/** \file dparallel.c
This file has the parallel I/O functions which correspond to the serial I/O functions.

Copyright 2010 University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research/Unidata. See COPYRIGHT file for more info.

#include "config.h"
#include "ncdispatch.h"


 This function creates a file for use with parallel I/O.

int nc_create_par(const char *path, int cmode, MPI_Comm comm,
	      MPI_Info info, int *ncidp)
   return NC_ENOPAR;
   NC_MPI_INFO data;

   /* One of these two parallel IO modes must be chosen by the user,
    * or else pnetcdf must be in use. */
   if (!(cmode & NC_MPIIO || cmode & NC_MPIPOSIX) &&
       !(cmode & NC_PNETCDF))
      return NC_EINVAL;

   data.comm = comm;
   data.info = info;
   return NC_create(path, cmode, 0, 0, NULL, 1, &data, ncidp);
#endif /* USE_PARALLEL */

/*! \ingroup datasets

  This function opens a file for parallel I/O.

nc_open_par(const char *path, int mode, MPI_Comm comm,
	    MPI_Info info, int *ncidp)
   return NC_ENOPAR;
   NC_MPI_INFO mpi_data;

   /* One of these two parallel IO modes must be chosen by the user,
    * or else pnetcdf must be in use. */
   if ((mode & NC_MPIIO) || (mode & NC_MPIPOSIX)) {
	/* ok */
   } else if(mode & NC_PNETCDF) {
	/* ok */
   } else
      return NC_EINVAL;

   mpi_data.comm = comm;
   mpi_data.info = info;

   return NC_open(path, mode, 0, NULL, 1, &mpi_data, ncidp);
#endif /* USE_PARALLEL */

/*! \ingroup datasets

 Fortran needs to pass MPI comm/info as integers.

nc_open_par_fortran(const char *path, int mode, int comm,
		    int info, int *ncidp)
   return NC_ENOPAR;
   MPI_Comm comm_c;
   MPI_Info info_c;

   /* Convert fortran comm and info to C comm and info, if there is a
    * function to do so. Otherwise just pass them. */
   comm_c = MPI_Comm_f2c(comm);
   info_c = MPI_Info_f2c(info);
   comm_c = (MPI_Comm)comm;
   info_c = (MPI_Info)info;

   return nc_open_par(path, mode, comm_c, info_c, ncidp);

/* This function will change the parallel access of a variable from
 * independent to collective. */
nc_var_par_access(int ncid, int varid, int par_access)
    NC* ncp;

    int stat = NC_NOERR;

    if ((stat = NC_check_id(ncid, &ncp)))
       return stat;

    return NC_ENOPAR;
    return ncp->dispatch->var_par_access(ncid,varid,par_access);

/* when calling from fortran: convert MPI_Comm and MPI_Info to C */
nc_create_par_fortran(const char *path, int cmode, int comm,
		      int info, int *ncidp)
   return NC_ENOPAR;
   MPI_Comm comm_c;
   MPI_Info info_c;

   /* Convert fortran comm and info to C comm and info, if there is a
    * function to do so. Otherwise just pass them. */
   comm_c = MPI_Comm_f2c(comm);
   info_c = MPI_Info_f2c(info);
   comm_c = (MPI_Comm)comm;
   info_c = (MPI_Info)info;

   return nc_create_par(path, cmode, comm_c, info_c, ncidp);