/* Copyright 2009, UCAR/Unidata and OPeNDAP, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT file for more information. */ #include #include #include #include "ncbytes.h" #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define DEFAULTALLOC 1024 #define ALLOCINCR 1024 static int ncbytesdebug = 1; static long ncbytesfail(void) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr,"bytebuffer failure\n"); fflush(stderr); if(ncbytesdebug) abort(); return FALSE; } NCbytes* ncbytesnew(void) { NCbytes* bb = (NCbytes*)malloc(sizeof(NCbytes)); if(bb == NULL) return (NCbytes*)ncbytesfail(); bb->alloc=0; bb->length=0; bb->content=NULL; bb->nonextendible = 0; return bb; } int ncbytessetalloc(NCbytes* bb, unsigned int sz) { char* newcontent; if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); if(sz <= 0) {sz = (bb->alloc?2*bb->alloc:DEFAULTALLOC);} if(bb->alloc >= sz) return TRUE; if(bb->nonextendible) return ncbytesfail(); newcontent=(char*)calloc(sz,sizeof(char)); if(bb->alloc > 0 && bb->length > 0 && bb->content != NULL) { memcpy((void*)newcontent,(void*)bb->content,sizeof(char)*bb->length); } if(bb->content != NULL) free(bb->content); bb->content=newcontent; bb->alloc=sz; return TRUE; } void ncbytesfree(NCbytes* bb) { if(bb == NULL) return; if(!bb->nonextendible && bb->content != NULL) free(bb->content); free(bb); } int ncbytessetlength(NCbytes* bb, unsigned int sz) { if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); if(sz > bb->alloc) {if(!ncbytessetalloc(bb,sz)) return ncbytesfail();} bb->length = sz; return TRUE; } int ncbytesfill(NCbytes* bb, char fill) { unsigned int i; if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); for(i=0;ilength;i++) bb->content[i] = fill; return TRUE; } int ncbytesget(NCbytes* bb, unsigned int index) { if(bb == NULL) return -1; if(index >= bb->length) return -1; return bb->content[index]; } int ncbytesset(NCbytes* bb, unsigned int index, char elem) { if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); if(index >= bb->length) return ncbytesfail(); bb->content[index] = elem; return TRUE; } int ncbytesappend(NCbytes* bb, char elem) { if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); if(bb->length >= bb->alloc) if(!ncbytessetalloc(bb,0)) return ncbytesfail(); bb->content[bb->length] = elem; bb->length++; return TRUE; } /* This assumes s is a null terminated string*/ int ncbytescat(NCbytes* bb, char* s) { ncbytesappendn(bb,(void*)s,strlen(s)+1); /* include trailing null*/ /* back up over the trailing null*/ if(bb->length == 0) return ncbytesfail(); bb->length--; return 1; } int ncbytesappendn(NCbytes* bb, void* elem, unsigned int n) { if(bb == NULL || elem == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); if(n == 0) {n = strlen((char*)elem);} while(!ncbytesavail(bb,n)) {if(!ncbytessetalloc(bb,0)) return ncbytesfail();} memcpy((void*)&bb->content[bb->length],(void*)elem,n); bb->length += n; return TRUE; } int ncbytesprepend(NCbytes* bb, char elem) { int i; /* do not make unsigned */ if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); if(bb->length >= bb->alloc) if(!ncbytessetalloc(bb,0)) return ncbytesfail(); /* could we trust memcpy? instead */ for(i=bb->alloc;i>=1;i--) {bb->content[i]=bb->content[i-1];} bb->content[0] = elem; bb->length++; return TRUE; } char* ncbytesdup(NCbytes* bb) { char* result = (char*)malloc(bb->length+1); memcpy((void*)result,(const void*)bb->content,bb->length); result[bb->length] = '\0'; /* just in case it is a string*/ return result; } char* ncbytesextract(NCbytes* bb) { char* result = bb->content; bb->alloc = 0; bb->length = 0; bb->content = NULL; return result; } int ncbytessetcontents(NCbytes* bb, char* contents, unsigned int alloc) { if(bb == NULL) return ncbytesfail(); ncbytesclear(bb); if(!bb->nonextendible && bb->content != NULL) free(bb->content); bb->content = contents; bb->length = 0; bb->alloc = alloc; bb->nonextendible = 1; return 1; } /* Null terminate the byte string without extending its length */ /* For debugging */ int ncbytesnull(NCbytes* bb) { ncbytesappend(bb,'\0'); bb->length--; }