/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #include "includes.h" #include "nclog.h" #include #ifdef ENABLE_BINARY /* Forward */ static void alignto(int alignment, Bytebuffer* buf, ptrdiff_t base); static int bin_uid = 0; static int bin_charconstant(Generator* generator, Symbol* sym, Bytebuffer* buf, ...) { /* Just transfer charbuf to codebuf */ Bytebuffer* charbuf; va_list ap; va_start(ap,buf); charbuf = va_arg(ap, Bytebuffer*); va_end(ap); bbNull(charbuf); bbCatbuf(buf,charbuf); return 1; } static int bin_constant(Generator* generator, Symbol* sym, NCConstant* con, Bytebuffer* buf,...) { if(con->nctype != NC_ECONST) { alignbuffer(con,buf); } switch (con->nctype) { case NC_OPAQUE: { unsigned char* bytes = NULL; size_t len; /* Assume the opaque string has been normalized */ bytes=makebytestring(con->value.opaquev.stringv,&len); bbAppendn(buf,(void*)bytes,len); efree(bytes); } break; case NC_CHAR: bbAppendn(buf,&con->value.charv,sizeof(con->value.charv)); break; case NC_BYTE: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.int8v,sizeof(con->value.int8v)); break; case NC_SHORT: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.int16v,sizeof(con->value.int16v)); break; case NC_INT: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.int32v,sizeof(con->value.int32v)); break; case NC_FLOAT: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.floatv,sizeof(con->value.floatv)); break; case NC_DOUBLE: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.doublev,sizeof(con->value.doublev)); break; case NC_UBYTE: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.uint8v,sizeof(con->value.uint8v)); break; case NC_USHORT: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.uint16v,sizeof(con->value.uint16v)); break; case NC_UINT: bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&con->value.uint32v,sizeof(con->value.uint32v)); break; case NC_INT64: { union SI64 { char ch[8]; long long i64;} si64; si64.i64 = con->value.int64v; bbAppendn(buf,(void*)si64.ch,sizeof(si64.ch)); } break; case NC_UINT64: { union SU64 { char ch[8]; unsigned long long i64;} su64; su64.i64 = con->value.uint64v; bbAppendn(buf,(void*)su64.ch,sizeof(su64.ch)); } break; case NC_NIL: case NC_STRING: { size_t len = (size_t)con->value.stringv.len; if(len == 0 && con->value.stringv.stringv == NULL) { char* nil = NULL; bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&nil,sizeof(nil)); } else { char* ptr = (char*)ecalloc(len+1); memcpy(ptr,con->value.stringv.stringv,len); ptr[len] = '\0'; bbAppendn(buf,(void*)&ptr,sizeof(ptr)); ptr = NULL; } } break; default: PANIC1("bin_constant: unexpected type: %d",con->nctype); } return 1; } static int bin_listbegin(Generator* generator, Symbol* tsym, void* liststate, ListClass lc, size_t size, Bytebuffer* buf, int* uidp, ...) { if(uidp) *uidp = ++bin_uid; if(lc == LISTCOMPOUND) *((int*)liststate) = bbLength(buf); return 1; } static int bin_list(Generator* generator, Symbol* tsym, void* liststate, ListClass lc, int uid, size_t count, Bytebuffer* buf, ...) { if(lc == LISTCOMPOUND) { int offsetbase = *((int*)liststate); /* Pad for the alignment */ alignto(tsym->typ.alignment,buf,offsetbase); } return 1; } static int bin_listend(Generator* generator, Symbol* tsym, void* liststate, ListClass lc, int uid, size_t count, Bytebuffer* buf, ...) { if(lc == LISTCOMPOUND) { int offsetbase = *((int*)liststate); /* Pad out the whole instance */ alignto(tsym->typ.cmpdalign,buf,offsetbase); } return 1; } static int bin_vlendecl(Generator* generator, Symbol* tsym, Bytebuffer* buf, int uid, size_t count,...) { va_list ap; Bytebuffer* vlenmem; nc_vlen_t ptr; va_start(ap,count); vlenmem = va_arg(ap, Bytebuffer*); va_end(ap); ptr.len = count; ptr.p = bbExtract(vlenmem); bbAppendn(buf,(char*)&ptr,sizeof(ptr)); return 1; } static int bin_vlenstring(Generator* generator, Symbol* sym, Bytebuffer* codebuf, int* uidp, size_t* sizep,...) { Bytebuffer* vlenmem; nc_vlen_t ptr; va_list ap; if(uidp) *uidp = ++bin_uid; va_start(ap,sizep); vlenmem = va_arg(ap, Bytebuffer*); va_end(ap); ptr.len = bbLength(vlenmem); ptr.p = bbDup(vlenmem); bbAppendn(codebuf,(char*)&ptr,sizeof(ptr)); return 1; } static const char zeros[] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; static void alignto(int alignment, Bytebuffer* buf, ptrdiff_t base) { int pad = 0; ptrdiff_t offset = bbLength(buf); offset -= base; /* Need to actually align wrt to the base */ pad = getpadding(offset,alignment); if(pad > 0) { bbAppendn(buf,(void*)zeros,pad); } } /* Define the single static bin data generator */ static Generator bin_generator_singleton = { NULL, bin_charconstant, bin_constant, bin_listbegin, bin_list, bin_listend, bin_vlendecl, bin_vlenstring }; Generator* bin_generator = &bin_generator_singleton; /**************************************************/ static int bin_generate_data_r(NCConstant* instance, Symbol* tsym, Datalist* fillvalue, Bytebuffer* databuf); static void write_alignment(int alignment, Bytebuffer* buf) { int pad = 0; ptrdiff_t offset = bbLength(buf); pad = getpadding(offset,alignment); if(pad > 0) { bbAppendn(buf,(void*)zeros,pad); } } /** Alternate binary data generator. Inputs: Datalist* data - to use to generate the binary data Symbol* tsym - the top-level type for which instances are to be generated Datalist* fillvalue - the fillvalue for the toplevel type Bytebuffer* databuf - the buffer into which instances are to be stored */ int binary_generate_data(Datalist* data, Symbol* tsym, Datalist* fillvalue, Bytebuffer* databuf) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t count = data->length; size_t i; bbClear(databuf); for(i=0;inctype == NC_FILLVALUE) { /* replace with fillvalue for the type */ Datalist* filllist = (fillvalue == NULL ? getfiller(tsym) : fillvalue); ASSERT(datalistlen(filllist)==1) instance = datalistith(filllist,0); } switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_PRIM: { switch (tsym->nc_id) { case NC_CHAR: { char* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_CHAR; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.charv;; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(char)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_BYTE: { signed char* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_BYTE; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.int8v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(signed char)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_UBYTE: { unsigned char* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_UBYTE; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.uint8v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(unsigned char)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_SHORT: { short* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_SHORT; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.int16v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(short)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_USHORT: { unsigned short* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_USHORT; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.uint16v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(unsigned short)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_INT: { int* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_INT; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.int32v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(int)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_UINT: { unsigned int* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_UINT; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.uint32v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(unsigned int)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_INT64: { long long* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_INT64; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.int64v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(long long)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_UINT64: { unsigned long long* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_UINT64; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.uint64v; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(unsigned long long)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_FLOAT: { float* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_FLOAT; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.floatv; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(float)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_DOUBLE: { double* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_DOUBLE; convert1(instance,tmp); p = &tmp->value.doublev; bbAppendn(databuf,p,sizeof(double)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; case NC_STRING: { char* p = NULL; NCConstant* tmp = nullconst(); tmp->nctype = NC_STRING; convert1(instance,tmp); p = emalloc((size_t)tmp->value.stringv.len+1); memcpy(p,tmp->value.stringv.stringv, (size_t)tmp->value.stringv.len); p[tmp->value.stringv.len] = '\0'; bbAppendn(databuf,&p,sizeof(char*)); reclaimconstant(tmp); } break; default: stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done; /* Should never happen */ } break; /*switch*/ } break; /*NC_PRIM*/ case NC_ENUM: { Symbol* basetype = tsym->typ.basetype; /* Pretend */ stat = bin_generate_data_r(instance,basetype,fillvalue,databuf); } break; case NC_OPAQUE: { unsigned char* bytes = NULL; size_t len = 0; if(instance->nctype != NC_OPAQUE) {stat = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} /* Assume the opaque string has been normalized */ bytes=makebytestring(instance->value.opaquev.stringv,&len); if(bytes == NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} bbAppendn(databuf,(void*)bytes,len); free(bytes); } break; case NC_VLEN: { Datalist* sublist = NULL; Bytebuffer* vlendata = NULL; nc_vlen_t p; if(instance->nctype != NC_COMPOUND) { nclog(NCLOGERR,"Translating vlen: expected sublist"); stat = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done; } sublist = instance->value.compoundv; vlendata = bbNew(); if((stat = binary_generate_data(sublist,tsym->typ.basetype,NULL,vlendata))) goto done; p.len = datalistlen(sublist); p.p = bbContents(vlendata); bbAppendn(databuf,(char*)&p,sizeof(nc_vlen_t)); } break; case NC_COMPOUND: { /* The really hard one */ size_t nfields, fid, i; Datalist* cmpd = instance->value.compoundv; write_alignment(tsym->typ.cmpdalign,databuf); /* Get info about each field in turn and build it*/ nfields = listlength(tsym->subnodes); for(fid=0;fidsubnodes,fid); NCConstant* fieldinstance = datalistith(cmpd,fid); int ndims = field->typ.dimset.ndims; size_t arraycount = 1; if(ndims == 0) { ndims=1; /* fake the scalar case */ } /* compute the total number of elements in the field array */ for(i=0;ityp.dimset.dimsyms[i]->dim.declsize; write_alignment(field->typ.alignment,databuf); /* Write the instances */ for(i=0;ityp.basetype, NULL, databuf))) goto done; } } } break; default: stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done; /* Should never happen */ } done: return stat; } #if 0 /** Internal equivalent of ncaux_reclaim_data. */ /* It is helpful to have a structure that contains memory and an offset */ typedef struct Reclaim {char* memory; ptrdiff_t offset;} Reclaim; static int bin_reclaim_datar(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaim); #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static ptrdiff_t read_alignment(ptrdiff_t offset, unsigned long alignment); static int bin_reclaim_usertype(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaim); static int bin_reclaim_compound(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaim); static int bin_reclaim_vlen(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaim); static int bin_reclaim_enum(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaim); static int bin_reclaim_opaque(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaim); #endif int binary_reclaim_data(Symbol* tsym, void* memory, size_t count) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t i; Reclaim reclaimer; if(tsym == NULL || (memory == NULL && count > 0)) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} if(memory == NULL || count == 0) goto done; /* ok, do nothing */ reclaimer.offset = 0; reclaimer.memory = memory; for(i=0;isubclass) { case NC_CHAR: case NC_BYTE: case NC_UBYTE: case NC_SHORT: case NC_USHORT: case NC_INT: case NC_UINT: case NC_FLOAT: case NC_INT64: case NC_UINT64: case NC_DOUBLE: reclaimer->offset += tsym->typ.size; break; #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 case NC_STRING: { char** sp = (char**)(reclaimer->memory+reclaimer->offset); /* Need to reclaim string */ if(*sp != NULL) efree(*sp); reclaimer->offset += tsym->typ.size; } break; default: /* reclaim a user type */ stat = bin_reclaim_usertype(tsym,reclaimer); #else default: stat = NC_ENOTNC4; #endif break; } return stat; } #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 static int bin_reclaim_usertype(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaimer) { int stat = NC_NOERR; /* Get info about the xtype */ switch (tsym->subclass) { case NC_OPAQUE: stat = bin_reclaim_opaque(tsym,reclaimer); break; case NC_ENUM: stat = bin_reclaim_enum(tsym,reclaimer); break; case NC_VLEN: stat = bin_reclaim_vlen(tsym,reclaimer); break; case NC_COMPOUND: stat = bin_reclaim_compound(tsym,reclaimer); break; default: stat = NC_EINVAL; break; } return stat; } static ptrdiff_t read_alignment(ptrdiff_t offset, unsigned long alignment) { size_t delta = (offset % alignment); if(delta == 0) return offset; return offset + (alignment - delta); } static int bin_reclaim_vlen(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaimer) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t i; Symbol* basetype = tsym->typ.basetype; nc_vlen_t* vl = (nc_vlen_t*)(reclaimer->memory+reclaimer->offset); /* Free up each entry in the vlen list */ if(vl->p != NULL) { Reclaim vreclaimer; vreclaimer.memory = vl->p; vreclaimer.offset = 0; for(i=0;ilen;i++) { vreclaimer.offset = read_alignment(vreclaimer.offset,basetype->typ.alignment); if((stat = bin_reclaim_datar(basetype,&vreclaimer))) goto done; vreclaimer.offset += basetype->typ.size; } reclaimer->offset += tsym->typ.size; efree(vl->p); } done: return stat; } static int bin_reclaim_enum(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaimer) { return bin_reclaim_datar(tsym->typ.basetype,reclaimer); } static int bin_reclaim_opaque(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaimer) { /* basically a fixed size sequence of bytes */ reclaimer->offset += tsym->typ.size; return NC_NOERR; } static int bin_reclaim_compound(Symbol* tsym, Reclaim* reclaimer) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int nfields; size_t fid, i; size_t arraycount = 1; ptrdiff_t saveoffset; reclaimer->offset = read_alignment(reclaimer->offset,tsym->typ.cmpdalign); saveoffset = reclaimer->offset; /* Get info about each field in turn and reclaim it */ nfields = listlength(tsym->subnodes); for(fid=0;fidsubnodes,fid); int ndims = field->typ.dimset.ndims; /* compute the total number of elements in the field array */ for(i=0;ityp.dimset.dimsyms[i]->dim.declsize; reclaimer->offset = read_alignment(reclaimer->offset,field->typ.alignment); for(i=0;ityp.basetype, reclaimer))) goto done; } } reclaimer->offset = saveoffset; reclaimer->offset += tsym->typ.size; done: return stat; } #endif /*USE_NETCDF4*/ #endif /*0*/ #endif /*ENABLE_BINARY*/