NCDAPCOMMON*, NClist*);
extern char* cdfname(char* basename);
extern NCerror augmentddstree(NCDAPCOMMON*, NClist*);
extern NCerror computecdfdimnames(NCDAPCOMMON*);
extern NCerror buildcdftree(NCDAPCOMMON*, OCddsnode, OCdxd, CDFnode**);
extern CDFnode* makecdfnode(NCDAPCOMMON*, char* nm, OCtype,
/*optional*/ OCddsnode ocnode, CDFnode* container);
extern void freecdfroot(CDFnode*);
extern NCerror dimimprint(NCDAPCOMMON*);
extern NCerror definedimsets(NCDAPCOMMON*,CDFtree*);
extern NCerror definedimsettrans(NCDAPCOMMON*,CDFtree*);
/* From cache.c */
extern int iscached(NCDAPCOMMON*, CDFnode* target, NCcachenode** cachenodep);
extern NCerror prefetchdata(NCDAPCOMMON*);
extern NCerror markprefetch(NCDAPCOMMON*);
extern NCerror buildcachenode(NCDAPCOMMON*,
DCEconstraint* constraint,
NClist* varlist,
NCcachenode** cachep,
NCFLAGS flags);
extern NCcachenode* createnccachenode(void);
extern void freenccachenode(NCDAPCOMMON*, NCcachenode* node);
extern NCcache* createnccache(void);
extern void freenccache(NCDAPCOMMON*, NCcache* cache);
/* Add an extra function whose sole purpose is to allow
configure(.ac) to test for the presence of thiscode.
extern int nc__opendap(void);
/* Define accessors for the dispatchdata */
#define NCD2_DATA(nc) ((NCDAPCOMMON*)(nc)->dispatchdata)
#define NCD2_DATA_SET(nc,data) ((nc)->dispatchdata = (void*)(data))
#define getncid(drno) (((NC*)drno)->ext_ncid)
#define getdap(drno) ((NCDAPCOMMON*)((NC*)drno)->dispatchdata)
#define getnc3id(drno) (getdap(drno)->substrate.nc3id)
#endif /*NCCOMMON_H*/