/* Copyright 2003-2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric * Research. See COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution * conditions. */ /** * @file * @internal This file contains functions that are used in file * opens. * * @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett */ #include "zincludes.h" #include "ncmodel.h" #define NUM_TYPES 12 /**< Number of netCDF atomic types. */ #define CD_NELEMS_ZLIB 1 /**< Number of parameters needed for filter. */ /** @internal These flags may not be set for open mode. */ static const int ILLEGAL_OPEN_FLAGS = (NC_MMAP|NC_DISKLESS|NC_64BIT_OFFSET|NC_CDF5); /* Forward */ /** * @internal Check for the attribute that indicates that netcdf * classic model is in use. * * @param root_grp pointer to the group info for the root group of the * @param is_classic store 1 if this is a classic file. * file. * * @return NC_NOERR No error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett */ static int check_for_classic_model(NC_GRP_INFO_T *root_grp, int *is_classic) { int attr_exists = 0; /* Check inputs. */ assert(root_grp && root_grp->format_grp_info && !root_grp->parent && is_classic); *is_classic = attr_exists ? 1 : 0; return NC_NOERR; } /** * @internal Open a netcdf-4 file. Things have already been kicked off * in ncfunc.c in nc_open, but here the netCDF-4 part of opening a * file is handled. * * @param path The file name of the new file. * @param mode The open mode flag. * @param fraglist uri fragment list in envv form * @param nc Pointer to NC file info. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory. * @return ::NC_EINTERNAL Internal list error. * @return ::NC_EHDFERR HDF error. * @return ::NC_EMPI MPI error for parallel. * @return ::NC_EPARINIT Parallel I/O initialization error. * @return ::NC_EINMEMMORY Memory file error. * @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett */ static int ncz_open_file(const char *path, int mode, const char** controls, int ncid) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5 = NULL; int is_classic; NC* nc = NULL; LOG((3, "%s: path %s mode %d", __func__, path, mode)); assert(path); ZTRACE(2,"path=%s,mode=%d,ncid=%d,controls=%s)",path,mode,ncid,(controls?nczprint_envv(controls):"null")); /* Convert ncid to an NC* structure pointer */ if((stat = NC_check_id(ncid,&nc))) goto exit; /* Add necessary structs to hold netcdf-4 file data; will define the NC_FILE_INFO_T for the file and the NC_GRP_INFO_T for the root group. */ if ((stat = nc4_nc4f_list_add(nc, path, mode))) goto exit; h5 = (NC_FILE_INFO_T*)nc->dispatchdata; assert(h5 && h5->root_grp); h5->mem.inmemory = ((mode & NC_INMEMORY) == NC_INMEMORY); h5->mem.diskless = ((mode & NC_DISKLESS) == NC_DISKLESS); h5->mem.persist = ((mode & NC_PERSIST) == NC_PERSIST); /* Does the mode specify that this file is read-only? */ if ((mode & NC_WRITE) == 0) h5->no_write = NC_TRUE; /* Setup zarr state */ if((stat = ncz_open_dataset(h5,controls))) goto exit; /* Now read in all the metadata. Some types * information may be difficult to resolve here, if, for example, a * dataset of user-defined type is encountered before the * definition of that type. */ if((stat = ncz_read_file(h5))) goto exit; /* We must read in the attributes of the root group to get e.g. provenance and classic model attribute */ if((stat = ncz_read_atts(h5,(NC_OBJ*)h5->root_grp))) goto exit; /* Check for classic model attribute. */ if ((stat = check_for_classic_model(h5->root_grp, &is_classic))) goto exit; if (is_classic) h5->cmode |= NC_CLASSIC_MODEL; #ifdef LOGGING /* This will print out the names, types, lens, etc of the vars and atts in the file, if the logging level is 2 or greater. */ log_metadata_nc(h5); #endif exit: if (stat && h5) ncz_close_file(h5, 1); /* treat like abort*/ return ZUNTRACE(stat); } /** * @internal Open a netCDF-4 file. * * @param path The file name of the new file. * @param mode The open mode flag. * @param basepe Ignored by this function. * @param chunksizehintp Ignored by this function. * @param parameters pointer to struct holding extra data (e.g. for parallel I/O) * layer. Ignored if NULL. * @param dispatch Pointer to the dispatch table for this file. * @param nc_file Pointer to an instance of NC. * * @return ::NC_NOERR No error. * @return ::NC_EINVAL Invalid inputs. * @author Dennis Heimbigner, Ed Hartnett */ int NCZ_open(const char *path, int mode, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp, void *parameters, const NC_Dispatch *dispatch, int ncid) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCURI* uri = NULL; ZTRACE(0,"path=%s,mode=%d,ncid=%d)",path,mode,ncid); NC_UNUSED(parameters); assert(path && dispatch); LOG((1, "%s: path %s mode %d ", __func__, path, mode)); /* Check the mode for validity */ if (mode & ILLEGAL_OPEN_FLAGS) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} if((mode & NC_DISKLESS) && (mode & NC_INMEMORY)) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} /* If this is our first file, initialize NCZ. */ if (!ncz_initialized) NCZ_initialize(); #ifdef LOGGING /* If nc logging level has changed, see if we need to turn on * NCZ's error messages. */ NCZ_set_log_level(); #endif /* LOGGING */ /* Get the controls */ if(ncuriparse(path,&uri)) goto done; /* Open the file. */ if((stat = ncz_open_file(path, mode, ncurifragmentparams(uri), ncid))) goto done; done: ncurifree(uri); return ZUNTRACE(stat); }