/********************************************************************* * Copyright 1993, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Header: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/libncdap3/common34.c,v 1.29 2010/05/25 13:53:02 ed Exp $ *********************************************************************/ #include "ncdap3.h" #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT # ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H # include # endif # ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H # include # endif #endif #include "dapdump.h" extern CDFnode* v4node; /* Define the set of protocols known to be constrainable */ static char* constrainableprotocols[] = {"http", "https",NULL}; static NCerror buildcdftree34r(NCDAPCOMMON*,OCddsnode,CDFnode*,CDFtree*,CDFnode**); static void defdimensions(OCddsnode, CDFnode*, NCDAPCOMMON*, CDFtree*); static NCerror attachsubset34r(CDFnode*, CDFnode*); static void free1cdfnode34(CDFnode* node); /* Define Procedures that are common to both libncdap3 and libncdap4 */ /* Ensure every node has an initial base name defined and fullname */ /* Exceptions: anonymous dimensions. */ static NCerror fix1node34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, CDFnode* node) { if(node->nctype == NC_Dimension && node->ocname == NULL) return NC_NOERR; ASSERT((node->ocname != NULL)); nullfree(node->ncbasename); node->ncbasename = cdflegalname3(node->ocname); if(node->ncbasename == NULL) return NC_ENOMEM; nullfree(node->ncfullname); node->ncfullname = makecdfpathstring3(node,nccomm->cdf.separator); if(node->ncfullname == NULL) return NC_ENOMEM; if(node->nctype == NC_Atomic) node->externaltype = nctypeconvert(nccomm,node->etype); return NC_NOERR; } NCerror fixnodes34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, NClist* cdfnodes) { int i; for(i=0;isubnodes); array = (CDFnode*)nclistget(grid->subnodes,0); if(nccomm->controls.flags & (NCF_NC3)) { /* Rename grid Array: variable, but leave its oc base name alone */ nullfree(array->ncbasename); array->ncbasename = nulldup(grid->ncbasename); if(!array->ncbasename) return NC_ENOMEM; } /* validate and modify the grid structure */ if((glen-1) != nclistlength(array->array.dimset0)) goto invalid; for(i=1;iarray.dimset0,i-1); CDFnode* map = (CDFnode*)nclistget(grid->subnodes,i); CDFnode* mapdim; /* map must have 1 dimension */ if(nclistlength(map->array.dimset0) != 1) goto invalid; /* and the map name must match the ith array dimension */ if(arraydim->ocname != NULL && map->ocname != NULL && strcmp(arraydim->ocname,map->ocname) != 0) goto invalid; /* and the map name must match its dim name (if any) */ mapdim = (CDFnode*)nclistget(map->array.dimset0,0); if(mapdim->ocname != NULL && map->ocname != NULL && strcmp(mapdim->ocname,map->ocname) != 0) goto invalid; /* Add appropriate names for the anonymous dimensions */ /* Do the map name first, so the array dim may inherit */ if(mapdim->ocname == NULL) { nullfree(mapdim->ncbasename); mapdim->ocname = nulldup(map->ocname); if(!mapdim->ocname) return NC_ENOMEM; mapdim->ncbasename = cdflegalname3(mapdim->ocname); if(!mapdim->ncbasename) return NC_ENOMEM; } if(arraydim->ocname == NULL) { nullfree(arraydim->ncbasename); arraydim->ocname = nulldup(map->ocname); if(!arraydim->ocname) return NC_ENOMEM; arraydim->ncbasename = cdflegalname3(arraydim->ocname); if(!arraydim->ncbasename) return NC_ENOMEM; } if(FLAGSET(nccomm->controls,(NCF_NCDAP|NCF_NC3))) { char tmp[3*NC_MAX_NAME]; /* Add the grid name to the basename of the map */ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s%s%s",map->container->ncbasename, nccomm->cdf.separator, map->ncbasename); nullfree(map->ncbasename); map->ncbasename = nulldup(tmp); if(!map->ncbasename) return NC_ENOMEM; } } return NC_NOERR; invalid: return NC_EINVAL; /* mal-formed grid */ } /** * Given an anonymous dimension, compute the * effective 0-based index wrt to the specified var. * The result should mimic the libnc-dap indices. */ static void computedimindexanon3(CDFnode* dim, CDFnode* var) { int i; NClist* dimset = var->array.dimsetall; for(i=0;idim.index1=i+1; return; } } } /* Replace dims in a list with their corresponding basedim */ static void replacedims(NClist* dims) { int i; for(i=0;idim.basedim; if(basedim == NULL) continue; nclistset(dims,i,(void*)basedim); } } /** Two dimensions are equivalent if 1. they have the same size 2. neither are anonymous 3. they ave the same names. */ static int equivalentdim(CDFnode* basedim, CDFnode* dupdim) { if(dupdim->dim.declsize != basedim->dim.declsize) return 0; if(basedim->ocname == NULL && dupdim->ocname == NULL) return 0; if(basedim->ocname == NULL || dupdim->ocname == NULL) return 0; if(strcmp(dupdim->ocname,basedim->ocname) != 0) return 0; return 1; } /* Provide short and/or unified names for dimensions. This must mimic lib-ncdap, which is difficult. */ NCerror computecdfdimnames34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm) { int i,j; char tmp[NC_MAX_NAME*2]; NClist* conflicts = nclistnew(); NClist* varnodes = nccomm->cdf.ddsroot->tree->varnodes; NClist* alldims; NClist* basedims; /* Collect all dimension nodes from dimsetall lists */ alldims = getalldims34(nccomm,0); /* Assign an index to all anonymous dimensions vis-a-vis its containing variable */ for(i=0;iarray.dimsetall);j++) { CDFnode* dim = (CDFnode*)nclistget(var->array.dimsetall,j); if(dim->ocname != NULL) continue; /* not anonymous */ computedimindexanon3(dim,var); } } /* Unify dimensions by defining one dimension as the "base" dimension, and make all "equivalent" dimensions point to the base dimension. 1. Equivalent means: same size and both have identical non-null names. 2. Dims with same name but different sizes will be handled separately */ for(i=0;idim.basedim != NULL) continue; /* already processed*/ for(j=i+1;jdim.basedim != NULL) continue; /* already processed */ if(!equivalentdim(basedim,dupdim)) continue; dupdim->dim.basedim = basedim; /* equate */ #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"assign: %s/%s -> %s/%s\n", basedim->dim.array->ocname,basedim->ocname, dupdim->dim.array->ocname,dupdim->ocname ); #endif } } /* Next case: same name and different sizes*/ /* => rename second dim */ for(i=0;idim.basedim != NULL) continue; /* Collect all conflicting dimensions */ nclistclear(conflicts); for(j=i+1;jdim.basedim != NULL) continue; if(dim->ocname == NULL && basedim->ocname == NULL) continue; if(dim->ocname == NULL || basedim->ocname == NULL) continue; if(strcmp(dim->ocname,basedim->ocname)!=0) continue; if(dim->dim.declsize == basedim->dim.declsize) continue; #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"conflict: %s[%lu] %s[%lu]\n", basedim->ncfullname,(unsigned long)basedim->dim.declsize, dim->ncfullname,(unsigned long)dim->dim.declsize); #endif nclistpush(conflicts,(void*)dim); } /* Give all the conflicting dimensions an index */ for(j=0;jdim.index1 = j+1; } } nclistfree(conflicts); /* Replace all non-base dimensions with their base dimension */ for(i=0;iarray.dimsetall); replacedims(node->array.dimsetplus); replacedims(node->array.dimset0); } /* Collect list of all basedims */ basedims = nclistnew(); for(i=0;idim.basedim == NULL) { if(!nclistcontains(basedims,(void*)dim)) { nclistpush(basedims,(void*)dim); } } } nccomm->cdf.ddsroot->tree->dimnodes = basedims; /* cleanup */ nclistfree(alldims); /* Assign ncbasenames and ncfullnames to base dimensions */ for(i=0;idim.array; if(dim->dim.basedim != NULL) PANIC1("nonbase basedim: %s\n",dim->ocname); /* stringdim names are already assigned */ if(dim->ocname == NULL) { /* anonymous: use the index to compute the name */ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%s_%d", var->ncfullname,dim->dim.index1-1); nullfree(dim->ncbasename); dim->ncbasename = cdflegalname3(tmp); nullfree(dim->ncfullname); dim->ncfullname = nulldup(dim->ncbasename); } else { /* !anonymous; use index1 if defined */ char* legalname = cdflegalname3(dim->ocname); nullfree(dim->ncbasename); if(dim->dim.index1 > 0) {/* need to fix conflicting names (see above) */ char sindex[64]; snprintf(sindex,sizeof(sindex),"_%d",dim->dim.index1); dim->ncbasename = (char*)malloc(strlen(sindex)+strlen(legalname)+1); if(dim->ncbasename == NULL) {nullfree(legalname); return NC_ENOMEM;} strcpy(dim->ncbasename,legalname); strcat(dim->ncbasename,sindex); nullfree(legalname); } else {/* standard case */ dim->ncbasename = legalname; } nullfree(dim->ncfullname); dim->ncfullname = nulldup(dim->ncbasename); } } /* Verify unique and defined names for dimensions*/ for(i=0;idim.basedim != NULL) PANIC1("nonbase basedim: %s\n",dim1->ncbasename); if(dim1->ncbasename == NULL || dim1->ncfullname == NULL) PANIC1("missing dim names: %s",dim1->ocname); /* search backward so we can delete duplicates */ for(j=nclistlength(basedims)-1;j>i;j--) { CDFnode* dim2 = (CDFnode*)nclistget(basedims,j); if(strcmp(dim1->ncfullname,dim2->ncfullname)==0) { /* complain and suppress one of them */ fprintf(stderr,"duplicate dim names: %s[%lu] %s[%lu]\n", dim1->ncfullname,(unsigned long)dim1->dim.declsize, dim2->ncfullname,(unsigned long)dim2->dim.declsize); nclistremove(basedims,j); } } } #ifdef DEBUG for(i=0;incfullname,(long)dim->dim.declsize); } #endif return NC_NOERR; } NCerror makegetvar34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, CDFnode* var, void* data, nc_type dsttype, Getvara** getvarp) { NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; if(getvarp) { Getvara* getvar; getvar = (Getvara*)calloc(1,sizeof(Getvara)); MEMCHECK(getvar,NC_ENOMEM); getvar->target = var; getvar->memory = data; getvar->dsttype = dsttype; *getvarp = getvar; } return ncstat; } int constrainable34(NCURI* durl) { char** protocol = constrainableprotocols; for(;*protocol;protocol++) { if(strcmp(durl->protocol,*protocol)==0) return 1; } return 0; } CDFnode* makecdfnode34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, char* ocname, OCtype octype, /*optional*/ OCddsnode ocnode, CDFnode* container) { CDFnode* node; assert(nccomm != NULL); node = (CDFnode*)calloc(1,sizeof(CDFnode)); if(node == NULL) return (CDFnode*)NULL; node->ocname = NULL; if(ocname) { size_t len = strlen(ocname); if(len >= NC_MAX_NAME) len = NC_MAX_NAME-1; node->ocname = (char*)malloc(len+1); if(node->ocname == NULL) { nullfree(node); return NULL;} memcpy(node->ocname,ocname,len); node->ocname[len] = '\0'; } node->nctype = octypetonc(octype); node->ocnode = ocnode; node->subnodes = nclistnew(); node->container = container; if(ocnode != NULL) { oc_dds_atomictype(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&octype); node->etype = octypetonc(octype); } if(container != NULL) node->root = container->root; else if(node->nctype == NC_Dataset) node->root = node; return node; } /* Given an OCnode tree, mimic it as a CDFnode tree; Add DAS attributes if DAS is available. Accumulate set of all nodes in preorder. */ NCerror buildcdftree34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, OCddsnode ocroot, OCdxd occlass, CDFnode** cdfrootp) { CDFnode* root = NULL; CDFtree* tree = (CDFtree*)calloc(1,sizeof(CDFtree)); NCerror err = NC_NOERR; tree->ocroot = ocroot; tree->nodes = nclistnew(); tree->occlass = occlass; tree->owner = nccomm; err = buildcdftree34r(nccomm,ocroot,NULL,tree,&root); if(!err) { if(occlass != OCDAS) fixnodes34(nccomm,tree->nodes); if(cdfrootp) *cdfrootp = root; } return err; } static NCerror buildcdftree34r(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, OCddsnode ocnode, CDFnode* container, CDFtree* tree, CDFnode** cdfnodep) { size_t i,ocrank,ocnsubnodes; OCtype octype; OCtype ocatomtype; char* ocname = NULL; NCerror ncerr = NC_NOERR; CDFnode* cdfnode; oc_dds_class(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&octype); if(octype == OC_Atomic) oc_dds_atomictype(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&ocatomtype); else ocatomtype = OC_NAT; oc_dds_name(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&ocname); oc_dds_rank(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&ocrank); oc_dds_nsubnodes(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&ocnsubnodes); #ifdef DEBUG1 if(ocatomtype == OC_NAT) fprintf(stderr,"buildcdftree: connect: %s %s\n",oc_typetostring(octype),ocname); else fprintf(stderr,"buildcdftree: connect: %s %s\n",oc_typetostring(ocatomtype),ocname); #endif switch (octype) { case OC_Dataset: cdfnode = makecdfnode34(nccomm,ocname,octype,ocnode,container); nclistpush(tree->nodes,(void*)cdfnode); tree->root = cdfnode; cdfnode->tree = tree; break; case OC_Grid: case OC_Structure: case OC_Sequence: cdfnode = makecdfnode34(nccomm,ocname,octype,ocnode,container); nclistpush(tree->nodes,(void*)cdfnode); #if 0 if(tree->root == NULL) { tree->root = cdfnode; cdfnode->tree = tree; } #endif break; case OC_Atomic: cdfnode = makecdfnode34(nccomm,ocname,octype,ocnode,container); nclistpush(tree->nodes,(void*)cdfnode); #if 0 if(tree->root == NULL) { tree->root = cdfnode; cdfnode->tree = tree; } #endif break; case OC_Dimension: default: PANIC1("buildcdftree: unexpect OC node type: %d",(int)octype); } #if 0 /* cross link */ assert(tree->root != NULL); cdfnode->root = tree->root; #endif if(ocrank > 0) defdimensions(ocnode,cdfnode,nccomm,tree); for(i=0;ioc.conn,ocnode,i,&ocsubnode); ncerr = buildcdftree34r(nccomm,ocsubnode,cdfnode,tree,&subnode); if(ncerr) return ncerr; nclistpush(cdfnode->subnodes,(void*)subnode); } nullfree(ocname); if(cdfnodep) *cdfnodep = cdfnode; return ncerr; } static void defdimensions(OCddsnode ocnode, CDFnode* cdfnode, NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, CDFtree* tree) { size_t i,ocrank; oc_dds_rank(nccomm->oc.conn,ocnode,&ocrank); assert(ocrank > 0); for(i=0;ioc.conn,ocnode,i,&ocdim); oc_dimension_properties(nccomm->oc.conn,ocdim,&declsize,&ocname); cdfdim = makecdfnode34(nccomm,ocname,OC_Dimension, ocdim,cdfnode->container); nullfree(ocname); nclistpush(tree->nodes,(void*)cdfdim); /* Initially, constrained and unconstrained are same */ cdfdim->dim.declsize = declsize; cdfdim->dim.array = cdfnode; if(cdfnode->array.dimset0 == NULL) cdfnode->array.dimset0 = nclistnew(); nclistpush(cdfnode->array.dimset0,(void*)cdfdim); } } /* Note: this routine only applies some common client parameters, other routines may apply specific ones. */ NCerror applyclientparams34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm) { int i,len; int dfaltstrlen = DEFAULTSTRINGLENGTH; int dfaltseqlim = DEFAULTSEQLIMIT; const char* value; char tmpname[NC_MAX_NAME+32]; char* pathstr; OClink conn = nccomm->oc.conn; unsigned long limit; ASSERT(nccomm->oc.url != NULL); nccomm->cdf.cache->cachelimit = DFALTCACHELIMIT; value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"cachelimit"); limit = getlimitnumber(value); if(limit > 0) nccomm->cdf.cache->cachelimit = limit; nccomm->cdf.fetchlimit = DFALTFETCHLIMIT; value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"fetchlimit"); limit = getlimitnumber(value); if(limit > 0) nccomm->cdf.fetchlimit = limit; nccomm->cdf.smallsizelimit = DFALTSMALLLIMIT; value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"smallsizelimit"); limit = getlimitnumber(value); if(limit > 0) nccomm->cdf.smallsizelimit = limit; nccomm->cdf.cache->cachecount = DFALTCACHECOUNT; #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT { struct rlimit rl; if(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) >= 0) { nccomm->cdf.cache->cachecount = (size_t)(rl.rlim_cur / 2); } } #endif value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"cachecount"); limit = getlimitnumber(value); if(limit > 0) nccomm->cdf.cache->cachecount = limit; /* Ignore limit if not caching */ if(!FLAGSET(nccomm->controls,NCF_CACHE)) nccomm->cdf.cache->cachecount = 0; if(oc_clientparam_get(conn,"nolimit") != NULL) dfaltseqlim = 0; value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"limit"); if(value != NULL && strlen(value) != 0) { if(sscanf(value,"%d",&len) && len > 0) dfaltseqlim = len; } nccomm->cdf.defaultsequencelimit = dfaltseqlim; /* allow embedded _ */ value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"stringlength"); if(value != NULL && strlen(value) != 0) { if(sscanf(value,"%d",&len) && len > 0) dfaltstrlen = len; } nccomm->cdf.defaultstringlength = dfaltstrlen; /* String dimension limits apply to variables */ for(i=0;icdf.ddsroot->tree->varnodes);i++) { CDFnode* var = (CDFnode*)nclistget(nccomm->cdf.ddsroot->tree->varnodes,i); /* Define the client param stringlength for this variable*/ var->maxstringlength = 0; /* => use global dfalt */ strcpy(tmpname,"stringlength_"); pathstr = makeocpathstring3(conn,var->ocnode,"."); strncat(tmpname,pathstr,NC_MAX_NAME); nullfree(pathstr); value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,tmpname); if(value != NULL && strlen(value) != 0) { if(sscanf(value,"%d",&len) && len > 0) var->maxstringlength = len; } } /* Sequence limits apply to sequences */ for(i=0;icdf.ddsroot->tree->nodes);i++) { CDFnode* var = (CDFnode*)nclistget(nccomm->cdf.ddsroot->tree->nodes,i); if(var->nctype != NC_Sequence) continue; var->sequencelimit = dfaltseqlim; strcpy(tmpname,"nolimit_"); pathstr = makeocpathstring3(conn,var->ocnode,"."); strncat(tmpname,pathstr,NC_MAX_NAME); if(oc_clientparam_get(conn,tmpname) != NULL) var->sequencelimit = 0; strcpy(tmpname,"limit_"); strncat(tmpname,pathstr,NC_MAX_NAME); value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,tmpname); if(value != NULL && strlen(value) != 0) { if(sscanf(value,"%d",&len) && len > 0) var->sequencelimit = len; } nullfree(pathstr); } /* test for the appropriate fetch flags */ value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"fetch"); if(value != NULL && strlen(value) > 0) { if(value[0] == 'd' || value[0] == 'D') { SETFLAG(nccomm->controls,NCF_ONDISK); } } /* test for the force-whole-var flag */ value = oc_clientparam_get(conn,"wholevar"); if(value != NULL) { SETFLAG(nccomm->controls,NCF_WHOLEVAR); } return NC_NOERR; } void freecdfroot34(CDFnode* root) { int i; CDFtree* tree; NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm; if(root == NULL) return; tree = root->tree; ASSERT((tree != NULL)); /* Explicitly FREE the ocroot */ nccomm = tree->owner; oc_root_free(nccomm->oc.conn,tree->ocroot); tree->ocroot = NULL; for(i=0;inodes);i++) { CDFnode* node = (CDFnode*)nclistget(tree->nodes,i); free1cdfnode34(node); } nclistfree(tree->nodes); nclistfree(tree->varnodes); nclistfree(tree->seqnodes); nclistfree(tree->gridnodes); nullfree(tree); } /* Free up a single node, but not any nodes it points to. */ static void free1cdfnode34(CDFnode* node) { unsigned int j,k; if(node == NULL) return; nullfree(node->ocname); nullfree(node->ncbasename); nullfree(node->ncfullname); if(node->attributes != NULL) { for(j=0;jattributes);j++) { NCattribute* att = (NCattribute*)nclistget(node->attributes,j); nullfree(att->name); for(k=0;kvalues);k++) nullfree((char*)nclistget(att->values,k)); nclistfree(att->values); nullfree(att); } } nullfree(node->dodsspecial.dimname); nclistfree(node->subnodes); nclistfree(node->attributes); nclistfree(node->array.dimsetplus); nclistfree(node->array.dimsetall); nclistfree(node->array.dimset0); /* Clean up the ncdap4 fields also */ nullfree(node->typename); nullfree(node->vlenname); nullfree(node); } /* Return true if node and node1 appear to refer to the same thing; takes grid->structure changes into account. */ int nodematch34(CDFnode* node1, CDFnode* node2) { return simplenodematch34(node1,node2); } /* Try to figure out if two nodes are the "related" => same name && same nc_type and same arity but: Allow Grid == Structure */ int simplenodematch34(CDFnode* node1, CDFnode* node2) { /* Test all the obvious stuff */ if(node1 == NULL || node2 == NULL) return 0; /* Add hack to address the screwed up Columbia server which returns different Dataset {...} names depending on the constraint. */ if(FLAGSET(node1->root->tree->owner->controls,NCF_COLUMBIA) && node1->nctype == NC_Dataset) return 1; if(strcmp(node1->ocname,node2->ocname)!=0) /* same names */ return 0; if(nclistlength(node1->array.dimset0) != nclistlength(node2->array.dimset0)) /* same arity */ return 0; if(node1->nctype != node2->nctype) { /* test for struct-grid match */ int structgrid = ((node1->nctype == NC_Grid && node2->nctype == NC_Structure) || (node1->nctype == NC_Structure && node2->nctype == NC_Grid) ? 1 : 0); if(!structgrid) return 0; } if(node1->nctype == NC_Atomic && node1->etype != node2->etype) return 0; return 1; } /* Given DDS node, locate the node in a DATADDS that matches the DDS node. Return NULL if no node found */ void unattach34(CDFnode* root) { unsigned int i; CDFtree* xtree = root->tree; for(i=0;inodes);i++) { CDFnode* xnode = (CDFnode*)nclistget(xtree->nodes,i); /* break bi-directional link */ xnode->attachment = NULL; } } static void setattach(CDFnode* target, CDFnode* template) { target->attachment = template; template->attachment = target; /* Transfer important information */ target->externaltype = template->externaltype; target->maxstringlength = template->maxstringlength; target->sequencelimit = template->sequencelimit; target->ncid = template->ncid; /* also transfer libncdap4 info */ target->typeid = template->typeid; target->typesize = template->typesize; } static NCerror attachdims34(CDFnode* xnode, CDFnode* template) { unsigned int i; for(i=0;iarray.dimsetall);i++) { CDFnode* xdim = (CDFnode*)nclistget(xnode->array.dimsetall,i); CDFnode* tdim = (CDFnode*)nclistget(template->array.dimsetall,i); setattach(xdim,tdim); #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"attachdim: %s->%s\n",xdim->ocname,tdim->ocname); #endif } return NC_NOERR; } /* Match a DATADDS node to a DDS node. It is assumed that both trees have been re-struct'ed if necessary. */ static NCerror attach34r(CDFnode* xnode, NClist* templatepath, int depth) { unsigned int i,plen,lastnode,gridable; NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; CDFnode* templatepathnode; CDFnode* templatepathnext; plen = nclistlength(templatepath); if(depth >= plen) {THROWCHK(ncstat=NC_EINVAL); goto done;} lastnode = (depth == (plen-1)); templatepathnode = (CDFnode*)nclistget(templatepath,depth); ASSERT((simplenodematch34(xnode,templatepathnode))); setattach(xnode,templatepathnode); #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"attachnode: %s->%s\n",xnode->ocname,templatepathnode->ocname); #endif if(lastnode) goto done; /* We have the match and are done */ if(nclistlength(xnode->array.dimsetall) > 0) { attachdims34(xnode,templatepathnode); } ASSERT((!lastnode)); templatepathnext = (CDFnode*)nclistget(templatepath,depth+1); gridable = (templatepathnext->nctype == NC_Grid && depth+2 < plen); /* Try to find an xnode subnode that matches templatepathnext */ for(i=0;isubnodes);i++) { CDFnode* xsubnode = (CDFnode*)nclistget(xnode->subnodes,i); if(simplenodematch34(xsubnode,templatepathnext)) { ncstat = attach34r(xsubnode,templatepath,depth+1); if(ncstat) goto done; } else if(gridable && xsubnode->nctype == NC_Atomic) { /* grids may or may not appear in the datadds; try to match the xnode subnodes against the parts of the grid */ CDFnode* templatepathnext2 = (CDFnode*)nclistget(templatepath,depth+2); if(simplenodematch34(xsubnode,templatepathnext2)) { ncstat = attach34r(xsubnode,templatepath,depth+2); if(ncstat) goto done; } } } done: return THROW(ncstat); } NCerror attach34(CDFnode* xroot, CDFnode* template) { NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; NClist* templatepath = nclistnew(); CDFnode* ddsroot = template->root; if(xroot->attachment) unattach34(xroot); if(ddsroot != NULL && ddsroot->attachment) unattach34(ddsroot); if(!simplenodematch34(xroot,ddsroot)) {THROWCHK(ncstat=NC_EINVAL); goto done;} collectnodepath3(template,templatepath,WITHDATASET); ncstat = attach34r(xroot,templatepath,0); done: nclistfree(templatepath); return ncstat; } /* Match nodes in template tree to nodes in target tree; template tree is typically a structural superset of target tree. WARNING: Dimensions are not attached */ NCerror attachsubset34(CDFnode* target, CDFnode* template) { NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; if(template == NULL) {THROWCHK(ncstat=NC_NOERR); goto done;} if(!nodematch34(target,template)) {THROWCHK(ncstat=NC_EINVAL); goto done;} #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"attachsubset: target=%s\n",dumptree(target)); fprintf(stderr,"attachsubset: template=%s\n",dumptree(template)); #endif ncstat = attachsubset34r(target,template); done: return ncstat; } static NCerror attachsubset34r(CDFnode* target, CDFnode* template) { unsigned int i; NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; int fieldindex; #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"attachsubsetr: attach: target=%s template=%s\n", target->ocname,template->ocname); #endif ASSERT((nodematch34(target,template))); setattach(target,template); /* Try to match target subnodes against template subnodes */ fieldindex = 0; for(fieldindex=0,i=0;isubnodes) && fieldindexsubnodes);i++) { CDFnode* templatesubnode = (CDFnode*)nclistget(template->subnodes,i); CDFnode* targetsubnode = (CDFnode*)nclistget(target->subnodes,fieldindex); if(nodematch34(targetsubnode,templatesubnode)) { #ifdef DEBUG2 fprintf(stderr,"attachsubsetr: match: %s :: %s\n",targetsubnode->ocname,templatesubnode->ocname); #endif ncstat = attachsubset34r(targetsubnode,templatesubnode); if(ncstat) goto done; fieldindex++; } } done: return THROW(ncstat); } static void getalldims34a(NClist* dimset, NClist* alldims) { int i; for(i=0;incfullname,(unsigned long)dim->dim.declsize); #endif nclistpush(alldims,(void*)dim); } } } /* Accumulate a set of all the known dimensions vis-a-vis defined variables */ NClist* getalldims34(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, int visibleonly) { int i; NClist* alldims = nclistnew(); NClist* varnodes = nccomm->cdf.ddsroot->tree->varnodes; /* get bag of all dimensions */ for(i=0;iinvisible) { getalldims34a(node->array.dimsetall,alldims); } } return alldims; }