mirror of https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c.git synced 2025-02-23 16:59:54 +08:00
Dennis Heimbigner 9380790ea8 Support MSYS2/Mingw platform

The current netcdf-c release has some problems with the mingw platform
on windows. Mostly they are path issues.

Changes to support mingw+msys2:
* Enable option of looking into the windows registry to find
  the mingw root path. In aid of proper path handling.
* Add mingw+msys as a specific platform in configure.ac and move testing
  of the platform to the front so it is available early.
* Handle mingw X libncpoco (dynamic loader) properly even though
  mingw does not yet support it.
* Handle mingw X plugins properly even though mingw does not yet support it.
* Alias pwd='pwd -W' to better handle paths in shell scripts.
* Plus a number of other minor compile irritations.
* Disallow the use of multiple nc_open's on the same file for windows
  (and mingw) because windows does not seem to handle these properly.
  Not sure why we did not catch this earlier.
* Add mountpoint info to dpathmgr.c to help support mingw.
* Cleanup dpathmgr conversions.

Known problems:
* I have not been able to get shared libraries to work, so
  plugins/filters must be disabled.
* There is some kind of problem with libcurl that I have not solved,
  so all uses of libcurl (currently DAP+Byterange) must be disabled.

Misc. other fixes:
* Cleanup the relationship between ENABLE_PLUGINS and various other flags
  in CMakeLists.txt and configure.ac.
* Re-arrange the TESTDIRS order in Makefile.am.
* Add pseudo-breakpoint to nclog.[ch] for debugging.
* Improve the documentation of the path manager code in ncpathmgr.h
* Add better support for relative paths in dpathmgr.c
* Default the mode args to NCfopen to include "b" (binary) for windows.
* Add optional debugging output in various places.
* Make sure that everything builds with plugins disabled.
* Fix numerous (s)printf inconsistencies betweenb the format spec
  and the arguments.
2021-12-23 22:18:56 -07:00

162 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright 1993-2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
* Test driver for netCDF implementation. This program performs tests
* against the netCDF specification for all user-level functions in an
* implementation of the netCDF library. Must be invoked from a
* directory in which the invoker has write permission.
* Glenn Davis, Russ Rew, Ed Hartnett
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netcdf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "testcdf.h" /* defines in-memory test netcdf structure */
#include "tests.h"
#undef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#define CATCH(x) {(x); if(nerrs > 0) breakpoint();}
static void breakpoint(void) {return;}
#define CATCH(x) (x)
int current_format = 0;
/* Determine how many formats are available, and what they are. */
determine_test_formats(int *num_formats, int *format)
int ind = 0;
int num;
/* We always have classic and 64-bit offset */
num = 2;
format[ind++] = NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC;
format[ind++] = NC_FORMAT_64BIT_OFFSET;
/* Do we have netCDF-4 and netCDF-4 classic? */
#ifdef USE_HDF5
num += 2;
format[ind++] = NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4_CLASSIC;
format[ind++] = NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4;
#endif /* USE_HDF5 */
/* Do we have CDF5? */
#ifdef ENABLE_CDF5
format[ind++] = NC_FORMAT_CDF5;
#endif /* ENABLE_CDF5 */
*num_formats = num;
main(int argc, char **argv)
/*EXTERNL int ncopts; */ /* netCDF error options */
char *format_name[MAX_NUM_FORMATS] = {"classic", "64bit_offset", "netcdf4_classic",
"netcdf4", "CDF5"};
char testfile[NC_MAX_NAME];
int format[MAX_NUM_FORMATS];
int num_formats;
int i, nerrs = 0;
ncopts &= ~NC_FATAL; /* make errors nonfatal */
ncopts &= ~NC_VERBOSE; /* turn off error messages */
/* How many formats are we testing? */
determine_test_formats(&num_formats, format);
printf("Testing V2 API with %d different netCDF formats.\n", num_formats);
for (i = 0; i < num_formats; i++)
current_format = format[i];
/* Skip netCDF-4 - only netCDF-4 classic will work. */
if (format[i] == NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4)
/* Come up with a test file name. */
sprintf(testfile, "nctest_%s.nc", format_name[i]);
printf("Testing %s with file %s.\n", format_name[i], testfile);
/* Set the default format. */
nc_set_default_format(format[i], NULL);
/* Run all the tests for this format. */
CATCH(nerrs += test_nccreate(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncopen(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncredef(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncendef(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncclose(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncinquire(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncsync(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncabort(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncdimdef(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncdimid(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncdiminq(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncdimrename(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvardef(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarid(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarinq(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarputg(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarput1(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarget1(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarput(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarget(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarputg(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvargetg(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncrecinq(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncrecput(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncrecget(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncvarrename(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattput(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattinq(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattget(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattcopy(testfile, "test2.nc"));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattname(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattrename(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_ncattdel(testfile));
CATCH(nerrs += test_nctypelen());
/* Clean up in-memory struct. */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < test.ndims; i++)
for (i = 0; i < test.nvars; i++)
for (i = 0; i < test.natts; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "\nTotal number of failures: %d\n", nerrs);
if (nerrs)
fprintf(stderr, "nctest FAILURE!!!\n");
return 2;
fprintf(stderr, "nctest SUCCESS!!!\n");
return 0;