 *   Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata
 *   See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
 *   $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/nctest/vputget.c,v 1.13 2006/10/31 16:19:49 ed Exp $

#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>		/* for free() */
#include "netcdf.h"
#include "testcdf.h"		/* defines in-memory test cdf structure */
#include "add.h"		/* functions to update in-memory netcdf */
#include "val.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "emalloc.h"

#undef max
#define max(A, B)	((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

 * For every variable in open netcdf, puts and gets three hypercubes 
 * of data of the appropriate type, comparing values from get to 
 * values put to check that both ncvarput and ncvarget worked.  The 
 * three hypercubes are
 *    - a large hypercube from (0, 0, ...) to the far corner (diagonally 
 *      opposite (0, 0, ...),
 *    - a size 1 hypercube from the far corner with edge lengths of 1 
 *      in every direction, and
 *    - a hypercube starting about 1/3 of the way along the diagonal
 *      from (0,0,...) extending 1/3 of the way in every direction 
 *      toward the far corner.

     int cdfid;			/* handle of netcdf open and in data mode */
    int nerrs = 0;
    static char pname[] = "test_varputget";
    int id, ie, iv;		/* loop indices */
    int ne = 3;			/* number of test hypercubes for each var */
    struct cdfhc {		/* a hypercube with generic values */
	long cor[MAX_NC_DIMS];	/* netcdf coordinates for lower corner */
    long edg[MAX_NC_DIMS];	/* netcdf edge lengths to upper corner */
		void *vals;		/* pointer to block of values */
    } hc[3], tmp;		/* test hypercubes */
    int nel[3];			/* number of elements in hypercube */

    for (iv = 0; iv < test.nvars; iv++)	{ /* for each var in netcdf */
	for (ie = 0; ie < ne; ie++)
	  nel[ie] = 1;		/* to compute space for hypercube values */

	for (id = 0; id < test.vars[iv].ndims; id++) { /* set cubes */

	    /* max dimension size, 5 for records */
	    int dsize = (int)test.dims[test.vars[iv].dims[id]].size;
	    if (dsize == NC_UNLIMITED)
	      dsize = 5;

	    /* start at "lower-left" corner, do whole variable */
	    hc[0].cor[id] = 0;
	    hc[0].edg[id] = dsize;
	    nel[0] *= hc[0].edg[id];

	    /* start at "upper-right" corner, do one point */
	    hc[1].cor[id] = dsize - 1;
	    hc[1].edg[id] = 1;
	    nel[1] *= hc[1].edg[id];

	    /* start about 1/3 way along diagonal, do 1/3 in each direction */
	    hc[2].cor[id] = dsize/3;
	    hc[2].edg[id] = max (dsize/3, 1);
	    nel[2] *= hc[2].edg[id];
	for (ie = 0; ie < ne; ie++) { /* for each of ne points */

	    /* allocate space for the cube of values */
	    hc[ie].vals = emalloc(nel[ie]*nctypelen(test.vars[iv].type) + 8);
	    tmp.vals = emalloc(nel[ie]*nctypelen(test.vars[iv].type) + 8);

	    /* fill allocated space with different values of right type */
	    val_fill(test.vars[iv].type, nel[ie], hc[ie].vals);

		if(ncvarput (cdfid, iv, hc[ie].cor, hc[ie].edg, hc[ie].vals)
		   == -1) {
		    error("%s: ncvarput failed for point %d, variable %s",
			  pname, ie, test.vars[iv].name);
		    errvar(&test, &test.vars[iv]);
		    (void)fprintf(stderr,"  corner = (");
		    for (id = 0 ; id < test.vars[iv].ndims; id++)
				    (id < test.vars[iv].ndims-1) ? ", " : "");
		    (void)fprintf(stderr,"  edge = (");
		    for (id = 0 ; id < test.vars[iv].ndims; id++)
				    (id < test.vars[iv].ndims-1) ? ", " : "");
		else {
		    add_data(&test, iv, hc[ie].cor, hc[ie].edg); /* keep test in sync */
		    if(ncvarget (cdfid, iv, hc[ie].cor, hc[ie].edg, tmp.vals)
		       == -1) {
			error("%s: ncvarget failed for point %d, variable %s",
			      pname, ie, test.vars[iv].name);
		    else {
			if (val_cmp(test.vars[iv].type, nel[ie],
				    hc[ie].vals, tmp.vals) != 0) {
			    error("%s: bad values returned from ncvarget",
			    errvar(&test, &test.vars[iv]); /* describe var */
	    free (hc[ie].vals);
	    free (tmp.vals);
    return nerrs;