/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #include "d4includes.h" #include #include #include "ezxml.h" /** * Implement the Dap4 Parser Using a DOM Parser * * This code creates in internal representation of the netcdf-4 metadata * to avoid having to make so many calls into the netcdf library. */ /***************************************************/ /* Map an xml node name to an interpretation. We use NCD4_NULL when we directly interpret the tag and do not need to search for it. E.g Dataset, Dim, econst, etc. If the sort is NCD4_NULL, then that means it is irrelevant because that keyword will never be searched for in this table. */ static const struct KEYWORDINFO { char* tag; /* The xml tag e.g. */ NCD4sort sort; /* What kind of node are we building */ nc_type subsort; /* discriminator */ char* aliasfor; /* Some names are aliases for others */ } keywordmap[] = { {"Attribute", NCD4_ATTR,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Byte", NCD4_VAR,NC_BYTE,"Int8"}, {"Char", NCD4_VAR,NC_CHAR,NULL}, {"Dataset", NCD4_NULL,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Dim", NCD4_NULL,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Dimension", NCD4_DIM,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Enum", NCD4_VAR,NC_ENUM,NULL}, {"Enumconst", NCD4_NULL,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Enumeration", NCD4_TYPE,NC_ENUM,NULL}, {"Float32", NCD4_VAR,NC_FLOAT,NULL}, {"Float64", NCD4_VAR,NC_DOUBLE,NULL}, {"Group", NCD4_GROUP,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Int16", NCD4_VAR,NC_SHORT,NULL}, {"Int32", NCD4_VAR,NC_INT,NULL}, {"Int64", NCD4_VAR,NC_INT64,NULL}, {"Int8", NCD4_VAR,NC_BYTE,NULL}, {"Map", NCD4_NULL,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Opaque", NCD4_VAR,NC_OPAQUE,NULL}, {"OtherXML", NCD4_XML,NC_NAT,NULL}, {"Sequence", NCD4_VAR,NC_SEQ,NULL}, {"String", NCD4_VAR,NC_STRING,NULL}, {"Structure", NCD4_VAR,NC_STRUCT,NULL}, {"UByte", NCD4_VAR,NC_UBYTE,"UInt8"}, {"UInt16", NCD4_VAR,NC_USHORT,NULL}, {"UInt32", NCD4_VAR,NC_UINT,NULL}, {"UInt64", NCD4_VAR,NC_UINT64,NULL}, {"UInt8", NCD4_VAR,NC_UBYTE,NULL}, {"URL", NCD4_VAR,NC_STRING,"String"}, }; typedef struct KEYWORDINFO KEYWORDINFO; static const struct ATOMICTYPEINFO { char* name; nc_type type; size_t size; } atomictypeinfo[] = { /* Keep in sorted order for binary search */ {"Byte",NC_BYTE,sizeof(char)}, {"Char",NC_CHAR,sizeof(char)}, {"Float32",NC_FLOAT,sizeof(float)}, {"Float64",NC_DOUBLE,sizeof(double)}, {"Int16",NC_SHORT,sizeof(short)}, {"Int32",NC_INT,sizeof(int)}, {"Int64",NC_INT64,sizeof(long long)}, {"Int8",NC_BYTE,sizeof(char)}, {"String",NC_STRING,sizeof(char*)}, {"UByte",NC_UBYTE,sizeof(unsigned char)}, {"UInt16",NC_USHORT,sizeof(unsigned short)}, {"UInt32",NC_UINT,sizeof(unsigned int)}, {"UInt64",NC_UINT64,sizeof(unsigned long long)}, {"UInt8",NC_UBYTE,sizeof(unsigned char)}, {NULL,NC_NAT,0} }; /***************************************************/ #ifdef D4DEBUG static void setname(NCD4node* node, const char* name) { nullfree(node->name); (node)->name = strdup(name); \ fprintf(stderr,"setname: node=%lx name=%s\n",(unsigned long)(node),(node)->name); \ } #define SETNAME(node,src) setname((node),src) #else #define SETNAME(node,src) do {nullfree((node)->name); (node)->name = strdup(src);} while(0); #endif /***************************************************/ extern const char** ezxml_all_attr(ezxml_t xml, int* countp); /* Forwards */ static int addOrigType(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* src, NCD4node* dst, const char* tag); static int defineAtomicTypes(NCD4parser*); static void classify(NCD4node* container, NCD4node* node); static int convertString(union ATOMICS*, NCD4node* type, const char* s); static int downConvert(union ATOMICS*, NCD4node* type); static int fillgroup(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml); static NCD4node* getOpaque(NCD4parser*, ezxml_t varxml, NCD4node* group); static int getValueStrings(NCD4parser*, NCD4node*, ezxml_t xattr, NClist*); static int isReserved(const char* name); static const KEYWORDINFO* keyword(const char* name); static NCD4node* lookupAtomictype(NCD4parser*, const char* name); static NCD4node* lookFor(NClist* elems, const char* name, NCD4sort sort); static NCD4node* lookupFQN(NCD4parser*, const char* sfqn, NCD4sort); static int lookupFQNList(NCD4parser*, NClist* fqn, NCD4sort sort, NCD4node** result); static NCD4node* makeAnonDim(NCD4parser*, const char* sizestr); static int makeNode(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* parent, ezxml_t, NCD4sort, nc_type, NCD4node**); static int parseAtomicVar(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node**); static int parseAttributes(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml); static int parseDimensions(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml); static int parseDimRefs(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* var, ezxml_t xml); static int parseEconsts(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* en, ezxml_t xml); static int parseEnumerations(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t dom); static int parseFields(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml); static int parseError(NCD4parser*, ezxml_t errxml); static int parseGroups(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t dom); static int parseMaps(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* var, ezxml_t xml); static int parseMetaData(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* node, ezxml_t xml); static int parseStructure(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t dom, NCD4node**); static int parseSequence(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t dom,NCD4node**); static int parseLL(const char* text, long long*); static int parseULL(const char* text, unsigned long long*); static int parseVariables(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml); static int parseVariable(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node**); static void reclaimParser(NCD4parser* parser); static void record(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* node); static int splitOrigType(NCD4parser*, const char* fqn, NCD4node* var); static void track(NCD4parser*, NCD4node* node); static int traverse(NCD4parser*, ezxml_t dom); #ifndef FIXEDOPAQUE static int defineBytestringType(NCD4parser*); #endif /***************************************************/ /* API */ int NCD4_parse(NCD4meta* metadata) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4parser* parser = NULL; int ilen; ezxml_t dom = NULL; /* Create and fill in the parser state */ parser = (NCD4parser*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCD4parser)); if(parser == NULL) {ret=NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} parser->metadata = metadata; ilen = strlen(parser->metadata->serial.dmr); dom = ezxml_parse_str(parser->metadata->serial.dmr,ilen); if(dom == NULL) {ret=NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} parser->types = nclistnew(); parser->dims = nclistnew(); parser->vars = nclistnew(); #ifdef D4DEBUG parser->debuglevel = 1; #endif /*Walk the DOM tree */ ret = traverse(parser,dom); done: if(dom != NULL) ezxml_free(dom); reclaimParser(parser); return THROW(ret); } static void reclaimParser(NCD4parser* parser) { int i,len; if(parser == NULL) return; nclistfree(parser->types); nclistfree(parser->dims); nclistfree(parser->vars); /* Reclaim unused atomic type nodes */ len = nclistlength(parser->atomictypes); for(i=0;iused[i]) reclaimNode((NCD4node*)nclistget(parser->atomictypes,i)); } nclistfree(parser->atomictypes); nullfree(parser->used); free (parser); } /**************************************************/ /* Recursively walk the DOM tree to create the metadata */ static int traverse(NCD4parser* parser, ezxml_t dom) { int ret = NC_NOERR; /* See if we have an or */ if(strcmp(dom->name,"Error")==0) { ret=parseError(parser,dom); ret=NC_EDMR; goto done; } else if(strcmp(dom->name,"Dataset")==0) { const char* xattr = NULL; if((ret=makeNode(parser,NULL,NULL,NCD4_GROUP,NC_NULL,&parser->metadata->root))) goto done; parser->metadata->root->group.isdataset = 1; parser->metadata->root->meta.id = parser->metadata->ncid; parser->metadata->groupbyid = nclistnew(); SETNAME(parser->metadata->root,"/"); xattr = ezxml_attr(dom,"name"); if(xattr != NULL) parser->metadata->root->group.datasetname = strdup(xattr); xattr = ezxml_attr(dom,"dapVersion"); if(xattr != NULL) parser->metadata->root->group.dapversion = strdup(xattr); xattr = ezxml_attr(dom,"dmrVersion"); if(xattr != NULL) parser->metadata->root->group.dmrversion = strdup(xattr); /* fill in the atomic types */ if((ret=defineAtomicTypes(parser))) goto done; /* Recursively walk the tree */ if((ret = fillgroup(parser,parser->metadata->root,dom))) goto done; } else FAIL(NC_EINVAL,"Unexpected dom root name: %s",dom->name); done: return THROW(ret); } static int fillgroup(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; /* Extract Dimensions */ if((ret = parseDimensions(parser,group,xml))) goto done; /* Extract Enum types */ if((ret = parseEnumerations(parser,group,xml))) goto done; /* Extract variables */ if((ret = parseVariables(parser,group,xml))) goto done; /* Extract subgroups*/ if((ret = parseGroups(parser,group,xml))) goto done; /* Parse group level attributes */ if((ret = parseAttributes(parser,group,xml))) goto done; done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseDimensions(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "Dimension");x != NULL;x = ezxml_next(x)) { NCD4node* dimnode = NULL; unsigned long long size; const char* sizestr; const char* unlimstr; sizestr = ezxml_attr(x,"size"); if(sizestr == NULL) FAIL(NC_EDIMSIZE,"Dimension has no size"); unlimstr = ezxml_attr(x,UCARTAGUNLIM); if((ret = parseULL(sizestr,&size))) goto done; if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,x,NCD4_DIM,NC_NULL,&dimnode))) goto done; dimnode->dim.size = (long long)size; dimnode->dim.isunlimited = (unlimstr != NULL); /* Process attributes */ if((ret = parseAttributes(parser,dimnode,x))) goto done; classify(group,dimnode); } done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseEnumerations(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "Enumeration");x != NULL;x = ezxml_next(x)) { NCD4node* node = NULL; NCD4node* basetype = NULL; const char* fqn = ezxml_attr(x,"basetype"); basetype = lookupFQN(parser,fqn,NCD4_TYPE); if(basetype == NULL) { FAIL(NC_EBADTYPE,"Enumeration has unknown type: ",fqn); } if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,x,NCD4_TYPE,NC_ENUM,&node))) goto done; node->basetype = basetype; if((ret=parseEconsts(parser,node,x))) goto done; if(nclistlength(node->en.econsts) == 0) FAIL(NC_EINVAL,"Enumeration has no values"); classify(group,node); /* Finally, see if this type has UCARTAGORIGTYPE xml attribute */ if(parser->metadata->controller->controls.translation == NCD4_TRANSNC4) { const char* typetag = ezxml_attr(x,UCARTAGORIGTYPE); if(typetag != NULL) { } } } done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseEconsts(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* en, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; NClist* econsts = nclistnew(); for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "EnumConst");x != NULL;x = ezxml_next(x)) { NCD4node* ec = NULL; const char* name; const char* svalue; name = ezxml_attr(x,"name"); if(name == NULL) FAIL(NC_EBADNAME,"Enum const with no name"); if((ret=makeNode(parser,en,x,NCD4_ECONST,NC_NULL,&ec))) goto done ; svalue = ezxml_attr(x,"value"); if(svalue == NULL) FAIL(NC_EINVAL,"Enumeration Constant has no value"); if((ret=convertString(&ec->en.ecvalue,en->basetype,svalue))) FAIL(NC_EINVAL,"Non-numeric Enumeration Constant: %s->%s",ec->name,svalue); PUSH(econsts,ec); } en->en.econsts = econsts; done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseVariables(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* group, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=xml->child;x != NULL;x=x->ordered) { NCD4node* node = NULL; const KEYWORDINFO* info = keyword(x->name); if(info == NULL) FAIL(NC_ETRANSLATION,"Unexpected node type: %s",x->name); /* Check if we need to process this node */ if(!ISVAR(info->sort)) continue; /* Handle elsewhere */ node = NULL; ret = parseVariable(parser,group,x,&node); if(ret != NC_NOERR || node == NULL) break; } done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseVariable(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node** nodep) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* node = NULL; const KEYWORDINFO* info = keyword(xml->name); switch (info->subsort) { case NC_STRUCT: ret = parseStructure(parser,container,xml,&node); break; case NC_SEQ: ret = parseSequence(parser,container,xml,&node); break; default: ret = parseAtomicVar(parser,container,xml,&node); } *nodep = node; return THROW(ret); } static int parseMetaData(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; /* Process dimrefs */ if((ret=parseDimRefs(parser,container,xml))) goto done; /* Process attributes */ if((ret = parseAttributes(parser,container,xml))) goto done; /* Process maps */ if((ret = parseMaps(parser,container,xml))) goto done; done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseStructure(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node** nodep) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* var = NULL; NCD4node* type = NULL; NCD4node* group = NULL; char* fqnname = NULL; group = NCD4_groupFor(container); /* default: put type in the same group as var */ /* Make the structure as a variable with same name as structure; will be fixed later */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,container,xml,NCD4_VAR,NC_STRUCT,&var))) goto done; classify(container,var); /* Make the structure as a type with (for now) partial fqn name from the variable */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,xml,NCD4_TYPE,NC_STRUCT,&type))) goto done; classify(group,type); /* Set the basetype */ var->basetype = type; /* Now change the struct typename */ fqnname = NCD4_makeName(var,"_"); if(fqnname == NULL) FAIL(NC_ENOMEM,"Out of memory"); SETNAME(type,fqnname); /* Parse Fields into the type */ if((ret = parseFields(parser,type,xml))) goto done; /* Parse attributes, dims, and maps into the var */ if((ret = parseMetaData(parser,var,xml))) goto done; record(parser,var); /* See if this var has UCARTAGORIGTYPE attribute */ if(parser->metadata->controller->controls.translation == NCD4_TRANSNC4) { const char* typetag = ezxml_attr(xml,UCARTAGORIGTYPE); if(typetag != NULL) { /* yes, place it on the type */ if((ret=addOrigType(parser,var,type,typetag))) goto done; } } if(nodep) *nodep = var; done: nullfree(fqnname); return THROW(ret); } static int parseFields(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=xml->child;x != NULL;x=x->ordered) { NCD4node* node = NULL; const KEYWORDINFO* info = keyword(x->name); if(!ISVAR(info->sort)) continue; /* not a field */ ret = parseVariable(parser,container,x,&node); if(ret) goto done; } done: return THROW(ret); } /* Specialized version of parseFields that is used to attach a singleton field to a vlentype */ static int parseVlenField(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node** fieldp) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* field = NULL; ezxml_t x; for(x=xml->child;x != NULL;x=x->ordered) { const KEYWORDINFO* info = keyword(x->name); if(!ISVAR(info->sort)) continue; /* not a field */ if(field != NULL) {ret = NC_EBADTYPE; goto done;} if((ret = parseVariable(parser,container,x,&field))) goto done; } if(fieldp) *fieldp = field; done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseSequence(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node** nodep) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* var = NULL; NCD4node* structtype = NULL; NCD4node* vlentype = NULL; NCD4node* group = NULL; char name[NC_MAX_NAME]; char* fqnname = NULL; int usevlen = 0; group = NCD4_groupFor(container); /* Convert a sequence variable into two or three things: 1. a compound type representing the fields of the sequence. 2. a vlen type whose basetype is #1 3. a variable whose basetype is #2. If we can infer that the sequence was riginally produced from a netcdf-4 vlen, then we can avoid createing #1. Naming is as follows. Assume the var name is V and the NCD4_makeName of the var is V1..._Vn. 1. var name is V. 2. vlen type is V1..._VN_t 3. compound type (if any) is V1..._VN_cmpd (Note, d4meta will append _t to this) */ /* Determine if we need to build a structure type or can go straight to a vlen Test: UCARTAGVLEN xml attribute is set */ if(parser->metadata->controller->controls.translation == NCD4_TRANSNC4) { const char* vlentag = ezxml_attr(xml,UCARTAGVLEN); if(vlentag != NULL) usevlen = 1; } else usevlen = 0; /* make secondary names from the var fqn name */ if(usevlen) { /* Parse the singleton field and then use it to fix up the var */ if((ret=parseVlenField(parser,container,xml,&var))) goto done; /* compute a partial fqn */ fqnname = NCD4_makeName(var,"_"); if(fqnname == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* Now, create the vlen type using the field's basetype */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,xml,NCD4_TYPE,NC_SEQ,&vlentype))) goto done; classify(group,vlentype); vlentype->basetype = var->basetype; /* Use name _t */ strncpy(name,fqnname,sizeof(name)); strncat(name,"_t", sizeof(name) - strlen(name) - 1); SETNAME(vlentype,name); /* Set the basetype */ var->basetype = vlentype; } else { /* Start by creating the var node; will be fixed up later */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,container,xml,NCD4_VAR,NC_SEQ,&var))) goto done; classify(container,var); fqnname = NCD4_makeName(var,"_"); if(fqnname == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,xml,NCD4_TYPE,NC_STRUCT,&structtype))) goto done; classify(group,structtype); /* Use name _base */ strncpy(name,fqnname,sizeof(name)); strncat(name,"_base", sizeof(name) - strlen(name) - 1); SETNAME(structtype,name); /* Parse Fields into type */ if((ret = parseFields(parser,structtype,xml))) goto done; /* Create a seq type whose basetype is the compound type */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,xml,NCD4_TYPE,NC_SEQ,&vlentype))) goto done; classify(group,vlentype); /* Use name _t */ strncpy(name,fqnname,sizeof(name)); strncat(name,"_t", sizeof(name) - strlen(name) - 1); SETNAME(vlentype,name); vlentype->basetype = structtype; /* Set the basetype */ var->basetype = vlentype; } /* Parse attributes, dims, and maps into var*/ if((ret = parseMetaData(parser,var,xml))) goto done; record(parser,var); /* See if this var has UCARTAGORIGTYPE attribute */ if(parser->metadata->controller->controls.translation == NCD4_TRANSNC4) { const char* typetag = ezxml_attr(xml,UCARTAGORIGTYPE); if(typetag != NULL) { /* yes, place it on the type */ if((ret=addOrigType(parser,var,vlentype,typetag))) goto done; } } if(nodep) *nodep = var; done: if(fqnname) free(fqnname); return THROW(ret); } static int parseGroups(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* parent, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "Group");x != NULL;x = ezxml_next(x)) { NCD4node* group = NULL; const char* name = ezxml_attr(x,"name"); if(name == NULL) FAIL(NC_EBADNAME,"Group has no name"); if((ret=makeNode(parser,parent,x,NCD4_GROUP,NC_NULL,&group))) goto done; group->group.varbyid = nclistnew(); if((ret = fillgroup(parser,group,x))) goto done; /* Parse group attributes */ if((ret = parseAttributes(parser,group,x))) goto done; PUSH(parent->groups,group); } done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseAtomicVar(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml, NCD4node** nodep) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* node = NULL; NCD4node* base = NULL; const char* typename; const KEYWORDINFO* info; NCD4node* group; /* Check for aliases */ for(typename=xml->name;;) { info = keyword(typename); if(info->aliasfor == NULL) break; typename = info->aliasfor; } group = NCD4_groupFor(container); /* Locate its basetype; handle opaque and enum separately */ if(info->subsort == NC_ENUM) { const char* enumfqn = ezxml_attr(xml,"enum"); if(enumfqn == NULL) base = NULL; else base = lookupFQN(parser,enumfqn,NCD4_TYPE); } else if(info->subsort == NC_OPAQUE) { /* See if the xml references an opaque type name */ base = getOpaque(parser,xml,group); } else { base = lookupFQN(parser,info->tag,NCD4_TYPE); } if(base == NULL || !ISTYPE(base->sort)) { FAIL(NC_EBADTYPE,"Unexpected variable type: %s",info->tag); } if((ret=makeNode(parser,container,xml,NCD4_VAR,base->subsort,&node))) goto done; classify(container,node); node->basetype = base; /* Parse attributes, dims, and maps */ if((ret = parseMetaData(parser,node,xml))) goto done; /* See if this var has UCARTAGORIGTYPE attribute */ if(parser->metadata->controller->controls.translation == NCD4_TRANSNC4) { const char* typetag = ezxml_attr(xml,UCARTAGORIGTYPE); if(typetag != NULL) { /* yes, place it on the type */ if((ret=addOrigType(parser,node,node,typetag))) goto done; } } if(nodep) *nodep = node; done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseDimRefs(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* var, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "Dim");x!= NULL;x=ezxml_next(x)) { NCD4node* dim = NULL; const char* fqn; fqn = ezxml_attr(x,"name"); if(fqn != NULL) { dim = lookupFQN(parser,fqn,NCD4_DIM); if(dim == NULL) { FAIL(NC_EBADDIM,"Cannot locate dim with name: %s",fqn); } } else { const char* sizestr = ezxml_attr(x,"size"); if(sizestr == NULL) { FAIL(NC_EBADDIM,"Dimension reference has no name and no size"); } /* Make or reuse anonymous dimension in root group */ dim = makeAnonDim(parser,sizestr); if(dim == NULL) FAIL(NC_EBADDIM,"Cannot create anonymous dimension for size: %s",sizestr); } PUSH(var->dims,dim); } done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseMaps(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* var, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "Map");x!= NULL;x=ezxml_next(x)) { NCD4node* mapref = NULL; const char* fqn; fqn = ezxml_attr(x,"name"); if(fqn == NULL) FAIL(NC_ENOTVAR," has no name attribute"); mapref = lookupFQN(parser,fqn,NCD4_VAR); if(mapref == NULL) FAIL(NC_ENOTVAR," name does not refer to a variable: %s",fqn); PUSH(var->maps,mapref); } done: return THROW(ret); } static int parseAttributes(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* container, ezxml_t xml) { int ret = NC_NOERR; ezxml_t x; NClist* values = NULL; /* First, transfer any reserved xml attributes */ { int count = 0; const char** all = NULL; all = ezxml_all_attr(xml,&count); if(all != NULL && count > 0) { const char** p; container->xmlattributes = nclistnew(); for(p=all;*p;p+=2) { if(isReserved(*p)) { nclistpush(container->xmlattributes,strdup(p[0])); nclistpush(container->xmlattributes,strdup(p[1])); } } } } for(x=ezxml_child(xml, "Attribute");x!= NULL;x=ezxml_next(x)) { const char* name = ezxml_attr(x,"name"); const char* type = ezxml_attr(x,"type"); NCD4node* attr = NULL; NCD4node* basetype; if(name == NULL) FAIL(NC_EBADNAME,"Missing name"); #ifdef HYRAXHACK /* Hyrax specifies type="container" for container types */ if(strcmp(type,"container")==0 || strcmp(type,"Container")==0) type = NULL; #endif if(type == NULL) { /* containers not supported; ignore */ continue; } if((ret=makeNode(parser,container,x,NCD4_ATTR,NC_NULL,&attr))) goto done; basetype = lookupFQN(parser,type,NCD4_TYPE); if(basetype == NULL) FAIL(NC_EBADTYPE,"Unknown type: ",type); if(basetype->subsort == NC_NAT && basetype->subsort != NC_ENUM) FAIL(NC_EBADTYPE," type must be atomic or enum: ",type); attr->basetype = basetype; values = nclistnew(); if((ret=getValueStrings(parser,basetype,x,values))) { FAIL(NC_EINVAL,"Malformed attribute: %s",name); } attr->attr.values = values; values = NULL; PUSH(container->attributes,attr); } done: if(ret != NC_NOERR) { nclistfreeall(values); } return THROW(ret); } static int parseError(NCD4parser* parser, ezxml_t errxml) { const char* shttpcode = ezxml_attr(errxml,"httpcode"); ezxml_t x; if(shttpcode == NULL) shttpcode = "400"; if(sscanf(shttpcode,"%d",&parser->metadata->error.httpcode) != 1) nclog(NCLOGERR,"Malformed response"); x=ezxml_child(errxml, "Message"); if(x != NULL) { const char* txt = ezxml_txt(x); parser->metadata->error.message = (txt == NULL ? NULL : strdup(txt)); } x=ezxml_child(errxml, "Context"); if(x != NULL) { const char* txt = ezxml_txt(x); parser->metadata->error.context = (txt == NULL ? NULL : strdup(txt)); } x=ezxml_child(errxml, "OtherInformation"); if(x != NULL) { const char* txt = ezxml_txt(x); parser->metadata->error.otherinfo = (txt == NULL ? NULL : strdup(txt)); } return THROW(NC_NOERR); } /* Find or create an opaque type */ static NCD4node* getOpaque(NCD4parser* parser, ezxml_t varxml, NCD4node* group) { int i, ret = NC_NOERR; long long len; NCD4node* opaquetype = NULL; const char* xattr; #ifndef FIXEDOPAQUE len = 0; #else len = parser->metadata->controller->controls.opaquesize; #endif if(parser->metadata->controller->controls.translation == NCD4_TRANSNC4) { /* See if this var has UCARTAGOPAQUE attribute */ xattr = ezxml_attr(varxml,UCARTAGOPAQUE); if(xattr != NULL) { long long tmp = 0; if((ret = parseLL(xattr,&tmp)) || (tmp < 0)) FAIL(NC_EINVAL,"Illegal opaque len: %s",xattr); len = tmp; } } #ifndef FIXEDOPAQUE if(len == 0) { /* Need to use _bytestring */ if((ret=defineBytestringType(parser))) goto done; assert(parser->metadata->_bytestring != NULL); opaquetype = parser->metadata->_bytestring; } else #endif { /*(len > 0) || FIXEDOPAQUE */ /* Try to locate existing opaque type with this length */ for(i=0;itypes); i++) { NCD4node* op = (NCD4node*)nclistget(parser->types,i); if(op->subsort != NC_OPAQUE) continue; if(op->opaque.size == len) {opaquetype = op; break;} } if(opaquetype == NULL) {/* create it */ char name[NC_MAX_NAME+1]; /* Make name be "opaqueN" */ snprintf(name,NC_MAX_NAME,"opaque%lld_t",len); /* Opaque types are always created in the current group */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,group,NULL,NCD4_TYPE,NC_OPAQUE,&opaquetype))) goto done; SETNAME(opaquetype,name); opaquetype->opaque.size = len; if(opaquetype != NULL) record(parser,opaquetype); } } done: return opaquetype; } /* get all value strings */ static int getValueStrings(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* type, ezxml_t xattr, NClist* svalues) { const char* s; /* See first if we have a "value" xml attribute */ s = ezxml_attr(xattr,"value"); if(s != NULL) PUSH(svalues,strdup(s)); else {/* look for subnodes */ ezxml_t x; for(x=ezxml_child(xattr, "Value");x != NULL;x = ezxml_next(x)) { char* es; char* ds; /* We assume that either their is a single xml attribute called "value", or there is a single chunk of text containing possibly multiple values. */ s = ezxml_attr(x,"value"); if(s == NULL) {/* See if there is a text part. */ s = x->txt; if(s == NULL) s = ""; } /* Need to de-escape the string */ es = NCD4_entityescape(s); ds = NCD4_deescape(es); nclistpush(svalues,ds); nullfree(es); } } return THROW(NC_NOERR); } /***************************************************/ /* Utilities */ NCD4node* NCD4_groupFor(NCD4node* node) { while(node->sort != NCD4_GROUP) node = node->container; return node; } /* Determine is a name is reserved */ static int isReserved(const char* name) { if(name == NULL) return 0; return (name[0] == RESERVECHAR); } /* If a node has the UCARTAGORIGTYPE attribute, then capture that annotation. */ static int addOrigType(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* src, NCD4node* dst, const char* oldname) { int ret = NC_NOERR; if(dst == NULL) dst = src; /* Record the original type in the destination*/ if((ret=splitOrigType(parser,oldname,dst))) goto done; done: return THROW(ret); } static int splitOrigType(NCD4parser* parser, const char* fqn, NCD4node* type) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NClist* pieces = nclistnew(); NCD4node* group = NULL; char* name = NULL; if((ret=NCD4_parseFQN(fqn,pieces))) goto done; /* It should be the case that the pieces are {/group}+/name */ name = (char*)nclistpop(pieces); if((ret = lookupFQNList(parser,pieces,NCD4_GROUP,&group))) goto done; if(group == NULL) { FAIL(NC_ENOGRP,"Non-existent group in FQN: ",fqn); } type->nc4.orig.name = strdup(name+1); /* plus 1 to skip the leading separator */ type->nc4.orig.group = group; done: return THROW(ret); } /* Locate an attribute. If not found, then *attrp will be null */ NCD4node* NCD4_findAttr(NCD4node* container, const char* attrname) { int i; /* Look directly under this xml for */ for(i=0;iattributes);i++) { NCD4node* attr = (NCD4node*)nclistget(container->attributes,i); if(strcmp(attr->name,attrname)!=0) continue; return attr; } return NULL; } /* Parse a simple string of digits into an unsigned long long Return the value. */ static int parseULL(const char* text, unsigned long long* ullp) { extern int errno; char* endptr; unsigned long long uint64 = 0; errno = 0; endptr = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL uint64 = strtoull(text,&endptr,10); if(errno == ERANGE) return THROW(NC_ERANGE); #else /*!(defined HAVE_STRTOLL && defined HAVE_STRTOULL)*/ sscanf((char*)text, "%llu", &uint64); /* Have no useful way to detect out of range */ #endif /*!(defined HAVE_STRTOLL && defined HAVE_STRTOULL)*/ if(ullp) *ullp = uint64; return THROW(NC_NOERR); } /* Parse a simple string of digits into an signed long long Return the value. */ static int parseLL(const char* text, long long* llp) { extern int errno; char* endptr; long long int64 = 0; errno = 0; endptr = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOLL int64 = strtoll(text,&endptr,10); if(errno == ERANGE) return THROW(NC_ERANGE); #else /*!(defined HAVE_STRTOLL && defined HAVE_STRTOLL)*/ sscanf((char*)text, "%lld", &int64); /* Have no useful way to detect out of range */ #endif /*!(defined HAVE_STRTOLL && defined HAVE_STRTOLL)*/ if(llp) *llp = int64; return THROW(NC_NOERR); } /* Convert a sequence of fqn names into a specific node. WARNING: This is highly specialized in that it assumes that the final object is one of: dimension, type, or var. This means that e.g. groups, attributes, econsts, cannot be found by this procedure. */ static int lookupFQNList(NCD4parser* parser, NClist* fqn, NCD4sort sort, NCD4node** result) { int ret = NC_NOERR; int i,nsteps; NCD4node* current; char* name = NULL; NCD4node* node = NULL; /* Step 1: walk thru groups until can go no further */ current = parser->metadata->root; nsteps = nclistlength(fqn); for(i=1;isort)); name = (char*)nclistget(fqn,i); /* See if we can find a matching subgroup */ node = lookFor(current->group.elements,name,NCD4_GROUP); if(node == NULL) break; /* reached the end of the group part of the fqn */ current = node; } /* Invariant: 1. i == nsteps => node != null => last node was a group: it must be our target 2. i == (nsteps-1) => non-group node at the end; disambiguate 3. i < (nsteps - 1) => need a compound var to continue */ if(i == nsteps) { if(sort != NCD4_GROUP) goto sortfail; goto done; } if(i == (nsteps - 1)) { assert (node == NULL); node = lookFor(current->group.elements,name,sort); if(node == NULL) goto sortfail; goto done; } assert (i < (nsteps - 1)); /* case 3 */ /* We have steps to take, so node better be a compound var */ node = lookFor(current->group.elements,name,NCD4_VAR); if(node == NULL || !ISCMPD(node->basetype->subsort)) goto fail; /* So we are at a compound variable, so walk its fields recursively */ /* Use the type to do the walk */ current = node->basetype; assert (i < (nsteps - 1)); i++; /* skip variable name */ for(;;i++) { int j; name = (char*)nclistget(fqn,i); assert(ISTYPE(current->sort) && ISCMPD(current->subsort)); for(node=NULL,j=0;jvars);j++) { NCD4node* field = (NCD4node*)nclistget(current->vars,j); if(strcmp(field->name,name)==0) {node = field; break;} } if(node == NULL) goto sortfail; /* no match, so failed */ if(i == (nsteps - 1)) break; if(!ISCMPD(node->basetype->subsort)) goto fail; /* more steps, but no compound field, so failed */ current = node->basetype; } done: if(result) *result = node; return THROW(ret); fail: ret = NC_EINVAL; goto done; sortfail: ret = NC_EBADID; goto done; } static NCD4node* lookFor(NClist* elems, const char* name, NCD4sort sort) { int n,i; if(elems == NULL || nclistlength(elems) == 0) return NULL; n = nclistlength(elems); for(i=0;iname,name) == 0 && (sort == node->sort)) return node; } return NULL; } void NCD4_printElems(NCD4node* group) { int n,i; NClist* elems; elems = group->group.elements; if(elems == NULL || nclistlength(elems) == 0) return; n = nclistlength(elems); for(i=0;iname,node->sort,node->subsort); } fflush(stderr); } static NCD4node* lookupFQN(NCD4parser* parser, const char* sfqn, NCD4sort sort) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NClist* fqnlist = nclistnew(); NCD4node* match = NULL; /* Short circuit atomic types */ if(NCD4_TYPE == sort) { match = lookupAtomictype(parser,(sfqn[0]=='/'?sfqn+1:sfqn)); if(match != NULL) goto done; } if((ret=NCD4_parseFQN(sfqn,fqnlist))) goto done; if((ret=lookupFQNList(parser,fqnlist,sort,&match))) goto done; done: nclistfreeall(fqnlist); return (ret == NC_NOERR ? match : NULL); } static const KEYWORDINFO* keyword(const char* name) { int n = sizeof(keywordmap)/sizeof(KEYWORDINFO); int L = 0; int R = (n - 1); int m, cmp; const struct KEYWORDINFO* p; for(;;) { if(L > R) break; m = (L + R) / 2; p = &keywordmap[m]; cmp = strcasecmp(p->tag,name); if(cmp == 0) return p; if(cmp < 0) L = (m + 1); else /*cmp > 0*/ R = (m - 1); } return NULL; } #ifndef FIXEDOPAQUE static int defineBytestringType(NCD4parser* parser) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* bstring = NULL; if(parser->metadata->_bytestring == NULL) { /* Construct a single global opaque type for mapping DAP opaque type */ ret = makeNode(parser,parser->metadata->root,NULL,NCD4_TYPE,NC_OPAQUE,&bstring); if(ret != NC_NOERR) goto done; SETNAME(bstring,"_bytestring"); bstring->opaque.size = 0; bstring->basetype = lookupAtomictype(parser,"UInt8"); PUSH(parser->metadata->root->types,bstring); parser->metadata->_bytestring = bstring; } else bstring = parser->metadata->_bytestring; done: return THROW(ret); } #endif static int defineAtomicTypes(NCD4parser* parser) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* node; const struct ATOMICTYPEINFO* ati; parser->atomictypes = nclistnew(); if(parser->atomictypes == NULL) return THROW(NC_ENOMEM); for(ati=atomictypeinfo;ati->name;ati++) { if((ret=makeNode(parser,parser->metadata->root,NULL,NCD4_TYPE,ati->type,&node))) goto done; SETNAME(node,ati->name); node->container = parser->metadata->root; record(parser,node); PUSH(parser->atomictypes,node); } parser->used = (char*)calloc(1,nclistlength(parser->atomictypes)); if(parser->used == NULL) {ret = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} done: return THROW(ret); } /* Binary search the set of set of atomictypes */ static NCD4node* lookupAtomictype(NCD4parser* parser, const char* name) { int n = nclistlength(parser->atomictypes); int L = 0; int R = (n - 1); int m, cmp; NCD4node* p; for(;;) { if(L > R) break; m = (L + R) / 2; p = (NCD4node*)nclistget(parser->atomictypes,m); cmp = strcasecmp(p->name,name); if(cmp == 0) return p; if(cmp < 0) L = (m + 1); else /*cmp > 0*/ R = (m - 1); } return NULL; } /**************************************************/ static int makeNode(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* parent, ezxml_t xml, NCD4sort sort, nc_type subsort, NCD4node** nodep) { int ret = NC_NOERR; NCD4node* node = (NCD4node*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCD4node)); if(node == NULL) return THROW(NC_ENOMEM); node->sort = sort; node->subsort = subsort; node->container = parent; /* Set node name, if it exists */ if(xml != NULL) { const char* name = ezxml_attr(xml,"name"); if(name != NULL) { if(strlen(name) > NC_MAX_NAME) { nclog(NCLOGERR,"Name too long: %s",name); } SETNAME(node,name); } } if(parent != NULL) { if(parent->sort == NCD4_GROUP) PUSH(parent->group.elements,node); } track(parser,node); if(nodep) *nodep = node; return THROW(ret); } static NCD4node* makeAnonDim(NCD4parser* parser, const char* sizestr) { long long size = 0; int ret; char name[NC_MAX_NAME+1]; NCD4node* dim = NULL; NCD4node* root = parser->metadata->root; ret = parseLL(sizestr,&size); if(ret) return NULL; snprintf(name,NC_MAX_NAME,"/_Anonymous%lld",size); /* See if it exists already */ dim = lookupFQN(parser,name,NCD4_DIM); if(dim == NULL) {/* create it */ if((ret=makeNode(parser,root,NULL,NCD4_DIM,NC_NULL,&dim))) goto done; SETNAME(dim,name+1); /* leave out the '/' separator */ dim->dim.size = (long long)size; dim->dim.isanonymous = 1; PUSH(root->dims,dim); } done: return (ret?NULL:dim); } /* Classify inserts the node into the proper container list based on the node's sort. */ static void classify(NCD4node* container, NCD4node* node) { if(ISGROUP(container->sort)) nclistpush(container->group.elements,node); switch (node->sort) { case NCD4_GROUP: PUSH(container->groups,node); break; case NCD4_DIM: PUSH(container->dims,node); break; case NCD4_TYPE: PUSH(container->types,node); break; case NCD4_VAR: PUSH(container->vars,node); break; case NCD4_ATTR: case NCD4_XML: PUSH(container->attributes,node); break; default: break; } } /* Classify inserts the node into the proper parser global list based on the node's sort. */ static void record(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* node) { switch (node->sort) { case NCD4_GROUP: PUSH(parser->groups,node); break; case NCD4_DIM: PUSH(parser->dims,node); break; case NCD4_TYPE: PUSH(parser->types,node); break; case NCD4_VAR: PUSH(parser->vars,node); break; default: break; } } /* Undo a classify and record for a field node. Used by buildSequenceType. */ #if 0 static void forget(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* var) { int i; NCD4node* container = var->container; assert(ISVAR(var->sort) && ISTYPE(container->sort) && ISCMPD(container->subsort)); /* Unrecord: remove from the parser lists */ for(i=0;ivars;i++) { NCD4node* test = nclistget(parser->vars,i); if(test == var) { nclistremove(parser->vars,i); break; } } /* Unclassify: remove from the container var list */ for(i=0;ivars;i++) { NCD4node* test = nclistget(container->vars,i); if(test == var) { nclistremove(container->vars,i); break; } } } #endif static void track(NCD4parser* parser, NCD4node* node) { #ifdef D4DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"track: node=%lx sort=%d subsort=%d",(unsigned long)node,node->sort,node->subsort); if(node->name != NULL) fprintf(stderr," name=%s\n",node->name); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); #endif PUSH(parser->metadata->allnodes,node); #ifdef D4DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"track: |allnodes|=%ld\n",nclistlength(parser->metadata->allnodes)); fflush(stderr); #endif } /**************************************************/ static int convertString(union ATOMICS* converter, NCD4node* type, const char* s) { switch (type->subsort) { case NC_BYTE: case NC_SHORT: case NC_INT: case NC_INT64: if(sscanf(s,"%lld",converter->i64) != 1) return THROW(NC_ERANGE); break; case NC_UBYTE: case NC_USHORT: case NC_UINT: case NC_UINT64: if(sscanf(s,"%llu",converter->u64) != 1) return THROW(NC_ERANGE); break; case NC_FLOAT: case NC_DOUBLE: if(sscanf(s,"%lf",converter->f64) != 1) return THROW(NC_ERANGE); break; case NC_STRING: converter->s[0]= strdup(s); break; }/*switch*/ return downConvert(converter,type); } static int downConvert(union ATOMICS* converter, NCD4node* type) { unsigned long long u64 = converter->u64[0]; long long i64 = converter->i64[0]; double f64 = converter->f64[0]; char* s = converter->s[0]; switch (type->subsort) { case NC_BYTE: converter->i8[0] = (char)i64; break; case NC_UBYTE: converter->u8[0] = (unsigned char)u64; break; case NC_SHORT: converter->i16[0] = (short)i64; break; case NC_USHORT: converter->u16[0] = (unsigned short)u64; break; case NC_INT: converter->i32[0] = (int)i64; break; case NC_UINT: converter->u32[0] = (unsigned int)u64; break; case NC_INT64: converter->i64[0] = i64; break; case NC_UINT64: converter->u64[0]= u64; break; case NC_FLOAT: converter->f32[0] = (float)f64; break; case NC_DOUBLE: converter->f64[0] = f64; break; case NC_STRING: converter->s[0]= s; break; }/*switch*/ return THROW(NC_NOERR); } #if 0 /* Try to remove excess text from a value set */ static int valueParse(NCD4node* type, const char* values0, NClist* vlist) { char* values; char* p; char* q; char* s; char* line; ptrdiff_t len; if(values0 == NULL || (len=strlen(values0)) == 0) return THROW(NC_NOERR); values = strdup(values0); /* Compress the text by removing sequences of blanks and newlines: note that this will fail for string typed values that might have embedded blanks, so in that case, we assume each string is on a separate line. For NC_CHAR, we treat like strings, except we use the last char in the line as the value. This is all heuristic. */ switch (type->subsort) { case NC_STRING: p = values; for(;;) { if(*p == '\0') break; line = p; /* Start by looking for \n or \r\n */ for(;*p;p++) {if(*p == '\n') break;} q = p - 1; *p++ = '\0'; if(*q == '\r') {*q = '\0';} nclistpush(vlist,strdup(line)); } break; case NC_CHAR: p = values; for(;*p;) { char c[2]; line = p; /* Start by looking for \n or \r\n */ for(;*p;p++) {if(*p == '\n') break;} q = p; *p++ = '\0'; q--; if(*q == '\r') {*q = '\0';} len = strlen(line); if(len > 0) { c[0] = *q; c[1] = '\0'; nclistpush(vlist,strdup(c)); } } break; default: p = values; for(;*p;p++) {if(*p <= ' ') *p = '\n';} line = values; for(p=line;*p;p++) {if(*p == '\n') break;} for(line=values;*line;) { size_t size = strlen(line); if(size > 0) nclistpush(vlist,strdup(line)); line += (size+1); /* skip terminating nul */ } break; } free(values); return THROW(NC_NOERR); } #endif