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C This is part of the netCDF package.
C Copyright 2006 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata.
C See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use.
C This program tests netCDF-4 variable functions from fortran.
C $Id: ftst_vars.F,v 1.19 2009/09/27 21:25:23 ed Exp $
program ftst_vars
implicit none
include 'netcdf.inc'
C This is the name of the data file we will create.
character*(*) FILE_NAME
parameter (FILE_NAME='ftst_vars.nc')
C We are writing 2D data, a 6 x 12 grid.
integer NDIMS
parameter (NDIMS=2)
integer NX, NY
parameter (NX = 6, NY = 12)
integer ncid, varid, dimids(NDIMS)
integer x_dimid, y_dimid
C This is the data array we will write, and a place to store it when
C we read it back in.
integer data_out(NY, NX), data_in(NY, NX)
C For checking our data file to make sure it's correct.
integer chunks(NDIMS), chunks_in(NDIMS)
integer shuffle, deflate, deflate_level, checksum, contiguous
integer endianness
C Cache size stuff.
parameter (CACHE_SIZE = 8000, CACHE_NELEMS = 500)
parameter (CACHE_PREEMPTION = 50)
integer cache_size_in, cache_nelems_in, cache_preemption_in
C Loop indexes, and error handling.
integer x, y, retval
C Create some pretend data.
do x = 1, NX
do y = 1, NY
data_out(y, x) = 2147483646 + x * y
end do
end do
print *, ''
print *,'*** Testing definition of netCDF-4 vars from Fortran 77.'
C Change the cache size for the files created/opened in this program.
retval = nf_set_chunk_cache(CACHE_SIZE, CACHE_NELEMS,
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Check chunk cache sizes.
retval = nf_get_chunk_cache(cache_size_in, cache_nelems_in,
& cache_preemption_in)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (cache_size_in .ne. CACHE_SIZE .or.
& cache_nelems_in .ne. CACHE_NELEMS .or.
& cache_preemption_in .ne. CACHE_PREEMPTION) stop 4
C Create the netCDF file.
retval = nf_create(FILE_NAME, NF_NETCDF4, ncid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Define the dimensions.
retval = nf_def_dim(ncid, "x", NX, x_dimid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
retval = nf_def_dim(ncid, "y", NY, y_dimid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Define the variable.
dimids(1) = y_dimid
dimids(2) = x_dimid
retval = nf_def_var(ncid, "data", NF_INT64, NDIMS, dimids, varid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Turn on chunking.
chunks(1) = NY
chunks(2) = NX
retval = nf_def_var_chunking(ncid, varid, 0, chunks)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Set variable to big-endian (default is whatever is native to
C writing machine).
retval = nf_def_var_endian(ncid, varid, NF_ENDIAN_BIG)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Turn on deflate, fletcher32.
retval = nf_def_var_deflate(ncid, varid, 0, 1, 4)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
retval = nf_def_var_fletcher32(ncid, varid, NF_FLETCHER32)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Is everything set that is supposed to be?
retval = nf_inq_var_deflate(ncid, varid, shuffle, deflate,
+ deflate_level)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (shuffle .ne. 0 .or. deflate .ne. 1 .or.
+ deflate_level .ne. 4) stop 2
retval = nf_inq_var_fletcher32(ncid, varid, checksum)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (checksum .ne. NF_FLETCHER32) stop 2
retval = nf_inq_var_chunking(ncid, varid, contiguous, chunks_in)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (contiguous .ne. 0) stop 2
if (chunks(1) .ne. chunks_in(1) .or.
+ chunks(2) .ne. chunks_in(2)) stop 2
retval = nf_inq_var_endian(ncid, varid, endianness)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (endianness .ne. NF_ENDIAN_BIG) stop 2
C Since this is a classic model file, we must call enddef
retval = nf_enddef(ncid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Write the pretend data to the file.
retval = nf_put_var_int(ncid, varid, data_out)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Close the file.
retval = nf_close(ncid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Reopen the file and check again.
retval = nf_open(FILE_NAME, NF_NOWRITE, ncid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
C Find our variable.
retval = nf_inq_varid(ncid, "data", varid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (varid .ne. 1) stop 2
C Check the deflate, fletcher32, chunking, and endianness.
retval = nf_inq_var_deflate(ncid, varid, shuffle, deflate,
+ deflate_level)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (shuffle .ne. 0 .or. deflate .ne. 1 .or.
+ deflate_level .ne. 4) stop 2
retval = nf_inq_var_fletcher32(ncid, varid, checksum)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (checksum .ne. NF_FLETCHER32) stop 2
retval = nf_inq_var_chunking(ncid, varid, contiguous, chunks_in)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (contiguous .ne. 0) stop 2
if (chunks(1) .ne. chunks_in(1) .or.
+ chunks(2) .ne. chunks_in(2)) stop 2
retval = nf_inq_var_endian(ncid, varid, endianness)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
if (endianness .ne. NF_ENDIAN_BIG) stop 2
C Read the data and check it.
retval = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, data_in)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
do x = 1, NX
do y = 1, NY
if (data_in(y, x) .ne. data_out(y, x)) stop 2
end do
end do
C Close the file.
retval = nf_close(ncid)
if (retval .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(retval)
print *,'*** SUCCESS!'