/* * Copyright 1996, Unuiversity Corporation for Atmospheric Research * See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #if defined(LOCKNUMREC) /* && _CRAYMPP */ # include # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "nc3internal.h" #include "rnd.h" #include "ncx.h" /* These have to do with version numbers. */ #define MAGIC_NUM_LEN 4 #define VER_CLASSIC 1 #define VER_64BIT_OFFSET 2 #define VER_HDF5 3 #define NC_NUMRECS_OFFSET 4 /* For netcdf classic */ #define NC_NUMRECS_EXTENT3 4 /* For cdf5 */ #define NC_NUMRECS_EXTENT5 8 static void free_NC3INFO(NC3_INFO *nc3) { if(nc3 == NULL) return; free_NC_dimarrayV(&nc3->dims); free_NC_attrarrayV(&nc3->attrs); free_NC_vararrayV(&nc3->vars); #if _CRAYMPP && defined(LOCKNUMREC) shfree(nc3); #else free(nc3); #endif /* _CRAYMPP && LOCKNUMREC */ } static NC3_INFO * new_NC3INFO(const size_t *chunkp) { NC3_INFO *ncp; ncp = (NC3_INFO*)calloc(1,sizeof(NC3_INFO)); if(ncp == NULL) return ncp; ncp->chunk = chunkp != NULL ? *chunkp : NC_SIZEHINT_DEFAULT; /* Note that ncp->xsz is not set yet because we do not know the file format */ return ncp; } static NC3_INFO * dup_NC3INFO(const NC3_INFO *ref) { NC3_INFO *ncp; ncp = (NC3_INFO*)calloc(1,sizeof(NC3_INFO)); if(ncp == NULL) return ncp; if(dup_NC_dimarrayV(&ncp->dims, &ref->dims) != NC_NOERR) goto err; if(dup_NC_attrarrayV(&ncp->attrs, &ref->attrs) != NC_NOERR) goto err; if(dup_NC_vararrayV(&ncp->vars, &ref->vars) != NC_NOERR) goto err; ncp->xsz = ref->xsz; ncp->begin_var = ref->begin_var; ncp->begin_rec = ref->begin_rec; ncp->recsize = ref->recsize; NC_set_numrecs(ncp, NC_get_numrecs(ref)); return ncp; err: free_NC3INFO(ncp); return NULL; } /* * Verify that this is a user nc_type * Formerly NCcktype() * Sense of the return is changed. */ int nc3_cktype(int mode, nc_type type) { if (mode & NC_CDF5) { /* CDF-5 format */ if (type >= NC_BYTE && type < NC_STRING) return NC_NOERR; } else if (mode & NC_64BIT_OFFSET) { /* CDF-2 format */ if (type >= NC_BYTE && type <= NC_DOUBLE) return NC_NOERR; } else if ((mode & NC_64BIT_OFFSET) == 0) { /* CDF-1 format */ if (type >= NC_BYTE && type <= NC_DOUBLE) return NC_NOERR; } return(NC_EBADTYPE); } /* * How many objects of 'type' * will fit into xbufsize? */ size_t ncx_howmany(nc_type type, size_t xbufsize) { switch(type){ case NC_BYTE: case NC_CHAR: return xbufsize; case NC_SHORT: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_SHORT; case NC_INT: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_INT; case NC_FLOAT: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_FLOAT; case NC_DOUBLE: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_DOUBLE; case NC_UBYTE: return xbufsize; case NC_USHORT: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_USHORT; case NC_UINT: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_UINT; case NC_INT64: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_LONGLONG; case NC_UINT64: return xbufsize/X_SIZEOF_ULONGLONG; default: assert("ncx_howmany: Bad type" == 0); return(0); } } #define D_RNDUP(x, align) _RNDUP(x, (off_t)(align)) /* * Compute each variable's 'begin' offset, * update 'begin_rec' as well. */ static int NC_begins(NC3_INFO* ncp, size_t h_minfree, size_t v_align, size_t v_minfree, size_t r_align) { size_t ii, j; int sizeof_off_t; off_t index = 0; NC_var **vpp; NC_var *last = NULL; NC_var *first_var = NULL; /* first "non-record" var */ if(v_align == NC_ALIGN_CHUNK) v_align = ncp->chunk; if(r_align == NC_ALIGN_CHUNK) r_align = ncp->chunk; if (fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_OFFSET) || fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) { sizeof_off_t = 8; } else { sizeof_off_t = 4; } ncp->xsz = ncx_len_NC(ncp,sizeof_off_t); if(ncp->vars.nelems == 0) return NC_NOERR; /* only (re)calculate begin_var if there is not sufficient space in header or start of non-record variables is not aligned as requested by valign */ if (ncp->begin_var < ncp->xsz + h_minfree || ncp->begin_var != D_RNDUP(ncp->begin_var, v_align) ) { index = (off_t) ncp->xsz; ncp->begin_var = D_RNDUP(index, v_align); if(ncp->begin_var < index + h_minfree) { ncp->begin_var = D_RNDUP(index + (off_t)h_minfree, v_align); } } if (ncp->old != NULL) { /* check whether the new begin_var is smaller */ if (ncp->begin_var < ncp->old->begin_var) ncp->begin_var = ncp->old->begin_var; } index = ncp->begin_var; /* loop thru vars, first pass is for the 'non-record' vars */ j = 0; vpp = ncp->vars.value; for(ii = 0; ii < ncp->vars.nelems ; ii++, vpp++) { if( IS_RECVAR(*vpp) ) { /* skip record variables on this pass */ continue; } if (first_var == NULL) first_var = *vpp; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " VAR %d %s: %ld\n", ii, (*vpp)->name->cp, (long)index); #endif if( sizeof_off_t == 4 && (index > X_OFF_MAX || index < 0) ) { return NC_EVARSIZE; } (*vpp)->begin = index; if (ncp->old != NULL) { /* move to the next fixed variable */ for (; jold->vars.nelems; j++) { if (!IS_RECVAR(ncp->old->vars.value[j])) break; } if (j < ncp->old->vars.nelems) { if ((*vpp)->begin < ncp->old->vars.value[j]->begin) { /* the first ncp->vars.nelems fixed variables should be the same. If the new begin is smaller, reuse the old begin */ (*vpp)->begin = ncp->old->vars.value[j]->begin; index = (*vpp)->begin; } j++; } } index += (*vpp)->len; } if (ncp->old != NULL) { /* check whether the new begin_rec is smaller */ if (ncp->begin_rec < ncp->old->begin_rec) ncp->begin_rec = ncp->old->begin_rec; } /* only (re)calculate begin_rec if there is not sufficient space at end of non-record variables or if start of record variables is not aligned as requested by r_align */ if (ncp->begin_rec < index + v_minfree || ncp->begin_rec != D_RNDUP(ncp->begin_rec, r_align) ) { ncp->begin_rec = D_RNDUP(index, r_align); if(ncp->begin_rec < index + v_minfree) { ncp->begin_rec = D_RNDUP(index + (off_t)v_minfree, r_align); } } if (first_var != NULL) ncp->begin_var = first_var->begin; else ncp->begin_var = ncp->begin_rec; index = ncp->begin_rec; ncp->recsize = 0; /* loop thru vars, second pass is for the 'record' vars */ j = 0; vpp = (NC_var **)ncp->vars.value; for(ii = 0; ii < ncp->vars.nelems; ii++, vpp++) { if( !IS_RECVAR(*vpp) ) { /* skip non-record variables on this pass */ continue; } #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " REC %d %s: %ld\n", ii, (*vpp)->name->cp, (long)index); #endif if( sizeof_off_t == 4 && (index > X_OFF_MAX || index < 0) ) { return NC_EVARSIZE; } (*vpp)->begin = index; if (ncp->old != NULL) { /* move to the next record variable */ for (; jold->vars.nelems; j++) if (IS_RECVAR(ncp->old->vars.value[j])) break; if (j < ncp->old->vars.nelems) { if ((*vpp)->begin < ncp->old->vars.value[j]->begin) /* if the new begin is smaller, use the old begin */ (*vpp)->begin = ncp->old->vars.value[j]->begin; j++; } } index += (*vpp)->len; /* check if record size must fit in 32-bits */ #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == SIZEOF_SIZE_T && SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4 if( ncp->recsize > X_UINT_MAX - (*vpp)->len ) { return NC_EVARSIZE; } #endif if((*vpp)->len != UINT32_MAX) /* flag for vars >= 2**32 bytes */ ncp->recsize += (*vpp)->len; last = (*vpp); } /* * for special case of */ if(last != NULL) { if(ncp->recsize == last->len) { /* exactly one record variable, pack value */ ncp->recsize = *last->dsizes * last->xsz; } else if(last->len == UINT32_MAX) { /* huge last record variable */ ncp->recsize += *last->dsizes * last->xsz; } } if(NC_IsNew(ncp)) NC_set_numrecs(ncp, 0); return NC_NOERR; } /* * Read just the numrecs member. * (A relatively expensive way to do things.) */ int read_numrecs(NC3_INFO *ncp) { int status = NC_NOERR; const void *xp = NULL; size_t new_nrecs = 0; size_t old_nrecs = NC_get_numrecs(ncp); size_t nc_numrecs_extent = NC_NUMRECS_EXTENT3; /* CDF-1 and CDF-2 */ assert(!NC_indef(ncp)); if (fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) nc_numrecs_extent = NC_NUMRECS_EXTENT5; /* CDF-5 */ status = ncio_get(ncp->nciop, NC_NUMRECS_OFFSET, nc_numrecs_extent, 0, (void **)&xp);/* cast away const */ if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; if (fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) { unsigned long long tmp=0; status = ncx_get_uint64(&xp, &tmp); new_nrecs = (size_t)tmp; } else status = ncx_get_size_t(&xp, &new_nrecs); (void) ncio_rel(ncp->nciop, NC_NUMRECS_OFFSET, 0); if(status == NC_NOERR && old_nrecs != new_nrecs) { NC_set_numrecs(ncp, new_nrecs); fClr(ncp->flags, NC_NDIRTY); } return status; } /* * Write out just the numrecs member. * (A relatively expensive way to do things.) */ int write_numrecs(NC3_INFO *ncp) { int status = NC_NOERR; void *xp = NULL; size_t nc_numrecs_extent = NC_NUMRECS_EXTENT3; /* CDF-1 and CDF-2 */ assert(!NC_readonly(ncp)); assert(!NC_indef(ncp)); if (fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) nc_numrecs_extent = NC_NUMRECS_EXTENT5; /* CDF-5 */ status = ncio_get(ncp->nciop, NC_NUMRECS_OFFSET, nc_numrecs_extent, RGN_WRITE, &xp); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; { const size_t nrecs = NC_get_numrecs(ncp); if (fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) status = ncx_put_uint64(&xp, (unsigned long long)nrecs); else status = ncx_put_size_t(&xp, &nrecs); } (void) ncio_rel(ncp->nciop, NC_NUMRECS_OFFSET, RGN_MODIFIED); if(status == NC_NOERR) fClr(ncp->flags, NC_NDIRTY); return status; } /* * Read in the header * It is expensive. */ static int read_NC(NC3_INFO *ncp) { int status = NC_NOERR; free_NC_dimarrayV(&ncp->dims); free_NC_attrarrayV(&ncp->attrs); free_NC_vararrayV(&ncp->vars); status = nc_get_NC(ncp); if(status == NC_NOERR) fClr(ncp->flags, NC_NDIRTY | NC_HDIRTY); return status; } /* * Write out the header */ static int write_NC(NC3_INFO *ncp) { int status = NC_NOERR; assert(!NC_readonly(ncp)); status = ncx_put_NC(ncp, NULL, 0, 0); if(status == NC_NOERR) fClr(ncp->flags, NC_NDIRTY | NC_HDIRTY); return status; } /* * Write the header or the numrecs if necessary. */ int NC_sync(NC3_INFO *ncp) { assert(!NC_readonly(ncp)); if(NC_hdirty(ncp)) { return write_NC(ncp); } /* else */ if(NC_ndirty(ncp)) { return write_numrecs(ncp); } /* else */ return NC_NOERR; } /* * Initialize the 'non-record' variables. */ static int fillerup(NC3_INFO *ncp) { int status = NC_NOERR; size_t ii; NC_var **varpp; assert(!NC_readonly(ncp)); assert(NC_dofill(ncp)); /* loop thru vars */ varpp = ncp->vars.value; for(ii = 0; ii < ncp->vars.nelems; ii++, varpp++) { if(IS_RECVAR(*varpp)) { /* skip record variables */ continue; } status = fill_NC_var(ncp, *varpp, (*varpp)->len, 0); if(status != NC_NOERR) break; } return status; } /* Begin endef */ /* */ static int fill_added_recs(NC3_INFO *gnu, NC3_INFO *old) { NC_var ** const gnu_varpp = (NC_var **)gnu->vars.value; const int old_nrecs = (int) NC_get_numrecs(old); int recno = 0; NC_var **vpp = gnu_varpp; NC_var *const *const end = &vpp[gnu->vars.nelems]; int numrecvars = 0; /* Determine if there is only one record variable. If so, we must treat as a special case because there's no record padding */ for(; vpp < end; vpp++) { if(IS_RECVAR(*vpp)) { numrecvars++; } } for(; recno < old_nrecs; recno++) { int varid = (int)old->vars.nelems; for(; varid < (int)gnu->vars.nelems; varid++) { const NC_var *const gnu_varp = *(gnu_varpp + varid); if(!IS_RECVAR(gnu_varp)) { /* skip non-record variables */ continue; } /* else */ { size_t varsize = numrecvars == 1 ? gnu->recsize : gnu_varp->len; const int status = fill_NC_var(gnu, gnu_varp, varsize, recno); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } } } return NC_NOERR; } /* */ static int fill_added(NC3_INFO *gnu, NC3_INFO *old) { NC_var ** const gnu_varpp = (NC_var **)gnu->vars.value; int varid = (int)old->vars.nelems; for(; varid < (int)gnu->vars.nelems; varid++) { const NC_var *const gnu_varp = *(gnu_varpp + varid); if(IS_RECVAR(gnu_varp)) { /* skip record variables */ continue; } /* else */ { const int status = fill_NC_var(gnu, gnu_varp, gnu_varp->len, 0); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } } return NC_NOERR; } /* * Move the records "out". * Fill as needed. */ static int move_recs_r(NC3_INFO *gnu, NC3_INFO *old) { int status; int recno; int varid; NC_var **gnu_varpp = (NC_var **)gnu->vars.value; NC_var **old_varpp = (NC_var **)old->vars.value; NC_var *gnu_varp; NC_var *old_varp; off_t gnu_off; off_t old_off; const size_t old_nrecs = NC_get_numrecs(old); /* Don't parallelize this loop */ for(recno = (int)old_nrecs -1; recno >= 0; recno--) { /* Don't parallelize this loop */ for(varid = (int)old->vars.nelems -1; varid >= 0; varid--) { gnu_varp = *(gnu_varpp + varid); if(!IS_RECVAR(gnu_varp)) { /* skip non-record variables on this pass */ continue; } /* else */ /* else, a pre-existing variable */ old_varp = *(old_varpp + varid); gnu_off = gnu_varp->begin + (off_t)(gnu->recsize * recno); old_off = old_varp->begin + (off_t)(old->recsize * recno); if(gnu_off == old_off) continue; /* nothing to do */ assert(gnu_off > old_off); status = ncio_move(gnu->nciop, gnu_off, old_off, old_varp->len, 0); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } } NC_set_numrecs(gnu, old_nrecs); return NC_NOERR; } /* * Move the "non record" variables "out". * Fill as needed. */ static int move_vars_r(NC3_INFO *gnu, NC3_INFO *old) { int err, status=NC_NOERR; int varid; NC_var **gnu_varpp = (NC_var **)gnu->vars.value; NC_var **old_varpp = (NC_var **)old->vars.value; NC_var *gnu_varp; NC_var *old_varp; off_t gnu_off; off_t old_off; /* Don't parallelize this loop */ for(varid = (int)old->vars.nelems -1; varid >= 0; varid--) { gnu_varp = *(gnu_varpp + varid); if(IS_RECVAR(gnu_varp)) { /* skip record variables on this pass */ continue; } /* else */ old_varp = *(old_varpp + varid); gnu_off = gnu_varp->begin; old_off = old_varp->begin; if (gnu_off > old_off) { err = ncio_move(gnu->nciop, gnu_off, old_off, old_varp->len, 0); if (status == NC_NOERR) status = err; } } return status; } /* * Given a valid ncp, return NC_EVARSIZE if any variable has a bad len * (product of non-rec dim sizes too large), else return NC_NOERR. */ int NC_check_vlens(NC3_INFO *ncp) { NC_var **vpp; /* maximum permitted variable size (or size of one record's worth of a record variable) in bytes. This is different for format 1 and format 2. */ size_t vlen_max; size_t ii; size_t large_vars_count; size_t rec_vars_count; int last = 0; if(ncp->vars.nelems == 0) return NC_NOERR; if (fIsSet(ncp->flags,NC_64BIT_DATA)) { /* CDF5 format allows many large vars */ return NC_NOERR; } if (fIsSet(ncp->flags,NC_64BIT_OFFSET) && sizeof(off_t) > 4) { /* CDF2 format and LFS */ vlen_max = X_UINT_MAX - 3; /* "- 3" handles rounded-up size */ } else { /* CDF1 format */ vlen_max = X_INT_MAX - 3; } /* Loop through vars, first pass is for non-record variables. */ large_vars_count = 0; rec_vars_count = 0; vpp = ncp->vars.value; for (ii = 0; ii < ncp->vars.nelems; ii++, vpp++) { if( !IS_RECVAR(*vpp) ) { last = 0; if( NC_check_vlen(*vpp, vlen_max) == 0 ) { large_vars_count++; last = 1; } } else { rec_vars_count++; } } /* OK if last non-record variable size too large, since not used to compute an offset */ if( large_vars_count > 1) { /* only one "too-large" variable allowed */ return NC_EVARSIZE; } /* and it has to be the last one */ if( large_vars_count == 1 && last == 0) { return NC_EVARSIZE; } if( rec_vars_count > 0 ) { /* and if it's the last one, there can't be any record variables */ if( large_vars_count == 1 && last == 1) { return NC_EVARSIZE; } /* Loop through vars, second pass is for record variables. */ large_vars_count = 0; vpp = ncp->vars.value; for (ii = 0; ii < ncp->vars.nelems; ii++, vpp++) { if( IS_RECVAR(*vpp) ) { last = 0; if( NC_check_vlen(*vpp, vlen_max) == 0 ) { large_vars_count++; last = 1; } } } /* OK if last record variable size too large, since not used to compute an offset */ if( large_vars_count > 1) { /* only one "too-large" variable allowed */ return NC_EVARSIZE; } /* and it has to be the last one */ if( large_vars_count == 1 && last == 0) { return NC_EVARSIZE; } } return NC_NOERR; } /* * End define mode. * Common code for ncendef, ncclose(endef) * Flushes I/O buffers. */ static int NC_endef(NC3_INFO *ncp, size_t h_minfree, size_t v_align, size_t v_minfree, size_t r_align) { int status = NC_NOERR; assert(!NC_readonly(ncp)); assert(NC_indef(ncp)); status = NC_check_vlens(ncp); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; status = NC_begins(ncp, h_minfree, v_align, v_minfree, r_align); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; if(ncp->old != NULL) { /* a plain redef, not a create */ assert(!NC_IsNew(ncp)); assert(fIsSet(ncp->flags, NC_INDEF)); assert(ncp->begin_rec >= ncp->old->begin_rec); assert(ncp->begin_var >= ncp->old->begin_var); if(ncp->vars.nelems != 0) { if(ncp->begin_rec > ncp->old->begin_rec) { status = move_recs_r(ncp, ncp->old); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; if(ncp->begin_var > ncp->old->begin_var) { status = move_vars_r(ncp, ncp->old); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } /* else if (ncp->begin_var == ncp->old->begin_var) { NOOP } */ } else { /* due to fixed variable alignment, it is possible that header grows but begin_rec did not change */ if(ncp->begin_var > ncp->old->begin_var) { status = move_vars_r(ncp, ncp->old); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } /* Even if (ncp->begin_rec == ncp->old->begin_rec) and (ncp->begin_var == ncp->old->begin_var) might still have added a new record variable */ if(ncp->recsize > ncp->old->recsize) { status = move_recs_r(ncp, ncp->old); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } } } } status = write_NC(ncp); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; if(NC_dofill(ncp)) { if(NC_IsNew(ncp)) { status = fillerup(ncp); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } else if(ncp->old == NULL ? 0 : (ncp->vars.nelems > ncp->old->vars.nelems)) { status = fill_added(ncp, ncp->old); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; status = fill_added_recs(ncp, ncp->old); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } } if(ncp->old != NULL) { free_NC3INFO(ncp->old); ncp->old = NULL; } fClr(ncp->flags, NC_CREAT | NC_INDEF); return ncio_sync(ncp->nciop); } #ifdef LOCKNUMREC static int NC_init_pe(NC *ncp, int basepe) { if (basepe < 0 || basepe >= _num_pes()) { return NC_EINVAL; /* invalid base pe */ } /* initialize common values */ ncp->lock[LOCKNUMREC_VALUE] = 0; ncp->lock[LOCKNUMREC_LOCK] = 0; ncp->lock[LOCKNUMREC_SERVING] = 0; ncp->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE] = basepe; return NC_NOERR; } #endif /* * Compute the expected size of the file. */ int NC_calcsize(const NC3_INFO *ncp, off_t *calcsizep) { NC_var **vpp = (NC_var **)ncp->vars.value; NC_var *const *const end = &vpp[ncp->vars.nelems]; NC_var *last_fix = NULL; /* last "non-record" var */ int numrecvars = 0; /* number of record variables */ if(ncp->vars.nelems == 0) { /* no non-record variables and no record variables */ *calcsizep = ncp->xsz; /* size of header */ return NC_NOERR; } for( /*NADA*/; vpp < end; vpp++) { if(IS_RECVAR(*vpp)) { numrecvars++; } else { last_fix = *vpp; } } if(numrecvars == 0) { off_t varsize; assert(last_fix != NULL); varsize = last_fix->len; if(last_fix->len == X_UINT_MAX) { /* huge last fixed var */ int i; varsize = 1; for(i = 0; i < last_fix->ndims; i++ ) { varsize *= (last_fix->shape ? last_fix->shape[i] : 1); } } *calcsizep = last_fix->begin + varsize; /*last_var = last_fix;*/ } else { /* we have at least one record variable */ *calcsizep = ncp->begin_rec + ncp->numrecs * ncp->recsize; } return NC_NOERR; } /* Public */ #if 0 /* no longer needed */ int NC3_new_nc(NC3_INFO** ncpp) { NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; #if _CRAYMPP && defined(LOCKNUMREC) ncp = (NC *) shmalloc(sizeof(NC)); #else ncp = (NC *) malloc(sizeof(NC)); #endif /* _CRAYMPP && LOCKNUMREC */ if(ncp == NULL) return NC_ENOMEM; (void) memset(ncp, 0, sizeof(NC)); ncp->xsz = MIN_NC_XSZ; assert(ncp->xsz == ncx_len_NC(ncp,0)); if(ncpp) *ncpp = ncp; return NC_NOERR; } #endif /* WARNING: SIGNATURE CHANGE */ int NC3_create(const char *path, int ioflags, size_t initialsz, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp, int use_parallel, void* parameters, NC_Dispatch* dispatch, NC* nc) { int status; void *xp = NULL; int sizeof_off_t = 0; NC3_INFO* nc3 = NULL; /* Create our specific NC3_INFO instance */ nc3 = new_NC3INFO(chunksizehintp); #if ALWAYS_NC_SHARE /* DEBUG */ fSet(ioflags, NC_SHARE); #endif #if defined(LOCKNUMREC) /* && _CRAYMPP */ if (status = NC_init_pe(nc3, basepe)) { return status; } #else /* * !_CRAYMPP, only pe 0 is valid */ if(basepe != 0) { if(nc3) free(nc3); return NC_EINVAL; } #endif assert(nc3->flags == 0); /* Apply default create format. */ if (nc_get_default_format() == NC_FORMAT_64BIT_OFFSET) ioflags |= NC_64BIT_OFFSET; else if (nc_get_default_format() == NC_FORMAT_CDF5) ioflags |= NC_64BIT_DATA; /* Now we can set min size */ if (fIsSet(ioflags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) nc3->xsz = MIN_NC5_XSZ; /* CDF-5 has minimum 16 extra bytes */ else nc3->xsz = MIN_NC3_XSZ; if (fIsSet(ioflags, NC_64BIT_OFFSET)) { fSet(nc3->flags, NC_64BIT_OFFSET); sizeof_off_t = 8; } else if (fIsSet(ioflags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) { fSet(nc3->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA); sizeof_off_t = 8; } else { sizeof_off_t = 4; } assert(nc3->xsz == ncx_len_NC(nc3,sizeof_off_t)); status = ncio_create(path, ioflags, initialsz, 0, nc3->xsz, &nc3->chunk, NULL, &nc3->nciop, &xp); if(status != NC_NOERR) { /* translate error status */ if(status == EEXIST) status = NC_EEXIST; goto unwind_alloc; } fSet(nc3->flags, NC_CREAT); if(fIsSet(nc3->nciop->ioflags, NC_SHARE)) { /* * NC_SHARE implies sync up the number of records as well. * (File format version one.) * Note that other header changes are not shared * automatically. Some sort of IPC (external to this package) * would be used to trigger a call to nc_sync(). */ fSet(nc3->flags, NC_NSYNC); } status = ncx_put_NC(nc3, &xp, sizeof_off_t, nc3->xsz); if(status != NC_NOERR) goto unwind_ioc; if(chunksizehintp != NULL) *chunksizehintp = nc3->chunk; /* Link nc3 and nc */ NC3_DATA_SET(nc,nc3); nc->int_ncid = nc3->nciop->fd; return NC_NOERR; unwind_ioc: if(nc3 != NULL) { (void) ncio_close(nc3->nciop, 1); /* N.B.: unlink */ nc3->nciop = NULL; } /*FALLTHRU*/ unwind_alloc: free_NC3INFO(nc3); if(nc) NC3_DATA_SET(nc,NULL); return status; } #if 0 /* This function sets a default create flag that will be logically or'd to whatever flags are passed into nc_create for all future calls to nc_create. Valid default create flags are NC_64BIT_OFFSET, NC_CDF5, NC_CLOBBER, NC_LOCK, NC_SHARE. */ int nc_set_default_format(int format, int *old_formatp) { /* Return existing format if desired. */ if (old_formatp) *old_formatp = default_create_format; /* Make sure only valid format is set. */ #ifdef USE_NETCDF4 if (format != NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC && format != NC_FORMAT_64BIT_OFFSET && format != NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4 && format != NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4_CLASSIC) return NC_EINVAL; #else if (format != NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC && format != NC_FORMAT_64BIT_OFFSET && format != NC_FORMAT_CDF5) return NC_EINVAL; #endif default_create_format = format; return NC_NOERR; } #endif int NC3_open(const char * path, int ioflags, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp, int use_parallel,void* parameters, NC_Dispatch* dispatch, NC* nc) { int status; NC3_INFO* nc3 = NULL; /* Create our specific NC3_INFO instance */ nc3 = new_NC3INFO(chunksizehintp); #if ALWAYS_NC_SHARE /* DEBUG */ fSet(ioflags, NC_SHARE); #endif #if defined(LOCKNUMREC) /* && _CRAYMPP */ if (status = NC_init_pe(nc3, basepe)) { return status; } #else /* * !_CRAYMPP, only pe 0 is valid */ if(basepe != 0) { if(nc3) free(nc3); return NC_EINVAL; } #endif status = ncio_open(path, ioflags, 0, 0, &nc3->chunk, parameters, &nc3->nciop, NULL); if(status) goto unwind_alloc; assert(nc3->flags == 0); if(fIsSet(nc3->nciop->ioflags, NC_SHARE)) { /* * NC_SHARE implies sync up the number of records as well. * (File format version one.) * Note that other header changes are not shared * automatically. Some sort of IPC (external to this package) * would be used to trigger a call to nc_sync(). */ fSet(nc3->flags, NC_NSYNC); } status = nc_get_NC(nc3); if(status != NC_NOERR) goto unwind_ioc; if(chunksizehintp != NULL) *chunksizehintp = nc3->chunk; /* Link nc3 and nc */ NC3_DATA_SET(nc,nc3); nc->int_ncid = nc3->nciop->fd; return NC_NOERR; unwind_ioc: if(nc3) { (void) ncio_close(nc3->nciop, 0); nc3->nciop = NULL; } /*FALLTHRU*/ unwind_alloc: free_NC3INFO(nc3); if(nc) NC3_DATA_SET(nc,NULL); return status; } int NC3__enddef(int ncid, size_t h_minfree, size_t v_align, size_t v_minfree, size_t r_align) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(!NC_indef(nc3)) return(NC_ENOTINDEFINE); return (NC_endef(nc3, h_minfree, v_align, v_minfree, r_align)); } /* * In data mode, same as ncclose. * In define mode, restore previous definition. * In create, remove the file. */ int NC3_abort(int ncid) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; int doUnlink = 0; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); doUnlink = NC_IsNew(nc3); if(nc3->old != NULL) { /* a plain redef, not a create */ assert(!NC_IsNew(nc3)); assert(fIsSet(nc3->flags, NC_INDEF)); free_NC3INFO(nc3->old); nc3->old = NULL; fClr(nc3->flags, NC_INDEF); } else if(!NC_readonly(nc3)) { status = NC_sync(nc3); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } (void) ncio_close(nc3->nciop, doUnlink); nc3->nciop = NULL; free_NC3INFO(nc3); if(nc) NC3_DATA_SET(nc,NULL); return NC_NOERR; } int NC3_close(int ncid) { int status = NC_NOERR; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(NC_indef(nc3)) { status = NC_endef(nc3, 0, 1, 0, 1); /* TODO: defaults */ if(status != NC_NOERR ) { (void) NC3_abort(ncid); return status; } } else if(!NC_readonly(nc3)) { status = NC_sync(nc3); /* flush buffers before any filesize comparisons */ (void) ncio_sync(nc3->nciop); } /* * If file opened for writing and filesize is less than * what it should be (due to previous use of NOFILL mode), * pad it to correct size, as reported by NC_calcsize(). */ if (status == NC_NOERR) { off_t filesize; /* current size of open file */ off_t calcsize; /* calculated file size, from header */ status = ncio_filesize(nc3->nciop, &filesize); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; status = NC_calcsize(nc3, &calcsize); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; if(filesize < calcsize && !NC_readonly(nc3)) { status = ncio_pad_length(nc3->nciop, calcsize); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } } (void) ncio_close(nc3->nciop, 0); nc3->nciop = NULL; free_NC3INFO(nc3); NC3_DATA_SET(nc,NULL); return status; } int NC3_redef(int ncid) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(NC_readonly(nc3)) return NC_EPERM; if(NC_indef(nc3)) return NC_EINDEFINE; if(fIsSet(nc3->nciop->ioflags, NC_SHARE)) { /* read in from disk */ status = read_NC(nc3); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } nc3->old = dup_NC3INFO(nc3); if(nc3->old == NULL) return NC_ENOMEM; fSet(nc3->flags, NC_INDEF); return NC_NOERR; } int NC3_inq(int ncid, int *ndimsp, int *nvarsp, int *nattsp, int *xtendimp) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(ndimsp != NULL) *ndimsp = (int) nc3->dims.nelems; if(nvarsp != NULL) *nvarsp = (int) nc3->vars.nelems; if(nattsp != NULL) *nattsp = (int) nc3->attrs.nelems; if(xtendimp != NULL) *xtendimp = find_NC_Udim(&nc3->dims, NULL); return NC_NOERR; } int NC3_inq_unlimdim(int ncid, int *xtendimp) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(xtendimp != NULL) *xtendimp = find_NC_Udim(&nc3->dims, NULL); return NC_NOERR; } int NC3_sync(int ncid) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(NC_indef(nc3)) return NC_EINDEFINE; if(NC_readonly(nc3)) { return read_NC(nc3); } /* else, read/write */ status = NC_sync(nc3); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; status = ncio_sync(nc3->nciop); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; #ifdef USE_FSYNC /* may improve concurrent access, but slows performance if * called frequently */ #ifndef WIN32 status = fsync(nc3->nciop->fd); #else status = _commit(nc3->nciop->fd); #endif /* WIN32 */ #endif /* USE_FSYNC */ return status; } int NC3_set_fill(int ncid, int fillmode, int *old_mode_ptr) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; int oldmode; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); if(NC_readonly(nc3)) return NC_EPERM; oldmode = fIsSet(nc3->flags, NC_NOFILL) ? NC_NOFILL : NC_FILL; if(fillmode == NC_NOFILL) { fSet(nc3->flags, NC_NOFILL); } else if(fillmode == NC_FILL) { if(fIsSet(nc3->flags, NC_NOFILL)) { /* * We are changing back to fill mode * so do a sync */ status = NC_sync(nc3); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; } fClr(nc3->flags, NC_NOFILL); } else { return NC_EINVAL; /* Invalid fillmode */ } if(old_mode_ptr != NULL) *old_mode_ptr = oldmode; return NC_NOERR; } #ifdef LOCKNUMREC /* create function versions of the NC_*_numrecs macros */ size_t NC_get_numrecs(const NC *nc3) { shmem_t numrec; shmem_short_get(&numrec, (shmem_t *) nc3->lock + LOCKNUMREC_VALUE, 1, nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE]); return (size_t) numrec; } void NC_set_numrecs(NC *nc3, size_t nrecs) { shmem_t numrec = (shmem_t) nrecs; /* update local value too */ nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_VALUE] = (ushmem_t) numrec; shmem_short_put((shmem_t *) nc3->lock + LOCKNUMREC_VALUE, &numrec, 1, nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE]); } void NC_increase_numrecs(NC *nc3, size_t nrecs) { /* this is only called in one place that's already protected * by a lock ... so don't worry about it */ if (nrecs > NC_get_numrecs(nc3)) NC_set_numrecs(nc3, nrecs); } #endif /* LOCKNUMREC */ /* everyone in communicator group will be executing this */ /*ARGSUSED*/ int NC3_set_base_pe(int ncid, int pe) { #if _CRAYMPP && defined(LOCKNUMREC) int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; shmem_t numrecs; if ((status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc) != NC_NOERR) { return status; } if (pe < 0 || pe >= _num_pes()) { return NC_EINVAL; /* invalid base pe */ } nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); numrecs = (shmem_t) NC_get_numrecs(nc3); nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_VALUE] = (ushmem_t) numrecs; /* update serving & lock values for a "smooth" transition */ /* note that the "real" server will being doing this as well */ /* as all the rest in the group */ /* must have synchronization before & after this step */ shmem_short_get( (shmem_t *) nc3->lock + LOCKNUMREC_SERVING, (shmem_t *) nc3->lock + LOCKNUMREC_SERVING, 1, nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE]); shmem_short_get( (shmem_t *) nc3->lock + LOCKNUMREC_LOCK, (shmem_t *) nc3->lock + LOCKNUMREC_LOCK, 1, nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE]); /* complete transition */ nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE] = (ushmem_t) pe; #endif /* _CRAYMPP && LOCKNUMREC */ return NC_NOERR; } /*ARGSUSED*/ int NC3_inq_base_pe(int ncid, int *pe) { #if _CRAYMPP && defined(LOCKNUMREC) int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; if ((status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc)) != NC_NOERR) { return status; } *pe = (int) nc3->lock[LOCKNUMREC_BASEPE]; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); #else /* * !_CRAYMPP, only pe 0 is valid */ *pe = 0; #endif /* _CRAYMPP && LOCKNUMREC */ return NC_NOERR; } int NC3_inq_format(int ncid, int *formatp) { int status; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); /* only need to check for netCDF-3 variants, since this is never called for netCDF-4 files */ if (fIsSet(nc3->flags, NC_64BIT_DATA)) *formatp = NC_FORMAT_CDF5; else if (fIsSet(nc3->flags, NC_64BIT_OFFSET)) *formatp = NC_FORMAT_64BIT_OFFSET; else *formatp = NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC; return NC_NOERR; } int NC3_inq_format_extended(int ncid, int *formatp, int *modep) { int status; NC *nc; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; if(formatp) *formatp = NC_FORMATX_NC3; if(modep) *modep = nc->mode; return NC_NOERR; } /* The sizes of types may vary from platform to platform, but within * netCDF files, type sizes are fixed. */ #define NC_BYTE_LEN 1 #define NC_CHAR_LEN 1 #define NC_SHORT_LEN 2 #define NC_INT_LEN 4 #define NC_FLOAT_LEN 4 #define NC_DOUBLE_LEN 8 #define NUM_ATOMIC_TYPES 6 /* This netCDF-4 function proved so popular that a netCDF-classic * version is provided. You're welcome. */ int NC3_inq_type(int ncid, nc_type typeid, char *name, size_t *size) { #if 0 int atomic_size[NUM_ATOMIC_TYPES] = {NC_BYTE_LEN, NC_CHAR_LEN, NC_SHORT_LEN, NC_INT_LEN, NC_FLOAT_LEN, NC_DOUBLE_LEN}; char atomic_name[NUM_ATOMIC_TYPES][NC_MAX_NAME + 1] = {"byte", "char", "short", "int", "float", "double"}; #endif NC *ncp; int stat = NC_check_id(ncid, &ncp); if (stat != NC_NOERR) return stat; /* Only netCDF classic model and CDF-5 need to be handled. */ /* After discussion, this seems like an artificial limitation. See https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/240 for more discussion. */ /* if((ncp->mode & NC_CDF5) != 0) { if (typeid < NC_BYTE || typeid > NC_STRING) return NC_EBADTYPE; } else if (typeid < NC_BYTE || typeid > NC_DOUBLE) return NC_EBADTYPE; */ if(typeid < NC_BYTE || typeid > NC_STRING) return NC_EBADTYPE; /* Give the user the values they want. Subtract one because types * are numbered starting at 1, not 0. */ if (name) strcpy(name, NC_atomictypename(typeid)); if (size) *size = NC_atomictypelen(typeid); return NC_NOERR; } /**************************************************/ #if 0 int NC3_set_content(int ncid, size_t size, void* memory) { int status = NC_NOERR; NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; status = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc); if(status != NC_NOERR) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); #ifdef USE_DISKLESS fClr(nc3->flags, NC_CREAT); status = memio_set_content(nc3->nciop, size, memory); if(status != NC_NOERR) goto done; status = nc_get_NC(nc3); if(status != NC_NOERR) goto done; #else status = NC_EDISKLESS; #endif done: return status; } #endif /**************************************************/ int nc_delete_mp(const char * path, int basepe) { NC *nc; NC3_INFO* nc3; int status; int ncid; size_t chunk = 512; status = nc_open(path,NC_NOWRITE,&ncid); if(status) return status; status = NC_check_id(ncid,&nc); if(status) return status; nc3 = NC3_DATA(nc); nc3->chunk = chunk; #if defined(LOCKNUMREC) /* && _CRAYMPP */ if (status = NC_init_pe(nc3, basepe)) { return status; } #else /* * !_CRAYMPP, only pe 0 is valid */ if(basepe != 0) return NC_EINVAL; #endif (void) nc_close(ncid); if(unlink(path) == -1) { return NC_EIO; /* No more specific error code is appropriate */ } return NC_NOERR; } int nc_delete(const char * path) { return nc_delete_mp(path, 0); } /*----< NC3_inq_default_fill_value() >---------------------------------------*/ /* copy the default fill value to the memory space pointed by fillp */ int NC3_inq_default_fill_value(int xtype, void *fillp) { if (fillp == NULL) return NC_NOERR; switch(xtype) { case NC_CHAR : *(char*)fillp = NC_FILL_CHAR; break; case NC_BYTE : *(signed char*)fillp = NC_FILL_BYTE; break; case NC_SHORT : *(short*)fillp = NC_FILL_SHORT; break; case NC_INT : *(int*)fillp = NC_FILL_INT; break; case NC_FLOAT : *(float*)fillp = NC_FILL_FLOAT; break; case NC_DOUBLE : *(double*)fillp = NC_FILL_DOUBLE; break; case NC_UBYTE : *(unsigned char*)fillp = NC_FILL_UBYTE; break; case NC_USHORT : *(unsigned short*)fillp = NC_FILL_USHORT; break; case NC_UINT : *(unsigned int*)fillp = NC_FILL_UINT; break; case NC_INT64 : *(long long*)fillp = NC_FILL_INT64; break; case NC_UINT64 : *(unsigned long long*)fillp = NC_FILL_UINT64; break; default : return NC_EBADTYPE; } return NC_NOERR; } /*----< NC3_inq_var_fill() >-------------------------------------------------*/ /* inquire the fill value of a variable */ int NC3_inq_var_fill(const NC_var *varp, void *fill_value) { NC_attr **attrpp = NULL; if (fill_value == NULL) return NC_EINVAL; /* * find fill value */ attrpp = NC_findattr(&varp->attrs, _FillValue); if ( attrpp != NULL ) { /* User defined fill value */ if ( (*attrpp)->type != varp->type || (*attrpp)->nelems != 1 ) return NC_EBADTYPE; const void *xp = (*attrpp)->xvalue; /* value stored in xvalue is in external representation, may need byte-swap */ switch(varp->type) { case NC_CHAR: return ncx_getn_text (&xp, 1, (char*)fill_value); case NC_BYTE: return ncx_getn_schar_schar (&xp, 1, (signed char*)fill_value); case NC_UBYTE: return ncx_getn_uchar_uchar (&xp, 1, (unsigned char*)fill_value); case NC_SHORT: return ncx_getn_short_short (&xp, 1, (short*)fill_value); case NC_USHORT: return ncx_getn_ushort_ushort (&xp, 1, (unsigned short*)fill_value); case NC_INT: return ncx_getn_int_int (&xp, 1, (int*)fill_value); case NC_UINT: return ncx_getn_uint_uint (&xp, 1, (unsigned int*)fill_value); case NC_FLOAT: return ncx_getn_float_float (&xp, 1, (float*)fill_value); case NC_DOUBLE: return ncx_getn_double_double (&xp, 1, (double*)fill_value); case NC_INT64: return ncx_getn_longlong_longlong (&xp, 1, (long long*)fill_value); case NC_UINT64: return ncx_getn_ulonglong_ulonglong(&xp, 1, (unsigned long long*)fill_value); default: return NC_EBADTYPE; } } else { /* use the default */ switch(varp->type){ case NC_CHAR: *(char *)fill_value = NC_FILL_CHAR; break; case NC_BYTE: *(signed char *)fill_value = NC_FILL_BYTE; break; case NC_SHORT: *(short *)fill_value = NC_FILL_SHORT; break; case NC_INT: *(int *)fill_value = NC_FILL_INT; break; case NC_UBYTE: *(unsigned char *)fill_value = NC_FILL_UBYTE; break; case NC_USHORT: *(unsigned short *)fill_value = NC_FILL_USHORT; break; case NC_UINT: *(unsigned int *)fill_value = NC_FILL_UINT; break; case NC_INT64: *(long long *)fill_value = NC_FILL_INT64; break; case NC_UINT64: *(unsigned long long *)fill_value = NC_FILL_UINT64; break; case NC_FLOAT: *(float *)fill_value = NC_FILL_FLOAT; break; case NC_DOUBLE: *(double *)fill_value = NC_FILL_DOUBLE; break; default: return NC_EINVAL; } } return NC_NOERR; }