/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/ncgen/genjstd.c,v 1.4 2010/05/17 23:26:45 dmh Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include "includes.h" #undef TRACE /*MNEMONIC*/ #define USEMEMORY 1 extern List* vlenconstants; /* List<Constant*>;*/ /* Forward */ static void genjstd_definevardata(Symbol* vsym); static void genjstd_primattribute(Symbol*, Bytebuffer*, unsigned long); static void genjstd_defineattribute(Symbol* asym); static void genjstd_definevardata(Symbol*); static void computemaxunlimited(void); /* Global Bytebuffer into which to store the C code output; periodically dumped to file by jflush(). Shared with genjjni.c */ Bytebuffer* jcode; /* * Generate code for creating netCDF from in-memory structure. */ void gen_ncjava_std(const char *filename) { int idim, ivar, iatt, maxdims; int ndims, nvars, natts, ngatts, ngrps, ntyps; char* cmode_string; jcode = bbNew(); bbSetalloc(jcode,C_MAX_STMT); ndims = listlength(dimdefs); nvars = listlength(vardefs); natts = listlength(attdefs); ngatts = listlength(gattdefs); ngrps = listlength(grpdefs); ntyps = listlength(typdefs); /* Construct the main class */ jline("import java.util.*;"); jline("import ucar.ma2.*;"); jline("import ucar.nc2.*;"); jline("import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.*;"); jline(""); jpartial("public class "); jline(mainname); jline("{"); /* Now construct the main procedure*/ jline(""); jline("static public void main(String[] argv) throws Exception"); jline("{"); /* create necessary declarations */ if (ndims > 0) { jline(""); jlined(1,"/* dimension lengths */"); for(idim = 0; idim < ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,idim); if (dsym->dim.size == NC_UNLIMITED) { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"%sfinal int %s_len = 0;", indented(1),jname(dsym)); } else { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"%sfinal int %s_len = %lu;", indented(1), jname(dsym), (unsigned long) dsym->dim.size); } jline(stmt); } } jflush(); maxdims = 0; /* most dimensions of any variable */ for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); if(vsym->typ.dimset.ndims > maxdims) maxdims = vsym->typ.dimset.ndims; } jline(""); #ifdef DOTHROW jlined(1,"try {"); #endif /* create netCDF file, uses NC_CLOBBER mode */ jline(""); jlined(1,"/* enter define mode */"); if (!cmode_modifier) { cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER"; } else if (cmode_modifier & NC_64BIT_OFFSET) { cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER|NC_64BIT_OFFSET"; } else { derror("unknown cmode modifier"); cmode_string = "NC_CLOBBER"; } nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt), "NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(\"%s\", %s);", filename,(nofill_flag?"false":"true")); jlined(1,stmt); jflush(); /* define dimensions from info in dims array */ if (ndims > 0) { jline(""); jlined(1,"/* define dimensions */"); for(idim = 0; idim < ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = (Symbol*)listget(dimdefs,idim); if(dsym->dim.size == NC_UNLIMITED) { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"Dimension %s_dim = ncfile.addUnlimitedDimension(\"%s\");", jname(dsym),jescapifyname(dsym->name)); } else { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"Dimension %s_dim = ncfile.addDimension(\"%s\", %s_len);", jname(dsym),jescapifyname(dsym->name), jname(dsym)); } jlined(1,stmt); } jflush(); } /* define variables from info in vars array */ if (nvars > 0) { jline(""); jlined(1,"/* define variables */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; jline(""); nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"ArrayList %s_dimlist = new ArrayList();", jname(vsym)); jlined(1,stmt); if(dimset->ndims > 0) { for(idim = 0; idim < dimset->ndims; idim++) { Symbol* dsym = dimset->dimsyms[idim]; nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"%s_dimlist.add(%s_dim);", jname(vsym),jname(dsym)); jlined(1,stmt); } } nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt), "ncfile.addVariable(\"%s\", DataType.%s, %s_dimlist);", jescapifyname(vsym->name), jtypeallcaps(basetype->typ.typecode), jname(vsym)); jlined(1,stmt); } jflush(); } /* Define the global attributes*/ if(ngatts > 0) { jline(""); jlined(1,"/* assign global attributes */"); for(iatt = 0; iatt < ngatts; iatt++) { Symbol* gasym = (Symbol*)listget(gattdefs,iatt); genjstd_defineattribute(gasym); } jline(""); jflush(); } /* Define the variable specific attributes*/ if(natts > 0) { jline(""); jlined(1,"/* assign per-variable attributes */"); for(iatt = 0; iatt < natts; iatt++) { Symbol* asym = (Symbol*)listget(attdefs,iatt); genjstd_defineattribute(asym); } jline(""); jflush(); } jlined(1,"ncfile.create();"); /* equiv to nc_enddef */ /* Load values into those variables with defined data */ if(nvars > 0) { jline(""); jlined(1,"/* assign variable data */"); for(ivar = 0; ivar < nvars; ivar++) { Symbol* vsym = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,ivar); if(vsym->data != NULL) genjstd_definevardata(vsym); } jline(""); /* compute the max actual size of the unlimited dimension*/ if(usingclassic) computemaxunlimited(); } jflush(); } void cl_java_std(void) { jlined(1,"ncfile.close();"); jline(""); #ifdef DOTHROW jlined(1,"} catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();};"); #endif jline("}"); /* main */ jline("}"); /* class Main */ jflush(); } /* * Return java type name for netCDF type, given type code. */ static void genjstd_defineattribute(Symbol* asym) { unsigned long len; Datalist* list; Bytebuffer* code = NULL; /* capture other decls*/ list = asym->data; if(list == NULL) len = 0; else len = asym->att.count; nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"/* attribute: %s */",asym->name); jlined(1,stmt); code = bbNew(); genjstd_attrdata(asym,code); /* Handle primitives separately */ if(asym->typ.basetype->typ.typecode != NC_CHAR) commify(code); genjstd_primattribute(asym, code, len); bbFree(code); } static void genjstd_primattribute(Symbol* asym, Bytebuffer* code, unsigned long len) { Symbol* basetype = asym->typ.basetype; nc_type typecode = basetype->typ.typecode; /* Handle NC_CHAR specially */ if(typecode == NC_CHAR) { /* revise the length count */ len = bbLength(code); if(len == 0) {bbAppend(code,'\0'); len++;} jquotestring(code,'"'); } else { /* Convert to constant */ char* code2 = bbDup(code); bbClear(code); nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"new %s[]", jarraytype(typecode)); bbCat(code,stmt); bbCat(code,"{"); bbCat(code,code2); bbCat(code,"}"); efree(code2); } switch (typecode) { case NC_BYTE: case NC_SHORT: case NC_INT: case NC_FLOAT: case NC_DOUBLE: jlined(1,"{"); nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"%sArray data = Array.factory(%s.class, new int[]{%lu}, ", indented(1), jtype(basetype->typ.typecode), len); jpartial(stmt); jprint(code); jline(");"); if(asym->att.var == NULL) { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(\"%s\",data);", jescapifyname(asym->name)); } else { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"ncfile.addVariableAttribute(\"%s\",\"%s\",data);", jescapifyname(asym->att.var->name), jescapifyname(asym->name)); } jlined(1,stmt); jlined(1,"}"); jflush(); break; case NC_CHAR: if(asym->att.var == NULL) { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"ncfile.addGlobalAttribute(\"%s\",%s);", jescapifyname(asym->name), bbContents(code)); } else { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"ncfile.addVariableAttribute(\"%s\",\"%s\",%s);", jescapifyname(asym->att.var->name), jescapifyname(asym->name), bbContents(code)); } jlined(1,stmt); jflush(); break; default: break; } } static void computemaxunlimited(void) { int i; unsigned long maxsize; Symbol* udim = rootgroup->grp.unlimiteddim; if(udim == NULL) return; /* there is no unlimited dimension*/ /* Look at each variable and see what*/ /* size it gives to the unlimited dim (if any)*/ maxsize = 0; for(i=0;i<listlength(vardefs);i++) { Symbol* dim; Symbol* var = (Symbol*)listget(vardefs,i); if(var->typ.dimset.ndims == 0) continue; /* rank == 0*/ dim = var->typ.dimset.dimsyms[0]; if(dim->dim.size != NC_UNLIMITED) continue; /* var does not use unlimited*/ if(var->typ.dimset.dimsyms[0]->dim.size > maxsize) maxsize = var->typ.dimset.dimsyms[0]->dim.size; } } static void genjstd_definevardata(Symbol* vsym) { Dimset* dimset = &vsym->typ.dimset; Symbol* basetype = vsym->typ.basetype; int rank = dimset->ndims; int isscalar = (dimset->ndims == 0); Bytebuffer* code; nc_type typecode = basetype->typ.typecode; if(vsym->data == NULL) return; code = bbNew(); jlined(1,"{"); /* Handle special cases first*/ if(isscalar) { /* Construct the data Array */ nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"Array%s.D0 data = new Array%s.D0();", jtypecap(typecode), jtypecap(typecode)); jlined(1,stmt); /* Fill it */ genjstd_scalardata(vsym,code); if(typecode == NC_CHAR) { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"data.set(%s.charAt(0));", bbContents(code)); } else { nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"data.set((%s)%s);", jtype(typecode),bbContents(code)); } jlined(1,stmt); } else { /* Non-scalar*/ int i; Bytebuffer* dimbuf = bbNew(); /* Store the data */ genjstd_arraydata(vsym,NULL,code); /* Construct the dimension set*/ bbCat(dimbuf,"new int[]{"); for(i=0;i<rank;i++) { Symbol* dsym = dimset->dimsyms[i]; char tmp[32]; if(i==0 && dsym->dim.size == NC_UNLIMITED) nprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%lu",dsym->dim.unlimitedsize); else nprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%lu",dsym->dim.size); if(i>0) {bbCat(dimbuf,", ");} bbCat(dimbuf,tmp); } bbCat(dimbuf,"}"); /* Construct the data array and capture its index */ if(typecode == NC_CHAR) nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"%sString contents = ", indented(1)); else nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"%s%s[] contents = new %s[] {", indented(1),jtype(typecode),jtype(typecode)); jpartial(stmt); commify(code); jprint(code); if(typecode != NC_CHAR) jpartial("}"); jline(";"); nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"Array%s data = new Array%s(%s);", jtypecap(typecode), jtypecap(typecode), bbContents(dimbuf)); jlined(1,stmt); jlined(1,"IndexIterator iter = data.getIndexIterator();"); jlined(1,"int count = 0;"); jlined(1,"while(iter.hasNext())"); if(typecode == NC_CHAR) nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt), "iter.setCharNext(contents.charAt(count++));"); else nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"iter.set%sNext(contents[count++]);", jtypecap(typecode)); jlined(2,stmt); bbFree(dimbuf); } /* do the actual write */ nprintf(stmt,sizeof(stmt),"ncfile.write(\"%s\",data);", jescapifyname(vsym->name)); jlined(1,stmt); bbFree(code); jlined(1,"}"); jflush(); } const char* jtypeallcaps(nc_type type) { switch (type) { case NC_CHAR: return "CHAR"; case NC_BYTE: return "BYTE"; case NC_SHORT: return "SHORT"; case NC_INT: return "INT"; case NC_FLOAT: return "FLOAT"; case NC_DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE"; case NC_UBYTE: return "LONG"; case NC_USHORT: return "LONG"; case NC_UINT: return "LONG"; case NC_INT64: return "LONG"; case NC_UINT64: return "LONG"; case NC_STRING: return "STRING"; default: PANIC1("ncctype: bad type code:%d",type); } return 0; } const char* jtypecap(nc_type type) { switch (type) { case NC_CHAR: return "Char"; case NC_BYTE: return "Byte"; case NC_SHORT: return "Short"; case NC_INT: return "Int"; case NC_FLOAT: return "Float"; case NC_DOUBLE: return "Double"; case NC_UBYTE: return "Long"; case NC_USHORT: return "Long"; case NC_UINT: return "Long"; case NC_INT64: return "Long"; case NC_UINT64: return "Long"; case NC_STRING: return "String"; case NC_ENUM: return "Int"; case NC_OPAQUE: return "String"; default: PANIC1("ncctype: bad type code:%d",type); } return 0; }