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* Copyright 2008, 2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
* This file is part of the UDUNITS-2 package. See the file LICENSE
* in the top-level source-directory of the package for copying and
* redistribution conditions.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "converter.h"
typedef struct ut_system ut_system;
typedef union ut_unit ut_unit;
typedef enum {
UT_SUCCESS = 0, /* Success */
UT_BAD_ARG, /* An argument violates the function's contract */
UT_EXISTS, /* Unit, prefix, or identifier already exists */
UT_NO_UNIT, /* No such unit exists */
UT_OS, /* Operating-system error. See "errno". */
UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM, /* The units belong to different unit-systems */
UT_MEANINGLESS, /* The operation on the unit(s) is meaningless */
UT_NO_SECOND, /* The unit-system doesn't have a unit named "second" */
UT_VISIT_ERROR, /* An error occurred while visiting a unit */
UT_CANT_FORMAT, /* A unit can't be formatted in the desired manner */
UT_SYNTAX, /* string unit representation contains syntax error */
UT_UNKNOWN, /* string unit representation contains unknown word */
UT_OPEN_ARG, /* Can't open argument-specified unit database */
UT_OPEN_ENV, /* Can't open environment-specified unit database */
UT_OPEN_DEFAULT, /* Can't open installed, default, unit database */
UT_PARSE /* Error parsing unit specification */
} ut_status;
typedef enum {
UT_ISO_8859_1 = 1,
UT_LATIN1 = UT_ISO_8859_1,
UT_UTF8 = 2
} ut_encoding;
#define UT_NAMES 4
* Data-structure for a visitor to a unit:
typedef struct {
* Visits a basic-unit. A basic-unit is a base unit like "meter" or a non-
* dimensional but named unit like "radian".
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the basic-unit.
* arg Client pointer passed to ut_accept_visitor().
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* else Failure.
ut_status (*visit_basic)(const ut_unit* unit, void* arg);
* Visits a product-unit. A product-unit is a product of zero or more
* basic-units, each raised to a non-zero power.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the product-unit.
* count The number of basic-units in the product. May be zero.
* basicUnits Pointer to an array of basic-units in the product.
* powers Pointer to an array of powers to which the respective
* basic-units are raised.
* arg Client pointer passed to ut_accept_visitor().
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* else Failure.
ut_status (*visit_product)(const ut_unit* unit, int count,
const ut_unit* const* basicUnits, const int* powers, void* arg);
* Visits a Galilean-unit. A Galilean-unit has an underlying unit and a
* non-unity scale factor or a non-zero offset.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the Galilean-unit.
* scale The scale factor (e.g., 1000 for a kilometer when the
* underlying unit is a meter).
* underlyingUnit Pointer to the underlying unit.
* offset Pointer to the underlying unit.
* arg Client pointer passed to ut_accept_visitor().
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* else Failure.
ut_status (*visit_galilean)(const ut_unit* unit, double scale,
const ut_unit* underlyingUnit, double offset, void* arg);
* Visits a timestamp-unit. A timestamp-unit has an underlying unit of time
* and an encoded time-origin.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the timestamp-unit.
* timeUnit Pointer to the underlying unit of time.
* origin Encoded origin of the timestamp-unit.
* arg Client pointer passed to ut_accept_visitor().
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* else Failure.
ut_status (*visit_timestamp)(const ut_unit* unit,
const ut_unit* timeUnit, double origin, void* arg);
* Visits a logarithmic-unit. A logarithmic-unit has a logarithmic base and
* a unit that specifies the reference level.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the logarithmic-unit.
* base The logarithmic base (e.g., 2, M_E, 10).
* reference Pointer to the unit that specifies the reference level.
* arg Client pointer passed to ut_accept_visitor().
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* else Failure.
ut_status (*visit_logarithmic)(const ut_unit* unit, double base,
const ut_unit* reference, void* arg);
} ut_visitor;
typedef int (*ut_error_message_handler)(const char* fmt, va_list args);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Unit System:
* Returns the unit-system corresponding to an XML file. This is the usual way
* that a client will obtain a unit-system.
* Arguments:
* path The pathname of the XML file or NULL. If NULL, then the
* pathname specified by the environment variable UDUNITS2_XML_PATH
* is used if set; otherwise, the compile-time pathname of the
* installed, default, unit database is used.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_OPEN_ARG "path" is non-NULL but file couldn't be
* opened. See "errno" for reason.
* UT_OPEN_ENV "path" is NULL and environment variable
* UDUNITS2_XML_PATH is set but file
* couldn't be opened. See "errno" for
* reason.
* UT_OPEN_DEFAULT "path" is NULL, environment variable
* UDUNITS2_XML_PATH is unset, and the
* installed, default, unit database
* couldn't be opened. See "errno" for
* reason.
* UT_PARSE Couldn't parse unit database.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the unit-system defined by "path".
const char* path);
* Returns a new unit-system. On success, the unit-system will only contain
* the dimensionless unit one. See "ut_get_dimensionless_unit_one()".
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to a new unit system.
* Frees a unit-system. All unit-to-identifier and identifier-to-unit mappings
* will be removed.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system to be freed. Use of "system"
* upon return results in undefined behavior.
ut_system* system);
* Returns the unit-system to which a unit belongs.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit in question.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* else Pointer to the unit-system to which "unit" belongs.
const ut_unit* const unit);
* Returns the dimensionless-unit one of a unit-system.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system for which the dimensionless-unit one
* will be returned.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" is NULL.
* else Pointer to the dimensionless-unit one associated with "system".
* While not necessary, the pointer may be passed to ut_free()
* when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_system* const system);
* Returns the unit with a given name from a unit-system. Name comparisons
* are case-insensitive.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system.
* name Pointer to the name of the unit to be returned.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_SUCCESS "name" doesn't map to a unit of
* "system".
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "name" is NULL.
* else Pointer to the unit of the unit-system with the given name.
* The pointer should be passed to ut_free() when the unit is
* no longer needed.
const ut_system* const system,
const char* const name);
* Returns the unit with a given symbol from a unit-system. Symbol
* comparisons are case-sensitive.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system.
* symbol Pointer to the symbol associated with the unit to be
* returned.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_SUCCESS "symbol" doesn't map to a unit of
* "system".
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "symbol" is NULL.
* else Pointer to the unit in the unit-system with the given symbol.
* The pointer should be passed to ut_free() when the unit is no
* longer needed.
const ut_system* const system,
const char* const symbol);
* Sets the "second" unit of a unit-system. This function must be called before
* the first call to "ut_offset_by_time()". ut_read_xml() calls this function if the
* resulting unit-system contains a unit named "second".
* Arguments:
* second Pointer to the "second" unit.
* Returns:
* UT_BAD_ARG "second" is NULL.
* UT_EXISTS The second unit of the unit-system to which "second"
* belongs is set to a different unit.
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
const ut_unit* const second);
* Defining Unit Prefixes:
* Adds a name-prefix to a unit-system. A name-prefix is something like "mega"
* or "milli". Comparisons between name-prefixes are case-insensitive.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system.
* name Pointer to the name-prefix (e.g., "mega"). May be freed
* upon return.
* value The value of the prefix (e.g., 1e6).
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "name" is NULL, or "value" is 0.
* UT_EXISTS "name" already maps to a different value.
* UT_OS Operating-system failure. See "errno".
ut_system* const system,
const char* const name,
const double value);
* Adds a symbol-prefix to a unit-system. A symbol-prefix is something like
* "M" or "y". Comparisons between symbol-prefixes are case-sensitive.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system.
* symbol Pointer to the symbol-prefix (e.g., "M"). May be freed
* upon return.
* value The value of the prefix (e.g., 1e6).
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BADSYSTEM "system" or "symbol" is NULL.
* UT_BAD_ARG "value" is 0.
* UT_EXISTS "symbol" already maps to a different value.
* UT_OS Operating-system failure. See "errno".
ut_system* const system,
const char* const symbol,
const double value);
* Defining and Deleting Units:
* Adds a base-unit to a unit-system. Clients that use ut_read_xml() should not
* normally need to call this function.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system to which to add the new base-unit.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "name" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the new base-unit. The pointer should be passed to
* ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client (the
* unit will remain in the unit-system).
ut_system* const system);
* Adds a dimensionless-unit to a unit-system. In the SI system of units, the
* derived-unit radian is a dimensionless-unit. Clients that use ut_read_xml()
* should not normally need to call this function.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system to which to add the new
* dimensionless-unit.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the new dimensionless-unit. The pointer should be
* passed to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the
* client (the unit will remain in the unit-system).
ut_system* const system);
* Returns a clone of a unit.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to be cloned.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. ut_get_status() will be
* UT_OS Operating-system failure. See "errno".
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* else Pointer to the clone of "unit". The pointer should be
* passed to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the
* client.
const ut_unit* unit);
* Frees resources associated with a unit. This function should be invoked on
* all units that are no longer needed by the client. Use of the unit upon
* return from this function will result in undefined behavior.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to have its resources freed or NULL.
ut_unit* const unit);
* Mapping between Units and Names:
* Returns the name in a given encoding to which a unit maps.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit whose name should be returned.
* encoding The desired encoding of the name.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_SUCCESS "unit" doesn't map to a name in
* in the given encoding.
* else Pointer to the name in the given encoding to which
* "unit" maps.
const char*
const ut_unit* const unit,
const ut_encoding encoding);
* Adds a mapping from a name to a unit.
* Arguments:
* name Pointer to the name to be mapped to "unit". May be
* freed upon return.
* encoding The character encoding of "name".
* unit Pointer to the unit to be mapped-to by "name". May be
* freed upon return.
* Returns:
* UT_BAD_ARG "name" or "unit" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* UT_EXISTS "name" already maps to a different unit.
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
const char* const name,
const ut_encoding encoding,
const ut_unit* const unit);
* Removes a mapping from a name to a unit. After this function,
* ut_get_unit_by_name(system,name) will no longer return a unit.
* Arguments:
* system The unit-system to which the unit belongs.
* name The name of the unit.
* encoding The character encoding of "name".
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "name" is NULL.
ut_system* system,
const char* const name,
const ut_encoding encoding);
* Adds a mapping from a unit to a name.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to be mapped to "name". May be
* freed upon return.
* name Pointer to the name to be mapped-to by "unit". May be
* freed upon return.
* encoding The encoding of "name".
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" or "name" is NULL, or "name" is not in the
* specified encoding.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* UT_EXISTS "unit" already maps to a name.
const ut_unit* const unit,
const char* const name,
ut_encoding encoding);
* Removes a mapping from a unit to a name.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit. May be freed upon return.
* encoding The encoding to be removed. No other encodings will be
* removed.
* Returns:
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
const ut_unit* const unit,
ut_encoding encoding);
* Mapping between Units and Symbols:
* Returns the symbol in a given encoding to which a unit maps.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit whose symbol should be returned.
* encoding The desired encoding of the symbol.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_SUCCESS "unit" doesn't map to a symbol
* in the given encoding.
* else Pointer to the symbol in the given encoding to which
* "unit" maps.
const char*
const ut_unit* const unit,
const ut_encoding encoding);
* Adds a mapping from a symbol to a unit.
* Arguments:
* symbol Pointer to the symbol to be mapped to "unit". May be
* freed upon return.
* ut_encoding The character encoding of "symbol".
* unit Pointer to the unit to be mapped-to by "symbol". May
* be freed upon return.
* Returns:
* UT_BAD_ARG "symbol" or "unit" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* UT_EXISTS "symbol" already maps to a different unit.
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
const char* const symbol,
const ut_encoding encoding,
const ut_unit* const unit);
* Removes a mapping from a symbol to a unit. After this function,
* ut_get_unit_by_symbol(system,symbol) will no longer return a unit.
* Arguments:
* system The unit-system to which the unit belongs.
* symbol The symbol of the unit.
* encoding The character encoding of "symbol".
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "symbol" is NULL.
ut_system* system,
const char* const symbol,
const ut_encoding encoding);
* Adds a mapping from a unit to a symbol.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to be mapped to "symbol". May be
* freed upon return.
* symbol Pointer to the symbol to be mapped-to by "unit". May
* be freed upon return.
* encoding The encoding of "symbol".
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" or "symbol" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* UT_EXISTS "unit" already maps to a symbol.
const ut_unit* unit,
const char* const symbol,
ut_encoding encoding);
* Removes a mapping from a unit to a symbol.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to be unmapped to a symbol. May be
* freed upon return.
* encoding The encoding to be removed. The mappings for "unit" in
* other encodings will not be removed.
* Returns:
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
const ut_unit* const unit,
ut_encoding encoding);
* Getting Information about a Unit:
* Indicates if a given unit is dimensionless or not. Note that logarithmic
* units are dimensionless by definition.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit in question.
* Returns:
* 0 "unit" is dimensionfull or an error occurred. "ut_get_status()"
* will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_SUCCESS "unit" is dimensionfull.
* else "unit" is dimensionless.
const ut_unit* const unit);
* Indicates if two units belong to the same unit-system.
* Arguments:
* unit1 Pointer to a unit.
* unit2 Pointer to another unit.
* Returns:
* 0 Failure or the units belong to different unit-systems.
* "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit1" or "unit2" is NULL.
* UT_SUCCESS The units belong to different
* unit-systems.
* else The units belong to the same unit-system.
const ut_unit* const unit1,
const ut_unit* const unit2);
* Compares two units. Returns a value less than, equal to, or greater than
* zero as the first unit is considered less than, equal to, or greater than
* the second unit, respectively. Units from different unit-systems never
* compare equal.
* Arguments:
* unit1 Pointer to a unit or NULL.
* unit2 Pointer to another unit or NULL.
* Returns:
* <0 The first unit is less than the second unit.
* 0 The first and second units are equal or both units are NULL.
* >0 The first unit is greater than the second unit.
const ut_unit* const unit1,
const ut_unit* const unit2);
* Indicates if numeric values in one unit are convertible to numeric values in
* another unit via "ut_get_converter()". In making this determination,
* dimensionless units are ignored.
* Arguments:
* unit1 Pointer to a unit.
* unit2 Pointer to another unit.
* Returns:
* 0 Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit1" or "unit2" is NULL.
* UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM "unit1" and "unit2" belong to
* different unit-sytems.
* UT_SUCCESS Conversion between the units is
* not possible (e.g., "unit1" is
* "meter" and "unit2" is
* "kilogram").
* else Numeric values can be converted between the units.
const ut_unit* const unit1,
const ut_unit* const unit2);
* Returns a converter of numeric values in one unit to numeric values in
* another unit. The returned converter should be passed to cv_free() when it is
* no longer needed by the client.
* NOTE: Leap seconds are not taken into account when converting between
* timestamp units.
* Arguments:
* from Pointer to the unit from which to convert values.
* to Pointer to the unit to which to convert values.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "from" or "to" is NULL.
* UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM "from" and "to" belong to
* different unit-systems.
* UT_MEANINGLESS Conversion between the units is
* not possible. See
* "ut_are_convertible()".
* else Pointer to the appropriate converter. The pointer
* should be passed to cv_free() when no longer needed by
* the client.
ut_unit* const from,
ut_unit* const to);
* Arithmetic Unit Manipulation:
* Returns a unit equivalent to another unit scaled by a numeric factor,
* e.g.,
* const ut_unit* meter = ...
* const ut_unit* kilometer = ut_scale(1000, meter);
* Arguments:
* factor The numeric scale factor.
* unit Pointer to the unit to be scaled.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "factor" is 0 or "unit" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See
* "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be
* passed to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by
* the client.
const double factor,
const ut_unit* const unit);
* Returns a unit equivalent to another unit offset by a numeric amount,
* e.g.,
* const ut_unit* kelvin = ...
* const ut_unit* celsius = ut_offset(kelvin, 273.15);
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to be offset.
* offset The numeric offset.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See
* "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be
* passed to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by
* the client.
const ut_unit* const unit,
const double offset);
* Returns a unit equivalent to another unit relative to a particular time.
* e.g.,
* const ut_unit* second = ...
* const ut_unit* secondsSinceTheEpoch =
* ut_offset_by_time(second, ut_encode_time(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.0));
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the time-unit to be made relative to a time-origin.
* origin The origin as returned by ut_encode_time().
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* UT_MEANINGLESS Creation of a timestamp unit based on
* "unit" is not meaningful.
* UT_NO_SECOND The associated unit-system doesn't
* contain a "second" unit. See
* ut_set_second().
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be passed
* to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_unit* const unit,
const double origin);
* Returns the result of multiplying one unit by another unit.
* Arguments:
* unit1 Pointer to a unit.
* unit2 Pointer to another unit.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit1" or "unit2" is NULL.
* UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM "unit1" and "unit2" belong to
* different unit-systems.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be passed
* to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_unit* const unit1,
const ut_unit* const unit2);
* Returns the inverse (i.e., reciprocal) of a unit. This convenience function
* is equal to "ut_raise(unit, -1)".
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be passed to
* ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_unit* const unit);
* Returns the result of dividing one unit by another unit. This convenience
* function is equivalent to the following sequence:
* {
* ut_unit* inverse = ut_invert(denom);
* ut_multiply(numer, inverse);
* ut_free(inverse);
* }
* Arguments:
* numer Pointer to the numerator (top, dividend) unit.
* denom Pointer to the denominator (bottom, divisor) unit.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "numer" or "denom" is NULL.
* UT_NOT_SAME_SYSTEM "unit1" and "unit2" belong to
* different unit-systems.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be passed to
* ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_unit* const numer,
const ut_unit* const denom);
* Returns the result of raising a unit to a power.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit.
* power The power by which to raise "unit". Must be greater than or
* equal to -255 and less than or equal to 255.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL or "power" is invalid.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be passed to
* ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_unit* const unit,
const int power);
* Returns the result of taking the root of a unit.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit.
* root The root to take of "unit". Must be greater than or
* equal to 1 and less than or equal to 255.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" is NULL, or "root" is invalid.
* In particular, all powers of base units
* in "unit" must be integral multiples of
* "root".
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be passed to
* ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by the client.
const ut_unit* const unit,
const int root);
* Returns the logarithmic unit corresponding to a logarithmic base and a
* reference level. For example, the following creates a decibel unit with a
* one milliwatt reference level:
* const ut_unit* watt = ...;
* const ut_unit* milliWatt = ut_scale(0.001, watt);
* if (milliWatt != NULL) {
* const ut_unit* bel_1_mW = ut_log(10.0, milliWatt);
* if (bel_1_mW != NULL) {
* const ut_unit* decibel_1_mW = ut_scale(0.1, bel_1_mW);
* if (decibel_1_mW != NULL) {
* ...
* ut_free(decibel_1_mW);
* } // "decibel_1_mW" allocated
* ut_free(bel_1_mW);
* } // "bel_1_mW" allocated
* ut_free(milliWatt);
* } // "milliWatt" allocated
* Arguments:
* base The logarithmic base (e.g., 2, M_E, 10). Must be
* greater than one. "M_E" is defined in <math.h>.
* reference Pointer to the reference value as a unit.
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be:
* UT_BAD_ARG "base" is invalid or "reference"
* is NULL.
* UT_OS Operating-system error. See
* "errno".
* else Pointer to the resulting unit. The pointer should be
* passed to ut_free() when the unit is no longer needed by
* the client.
const double base,
const ut_unit* const reference);
* Parsing and Formatting Units:
* Returns the binary representation of a unit corresponding to a string
* representation.
* Arguments:
* system Pointer to the unit-system in which the parsing will
* occur.
* string The string to be parsed (e.g., "millimeters"). There
* should be no leading or trailing whitespace in the
* string. See ut_trim().
* encoding The encoding of "string".
* Returns:
* NULL Failure. "ut_get_status()" will be one of
* UT_BAD_ARG "system" or "string" is NULL.
* UT_SYNTAX "string" contained a syntax
* error.
* UT_UNKNOWN "string" contained an unknown
* identifier.
* UT_OS Operating-system failure. See
* "errno".
* else Pointer to the unit corresponding to "string".
const ut_system* const system,
const char* const string,
const ut_encoding encoding);
* Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
* Arguments:
* string NUL-terminated string. Will be modified if it contains
* whitespace..
* encoding The character-encoding of "string".
* Returns:
* "string", with all leading and trailing whitespace removed.
char* const string,
const ut_encoding encoding);
* Formats a unit.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to be formatted.
* buf Pointer to the buffer into which to format "unit".
* size Size of the buffer in bytes.
* opts Formatting options: bitwise-OR of zero or more of the
* following:
* UT_NAMES Use unit names instead of
* symbols
* UT_DEFINITION The formatted string should be
* the definition of "unit" in
* terms of basic-units instead of
* stopping any expansion at the
* highest level possible.
* UT_ASCII The string should be formatted
* using the ASCII character set
* (default).
* UT_LATIN1 The string should be formatted
* using the ISO Latin-1 (alias
* ISO-8859-1) character set.
* UT_UTF8 The string should be formatted
* using the UTF-8 character set.
* UT_LATIN1 and UT_UTF8 are mutually exclusive: they may
* not both be specified.
* Returns:
* -1 Failure: "ut_get_status()" will be
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" or "buf" is NULL, or both
* UT_LATIN1 and UT_UTF8 specified.
* UT_CANT_FORMAT "unit" can't be formatted in
* the desired manner.
* else Success. Number of characters printed in "buf". If
* the number is equal to the size of the buffer, then the
* buffer is too small to have a terminating NUL character.
const ut_unit* const unit,
char* buf,
size_t size,
unsigned opts);
* Accepts a visitor to a unit.
* Arguments:
* unit Pointer to the unit to accept the visitor.
* visitor Pointer to the visitor of "unit".
* arg An arbitrary pointer that will be passed to "visitor".
* Returns:
* UT_BAD_ARG "unit" or "visitor" is NULL.
* UT_VISIT_ERROR A error occurred in "visitor" while visiting "unit".
* UT_SUCCESS Success.
const ut_unit* const unit,
const ut_visitor* const visitor,
void* const arg);
* Time Handling:
* Encodes a date as a double-precision value.
* Arguments:
* year The year.
* month The month.
* day The day (1 = the first of the month).
* Returns:
* The date encoded as a scalar value.
int year,
int month,
int day);
* Encodes a time as a double-precision value.
* Arguments:
* hours The number of hours (0 = midnight).
* minutes The number of minutes.
* seconds The number of seconds.
* Returns:
* The clock-time encoded as a scalar value.
int hours,
int minutes,
double seconds);
* Encodes a time as a double-precision value. The convenience function is
* equivalent to "ut_encode_date(year,month,day) +
* ut_encode_clock(hour,minute,second)"
* Arguments:
* year The year.
* month The month.
* day The day.
* hour The hour.
* minute The minute.
* second The second.
* Returns:
* The time encoded as a scalar value.
const int year,
const int month,
const int day,
const int hour,
const int minute,
const double second);
* Decodes a time from a double-precision value.
* Arguments:
* value The value to be decoded.
* year Pointer to the variable to be set to the year.
* month Pointer to the variable to be set to the month.
* day Pointer to the variable to be set to the day.
* hour Pointer to the variable to be set to the hour.
* minute Pointer to the variable to be set to the minute.
* second Pointer to the variable to be set to the second.
* resolution Pointer to the variable to be set to the resolution
* of the decoded time in seconds.
double value,
int *year,
int *month,
int *day,
int *hour,
int *minute,
double *second,
double *resolution);
* Error Handling:
* Returns the status of the last operation by the units module. This function
* will not change the status.
* Sets the status of the units module. This function would not normally be
* called by the user unless they were doing their own parsing or formatting.
* Arguments:
* status The status of the units module.
ut_status status);
* Handles an error-message.
* Arguments:
* fmt The format for the error-message.
* ... The arguments for "fmt".
* Returns:
* <0 An output error was encountered.
* else The number of bytes of "fmt" and "arg" written excluding any
* terminating NUL.
const char* const fmt,
* Returns the previously-installed error-message handler and optionally
* installs a new handler. The initial handler is "ut_write_to_stderr()".
* Arguments:
* handler NULL or pointer to the error-message handler. If NULL,
* then the handler is not changed. The
* currently-installed handler can be obtained this way.
* Returns:
* Pointer to the previously-installed error-message handler.
ut_error_message_handler handler);
* Writes an error-message to the standard-error stream when received and
* appends a newline. This is the initial error-message handler.
* Arguments:
* fmt The format for the error-message.
* args The arguments of "fmt".
* Returns:
* <0 A output error was encountered. See "errno".
* else The number of bytes of "fmt" and "arg" written excluding any
* terminating NUL.
const char* const fmt,
va_list args);
* Does nothing with an error-message.
* Arguments:
* fmt The format for the error-message.
* args The arguments of "fmt".
* Returns:
* 0 Always.
const char* const fmt,
va_list args);
#ifdef __cplusplus