/* * Copyright 2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #include "XGetopt.h" #endif #include "zincludes.h" #include "ncs3sdk.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #include "nclog.h" #include "ncuri.h" #include "netcdf_aux.h" #undef NODELETE #undef DEBUG #define DATANAME "data" typedef enum S3op { S3OP_NONE=0, S3OP_LIST=1, S3OP_CLEAR=2, S3OP_PRINT=3, S3OP_UPLOAD=4, S3OP_DOWNLOAD=5, } S3op; static struct S3ops { S3op s3op; const char* opnames[3]; } s3ops[] = { {S3OP_LIST,{"list","l",NULL}}, {S3OP_CLEAR,{"clear","c",NULL}}, {S3OP_PRINT,{"print","p",NULL}}, {S3OP_UPLOAD,{"upload","u",NULL}}, {S3OP_DOWNLOAD,{"download","d",NULL}}, {S3OP_NONE,{NULL,NULL,NULL}}, }; /* Command line options */ struct Dumpptions { int debug; S3op s3op; NCURI* url; char* key; /* via -k flag */ char* rootkey; /* from url | key */ nc_type nctype; /* for printing content */ char* filename; char* profile; } dumpoptions; struct S3SDK { NCS3INFO s3; void* s3client; char* errmsg; } s3sdk; /* Forward */ static int s3list(void); static int s3clear(void); static int s3print(void); static int s3upload(void); static int s3download(void); static nc_type typefor(const char* t); static void printcontent(size64_t len, const char* content, nc_type nctype); static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: s3util list|print|upload|download|clear -u [-k ]\n"); exit(1); } static S3op decodeop(const char* name) { struct S3ops* s3op = s3ops; const char** s = NULL; for(;s3op->opnames[0] != NULL;s3op++) { for(s=s3op->opnames;*s;s++) { if(strcasecmp(*s,name)==0) return s3op->s3op; } } return S3OP_NONE; } static int s3setup(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; s3sdk.s3client = NC_s3sdkcreateclient(&s3sdk.s3); return stat; } static int s3shutdown(int deleteit) { int stat = NC_NOERR; stat = NC_s3sdkclose(s3sdk.s3client, &s3sdk.s3, deleteit, &s3sdk.errmsg); return stat; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int stat = NC_NOERR; int c; char* tmp = NULL; nc_initialize(); memset((void*)&dumpoptions,0,sizeof(dumpoptions)); dumpoptions.nctype = NC_UBYTE; /* default */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "df:k:p:t:T:u:v")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'd': dumpoptions.debug = 1; break; case 'f': dumpoptions.filename = strdup(optarg); break; case 'k': { size_t len = strlen(optarg); dumpoptions.key = (char*)malloc(len+1+1); if(*optarg != '/') { fprintf(stderr,"warning: -k option does not start with '/': %s",optarg); dumpoptions.key[0] = '/'; memcpy(dumpoptions.key+1,optarg,len); len++; } else memcpy(dumpoptions.key,optarg,strlen(optarg)); dumpoptions.key[len] = '\0'; } break; case 'p': dumpoptions.profile = strdup(optarg); break; case 't': dumpoptions.nctype = typefor(optarg); break; case 'u': { char* p = NC_shellUnescape(optarg); ncuriparse(p,&dumpoptions.url); nullfree(p); if(dumpoptions.url == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"malformed -f option: %s",optarg); stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } } break; case 'v': usage(); goto done; case 'T': nctracelevel(atoi(optarg)); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr,"unknown option\n"); stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } } /* get command argument */ argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "s3util: only one command argument permitted\n"); stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } if (argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "s3util: no command specified\n"); stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done; } dumpoptions.s3op = decodeop(argv[0]); memset(&s3sdk,0,sizeof(s3sdk)); if((stat = NC_s3urlprocess(dumpoptions.url, &s3sdk.s3))) goto done; if(s3sdk.s3.rootkey != NULL && dumpoptions.key != NULL) { /* Make the root key be the concatenation of rootkey+dumpoptions.key */ if((stat = nczm_concat(s3sdk.s3.rootkey,dumpoptions.key,&tmp))) goto done; nullfree(s3sdk.s3.rootkey); s3sdk.s3.rootkey = tmp; tmp = NULL; } else if(dumpoptions.key != NULL) { s3sdk.s3.rootkey = dumpoptions.key; dumpoptions.key = NULL; } if(s3sdk.s3.rootkey == NULL || strlen(s3sdk.s3.rootkey)==0) s3sdk.s3.rootkey = strdup("/"); switch (dumpoptions.s3op) { default: fprintf(stderr,"Default action: list\n"); /* fall thru */ case S3OP_LIST: if((stat = s3list())) goto done; break; case S3OP_CLEAR: if((stat = s3clear())) goto done; break; case S3OP_PRINT: if((stat = s3print())) goto done; break; case S3OP_UPLOAD: if((stat = s3upload())) goto done; break; case S3OP_DOWNLOAD: if((stat = s3download())) goto done; break; } done: /* Reclaim dumpoptions */ ncurifree(dumpoptions.url); nullfree(dumpoptions.rootkey); nullfree(tmp); NC_s3clear(&s3sdk.s3); nc_finalize(); if(stat) fprintf(stderr,"fail: %s\n",nc_strerror(stat)); return (stat ? 1 : 0); } static int s3list(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t nkeys = 0; char** keys = NULL; if(s3setup()) goto done; stat = NC_s3sdksearch(s3sdk.s3client, s3sdk.s3.bucket, s3sdk.s3.rootkey, &nkeys, &keys, &s3sdk.errmsg); if(stat) goto done; if(nkeys > 0) { size_t i; /* Sort the list -- shortest first */ nczm_sortenvv(nkeys,keys); for(i=0;i\n"); done: s3shutdown(0); NCZ_freeenvv(nkeys,keys); return stat; } static int s3clear(void) { int stat = NC_NOERR; size_t nkeys = 0; char** keys = NULL; if(s3setup()) goto done; stat = NC_s3sdksearch(s3sdk.s3client, s3sdk.s3.bucket, s3sdk.s3.rootkey, &nkeys, &keys, &s3sdk.errmsg); if(stat) goto done; if(nkeys > 0) { size_t i; /* Sort the list -- shortest first */ nczm_sortenvv(nkeys,keys); printf("deleted keys:\n"); for(i=0;i\n"); return; } if(nctype == NC_STRING) printf("|"); for(i=0;i 0) printf(", "); switch(nctype) { case NC_BYTE: printf("%d",((char*)content)[i]); break; case NC_SHORT: printf("%d",((short*)content)[i]); break; case NC_INT: printf("%d",((int*)content)[i]); break; case NC_INT64: printf("%lld",((long long*)content)[i]); break; case NC_UBYTE: printf("%u",((unsigned char*)content)[i]); break; case NC_USHORT: printf("%u",((unsigned short*)content)[i]); break; case NC_UINT: printf("%u",((unsigned int*)content)[i]); break; case NC_UINT64: printf("%llu",((unsigned long long*)content)[i]); break; case NC_FLOAT: printf("%f",((float*)content)[i]); break; case NC_DOUBLE: printf("%lf",((double*)content)[i]); break; case NC_STRING: putc(content[i],stdout); break; default: abort(); } } if(nctype == NC_STRING) printf("|\n"); } static nc_type typefor(const char* t) { if(strcmp(t,"NC_BYTE")==0) return NC_BYTE; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_SHORT")==0) return NC_SHORT; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_INT")==0) return NC_INT; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_INT64")==0) return NC_INT64; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_UBYTE")==0) return NC_UBYTE; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_USHORT")==0) return NC_USHORT; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_UINT")==0) return NC_UINT; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_UINT64")==0) return NC_UINT64; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_FLOAT")==0) return NC_FLOAT; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_DOUBLE")==0) return NC_DOUBLE; else if(strcmp(t,"NC_STRING")==0) return NC_STRING; return NC_NAT; }