## This is a automake file, part of Unidata's netCDF package. # Copyright 2005, see the COPYRIGHT file for more information. # This file builds and runs the ncgen program. # $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.59 2010/05/29 00:47:33 dmh Exp $ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I${top_srcdir}/liblib @EXTERN_CPPFLAGS@ LDADD = ${top_builddir}/liblib/libnetcdf.la @EXTERN_LDFLAGS@ -lm # Build ncgen from the listed sources. bin_PROGRAMS = ncgen ncgen_SOURCES=main.c cdata.c bindata.c genchar.c cvt.c data.c debug.c escapes.c \ genc.c genbin.c generr.c genlib.c getfill.c odom.c offsets.c semantics.c \ ncgentab.c \ dump.c util.c bytebuffer.c list.c \ data.h debug.h generr.h genlib.h includes.h ncgen.h odom.h offsets.h \ dump.h util.h bytebuffer.h list.h \ genf77.c f77data.c \ genj.c jdata.c \ nciter.h nciter.c \ ConvertUTF.c ConvertUTF.h # This is the man page. man_MANS = ncgen.1 # These files all need to be distributed. EXTRA_DIST = ncgen.y ncgenyy.c ncgen.l $(man_MANS) internals.html \ run_tests.sh run_nc4_tests.sh c0.cdl ref_camrun.cdl # This shell script causes ncgen to build a classic and a 64-bit # offset file from a cdl file shipped with the distribution. TESTS = run_tests.sh CLEANFILES = c0.nc c0_64.nc if USE_NETCDF4 # This shell script causes ncgen to build a netcdf-4 and netcdf-4 # classic file from a cdl file shipped with the distribution. TESTS += run_nc4_tests.sh # The nc4 tests produce these files. CLEANFILES += c0_4.nc c0_4c.nc ref_camrun.c endif # These rule are used if someone wants to rebuild ncgenyy.c or ncgentab.c # Otherwise never invoked, but records how to do it. # BTW: note that renaming is essential because otherwise # autoconf will forcibly delete files of the name *.tab.* makeparser:: flex -Pncg -8 ncgen.l rm -f ncgenyy.c mv lex.ncg.c ncgenyy.c bison -pncg -t ncgen.y rm -f ncgentab.c mv ncgen.tab.c ncgentab.c