/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. *********************************************************************/ #include "dapincludes.h" #include "dapdump.h" /* Grads servers always require a constraint, which does not necessarily happen during prefetch. So this flag controls this. By default, it is on. */ #define GRADS_PREFETCH static int iscacheableconstraint(DCEconstraint* con); /* Return 1 if we can reuse cached data to address the current get_vara request; return 0 otherwise. Target is in the constrained tree space. Currently, if the target matches a cache that is not a whole variable, then match is false. */ int iscached(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, CDFnode* target, NCcachenode** cachenodep) { int i,j,found,index; NCcache* cache; NCcachenode* cachenode; found = 0; if(target == NULL) goto done; /* Match the target variable against the prefetch, if any */ /* Note that prefetches are always whole variable */ cache = nccomm->cdf.cache; cachenode = cache->prefetch; if(cachenode!= NULL) { for(found=0,i=0;ivars);i++) { CDFnode* var = (CDFnode*)nclistget(cachenode->vars,i); if(var == target) { if(cachenodep) *cachenodep = cachenode; found=1; goto done; } } } /*search other cache nodes starting at latest first */ index = 0; for(i=nclistlength(cache->nodes)-1;i>=0;i--) { cachenode = (NCcachenode*)nclistget(cache->nodes,i); /* We currently do not try to match constraints; If the cachenode is constrained by more than simple wholevariable projections, then skip it. */ if(!cachenode->wholevariable) continue; for(found=0,j=0;jvars);j++) { CDFnode* var = (CDFnode*)nclistget(cachenode->vars,j); if(var == target) {found=1;index=i;break;} } if(found) break; } if(found) { ASSERT((cachenode != NULL)); if(nclistlength(cache->nodes) > 1) { /* Manage the cache nodes as LRU */ nclistremove(cache->nodes,index); nclistpush(cache->nodes,(void*)cachenode); } if(cachenodep) *cachenodep = cachenode; } done: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"iscached: search: %s\n",makecdfpathstring(target,".")); if(found) fprintf(stderr,"iscached: found: %s\n",dumpcachenode(cachenode)); else fprintf(stderr,"iscached: notfound\n"); #endif return found; } /* Compute the set of prefetched data. Notes: 1. All prefetches are whole variable fetches. 2. If the data set is unconstrainable, we will prefetch the whole thing */ NCerror prefetchdata(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm) { int i; NCFLAGS flags; NCerror ncstat = NC_NOERR; NClist* allvars = nccomm->cdf.ddsroot->tree->varnodes; DCEconstraint* urlconstraint = nccomm->oc.dapconstraint; NClist* vars = nclistnew(); NCcachenode* cache = NULL; DCEconstraint* newconstraint = NULL; if(FLAGSET(nccomm->controls,NCF_UNCONSTRAINABLE)) { /* If we cannot constrain and caching is enabled, then pull in everything */ if(FLAGSET(nccomm->controls,NCF_CACHE)) { for(i=0;icdf.cache->prefetch = NULL; goto done; } } else { /* pull in those variables previously marked as prefetchable */ for(i=0;ibasenode->prefetchable) continue; /* Do not attempt to prefetch any variables in the nc_open url's projection list */ if(nclistcontains(nccomm->cdf.projectedvars,(void*)var)) continue; /* Should be prefetchable */ nclistpush(vars,(void*)var); if(SHOWFETCH) { nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"prefetch: %s",var->ncfullname); } } } /* If there are no vars, then do nothing */ if(nclistlength(vars) == 0) { nccomm->cdf.cache->prefetch = NULL; goto done; } /* Create a single constraint consisting of the projections for the variables; each projection is whole variable. The selections are passed on as is. Conditionally, The exception is if we are prefetching everything. */ newconstraint = (DCEconstraint*)dcecreate(CES_CONSTRAINT); newconstraint->projections = nclistnew(); newconstraint->selections = dceclonelist(urlconstraint->selections); for(i=0;iinvisible) continue; /* convert var to a projection */ ncstat = dapvar2projection(var,&varprojection); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} nclistpush(newconstraint->projections,(void*)varprojection); } if(SHOWFETCH) { char* s = dumpprojections(newconstraint->projections); LOG1(NCLOGNOTE,"prefetch.final: %s",s); nullfree(s); } flags = NCF_PREFETCH; #ifndef GRADS_PREFETCH if(nclistlength(allvars) == nclistlength(vars)) flags |= NCF_PREFETCH_ALL; #endif ncstat = buildcachenode(nccomm,newconstraint,vars,&cache,flags); newconstraint = NULL; /* buildcachenodetakes control of newconstraint */ if(ncstat != OC_NOERR) goto done; else if(cache == NULL) goto done; else cache->wholevariable = 1; /* All prefetches are whole variable */ /* Make cache node be the prefetch node */ nccomm->cdf.cache->prefetch = cache; if(SHOWFETCH) { LOG0(NCLOGNOTE,"prefetch.complete"); } if(SHOWFETCH) { char* s = NULL; /* Log the set of prefetch variables */ NCbytes* buf = ncbytesnew(); ncbytescat(buf,"prefetch.vars: "); for(i=0;ioc.conn; OCddsnode ocroot = NULL; CDFnode* dxdroot = NULL; NCcachenode* cachenode = NULL; char* ce = NULL; int isprefetch = 0; if((flags & NCF_PREFETCH) != 0) isprefetch = 1; #ifndef GRADS_PREFETCH if((flags & NCF_PREFETCH_ALL) == 0) #endif ce = dcebuildconstraintstring(constraint); ncstat = dap_fetch(nccomm,conn,ce,OCDATADDS,&ocroot); nullfree(ce); if(ncstat != NC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} ncstat = buildcdftree(nccomm,ocroot,OCDATA,&dxdroot); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} /* re-struct*/ if(!FLAGSET(nccomm->controls,NCF_UNCONSTRAINABLE)) { ncstat = restruct(nccomm,dxdroot,nccomm->cdf.fullddsroot, constraint->projections); if(ncstat) {THROWCHK(ncstat); goto done;} } /* create the cache node */ cachenode = createnccachenode(); cachenode->isprefetch = isprefetch; cachenode->vars = nclistclone(varlist,0); cachenode->datadds = dxdroot; /* Give the constraint over to the cachenode */ cachenode->constraint = constraint; constraint = NULL; cachenode->wholevariable = iscacheableconstraint(cachenode->constraint); /* save the root content*/ cachenode->ocroot = ocroot; ocstat = oc_data_getroot(conn,ocroot,&cachenode->content); if(ocstat) {THROWCHK(ocerrtoncerr(ocstat)); goto done;} /* capture the packet size */ ocstat = oc_raw_xdrsize(conn,ocroot,&cachenode->xdrsize); if(ocstat) {THROWCHK(ocerrtoncerr(ocstat)); goto done;} #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"buildcachenode: new cache node: %s\n", dumpcachenode(cachenode)); #endif /* Insert into the cache. If not caching, then remove any previous cache node */ if(!isprefetch) { NCcache* cache = nccomm->cdf.cache; if(cache->nodes == NULL) cache->nodes = nclistnew(); /* remove cache nodes to get below the max cache size */ while(cache->cachesize + cachenode->xdrsize > cache->cachelimit && nclistlength(cache->nodes) > 0) { NCcachenode* node = (NCcachenode*)nclistremove(cache->nodes,0); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"buildcachenode: purge cache node: %s\n", dumpcachenode(cachenode)); #endif cache->cachesize -= node->xdrsize; freenccachenode(nccomm,node); } /* Remove cache nodes to get below the max cache count */ /* If not caching, then cachecount should be 0 */ while(nclistlength(cache->nodes) > cache->cachecount) { NCcachenode* node = (NCcachenode*)nclistremove(cache->nodes,0); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"buildcachenode: count purge cache node: %s\n", dumpcachenode(node)); #endif cache->cachesize -= node->xdrsize; freenccachenode(nccomm,node); } nclistpush(nccomm->cdf.cache->nodes,(void*)cachenode); cache->cachesize += cachenode->xdrsize; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"buildcachenode: %s\n",dumpcachenode(cachenode)); #endif done: if(constraint != NULL) dcefree((DCEnode*)constraint); if(cachep) *cachep = cachenode; if(ocstat != OC_NOERR) ncstat = ocerrtoncerr(ocstat); if(ncstat != OC_NOERR) { freecdfroot(dxdroot); freenccachenode(nccomm,cachenode); if(cachep) *cachep = NULL; } return THROW(ncstat); } NCcachenode* createnccachenode(void) { NCcachenode* mem = (NCcachenode*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCcachenode)); return mem; } void freenccachenode(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, NCcachenode* node) { if(node == NULL) return; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"freecachenode: %s\n", dumpcachenode(node)); #endif oc_data_free(nccomm->oc.conn,node->content); dcefree((DCEnode*)node->constraint); freecdfroot(node->datadds); nclistfree(node->vars); nullfree(node); } void freenccache(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm, NCcache* cache) { int i; if(cache == NULL) return; freenccachenode(nccomm,cache->prefetch); for(i=0;inodes);i++) { freenccachenode(nccomm,(NCcachenode*)nclistget(cache->nodes,i)); } nclistfree(cache->nodes); nullfree(cache); } NCcache* createnccache(void) { NCcache* c = (NCcache*)calloc(1,sizeof(NCcache)); if(c == NULL) return NULL; c->cachelimit = DFALTCACHELIMIT; c->cachesize = 0; c->nodes = nclistnew(); c->cachecount = DFALTCACHECOUNT; return c; } static int iscacheableprojection(DCEprojection* proj) { int i,cacheable; if(proj->discrim != CES_VAR) return 0; cacheable = 1; /* assume so */ for(i=0;ivar->segments);i++) { DCEsegment* segment = (DCEsegment*)nclistget(proj->var->segments,i); if(!dapiswholesegment(segment)) {cacheable = 0; break;} } return cacheable; } static int iscacheableconstraint(DCEconstraint* con) { int i; if(con == NULL) return 1; if(con->selections != NULL && nclistlength(con->selections) > 0) return 0; /* can't deal with selections */ for(i=0;iprojections);i++) { if(!iscacheableprojection((DCEprojection*)nclistget(con->projections,i))) return 0; } return 1; } /* A variable is prefetchable if 1. it is atomic 2. it's size is sufficiently small 3. it is not contained in sequence or a dimensioned structure. */ NCerror markprefetch(NCDAPCOMMON* nccomm) { int i,j; NClist* allvars = nccomm->cdf.fullddsroot->tree->varnodes; assert(allvars != NULL); /* mark those variables of sufficiently small size */ for(i=0;inctype != NC_Atomic) continue; /* if var is under a sequence, then never prefetch */ if(dapinsequence(var)) continue; /* Compute the # of elements in the variable */ for(nelems=1,j=0;jarray.dimsettrans);j++) { CDFnode* dim = (CDFnode*)nclistget(var->array.dimsettrans,j); nelems *= dim->dim.declsize; } if(nelems <= nccomm->cdf.smallsizelimit && FLAGSET(nccomm->controls,NCF_PREFETCH)) { var->prefetchable = 1; if(SHOWFETCH) { extern char* ocfqn(OCddsnode); char *tmp = ocfqn(var->ocnode); nclog(NCLOGDEBUG,"prefetchable: %s=%lu", tmp,(unsigned long)nelems); free(tmp); } } } return NC_NOERR; }