/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2016, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "ncdispatch.h" #include "ncd4dispatch.h" #include "nc4internal.h" #include "d4includes.h" #include "d4odom.h" /* Forward */ static int getvarx(int ncid, int varid, NCD4INFO**, NCD4node** varp, nc_type* xtypep, size_t*, nc_type* nc4typep, size_t*); int NCD4_get_vara(int ncid, int varid, const size_t *start, const size_t *edges, void *value, nc_type memtype) { int ret; /* TODO: optimize since we know stride is 1 */ ret = NCD4_get_vars(ncid,varid,start,edges,nc_ptrdiffvector1,value,memtype); return ret; } int NCD4_get_vars(int ncid, int varid, const size_t *start, const size_t *edges, const ptrdiff_t* stride, void *memoryin, nc_type xtype) { int i,ret; NCD4INFO* info; NCD4meta* meta; NCD4node* ncvar; NCD4node* nctype; D4odometer* odom = NULL; nc_type nc4type; size_t nc4size, xsize; void* instance = NULL; /* Staging area in case we have to convert */ NClist* blobs = NULL; int rank; size_t dimsizes[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; d4size_t dimproduct; size_t dstcount; if((ret=getvarx(ncid, varid, &info, &ncvar, &xtype, &xsize, &nc4type, &nc4size))) {THROW(ret); goto done;} meta = info->substrate.metadata; nctype = ncvar->basetype; rank = nclistlength(ncvar->dims); blobs = nclistnew(); instance = malloc(nc4size); if(instance == NULL) {ret = THROW(NC_ENOMEM); goto done;} dimproduct = NCD4_dimproduct(ncvar); /* build size vector */ for(i=0;idims,i); dimsizes[i] = (size_t)dim->dim.size; } /* Extract and desired subset of data */ if(rank > 0) odom = d4odom_new(rank,start,edges,stride,dimsizes); else odom = d4scalarodom_new(); dstcount = 0; /* We always write into dst starting at position 0*/ for(;d4odom_more(odom);dstcount++) { void* xpos; void* offset; void* dst; d4size_t count; count = d4odom_next(odom); if(count >= dimproduct) { ret = THROW(NC_EINVALCOORDS); goto done; } xpos = INCR(memoryin,(xsize * dstcount)); /* ultimate destination */ /* We need to compute the offset in the dap4 data of this instance; for fixed size types, this is easy, otherwise we have to walk the variable size type */ if(nctype->meta.isfixedsize) { offset = INCR(ncvar->data.dap4data.memory,(nc4size * count)); } else { offset = ncvar->data.dap4data.memory; /* We have to walk to the count'th location in the data */ if((ret=NCD4_moveto(meta,ncvar,count,&offset))) {THROW(ret); goto done;} } dst = instance; if((ret=NCD4_fillinstance(meta,nctype,&offset,&dst,blobs))) {THROW(ret); goto done;} if(xtype == nc4type) { /* We can just copy out the data */ memcpy(xpos,instance,nc4size); } else { /* Need to convert */ if((ret=NCD4_convert(nc4type,xtype,xpos,instance,1))) {THROW(ret); goto done;} } } done: /* cleanup */ if(odom != NULL) d4odom_free(odom); if(instance != NULL) free(instance); if(ret != NC_NOERR) { /* reclaim all malloc'd data */ for(i=0;isubstrate.metadata; if(meta == NULL) {ret = THROW(NC_EBADID); goto done;} /* Locate var node via (grpid,varid) */ grp_id = GROUPIDPART(ncid); group = nclistget(meta->groupbyid,grp_id); if(group == NULL) return THROW(NC_EBADID); var = nclistget(group->group.varbyid,varid); if(var == NULL) return THROW(NC_EBADID); type = var->basetype; actualtype = type->meta.id; instancesize = type->meta.memsize; /* Figure out the type conversion, if any */ xtype = *xtypep; if(xtype == NC_NAT) xtype = actualtype; if(xtype != actualtype && xtype > NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE) return THROW(NC_EBADTYPE); if((xtype == NC_CHAR || xtype == NC_STRING) && (actualtype != NC_CHAR && actualtype != NC_STRING)) return THROW(NC_ECHAR); if(xtype <= NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE) xsize = NCD4_typesize(xtype); else xsize = instancesize; /* Return relevant info */ if(infop) *infop = info; if(xtypep) *xtypep = xtype; if(xsizep) *xsizep = xsize; if(nc4typep) *nc4typep = actualtype; if(nc4sizep) *nc4sizep = instancesize; if(varp) *varp = var; done: return THROW(ret); }