/********************************************************************* * Copyright 2008, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. * $Id: nctime.c,v 1.9 2010/05/05 22:15:39 dmh Exp $ *********************************************************************/ /* * This code was extracted with permission from the CDMS time * conversion and arithmetic routines developed by Bob Drach, Lawrence * Livermore National Laboratory as part of the cdtime library. Russ * Rew of the UCAR Unidata Program made changes and additions to * support the "-t" option of the netCDF ncdump utility, including a * 366-day climate calendar. * * For the complete time conversion and climate calendar facilities of * the CDMS library, get the original sources from LLNL. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nctime.h" static int cuErrOpts; /* Error options */ static int cuErrorOccurred = 0; /* True iff cdError was called */ #define CU_FATAL 1 /* Exit immediately on fatal error */ #define CU_VERBOSE 2 /* Report errors */ #define CD_DEFAULT_BASEYEAR "1979" /* Default base year for relative time (no 'since' clause) */ #define VALCMP(a,b) ((a)<(b)?-1:(b)<(a)?1:0) /* forward declarations */ static void cdComp2Rel(cdCalenType timetype, cdCompTime comptime, char* relunits, double* reltime); static void cdRel2CompMixed(double reltime, cdUnitTime unit, cdCompTime basetime, cdCompTime *comptime); static void cdRel2Comp(cdCalenType timetype, char* relunits, double reltime, cdCompTime* comptime); /* Trim trailing whitespace, up to n characters. */ /* If no whitespace up to the last character, set */ /* the last character to null, else set the first */ /* whitespace character to null. */ static void cdTrim(char* s, int n) { char* c; if(s==NULL) return; for(c=s; *c && cyear (long) (year since 0 BC) * date->timeType (CdTimetype) (time type) * date->baseYear base year for relative times * Output: * date->month (short) (month in year) * date->day (short) (day in month) * * * Derived from NRL NEONS V3.6. */ static void CdMonthDay(int *doy, CdTime *date) { int i; /* month counter */ int idoy; /* day of year counter */ long year; if ((idoy = *doy) < 1) { date->month = 0; date->day = 0; return; } if(!(date->timeType & CdChronCal)) /* Ignore year for Clim calendar */ year = 0; else if(!(date->timeType & CdBase1970)) /* year is offset from base for relative time */ year = date->baseYear + date->year; else year = date->year; if (ISLEAP(year,date->timeType)) { mon_day_cnt[1] = 29; } else { mon_day_cnt[1] = 28; } date->month = 0; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { (date->month)++; date->day = (short)idoy; if ((idoy -= ((date->timeType & Cd365) ? (mon_day_cnt[date->month-1]) : 30)) <= 0) { return; } } return; } /* Compute day-of-year from year, month and day * * Input: * date->year (long) (year since 0 BC) * date->month (short) (month in year) * date->day (short) (day in month) * date->baseYear base year for relative times * Output: doy (int) (day-of-year) * * Derived from NRL NEONS V3.6 */ static void CdDayOfYear(CdTime *date, int *doy) { int leap_add = 0; /* add 1 day if leap year */ int month; /* month */ long year; month = date->month; if (month < 1 || month > 12) { cdError( "Day-of-year error; month: %d\n", month); month = 1; } if(!(date->timeType & CdChronCal)) /* Ignore year for Clim calendar */ year = 0; else if(!(date->timeType & CdBase1970)) /* year is offset from base for relative time */ year = date->baseYear + date->year; else year = date->year; if (ISLEAP(year,date->timeType) && month > 2) leap_add = 1; if( ((date->timeType) & Cd365) || ((date->timeType) & Cd366) ) { *doy = days_sum[month-1] + date->day + leap_add ; } else { /* date->timeType & Cd360 */ *doy = 30*(month-1) + date->day + leap_add ; } return; } /* Convert epochal time (hours since 00 jan 1, 1970) * to human time (structured) * * Input: * etime = epochal time representation * timeType = time type (e.g., CdChron, CdClim, etc.) as defined in cdms.h * baseYear = base real, used for relative time types only * * Output: htime = human (structured) time representation * * Derived from NRL Neons V3.6 */ void Cde2h(double etime, CdTimeType timeType, long baseYear, CdTime *htime) { long ytemp; /* temporary year holder */ int yr_day_cnt; /* count of days in year */ int doy; /* day of year */ int daysInLeapYear; /* number of days in a leap year */ int daysInYear; /* days in non-leap year */ extern void CdMonthDay(int *doy, CdTime *date); doy = (int) floor(etime / 24.) + 1; htime->hour = etime - (double) (doy - 1) * 24.; /* Correct for goofy floor func on J90 */ if(htime->hour >= 24.){ doy += 1; htime->hour -= 24.; } htime->baseYear = (timeType & CdBase1970) ? 1970 : baseYear; if(!(timeType & CdChronCal)) htime->baseYear = 0; /* Set base year to 0 for Clim */ if(timeType & Cd366) { daysInLeapYear = 366; daysInYear = 366; } else { daysInLeapYear = (timeType & Cd365) ? 366 : 360; daysInYear = (timeType & Cd365) ? 365 : 360; } if (doy > 0) { for (ytemp = htime->baseYear; ; ytemp++) { yr_day_cnt = ISLEAP(ytemp,timeType) ? daysInLeapYear : daysInYear; if (doy <= yr_day_cnt) break; doy -= yr_day_cnt; } } else { for (ytemp = htime->baseYear-1; ; ytemp--) { yr_day_cnt = ISLEAP(ytemp,timeType) ? daysInLeapYear : daysInYear; doy += yr_day_cnt; if (doy > 0) break; } } htime->year = (timeType & CdBase1970) ? ytemp : (ytemp - htime->baseYear); if(!(timeType & CdChronCal)) htime->year = 0; /* Set year to 0 for Clim */ htime->timeType = timeType; CdMonthDay(&doy,htime); return; } /* Add 'nDel' times 'delTime' to epochal time 'begEtm', * return the result in epochal time 'endEtm'. */ static void CdAddDelTime(double begEtm, long nDel, CdDeltaTime delTime, CdTimeType timeType, long baseYear, double *endEtm) { double delHours; long delMonths, delYears; CdTime bhtime, ehtime; extern void Cde2h(double etime, CdTimeType timeType, long baseYear, CdTime *htime); extern void Cdh2e(CdTime *htime, double *etime); switch(delTime.units){ case CdYear: delMonths = 12; break; case CdSeason: delMonths = 3; break; case CdMonth: delMonths = 1; break; case CdWeek: delHours = 168.0; break; case CdDay: delHours = 24.0; break; case CdHour: delHours = 1.0; break; case CdMinute: delHours = 1./60.; break; case CdSecond: delHours = 1./3600.; break; default: cdError("Invalid delta time units: %d\n",delTime.units); return; } switch(delTime.units){ case CdYear: case CdSeason: case CdMonth: Cde2h(begEtm,timeType,baseYear,&bhtime); delMonths = delMonths * nDel * delTime.count + bhtime.month - 1; delYears = (delMonths >= 0 ? (delMonths/12) : (delMonths+1)/12 - 1); ehtime.year = bhtime.year + delYears; ehtime.month = (short)(delMonths - (12 * delYears) + 1); ehtime.day = 1; ehtime.hour = 0.0; ehtime.timeType = timeType; ehtime.baseYear = !(timeType & CdChronCal) ? 0 : (timeType & CdBase1970) ? 1970 : baseYear; /* base year is 0 for Clim, */ /* 1970 for Chron, */ /* or input base year for Rel */ Cdh2e(&ehtime,endEtm); break; case CdWeek: case CdDay: case CdHour: case CdMinute: case CdSecond: delHours = delHours * (double)(nDel * delTime.count); *endEtm = begEtm + delHours; break; default: break; } return; } /* Parse relative units, returning the unit and base component time. */ /* Function returns 1 if error, 0 on success */ int cdParseRelunits(cdCalenType timetype, char* relunits, cdUnitTime* unit, cdCompTime* base_comptime) { char charunits[CD_MAX_RELUNITS]; char basetime_1[CD_MAX_CHARTIME]; char basetime_2[CD_MAX_CHARTIME]; char basetime[CD_MAX_CHARTIME]; int nconv1, nconv2, nconv; /* Parse the relunits */ /* Allow ISO-8601 "T" date-time separator as well as blank separator */ nconv1 = sscanf(relunits,"%s since %[^T]T%s",charunits,basetime_1,basetime_2); if(nconv1==EOF || nconv1==0){ cdError("Error on relative units conversion, string = %s\n",relunits); return 1; } nconv2 = sscanf(relunits,"%s since %s %s",charunits,basetime_1,basetime_2); if(nconv2==EOF || nconv2==0){ cdError("Error on relative units conversion, string = %s\n",relunits); return 1; } if(nconv1 < nconv2) { nconv = nconv2; } else { nconv = sscanf(relunits,"%s since %[^T]T%s",charunits,basetime_1,basetime_2); } /* Get the units */ cdTrim(charunits,CD_MAX_RELUNITS); if(!strncmp(charunits,"sec",3) || !strcmp(charunits,"s")){ *unit = cdSecond; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"min",3) || !strcmp(charunits,"mn")){ *unit = cdMinute; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"hour",4) || !strcmp(charunits,"hr")){ *unit = cdHour; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"day",3) || !strcmp(charunits,"dy")){ *unit = cdDay; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"week",4) || !strcmp(charunits,"wk")){ *unit = cdWeek; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"month",5) || !strcmp(charunits,"mo")){ *unit = cdMonth; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"season",6)){ *unit = cdSeason; } else if(!strncmp(charunits,"year",4) || !strcmp(charunits,"yr")){ if(!(timetype & cdStandardCal)){ cdError("Error on relative units conversion: climatological units cannot be 'years'.\n"); return 1; } *unit = cdYear; } else { cdError("Error on relative units conversion: invalid units = %s\n",charunits); return 1; } /* Build the basetime, if any (default is 1979), */ /* or month 1 for climatological time. */ if(nconv == 1){ if(timetype & cdStandardCal) strcpy(basetime,CD_DEFAULT_BASEYEAR); else strcpy(basetime,"1"); } /* Convert the basetime to component, then epochal (hours since 1970) */ else{ if(nconv == 2){ cdTrim(basetime_1,CD_MAX_CHARTIME); strcpy(basetime,basetime_1); } else{ cdTrim(basetime_1,CD_MAX_CHARTIME); cdTrim(basetime_2,CD_MAX_CHARTIME); sprintf(basetime,"%s %s",basetime_1,basetime_2); } } cdChar2Comp(timetype, basetime, base_comptime); return 0; } /* ca - cb in Gregorian calendar */ /* Result is in hours. */ static double cdDiffGregorian(cdCompTime ca, cdCompTime cb){ double rela, relb; cdComp2Rel(cdStandard, ca, "hours", &rela); cdComp2Rel(cdStandard, cb, "hours", &relb); return (rela - relb); } /* Return -1, 0, 1 as ca is less than, equal to, */ /* or greater than cb, respectively. */ static int cdCompCompare(cdCompTime ca, cdCompTime cb){ int test; if ((test = VALCMP(ca.year, cb.year))) return test; else if ((test = VALCMP(ca.month, cb.month))) return test; else if ((test = VALCMP(ca.day, cb.day))) return test; else return (VALCMP(ca.hour, cb.hour)); } /* ca - cb in Julian calendar. Result is in hours. */ static double cdDiffJulian(cdCompTime ca, cdCompTime cb){ double rela, relb; cdComp2Rel(cdJulian, ca, "hours", &rela); cdComp2Rel(cdJulian, cb, "hours", &relb); return (rela - relb); } /* ca - cb in mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar. */ /* Result is in hours. */ static double cdDiffMixed(cdCompTime ca, cdCompTime cb){ static cdCompTime ZA = {1582, 10, 5, 0.0}; static cdCompTime ZB = {1582, 10, 15, 0.0}; double result; if (cdCompCompare(cb, ZB) == -1){ if (cdCompCompare(ca, ZB) == -1) { result = cdDiffJulian(ca, cb); } else { result = cdDiffGregorian(ca, ZB) + cdDiffJulian(ZA, cb); } } else { if (cdCompCompare(ca, ZB) == -1){ result = cdDiffJulian(ca, ZA) + cdDiffGregorian(ZB, cb); } else { result = cdDiffGregorian(ca, cb); } } return result; } /* Divide ('endEtm' - 'begEtm') by 'delTime', * return the integer portion of the result in 'nDel'. */ static void CdDivDelTime(double begEtm, double endEtm, CdDeltaTime delTime, CdTimeType timeType, long baseYear, long *nDel) { double delHours, frange; long delMonths, range; CdTime bhtime, ehtime; int hoursInYear; extern void Cde2h(double etime, CdTimeType timeType, long baseYear, CdTime *htime); switch(delTime.units){ case CdYear: delMonths = 12; break; case CdSeason: delMonths = 3; break; case CdMonth: delMonths = 1; break; case CdWeek: delHours = 168.0; break; case CdDay: delHours = 24.0; break; case CdHour: delHours = 1.0; break; case CdMinute: delHours = 1./60.; break; case CdSecond: delHours = 1./3600.; break; default: cdError("Invalid delta time units: %d\n",delTime.units); return; } switch(delTime.units){ case CdYear: case CdSeason: case CdMonth: delMonths *= delTime.count; Cde2h(begEtm,timeType,baseYear,&bhtime); Cde2h(endEtm,timeType,baseYear,&ehtime); if(timeType & CdChronCal){ /* Chron and Rel time */ range = 12*(ehtime.year - bhtime.year) + (ehtime.month - bhtime.month); } else{ /* Clim time, ignore year */ range = (ehtime.month - bhtime.month); if(range < 0) range += 12; } *nDel = abs((int)range)/delMonths; break; case CdWeek: case CdDay: case CdHour: case CdMinute: case CdSecond: delHours *= (double)delTime.count; if(timeType & CdChronCal){ /* Chron and Rel time */ frange = fabs(endEtm - begEtm); } else{ /* Clim time, ignore year, but */ /* wraparound relative to hours-in-year*/ frange = endEtm - begEtm; if(timeType & Cd366) { hoursInYear = 8784; } else { hoursInYear = (timeType & Cd365) ? 8760. : 8640.; } /* Normalize frange to interval [0,hoursInYear) */ if(frange < 0.0 || frange >= hoursInYear) frange -= hoursInYear * floor(frange/hoursInYear); } *nDel = (long)((frange + 1.e-10*delHours)/delHours); break; default: break; } return; } /* Value is in hours. Translate to units. */ static double cdFromHours(double value, cdUnitTime unit){ double result; switch(unit){ case cdSecond: result = value * 3600.0; break; case cdMinute: result = value * 60.0; break; case cdHour: result = value; break; case cdDay: result = value/24.0; break; case cdWeek: result = value/168.0; break; case cdMonth: case cdSeason: case cdYear: case cdFraction: default: cdError("Error on conversion from hours to vague unit"); result = 0; break; } return result; } /* Map to old timetypes */ static int cdToOldTimetype(cdCalenType newtype, CdTimeType* oldtype) { switch(newtype){ case cdStandard: *oldtype = CdChron; break; case cdJulian: *oldtype = CdJulianCal; break; case cdNoLeap: *oldtype = CdChronNoLeap; break; case cd360: *oldtype = CdChron360; break; case cd366: *oldtype = CdChron366; break; case cdClim: *oldtype = CdClim; break; case cdClimLeap: *oldtype = CdClimLeap; break; case cdClim360: *oldtype = CdClim360; break; default: cdError("Error on relative units conversion, invalid timetype = %d",newtype); return 1; } return 0; } /* Convert human time to epochal time (hours since 00 jan 1, 1970) * * Input: htime = human time representation * * Output: etime = epochal time representation * * Derived from NRL Neons V3.6 */ void Cdh2e(CdTime *htime, double *etime) { long ytemp, year; /* temporary year holder */ int day_cnt; /* count of days */ int doy; /* day of year */ long baseYear; /* base year for epochal time */ int daysInLeapYear; /* number of days in a leap year */ int daysInYear; /* days in non-leap year */ extern void CdDayOfYear(CdTime *date, int *doy); CdDayOfYear(htime,&doy); day_cnt = 0; baseYear = ((htime->timeType) & CdBase1970) ? 1970 : htime->baseYear; year = ((htime->timeType) & CdBase1970) ? htime->year : (htime->year + htime->baseYear); if(!((htime->timeType) & CdChronCal)) baseYear = year = 0; /* set year and baseYear to 0 for Clim */ if((htime->timeType) & Cd366) { daysInLeapYear = 366; daysInYear = 366; } else { daysInLeapYear = ((htime->timeType) & Cd365) ? 366 : 360; daysInYear = ((htime->timeType) & Cd365) ? 365 : 360; } if (year > baseYear) { for (ytemp = year - 1; ytemp >= baseYear; ytemp--) { day_cnt += ISLEAP(ytemp,htime->timeType) ? daysInLeapYear : daysInYear; } } else if (year < baseYear) { for (ytemp = year; ytemp < baseYear; ytemp++) { day_cnt -= ISLEAP(ytemp,htime->timeType) ? daysInLeapYear : daysInYear; } } *etime = (double) (day_cnt + doy - 1) * 24. + htime->hour; return; } /* Validate the component time, return 0 if valid, 1 if not */ static int cdValidateTime(cdCalenType timetype, cdCompTime comptime) { if(comptime.month<1 || comptime.month>12){ cdError("Error on time conversion: invalid month = %hd\n",comptime.month); return 1; } if(comptime.day<1 || comptime.day>31){ cdError("Error on time conversion: invalid day = %hd\n",comptime.day); return 1; } if(comptime.hour<0.0 || comptime.hour>24.0){ cdError("Error on time conversion: invalid hour = %lf\n",comptime.hour); return 1; } return 0; } void cdChar2Comp(cdCalenType timetype, char* chartime, cdCompTime* comptime) { double sec; int ihr, imin, nconv; long year; short day; short month; comptime->year = CD_NULL_YEAR; comptime->month = CD_NULL_MONTH; comptime->day = CD_NULL_DAY; comptime->hour = CD_NULL_HOUR; if(timetype & cdStandardCal){ nconv = sscanf(chartime,"%ld-%hd-%hd %d:%d:%lf",&year,&month,&day,&ihr,&imin,&sec); if(nconv==EOF || nconv==0){ cdError("Error on character time conversion, string = %s\n",chartime); return; } if(nconv >= 1){ comptime->year = year; } if(nconv >= 2){ comptime->month = month; } if(nconv >= 3){ comptime->day = day; } if(nconv >= 4){ if(ihr<0 || ihr>23){ cdError("Error on character time conversion: invalid hour = %d\n",ihr); return; } comptime->hour = (double)ihr; } if(nconv >= 5){ if(imin<0 || imin>59){ cdError("Error on character time conversion: invalid minute = %d\n",imin); return; } comptime->hour += (double)imin/60.; } if(nconv >= 6){ if(sec<0.0 || sec>60.0){ cdError("Error on character time conversion: invalid second = %lf\n",sec); return; } comptime->hour += sec/3600.; } } else{ /* Climatological */ nconv = sscanf(chartime,"%hd-%hd %d:%d:%lf",&month,&day,&ihr,&imin,&sec); if(nconv==EOF || nconv==0){ cdError("Error on character time conversion, string = %s",chartime); return; } if(nconv >= 1){ comptime->month = month; } if(nconv >= 2){ comptime->day = day; } if(nconv >= 3){ if(ihr<0 || ihr>23){ cdError("Error on character time conversion: invalid hour = %d\n",ihr); return; } comptime->hour = (double)ihr; } if(nconv >= 4){ if(imin<0 || imin>59){ cdError("Error on character time conversion: invalid minute = %d\n",imin); return; } comptime->hour += (double)imin/60.; } if(nconv >= 5){ if(sec<0.0 || sec>60.0){ cdError("Error on character time conversion: invalid second = %lf\n",sec); return; } comptime->hour += sec/3600.; } } (void)cdValidateTime(timetype,*comptime); return; } /* Convert ct to relunits (unit, basetime) */ /* in the mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar. */ /* unit is anything but year, season, month. unit and basetime are */ /* from the parsed relunits. Return result in reltime. */ static void cdComp2RelMixed(cdCompTime ct, cdUnitTime unit, cdCompTime basetime, double *reltime){ double hourdiff; hourdiff = cdDiffMixed(ct, basetime); *reltime = cdFromHours(hourdiff, unit); return; } static void cdComp2Rel(cdCalenType timetype, cdCompTime comptime, char* relunits, double* reltime) { cdCompTime base_comptime; CdDeltaTime deltime; CdTime humantime; CdTimeType old_timetype; cdUnitTime unit; double base_etm, etm, delta; long ndel, hoursInYear; /* Parse the relunits */ if(cdParseRelunits(timetype, relunits, &unit, &base_comptime)) return; /* Handle mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar */ if (timetype == cdMixed){ switch(unit){ case cdWeek: case cdDay: case cdHour: case cdMinute: case cdSecond: cdComp2RelMixed(comptime, unit, base_comptime, reltime); return; case cdYear: case cdSeason: case cdMonth: timetype = cdStandard; break; case cdFraction: cdError("invalid unit in conversion"); break; default: break; } } /* Convert basetime to epochal */ humantime.year = base_comptime.year; humantime.month = base_comptime.month; humantime.day = base_comptime.day; humantime.hour = base_comptime.hour; humantime.baseYear = 1970; /* Map to old-style timetype */ if(cdToOldTimetype(timetype,&old_timetype)) return; humantime.timeType = old_timetype; Cdh2e(&humantime,&base_etm); /* Map end time to epochal */ humantime.year = comptime.year; humantime.month = comptime.month; humantime.day = comptime.day; humantime.hour = comptime.hour; Cdh2e(&humantime,&etm); /* Calculate relative time value for months or hours */ deltime.count = 1; deltime.units = (CdTimeUnit)unit; switch(unit){ case cdWeek: case cdDay: case cdHour: case cdMinute: case cdSecond: delta = etm - base_etm; if(!(timetype & cdStandardCal)){ /* Climatological time */ hoursInYear = (timetype & cd365Days) ? 8760. : (timetype & cdHasLeap) ? 8784. : 8640.; /* Normalize delta to interval [0,hoursInYear) */ if(delta < 0.0 || delta >= hoursInYear) { double down = ((double)delta)/((double)hoursInYear); down = floor(down); down = down * (double)hoursInYear; delta = delta - down; } } break; case cdYear: case cdSeason: case cdMonth: CdDivDelTime(base_etm, etm, deltime, old_timetype, 1970, &ndel); break; case cdFraction: cdError("invalid unit in conversion"); break; default: break; } /* Convert to output units */ switch(unit){ case cdSecond: *reltime = 3600.0 * delta; break; case cdMinute: *reltime = 60.0 * delta; break; case cdHour: *reltime = delta; break; case cdDay: *reltime = delta/24.0; break; case cdWeek: *reltime = delta/168.0; break; case cdMonth: case cdSeason: case cdYear: /* Already in correct units */ if(timetype & cdStandardCal) *reltime = (base_etm <= etm) ? (double)ndel : (double)(-ndel); else /* Climatological time is already normalized*/ *reltime = (double)ndel; break; default: cdError("invalid unit in conversion"); break; } return; } /* Add (value,unit) to comptime. */ /* value is in hours. */ /* calendar is anything but cdMixed. */ static void cdCompAdd(cdCompTime comptime, double value, cdCalenType calendar, cdCompTime *result){ double reltime; cdComp2Rel(calendar, comptime, "hours", &reltime); reltime += value; cdRel2Comp(calendar, "hours", reltime, result); return; } /* Add value in hours to ct, in the mixed Julian/Gregorian * calendar. */ static void cdCompAddMixed(cdCompTime ct, double value, cdCompTime *result){ static cdCompTime ZA = {1582, 10, 5, 0.0}; static cdCompTime ZB = {1582, 10, 15, 0.0}; double xj, xg; if (cdCompCompare(ct, ZB) == -1){ xj = cdDiffJulian(ZA, ct); if (value <= xj){ cdCompAdd(ct, value, cdJulian, result); } else { cdCompAdd(ZB, value-xj, cdStandard, result); } } else { xg = cdDiffGregorian(ZB, ct); if (value > xg){ cdCompAdd(ct, value, cdStandard, result); } else { cdCompAdd(ZA, value-xg, cdJulian, result); } } return; } /* Return value expressed in hours. */ static double cdToHours(double value, cdUnitTime unit){ double result = 0; switch(unit){ case cdSecond: result = value/3600.0; break; case cdMinute: result = value/60.0; break; case cdHour: result = value; break; case cdDay: result = 24.0 * value; break; case cdWeek: result = 168.0 * value; break; default: cdError("invalid unit in conversion"); break; } return result; } /* Convert relative time (reltime, unit, basetime) to comptime in the * mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar. unit is anything but year, season, * month. unit and basetime are from the parsed relunits. Return * result in comptime. */ static void cdRel2CompMixed(double reltime, cdUnitTime unit, cdCompTime basetime, cdCompTime *comptime){ reltime = cdToHours(reltime, unit); cdCompAddMixed(basetime, reltime, comptime); return; } static void cdRel2Comp(cdCalenType timetype, char* relunits, double reltime, cdCompTime* comptime) { CdDeltaTime deltime; CdTime humantime; CdTimeType old_timetype; cdCompTime base_comptime; cdUnitTime unit, baseunits; double base_etm, result_etm; double delta; long idelta; /* Parse the relunits */ if(cdParseRelunits(timetype, relunits, &unit, &base_comptime)) return; if (timetype == cdMixed){ switch(unit){ case cdWeek: case cdDay: case cdHour: case cdMinute: case cdSecond: cdRel2CompMixed(reltime, unit, base_comptime, comptime); return; case cdYear: case cdSeason: case cdMonth: timetype = cdStandard; break; case cdFraction: cdError("invalid unit in conversion"); break; default: break; } } baseunits =cdBadUnit; switch(unit){ case cdSecond: delta = reltime/3600.0; baseunits = cdHour; break; case cdMinute: delta = reltime/60.0; baseunits = cdHour; break; case cdHour: delta = reltime; baseunits = cdHour; break; case cdDay: delta = 24.0 * reltime; baseunits = cdHour; break; case cdWeek: delta = 168.0 * reltime; baseunits = cdHour; break; case cdMonth: idelta = (long)(reltime + (reltime<0 ? -1.e-10 : 1.e-10)); baseunits = cdMonth; break; case cdSeason: idelta = (long)(3.0 * reltime + (reltime<0 ? -1.e-10 : 1.e-10)); baseunits = cdMonth; break; case cdYear: idelta = (long)(12 * reltime + (reltime<0 ? -1.e-10 : 1.e-10)); baseunits = cdMonth; break; default: cdError("invalid unit in conversion"); break; } deltime.count = 1; deltime.units = (CdTimeUnit)baseunits; humantime.year = base_comptime.year; humantime.month = base_comptime.month; humantime.day = base_comptime.day; humantime.hour = base_comptime.hour; humantime.baseYear = 1970; /* Map to old-style timetype */ if(cdToOldTimetype(timetype,&old_timetype)) return; humantime.timeType = old_timetype; Cdh2e(&humantime,&base_etm); /* If months, seasons, or years, */ if(baseunits == cdMonth){ /* Calculate new epochal time from integer months. */ /* Convert back to human, then comptime. */ /* For zero reltime, just return the basetime*/ if(reltime != 0.0){ CdAddDelTime(base_etm,idelta,deltime,old_timetype,1970,&result_etm); Cde2h(result_etm, old_timetype, 1970, &humantime); } } /* Calculate new epochal time. */ /* Convert back to human, then comptime. */ else if(baseunits == cdHour){ Cde2h(base_etm+delta, old_timetype, 1970, &humantime); } comptime->year = humantime.year; comptime->month = humantime.month; comptime->day = humantime.day; comptime->hour = humantime.hour; return; } /* rkr: output as ISO 8601 strings */ static void cdComp2Iso(cdCalenType timetype, int separator, cdCompTime comptime, char* time) { double dtmp, sec; int ihr, imin, isec; int nskip; if(cdValidateTime(timetype,comptime)) return; ihr = (int)comptime.hour; dtmp = 60.0 * (comptime.hour - (double)ihr); imin = (int)dtmp; sec = 60.0 * (dtmp - (double)imin); isec = (int)sec; if(sec == isec) if(isec == 0) if(imin == 0) if(ihr == 0) nskip = 4; else nskip = 3; else nskip = 2; else nskip = 1; else nskip = 0; if(timetype & cdStandardCal){ switch (nskip) { case 0: /* sec != 0 && (int)sec != sec */ sprintf(time,"%4.4ld-%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d:%2.2d:%lf", comptime.year,comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr,imin,sec); break; case 1: sprintf(time,"%4.4ld-%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", comptime.year,comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr,imin,isec); break; case 2: sprintf(time,"%4.4ld-%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d:%2.2d", comptime.year,comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr,imin); break; case 3: sprintf(time,"%4.4ld-%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d", comptime.year,comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr); break; case 4: sprintf(time,"%4.4ld-%2.2hd-%2.2hd", comptime.year,comptime.month,comptime.day); break; } } else { /* Climatological */ switch (nskip) { case 0: /* sec != 0 && (int)sec != sec */ sprintf(time,"%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d:%2.2d:%lf", comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr,imin,sec); break; case 1: sprintf(time,"%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr,imin,isec); break; case 2: sprintf(time,"%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d:%2.2d", comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr,imin); break; case 3: sprintf(time,"%2.2hd-%2.2hd%c%2.2d", comptime.month,comptime.day,separator,ihr); break; case 4: sprintf(time,"%2.2hd-%2.2hd", comptime.month,comptime.day); break; } } return; } /* rkr: added for output closer to ISO 8601 */ void cdRel2Iso(cdCalenType timetype, char* relunits, int separator, double reltime, char* chartime) { cdCompTime comptime; cdRel2Comp(timetype, relunits, reltime, &comptime); cdComp2Iso(timetype, separator, comptime, chartime); return; }