/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ /** This provides a simple netcdf-4 metadata -> xml printer. Primarily for use in debugging, but could be adapted to create other tools. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "netcdf.h" #include "ncbytes.h" #include "nclist.h" #undef DEBUG #define BUFSIZE 4096 #define NC_MAX_IDS 8192 typedef enum NCSORT { GROUP, VAR, FIELD, DIM, ATTR, ATOMTYPE, USERTYPE, } NCSORT; typedef struct NCID NCID; typedef struct NC4printer { NCbytes* out; NClist* types; NClist* dims; NClist* allnodes; NCbytes* tmp1; NCbytes* tmp2; } NC4printer; struct NCID { NCSORT sort; struct NCID* parent; int id; char name[NC_MAX_NAME+1]; NCID* base; size_t size; struct {nc_type kind;} usertype; /*sort == USERTYPE*/ struct {int rank;} var; /*sort == VAR*/ struct {int fid;} field; /*sort == FIELD*/ struct {int isroot;} group; /*sort == GROUP*/ }; #define MAKEID(Node,Sort,Parent,Id) \ NCID* Node = (NCID*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCID)); \ Node->sort = Sort; Node->parent = Parent; Node->id = Id; \ track(out,Node); union NUMVALUE { unsigned char i8[8]; unsigned short i16[4]; unsigned short i32[2]; unsigned long long i64[1]; }; #define SETNAME(x,y) strncpy((x)->name,(y),NC_MAX_NAME+1); #define GRPIDFOR(gid) ((gid) & 0xFFFF) #define GROUPOF(x) ((x)->parent->id) #define FAIL {return ret;} #define PRINTF(fmt,...) snprintf(out->buf,BUFSIZE,fmt,__VAR_ARGS__) #define CAT(x) ncbytescat(out->out,x) #define INDENT(x) indent(out,x) #define hasMetadata(node) (nclistlength(node->attributes) > 0) #define hasMaps(var) (nclistlength(node->maps) > 0) #define hasDimensions(var) (nclistlength(node->dimrefs) > 0) static void track(NC4printer* out, NCID* node); /*Forward*/ static int buildAtomicTypes(NC4printer* out, NCID* root); static void* computeOffset(NCID* base, void* values, size_t index); static void entityEscape(NCbytes* buf, const char* s); static NCID* findDim(NC4printer* out, int dimid); static NCID* findType(NC4printer* out, nc_type t); static void fqnWalk(NCID* grp, NCbytes* path); static void freeNC4Printer(NC4printer* out); static void getAtomicTypeName(nc_type base, char* name); static int getPrintValue(NCbytes* out, NCID* basetype, void* value); static void indent(NC4printer* out, int depth); static unsigned long long getNumericValue(union NUMVALUE numvalue, nc_type base); static void makeFQN(NCID* id, NCbytes* path); static int printAttribute(NC4printer* out, NCID* attr, int depth); static int printDimref(NC4printer* out, NCID* dim, int depth);; static int printNode(NC4printer* out, NCID* node, int depth); static void printOpaque(NCbytes* out, const unsigned char* s, size_t len, int leadx); static void printString(NCbytes* out, const char* s, int quotes); static int printValue(NC4printer* out, NCID* basetype, void* value, int depth); static int printXMLAttributeInt(NC4printer* out, char* name, long long value); static int printXMLAttributeName(NC4printer* out, char* name, char* value); static int printXMLAttributeSize(NC4printer* out, char* name, size_t value); static int printXMLAttributeString(NC4printer* out, char* name, char* s); static int readAttributeValues(NCID* attr,void**); static void record(NC4printer* out, NCID* node); /**************************************************/ int NC4print(NCbytes* buf, int ncid) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NC4printer* out; if(buf == NULL) return NC_EINVAL; out = (NC4printer*)calloc(1,sizeof(NC4printer)); if(out == NULL) return NC_ENOMEM; out->out = buf; out->tmp1 = ncbytesnew(); out->tmp2 = ncbytesnew(); out->allnodes = nclistnew(); out->types = nclistnew(); out->dims = nclistnew(); MAKEID(root,GROUP,NULL,ncid); root->group.isroot = 1; buildAtomicTypes(out,root); ret = printNode(out,root,0); freeNC4Printer(out); return ret; } /*************************************************/ static void freeNC4Printer(NC4printer* out) { int i; if(out == NULL) return; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"free: |allnodes=%ld\n",nclistlength(out->allnodes)); fflush(stderr); #endif for(i=0;iallnodes);i++) { NCID* node = (NCID*)nclistget(out->allnodes,i); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"free: node=%lx\n",(unsigned long)node); fflush(stderr); #endif if(node != NULL) free(node); } ncbytesfree(out->tmp1); ncbytesfree(out->tmp2); nclistfree(out->types); nclistfree(out->dims); nclistfree(out->allnodes); free(out); } /*************************************************/ /** * Print an arbitrary file and its subnodes in xml * Handling newlines is a bit tricky because they may be * embedded for e.g. groups, enums, * etc. So the rule is that the * last newline is elided and left * for the caller to print. * Exceptions: printMetadata * printDimrefs. * * @param out - the output buffer * @param ncid - the open'd file to print * @param depth - the depth of our code */ static int printNode(NC4printer* out, NCID* node, int depth) { int ret = NC_NOERR; int i = 0; char name[NC_MAX_NAME+1]; int ndims, nvars, natts, nunlim, ntypes, ngroups; int n; int ids[NC_MAX_IDS]; nc_type base; size_t len, count, size; union NUMVALUE numvalue; switch (node->sort) { case GROUP: /* Get group name */ if((ret=nc_inq_grpname(node->id,name))) FAIL; SETNAME(node,name); /* get group counts */ if((ret=nc_inq(node->id,&ndims,&nvars,&natts,&nunlim))) FAIL; if((ret=nc_inq_typeids(node->id,&ntypes,NULL))) FAIL; if((ret=nc_inq_grps(node->id,&ngroups,NULL))) FAIL; if(ndims >= NC_MAX_IDS) FAIL; if(nvars >= NC_MAX_IDS) FAIL; if(nunlim >= NC_MAX_IDS) FAIL; if(ntypes >= NC_MAX_IDS) FAIL; if(ngroups >= NC_MAX_IDS) FAIL; INDENT(depth); CAT("\n"); depth++; { /* Print: dims, types, vars(+attr), group-attr, subgroups */ if((ret=nc_inq_dimids(node->id,&n,ids, 0))) FAIL; for(i=0;iid,&n,ids))) FAIL; for(i=0;iid, ids[i], name, &size, &base, NULL, &kind))) FAIL; MAKEID(eid,USERTYPE,node,ids[i]); SETNAME(eid,name); eid->size = size; eid->usertype.kind = kind; if(base > 0) eid->base = findType(out,base); record(out,eid); printNode(out,eid,depth); CAT("\n"); } } { if((ret=nc_inq_varids(node->id,&n,ids))) FAIL; for(i=0;iid, ids[i], name, &base, &ndims, NULL, NULL))) FAIL; MAKEID(vid,VAR,node,ids[i]); SETNAME(vid,name); vid->base = findType(out,base); vid->var.rank = ndims; printNode(out,vid,depth); CAT("\n"); } } { for(i=0;iid,NC_GLOBAL,i,name))) FAIL; MAKEID(id,ATTR,node,NC_GLOBAL); SETNAME(id,name); printAttribute(out,id,depth); CAT("\n"); } } { if((ret=nc_inq_grps(node->id,&n,ids))) FAIL; for(i=0;i"); break; case DIM: if((ret=nc_inq_dim(GROUPOF(node),node->id,name,&len))) FAIL; SETNAME(node,name); node->size = len; INDENT(depth); CAT(""); break; case USERTYPE: switch (node->usertype.kind) { case NC_OPAQUE: INDENT(depth); CAT("name); printXMLAttributeSize(out, "size", node->size); CAT("/>"); break; case NC_ENUM: if((ret=nc_inq_enum(GROUPOF(node),node->id,NULL,NULL,NULL,&count))) FAIL; INDENT(depth); CAT("name); CAT(">\n"); depth++; for(i=0;iid,i,name,&numvalue))) FAIL; value = getNumericValue(numvalue,node->base->id); INDENT(depth); CAT("\n"); } depth--; INDENT(depth); CAT(""); break; case NC_COMPOUND: if((ret=nc_inq_compound(GROUPOF(node),node->id,NULL,NULL,&count))) FAIL; INDENT(depth); CAT("name); CAT(">\n"); depth++; for(i=0;iid,i,name,NULL,&base,NULL,NULL))) FAIL; MAKEID(id,FIELD,node->parent,node->id); SETNAME(id,name); id->base = findType(out,base); id->field.fid = i; printNode(out,id,depth); CAT("\n"); } depth--; INDENT(depth); CAT(""); break; case NC_VLEN: abort(); break; default: abort(); break; } break; case VAR: if((ret=nc_inq_var(GROUPOF(node), node->id, name, &base, &ndims, ids, &natts))) FAIL; node->base = findType(out,base); SETNAME(node,name); node->var.rank = ndims; INDENT(depth); CAT("name); makeFQN(node->base,out->tmp2); printXMLAttributeName(out, "type", ncbytescontents(out->tmp2)); if(node->var.rank > 0) printXMLAttributeInt(out, "rank", node->var.rank); if(ndims > 0 || natts > 0) { CAT(">\n"); depth++; for(i=0;iid,i,name))) FAIL; if((ret=nc_inq_att(GROUPOF(node),node->id,name,&base,&count))) FAIL; MAKEID(id,ATTR,node,node->id); SETNAME(id,name); id->base = findType(out,base); id->size = count; printAttribute(out,id,depth); CAT("\n"); } depth--; INDENT(depth); CAT(""); } else CAT("/>"); break; case ATOMTYPE: default: abort(); ret = NC_EINVAL; break; } return ret; } static int printXMLAttributeName(NC4printer* out, char* name, char* value) { int ret = NC_NOERR; if(name == NULL) return ret; CAT(" "); CAT(name); CAT("=\""); if(value == NULL) value = ""; /* add xml entity escaping */ entityEscape(out->tmp1,value); CAT(ncbytescontents(out->tmp1)); CAT("\""); return ret; } static int printXMLAttributeSize(NC4printer* out, char* name, size_t value) { return printXMLAttributeInt(out,name,(long long)value); } static int printXMLAttributeInt(NC4printer* out, char* name, long long value) { int ret = NC_NOERR; char svalue[128+1]; CAT(" "); CAT(name); CAT("=\""); snprintf(svalue,sizeof(svalue),"%lld",value); CAT(svalue); CAT("\""); return ret; } static int printXMLAttributeString(NC4printer* out, char* name, char* s) { int ret = NC_NOERR; CAT(" "); CAT(name); CAT("="); printString(out->out,s,1); return ret; } static int printAttribute(NC4printer* out, NCID* attr, int depth) { int ret = NC_NOERR; int i = 0; void* values; INDENT(depth); CAT("name); CAT(">\n"); if((ret=readAttributeValues(attr,&values))) FAIL; depth++; for(i=0;isize;i++) { void* value = computeOffset(attr->base,values,i); if((ret=printValue(out,attr->base,value,depth))) FAIL; } depth--; INDENT(depth); CAT(""); return ret; } /** * Print the dimrefs for a variable's dimensions. * If the variable has a non-whole projection, then use size * else use the dimension name. * * @param var whole dimensions are to be printed * @throws DapException */ static int printDimref(NC4printer* out, NCID* d, int depth) { INDENT(depth); CAT("tmp2); printXMLAttributeName(out, "name", ncbytescontents(out->tmp2)); CAT("/>"); return NC_NOERR; } static int printValue(NC4printer* out, NCID* basetype, void* value, int depth) { int ret; if(basetype->id > NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE && basetype->usertype.kind == NC_ENUM) { basetype = basetype->base; } if((ret=getPrintValue(out->tmp2,basetype,value))) FAIL; INDENT(depth); CAT("tmp2)); CAT("/>\n"); return ret; } /*************************************************/ /* Misc. Static Utilities */ /* Make public to allow use elsewhere */ static const char hexchars[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; static int getPrintValue(NCbytes* out, NCID* basetype, void* value) { int ret = NC_NOERR; char buf[256]; ncbytesclear(out); switch (basetype->id) { case NC_CHAR: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"'%c'",*(char*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_BYTE: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%d",*(char*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_UBYTE: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%u",*(unsigned char*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_SHORT: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%d",*(short*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_USHORT: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%u",*(unsigned short*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_INT: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%d",*(int*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_UINT: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%u",*(unsigned int*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_INT64: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%lld",*(long long*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_UINT64: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%llu",*(unsigned long long*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_FLOAT: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%g",*(float*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_DOUBLE: snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%g",*(double*)value); ncbytescat(out,buf); break; case NC_STRING: { char* s = *(char**)value; printString(out,s,0); } break; case NC_OPAQUE: { unsigned char* s = *(unsigned char**)value; printOpaque(out,s,basetype->size,1); } break; case NC_ENUM: /* use true basetype */ ret = getPrintValue(out,basetype->base,value); break; default: break; } return ret; } static void getAtomicTypeName(nc_type base, char* name) { const char* tname = NULL; switch (base) { case NC_BYTE: tname = "Byte"; break; case NC_UBYTE: tname = "UByte"; break; case NC_SHORT: tname = "Short"; break; case NC_USHORT: tname = "UShort"; break; case NC_INT: tname = "Int"; break; case NC_UINT: tname = "UInt"; break; case NC_FLOAT: tname = "Float"; break; case NC_DOUBLE: tname = "Double"; break; case NC_INT64: tname = "Int64"; break; case NC_UINT64: tname = "UInt64"; break; case NC_STRING: tname = "String"; break; default: tname = ""; break; } strncpy(name,tname,strlen(tname)+1); } static void indent(NC4printer* out, int depth) { while(depth-- >= 0) ncbytescat(out->out," "); } static unsigned long long getNumericValue(union NUMVALUE numvalue, nc_type base) { switch (base) { case NC_CHAR: case NC_BYTE: return numvalue.i8[0]; case NC_SHORT: case NC_USHORT: return numvalue.i16[0]; case NC_INT: case NC_UINT: return numvalue.i32[0]; case NC_INT64: case NC_UINT64: return numvalue.i64[0]; } return NC_MAX_UINT64; } static NCID* findType(NC4printer* out, nc_type t) { int len = nclistlength(out->types); if(t >= len) abort(); return (NCID*)nclistget(out->types,t); } static NCID* findDim(NC4printer* out, int dimid) { if(nclistlength(out->dims) <= dimid) abort(); return (NCID*)nclistget(out->dims,dimid); } static void makeFQN(NCID* id, NCbytes* path) { NCID* g = id; ncbytesclear(path); if(id->sort != GROUP) g = id->parent; if(!g->group.isroot) fqnWalk(g,path); ncbytesappend(path,'/'); if(id->sort != GROUP) ncbytescat(path,id->name); ncbytesnull(path); } static void fqnWalk(NCID* grp, NCbytes* path) { if(grp->id != 0) { NCID* parent = grp->parent; fqnWalk(parent,path); ncbytesappend(path,'/'); ncbytescat(path,parent->name); } } static void record(NC4printer* out, NCID* node) { switch (node->sort) { case DIM: if(nclistlength(out->dims) <= node->id) { nclistsetalloc(out->dims, (size_t)node->id+1); nclistsetlength(out->dims, (size_t)node->id+1); } nclistset(out->dims, (size_t)node->id, node); break; case ATOMTYPE: case USERTYPE: if(nclistlength(out->types) <= node->id) { nclistsetalloc(out->types, (size_t)node->id+1); nclistsetlength(out->types, (size_t)node->id+1); } nclistset(out->types, (size_t)node->id, node); break; default: break; } } static void track(NC4printer* out, NCID* node) { if(out == NULL || node == NULL || out->allnodes == NULL) abort(); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"track: node=%lx\n",(unsigned long)node); #endif nclistpush(out->allnodes,node); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"track: |allnodes|=%ld\n",nclistlength(out->allnodes)); fflush(stderr); #endif } static void entityEscape(NCbytes* escaped, const char* s) { const char* p; ncbytesclear(escaped); for(p=s;*p;p++) { int c = *p; switch (c) { case '&': ncbytescat(escaped,"&"); break; case '<': ncbytescat(escaped,"<"); break; case '>': ncbytescat(escaped,">"); break; case '"': ncbytescat(escaped,"""); break; case '\'': ncbytescat(escaped,"'"); break; default: ncbytesappend(escaped,(c)); break; } ncbytesnull(escaped); } } static int buildAtomicTypes(NC4printer* out, NCID* root) { int ret = NC_NOERR; nc_type tid; char name[NC_MAX_NAME+1]; size_t size; for(tid=NC_NAT+1;tid<=NC_MAX_ATOMIC_TYPE;tid++) { if((ret=nc_inq_type(root->id,tid,NULL,&size))) FAIL; getAtomicTypeName(tid,name); MAKEID(type,ATOMTYPE,root,tid); SETNAME(type,name); type->size = size; type->usertype.kind = tid; record(out, type); } return ret; } static void printString(NCbytes* out, const char* s, int quotes) { const char* p; if(quotes) ncbytesappend(out,'"'); if(s == NULL) s = ""; for(p=s;*p;p++) { int c = *p; if(c == '\\') ncbytescat(out,"\\\\"); else if(c == '"') ncbytescat(out,"\\\""); else ncbytesappend(out,c); } if(quotes) ncbytesappend(out,'"'); ncbytesnull(out); } static void printOpaque(NCbytes* out, const unsigned char* s, size_t len, int leadx) { int i; char digit; if(s == NULL) {s = (unsigned char*)""; len = 1;} if(leadx) ncbytescat(out,"0x"); for(i=0;i>4) & 0xF]; ncbytesappend(out,digit); digit = hexchars[c & 0xF]; ncbytesappend(out,digit); } ncbytesnull(out); } static void* computeOffset(NCID* base, void* values, size_t index) { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)values; /*so we can do arithmetic */ return (void*)(p + ((base->size)*index)); } static int readAttributeValues(NCID* attr, void** valuesp) { int ret; void* values = NULL; NCID* var = attr->parent; NCID* base = attr->base; size_t len; len = base->size * attr->size; values = malloc(len); if(values == NULL) return NC_ENOMEM; if((ret=nc_get_att(GROUPOF(var),var->id,attr->name,values))) FAIL; if(valuesp) *valuesp = values; return ret; }